Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 173 Meeting (1)

Looking at the towering mountain peaks in front of him, they are getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, and the metal ball of light on them is getting closer and closer. Gong Chen's shadow suppresses the restlessness in his dantian and purple bowels. This restlessness has already appeared on the way here. Several times, a powerful force appeared in her Dantian, becoming increasingly uneasy.

"What kind of elixir did my junior brother give me? Could it be a sixth-grade high-level elixir? Otherwise, how could the elixir be so powerful? After my injury healed, I still had such a huge amount of elixir. I had to go out and retreat as soon as possible." Yes." When she saw how incredible her recovery was, she guessed that the pill Li Yan gave her might be a fifth-grade high-level pill or a sixth-grade low-grade pill, although she had never taken it. I have tried more than fourth-grade elixirs, but I still try my best to guess.

But since she came out of the cave, she has become more doubtful about her previous guesses. Instead of showing signs of disappearing, the remaining medicinal power in her body has become more and more surging. This makes her suspect that the elixir Li Yan gave her should be Intermediate level six, maybe even high level. The more she thought about the preciousness of this elixir, the more heartbroken she felt. If she could bring it back to the sect for study, this round of life and death would be worth it even if everyone died. , and at the same time, there is a string in my heart that is plucked for no reason, passing through the distant bamboo building under the moonlight and immersing myself in my heart.

"He didn't hesitate to use the precious elixir on me. Although he didn't know the grade of the elixir, he should know how precious it was from its appearance and smell... "Thinking about Gong Chenying's heart, a strange feeling arose in her heart. This was something she had never felt before.

Although she tried her best to guess, it was still far from the actual situation. "Zhenyuan Dan", as the name suggests, is a pill that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the Yuan, but it is far from a pill that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the Yuan in the ordinary sense. , that kind of elixir can even be made by ordinary pharmacists. The name of Zhenyuan Dan is the Taoist meaning of "dual cultivation of life and life, true essence at the critical moment". Its raw materials are rare even in the world of immortals. In addition to strengthening the body, cultivating the body, and healing wounds, the greater purpose is to use it for cultivation at the stage of refining the void and above, so that the spiritual power of the body can merge with the dragon and the tiger, so that the body can be restored to peace. It is easy to say that this pill can cause boundless killings in the mortal world. Even if a state like Pingtu needs to be used when recovering, it is so unbelievable at that time.

If Gong Chenying retreats and meditates to attack the remaining medicinal power, her cultivation will be able to break through to the late stage of foundation building and the Great Perfection in no time, and may even be condensed into the realm of the golden elixir that she dreams of. I don't know how surprised Gong Chenying would be after knowing this. If it was said that tens of thousands of people walked across the single-plank bridge to build the foundation, it would not be an exaggeration to say that hundreds of thousands of people walked across the single-plank bridge to condense the golden elixir.

Although she didn't know that this elixir had such heaven-defying power, it did not affect some of Gong Chenying's judgments. She had a strong feeling that as long as she stayed in seclusion, she might reach the late stage of foundation building or even the Great Perfection state.



So willing, even if his cultivation level is low, no matter what, I will be one step away from the golden elixir by then, at least I will have spared decades of hard training, and I don’t know how many steps closer to realizing my wish, he will be my man. "In Gong Chenying's wild thoughts, her heart became more and more chaotic, and she once again broke the calm that she had not experienced in decades. In addition, Li Yan personally admitted that she saw the navel ring. This was the second time that she lost her usual calmness. , her face suddenly became hot, and her jade neck turned pink, not to mention that she had the fortitude and stubbornness of a Tianli woman in her bones.

Li Yan didn't know what Gong Chenying was thinking. He just looked around and occasionally looked at the tall and convex figure in front of him. From time to time, there would be a ripple in his heart. That young man was emotionless. Who's girl is not pregnant? But when he saw Gong Chen Ying looked a little dazed and couldn't help but become confused.

"Senior Sister, why is your neck red again? Is the medicine given by Senior Pingtu good or not? My temper will be erratic for no reason for a while, and my blood will surge. It seems that this medicine cannot be used casually." Li Yan looked at it blankly. The pink jade neck exposed by the half-erected robe collar on the slender back, I thought with some fear in my heart.

While the two were silent but thinking about each other, the white jade boat had arrived at the top of the mountain in the center of the area, and the metal ball and huge platform came into view.

Li Yan couldn't help but stood up. His action immediately made Gong Chenying wake up a lot. He secretly spat at himself again. His attention was immediately focused on the platform and the semicircular arch, and his consciousness was spread. After a while, she frowned slightly and found no problem, but it made her feel a little nervous. Normally, it was already too late for the two of them. There should be other people here, or there should be someone left. What kind of traces are there? The place is eerily calm at this moment, and nothing is found.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Li Yan, but she saw that Li Yan was just staring at the semicircular arch, his eyes flickering uncertainly, wondering what he was thinking.

"You...what did you find?" Gong Chenying hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Oh, that door is exactly the same as the invisible door that can be exited before." Li Yan withdrew his gaze and looked at Gong Chenying. He didn't notice that Gong Chenying no longer called him "junior brother", but The word "you" is used directly.

"Oh? You mean the door you used to go out from the passage?" Gong Chenying straightened his expression and asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, but I don't see if there is a problem, but this is the door to the inside." Li Yan just saw that the semicircular arch was like the door to the outside of the passage, but he couldn't see any problem for a while. But he already guessed in his mind that this should be

It was time to leave the door of the wheel of life and death. Anyway, he was not afraid of being in the wheel of life and death. With Pingtu around, nothing could happen to him.

"It's just that it's surprisingly quiet here, and there's no one else. But when your consciousness comes into contact with the door, it will be ejected. It's better to be careful." Gong Chenying thought for a moment and spoke. Just now, her consciousness was touching the semicircle. The arch was bounced away in an instant.

"Haha, maybe those who came first have already entered the ball. We need to be more careful after entering the channel to avoid a sneak attack." Li Yan's eyes flashed, and Gong Chenying nodded lightly after hearing this. She also did the same general idea.

The two slowly put down the white jade boat and landed on the platform. There were no unexpected incidents during the whole process, which also made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief. It was so quiet here that people could not help but feel their heart beat faster and their spirits were high.

But the moment the two stepped onto the platform and the white jade boat was put away by Gong Chenying, the same change occurred suddenly. Amidst the clear sound of bubbles bursting, from the bottom of the platform, a bubble emerged from under the two people's feet with lightning speed. The two of them were directly covered in it. This change shocked Gong Chenying. By the time she reacted, the bubbles had wrapped the two of them and flew towards the semi-circular arch. She also reacted quickly, and her jade hand was already on her waist. Storage bag, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Li Yan's expression was stunned, as if he was stunned by the sudden change, and did not make any defensive posture.

"Why are you dazed? These bubbles are weird."

A cold voice sounded in Li Yan's ears. The next moment, Li Yan's body flashed with light, and a "Ghost Car Talisman" was attached to his body. However, it was Gong Chenying who took out the Talisman from his storage bag and patted it. It was on Li Yan, but she had other talismans on her body, and her defense was much worse than the "Ghost Car Talisman".

Li Yan couldn't help but smile at her. He knew that there were only two "Ghost Car Talisman" in Gong Chenying's storage bag. He had returned it to her before. The other one was corroded by the tea shot by "Yue Chengying" when he was dealing with Wang Lang. She dropped it, and she actually took out the last one and stuck it on her body. In fact, he also had a "Ghost Car Talisman" in his storage bag, but he didn't think it was necessary to use it. Pingtu would not let himself die so easily, so although the bubbles came unexpectedly, he was just shocked. , but immediately judged that this was not an ambush set by monks or monsters, so he regained his composure and did not make any moves. However, his expression surprised Gong Chenying, and he directly removed the last "Ghost Car Talisman" It was patted on Li Yan.

"Senior sister, this should be the rule in the wheel of life and death. If the attack had already been launched, judging from the speed of the attack just now, we cannot prevent it at all. There should be no problem." Li Yan smiled and said.

Gong Chenying tilted his head and thought about it, and thought so. But Li Yan was stunned by the way she tilted her head. This was clearly something different.


It is a picture of a little girl's home, well-behaved and smart.

While the two were talking, the bubbles had taken them both flying directly into the semi-circular arch.

After the bubbles flew into the semicircular arch, the scene inside the ball was directly presented to them.

In the middle of the 100-foot space inside the metal ball, three discs arranged in a ladder from high to low were arranged there motionlessly without any light. What made Li Yan and Gong Chenying stunned was that within a distance of this space There was actually a bubble, and nine people were sitting cross-legged there, staring intently at the bubble that suddenly flew in.

"The Demon Sect"

"It's the Demon Sect"


Several soft calls came from the bubble, and at the same time, Li Yan and Gong Chenying also saw clearly the nine people in the bubble.

"Tai Xuan Sect, Qiu Jiuzhen." Gong Chenying said calmly, but her hands were already placed on the storage bag at her waist. At this moment, with her recovered 60% strength, she was not too afraid of Qiu Jiuzhen. , but because there were so many people on the other side, she was worried about Li Yan.

It was Qiu Jiuzhen who almost whispered Gong Chenying's name just now. However, after seeing Gong Chenying and Li Yan, she turned a deaf ear to Gong Chenying's words and just murmured to herself, " If it’s not Senior Brother Jiuxing and the others, could it be that he has already entered the top three and been passed away?”

After both sides saw each other's faces clearly, it was strange that none of the nine Taixuan Cult members stood up to attack Li Yan and the other two. This strange situation made Gong Chenying and Li Yan even more vigilant, but after a moment, Gong Chen Ying and Li Yan looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

The two of them clearly saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the other party, but the other party did not take action. Looking at the two bubbles again, Gong Chenying and Li Yan were such smart people. They immediately guessed that the bubbles were weird and they should be walking. If you can't get out, you can't break up.

The two of them were brought here instantly by the bubble. They didn't have time to try to get out of the bubble, but the other party came so early, but they still stayed in the bubble. They must have attacked the bubble, and they probably couldn't. Just go out.

Gong Chenying's beautiful eyes flashed, and she stretched out her slender jade hand, which was filled with aura. She slowly pressed her jade hand on the bubble in front of her. Suddenly, a strong rebound force came from the jade palm, and she retreated. With his spiritual power, he has already confirmed his thoughts in his heart. Li Yan stood aside and watched with cold eyes. After seeing this, he stretched out a hand to take down the "Ghost Car Talisman" outside his body and put it into his storage bag.

"Senior sister, it seems that we are late. The top three places have been taken away by others." Li Yan directly ignored the murderous eyes in the opposite bubble and looked at the three turntables.

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