Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1730 All roads are open

When seven hours passed, there were still only Elder Liu and Deacon Li in the stone chamber hall, and not a single disciple appeared here.

In the stone room where Li Yan was, he was staring at more than twenty herbs in the sky. More than a day had passed, and he had only identified and collected twenty-three herbs.

As for whether the identified herbs are correct or not, that can only be confirmed by Elder Liu and the others after they finally go out.

However, from Li Yan's point of view, since he can put some herbs into the storage ring, he is basically about 80% sure.

After looking at more than twenty herbs in the air ahead for a while, Li Yan closed his eyes again.

"My limit is only twenty-three herbs. The probability of success in identifying the following herbs is no more than 40% for three of them.

I’m probably 10 to 20 percent sure of the rest, and some even just rely on being fooled. My true level can only reach this level..."

Li Yan thought in his heart that he originally wanted to check his true level, but now it seemed that he could not even identify fifty herbs.

Even among the twenty-three collected, errors may occur, once again reducing his true ability.

Then in the next time, he must use some other means...

Li Yan was basically certain that even if he could identify the success rate after using other means, he could only increase it to six or seven points.

However, the probability of such a change is actually very high.

In order to assess the level of elixir master, he not only studied the Pharmacist's Basic Pharmacopoeia, but also read a large number of various medicinal herbal books.

When looking at these classics, Li Yan memorized and integrated them according to his previous experience, and then distinguished them through different medicinal effects, leaves and stems, etc.

This is also the most common method used by Dan Sect monks. Otherwise, where would these experiences be obtained?

During this process, Li Yan would of course also look for some real medicinal herbs and monster beast bones to identify them.

Sometimes he would even go to the spiritual field in front of the inner valley.

I often stay there for several days, the purpose is to make my understanding of some physical objects clearer and more solid.

During this period of observation, Li Yan would not only use his spiritual consciousness, but also often pour mana into his eyes to observe some places that his spiritual consciousness ignored.

At one point, after Li Yan poured Guishui mana into his eyes, the things in his eyes immediately became clearer.

At the same time, the spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual plants in the spiritual field was also fluttering in his sight...

As usual, Li Yan didn't pay too much attention to this at first, because it was normal for this kind of situation to happen here.

He focused all his attention on the spiritual plants, looking at the different textures on the flowers, leaves, and stems of the spiritual plants, constantly confirming the content described in the classics.

It was only when his eyes began to feel sore that he stopped observing and planned to rest and recover for a while.

But suddenly, his eyes stopped there, and his reaction seemed a bit sluggish.

Because at that time, after Li Yan took his eyes away from the medicinal herbs, due to constant thoughts in his mind, he did not withdraw the magic power in his eyes in time.

Unintentionally, he noticed the surrounding environment of the medicinal herbs. Every time he focused on the medicinal herbs. But this time he suddenly made a new discovery.

But this was not what he saw, but when he was standing next to the spiritual field, he sensed some different changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

That is a change in the laws of the earth system and the metal system. The earth system is stronger, but there will be some metal system laws cyclically appearing in it.

It's just that the metal power circulates around the earth laws in a certain pattern, and there are more five elements rules appearing nearby, and they operate in different ways.

The reason why the differences between the two series of laws are highlighted is because this kind of law fluctuation is actually caused by that medicinal herb.

Just like a living being, the body has a small cycle of heaven and earth.

That herb has properties of both earth and metal, with the earth property being the main one. It is a material often used to refine body-building pills.

When Li Yan discovered this, he had been immersed in alchemy, and all kinds of thoughts came to him at that moment.

The attributes, shapes, and functions of various medicinal herbs and animal bones can be easily remembered by the monk's powerful memory.

But if you need to identify these things at a glance, you need rich experience, which cannot be achieved overnight.

This requires a monk to constantly be exposed to various raw materials and constantly refine elixirs. The more exposure and application they have, the more practice makes perfect.

Obtaining suitable raw materials is also the most troublesome thing for monks when they often go to the market to select refining materials.

It is not only necessary to identify the authenticity of raw materials, but also to determine the relevant year and so on.

In this world, not only are there very similar raw materials, but there are also too many unscrupulous traders who like to make huge returns through fraud.

Since Li Yan wants to make elixirs, he naturally has to identify the authenticity of the raw materials, which is also his difficulty.

"This... this is the induction of the five elements of heaven and earth. If it were a normal monk, this might not be the situation in front of him.

Even if there are monks with earth and metal spiritual roots here, they can still sense the fluctuations of earth and metal attributes emitted from this piece of medicinal herbs.

But it is impossible to sense these two attributes at all, which is different from the differences in the five elements laws surrounding them.

The two attributes of earth and metal that appear here are different from the surrounding earth and metal auras. They circulate independently and exist independently, but they are integrated into the five elements of the world..."

Li Yan quickly figured this out. To put it bluntly, he had all the roots and spirits of the Five Elements, and he had practiced the Law of the Five Elements, so he had something that others could not see.

He then directly took out several medicinal herbs and several animal bones, and sat down cross-legged on the spot.

After finding that no one was paying attention to him, he simply used the Five Elements Cloak, which allowed him to better sense the different fluctuations of the Five Elements Laws in that world...

After careful testing, Li Yan was surprised to find that as long as the description of a certain medicinal herb or animal bone in the classics was more detailed, especially the functional attributes, the more detailed it would be.

By comparing them with the descriptions in the classics, he could tell whether they were true or false as quickly as possible, but it was much more difficult for the bones of monster beasts.

This has a great relationship with the time of the opponent's death, the way of death, and the place of death. In the end, it will cause the symptoms displayed by the monster's bones to be all kinds of strange.

But Li Yan's use of the power of the five elements to identify medicinal herbs can indeed improve his accuracy in identifying the authenticity of raw materials.

After all, the art of alchemy has been passed down in the world of immortality for who knows how long. It should be traced back to ancient times.

Therefore, there are simply countless records of various types of medicinal herbs.

And with the accumulation of time, the description of a medicinal herb often reaches thousands of words.

It will even extend to a certain medicinal plant, its various performances in different elixirs, etc. With such a description, there will be more words.

As a top sect in Alchemy, Huang Qigu has collected the strengths of each sect to continuously strengthen its own sect with these records that have laid a solid foundation.

The attributes of a medicinal herb are often described in detail, even including its different cycles, the graded impact of the surrounding environment on the potency, etc.

Therefore, as long as a medicinal herb appears in front of Li Yan, and he has read it in the medicinal herb classics.

Then he only needs to compare the images in his memory and the detailed descriptions, and Li Yan can use the rules of the five elements to help identify the medicinal herbs in the shortest time.

Even Li Yan himself didn't expect that the Five Elements Rules of Cultivation could be used in such a scene. It is true that all the paths to immortality are connected, with the same approach but the same purpose.

Li Yan felt that the second uncle must also know this method, but this opportunistic method was not good for laying a solid foundation and would do more harm than good, so he didn't tell himself!

Nowadays, Li Yan has only twenty-three herbs that he has identified through his own strength. He certainly does not think that relying on this number alone will allow him to finally enter the top ten in the second level.

Since he was already ranked first in the first level, after reaching this level, Li Yan felt that he should be ranked in a more appropriate ranking.

This will not allow you to come out on top, lest even though you have entered the core elite disciples, you may also attract the attention of some interested people.

Li Yan's consciousness could not see the light curtain in the hall outside.

But as long as someone enters the hall, he can listen to the other party's assessment results. After roughly understanding the opponent's strength, he can finally give his own results.

Therefore, he now wants to identify as many medicinal herbs as possible.

In the end, if you find that you have identified too many herbs, you can move some herbs back to the storage ring that contains thousands of herbs in just a moment when you leave the stone room.

At the same time, move back some fake herbs so that you can achieve your goal.

Details determine success or failure, and Li Yan has always been extremely cautious. He will think carefully before making any decision.

The stone room was being monitored by Elder Liu and the others. Although he didn't know if the other party would keep watching him, his performance in the first level was very good, and there was a high chance that he would be noticed by Elder Liu and the others.

Therefore, when you collect the identified herbs, the other party may have noticed them.

Therefore, the replacement of medicinal herbs cannot be done here, but on the way to the hall, and only in equal amounts.

Otherwise, once you come out later and the number of medicinal herbs you take out is not equal to the number that the other party has put away in his memory, you will immediately become suspicious of yourself.

After Li Yan decided on the plan, he quietly used the power of the Five Elements Law, and then looked at the more than twenty medicinal herbs in front of him again.

He had never picked out the real herb from here before. The herb he wanted to identify mainly had wood attributes, but also contained very little earth and water attributes.

Soon, Li Yan discovered that among these medicinal herbs, there were twelve five-element fluctuations appearing around them, and none of them were the three combinations of wood, wood, and water.

After quick confirmation again, he directly eliminated the twelve herbs.

As for the remaining nine herbs, they all have three attribute cycles of wood, earth, and water, but there are four plants that do not have the wood attribute as the strongest.

Li Yan once again rolled the four plants aside without hesitation.

On the remaining five herbs, the strength of the three attributes, as well as the cycle of heaven and earth rules, are all very similar.

But Li Yan still saw two of them. When the soil and water attributes were re-inhaled by the herbs into the branches and leaves, there would be more or less a lag at the moment they entered the branches and leaves.

It should be that during grafting and cultivation, complete integration had not yet been achieved, so Li Yan also immediately removed the two herbs.

To Li Yan, the remaining three herbs were closer to each other despite the rules of the Five Elements.

But Li Yan didn't think so. He didn't want to compare the complete differences between the three strains, but just find the one that was closest to the description of the herb in his memory...

In the stone chamber hall, Elder Liu looked away from the light curtain in front of him.

"The ranking changes at this level are already quite significant!"

She just couldn't tell from the light screen which of these disciples had a more accurate identification result.

But she could tell from the expressions of these disciples and the herbs they had collected that only a small half of the top ten disciples in the first level would remain in this level.

As for some disciples who have not shown their prowess before, their foundation in alchemy should be more solid and sufficient, but it is possible that latecomers will catch up.

"Well, that Li Yan fell into a long period of stagnation after collecting only twenty-three plants. This may be related to his origin, and the overall foundation is still weak.

Yan Shichen and Ming Qi, who looked normal, had already collected more than thirty plants.

The ranking changes after these three people were even greater, and the speed of several Nascent Soul disciples had already caught up. "

Deacon Li also nodded in agreement, but he only focused on the top three people from the previous level. These were also the people he focused on observing.

This level tests one's personal foundation, so several Nascent Soul disciples also attracted their attention.

It's just that these are superficial observations. Just because a person collects a large number of herbal strains does not necessarily mean that he or she is more accurate.

When the time reached the tenth hour, people finally began to leave the stone rooms on both sides one after another. Mingyu and Yan Qingchen, two of the six people, were the first to appear in the hall.

Seven other disciples walked out, including the Transformation God and Nascent Soul disciples.

Among them, the person with the highest number of medicinal herbs identified was one of the people on Yan Qingchen's side. That person was not among the top ten in the previous level.

But in this level, that person was temporarily at the front of the queue, identifying fifty herbs and getting thirty-five correctly.

And Mingyu identified fifty herbs, and correctly identified thirty-four, which was slightly inferior to that monk...

As these people came out, more and more people appeared behind them, and the speed became faster and faster.

Including Liu Siyu also came out, and she finally surpassed the number one at the time by correctly identifying 37 plants.

This made Mingyu look at her with helplessness in his eyes. This woman was really strong, and both levels were weighing on her head.

At this time, there were only three people left in all the stone chambers, and they were the top three people in the first level.

After about half a cup of tea, Mingqi walked out!

After Elder Liu's identification, Mingqi identified fifty herbs, forty of which were correct!

This made Liu Siyu, who was standing not far away, frown immediately.

"She is still stronger than me at this level. Where did these two sisters come from?

Since such people have such attainments in alchemy, they should be somewhat famous among casual cultivators. Why have I never heard of them? Could it be that they come from a very far away place..."

Liu Siyu is also very confident in her alchemy skills.

Before she came, she had investigated all the disciples who participated this time. Although no one else noticed Li Yan, she had some information about Li Yan.

In her opinion, she should only lose to Yan Qingchen in this assessment, and the others would not be able to compete with her.

Unexpectedly, from the first level, some people like these sisters appeared, as if they suddenly appeared, which was not consistent with the information they investigated.

In other words, these people deliberately kept a low profile in the sect and hid it perfectly.

All of them had great ambitions, so they did it so deliberately, which made them lose their manpower at the first pass and disrupted their plans...

Elder Liu, who was sitting at the top, glanced at the light curtain in the sky. At this time, the temporary top ten list for the second level had been listed.

There were only two people left in the stone chambers on both sides.

"It seems that the top three in the second level should still be these three!"

She said in a voice message.

Deacon Li on the other side did not follow, but his eyes kept wandering back and forth on the two stone rooms on the light screen.

At this time, the disciples in the hall also looked at the light curtain in the sky. What were they thinking in their minds?

Elder Liu and the other two did not stop this.

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