Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1720 One step at a time

And Li Yan thought he had done everything perfectly, but under someone's special attention, he could not stop smiling and left with a smile.

Fairy Ningke was very responsible for Senior Brother Dongfu's promise. After secretly paying attention to Li Yan for three years, she saw that Li Yan had completely established his footing before Shi Shiran left.

The Five Immortal Sects are all masters of concealment, and she did not cause trouble within the Huangqi Valley, and she did not intend to attack the opponent's Mahayana monks.

Three years was a short period of time. She deliberately concealed herself, but the other party did not discover her existence.

Just like scouts, the main reason why they are often exposed is that when they take action, when they are dormant, they are more ordinary than anyone else.

"This guy's way of handling things is quite sophisticated. My disciple is better than him except for his cultivation level. When it comes to mind, only he and Pei Buchong are the leaders of this generation!"

In the air, Fairy Ningke left feeling relatively relieved.

She has been able to confirm that as long as Li Yan doesn't act recklessly, there will be no problem for him to save his life in this sect.

Li Yan's way of handling things was so sophisticated, and he was just right, not too much, not too little, but it made her feel that Li Yan was a little shabby.

Those people have suffered a big loss. If they continue to retaliate in the end, they will only consider that they have paid more, and some losses outweigh the gains.

After thinking of this, Fairy Ningke couldn't help but think of another question.

“Do some of the rules we have been restricting also need to be changed?

It is difficult to find disciples of the Five Immortals Sect. In order to increase their chances of survival, at the earliest, they were restricted from going out until they reached the Fusion Realm.

Later, when they were increasingly withered, they were allowed to travel in the later stages of becoming gods. However, the disciples who went out at that time were obviously inexperienced.

Often one can only rely on extreme caution and various concealments to slowly accumulate experience.

And our sect actually needs disciples like Pei Buchong and Li Yan even more. They can take charge of their own affairs very early, and with their extensive knowledge, they can find suitable people for the Five Immortals Sect in advance..."

In the courtyard where Li Yan was located, more than half an hour later, he slowly opened his eyes. He had integrated the memory of the teachings from the incarnation, and it really gave him a lot of enlightenment.

"The Alchemy Sect is the Alchemy Sect. The teachings of an alchemy master are so unique..."

In the content of this lecture, Li Yan only integrated those memories, but there were still many details that needed to be carefully considered.

In the past few years, in addition to concentrating on the rules taught to him by Dong Fuyi, he also practiced soul cultivation techniques, and then comprehended various alchemy books, as well as the lectures he heard from his incarnation, etc.

In addition to these, he also has to spare an hour every day to practice the "Wither" technique given by Uncle Ningke.

After so many kinds of training, Li Yan has increasingly recognized the words of his master and uncle. He has no time to rest every day.

But even so, he still didn't have enough time. Like the "prison breaking" technique in Qiongqi's purgatory technique, his practice has been unable to break through.

Now there is no time to practice properly, so he can only put it aside for the time being. He must use alchemy as a sprint for the time being, at least to ensure that he can enter the ancient palace of inheritance.

After Li Yan sat at the stone table and thought for a while, he then raised his head and looked to one side, where a half-person tall pill furnace stood.

Whenever he gained new knowledge, he would refine some elixirs.

It's just that the elixirs he refines are often not of high grade, just to verify the results of certain insights, or even to ensure that the furnace will not explode in future assessments.

Although the assessment of an alchemist only requires the refining of fourth-grade elixirs, and the assessment does not limit the elixir prescription, but only the grade of the final elixir, Li Yan does not want to have a major incident that explodes the furnace.

The highest teaching he is currently exposed to is from the previous alchemy sect.


Therefore, the pill prescriptions and materials he purchased from the sect last time were enough for him to verify some of his insights.

It's just that the pill prescriptions of third grade and above have become expensive, and the higher the grade of pill prescriptions, the less they are sold in the sect.


One day four and a half years later, Li Yan was sitting alone in the courtyard, lowering his head and contemplating something.

At this moment, he had become a yellow-level alchemist half a year ago!

And in Li Yan's assessment, although it took him more than seven days, he actually refined a fourth-grade elixir, instead of relying on his fragmented poison body to condense it into an elixir.

This result really made Li Yan quite excited at the time.

In those years, although his assessment time had not yet arrived, he still decided to advance the time.

He will try to get himself into the sect's core disciple circle as quickly as possible within a reasonable time, so that Bai Rou's hope of waking up will be even greater.

If a lot of time is wasted in Huangqi Valley and the "Long Yueqing" fairy grass is not obtained in the end, the time to cure Bai Rou will have no choice but to be postponed.

Over the years, in order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, Li Yan never left Huangqi Valley and did not dare to waste any time in hard training.

But things never went according to his plan. After Li Yan reached a certain level, he was shocked to find that he was still far away from his goal.

Most of the core elite disciples of Huangqi Valley entered by selecting the best among the disciples of Yuanying and below. Only a small number of core elite disciples entered as disciples of Yuanying and above.

Because people value your innate qualifications more, which is what is commonly said, looking at your talents from a young age, rather than looking at your acquired efforts.

But this does not mean that disciples like Li Yan who came in midway have no hope at all, it just means that they need a good opportunity.

Over the years, Li Yan has also made some acquaintances from the same sect in the valley, hoping to get closer to the core elite disciples as soon as possible.

However, according to the information he found, unless he could bring any good benefits to the sect, it would be difficult for him to become a core elite disciple.

This matter has been bothering Li Yan for some time. He is now an alchemist, which has some qualifications, but he has only reached the minimum threshold to enter the ancient palace of inheritance.

But what kind of opportunities do I need to stand out among the talented disciples and become a core elite disciple?

When Li Yan entered other sects in the past, he needed to hide himself, but he had never encountered anything like this.

"It would be great if the sect could have a big disaster at this time!"

Li Yan in the courtyard couldn't help but think in his heart.

Where should I look for opportunities that can benefit the sect? The most direct thing that can benefit Huang Qigu is that he can come up with a fifth-grade or above elixir recipe.

It was no problem for Li Yan to condense the fifth-grade poison elixir, but it was condensed from his own toxins, so how could he create any elixir recipe.

And if there was a sudden disaster in Huangqi Valley that would cause the entire sect to start functioning, Li Yan felt that he could still take advantage of it.

At that time, such as rescuing some core disciples, completing dangerous tasks, etc., these are what I am best at.

After this thought emerged, Li Yan couldn't help but rest his elbows on the table and tapped his temples with two fingers. He was a little obsessed and had such dark thoughts.

Huangqi Valley is guarded by monks in the Fusion Realm, and the most powerful people in the Mahayana Realm may not have ascended to the True Immortal Realm.

What kind of disaster would have to happen to make the entire sect move? But this also shows that I am really anxious...

"Finally, we are moving forward step by step. Since we are a disciple of Huang Qigu, this is also the first step for us to get the moon first.

The next plan should be changed again.

In my current capacity, if I go directly to inquire about the Hazy Moon Fairy Grass, as long as I have a good sense of proportion, I shouldn’t attract too many people’s attention..."

Li Yan felt a little pain in his brain.

After all, the Longyue Qingxian Grass appeared in Huangqi Valley. If I can get the news about this treasure, I can consider how to obtain it directly through other means.

At that time, there is no need to join the core elite disciples. If this plan is feasible, it can completely solve the current problem.

"It's better to go find Fellow Daoist Zhou and the others!"

When Li Yan thought of this, he immediately stood up.

The people he knew would often gather together to discuss the Dharma, or hold a small trade fair to exchange treasures.

Li Yan took out a poisonous elixir. Although the grade had just reached the fourth level, its toxicity was effective even against the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods.

This made Li Yan quite popular among those people.

Although Li Yan's alchemy level is the lowest among them, Li Yan is also a cultivator of spiritual transformation after all.

After meeting Li Yan several times, I couldn't help but want to get close to Li Yan because of Li Yan's all-around skills and seeing the effect of the poisonous elixir he produced.

With Li Yan's level of alchemy, even a single poisonous elixir he could concoct could poison a monk who transformed into a god.

What if they could get this elixir? Then wouldn't it be possible to refine a more powerful elixir, maybe close to the fifth level, which would be a great development.

However, for famous alchemy cultivators, pill prescriptions are even more important than life. Even if they want to buy them, they will be displeased.

Therefore, if you want Li Yan to come up with the elixir recipe, you can only try to figure it out slowly. After you slowly become more and more familiar with Li Yan, you can try to open your mouth to trade.

So after interacting with Li Yan for a period of time, although someone did not propose to trade on his own, he said it as a joke.

"Fellow Daoist Li, if you can trade this elixir formula to the sect, then you will definitely be able to join the core elite disciples. Then your cultivation resources will be improved to a higher level!"

After Li Yan heard this, he was actually speechless for a while. He thought so too, but where did he get the recipe?

But he still had to pretend to be calm and serious about his prescription, and just smiled and said nothing.

Now that he has a new plan, Li Yan still wants to go find those people to see if there is any latest news from them recently.

Although he didn't ask these people to help him get information, as long as you listen carefully to the things these people sometimes say, you may not necessarily find anything valuable in them.

Maybe it was just an accident and I could gain something? Of course, you have to fight for all kinds of opportunities by yourself.

And just when Li Yan got up and was about to walk out, his expression suddenly moved slightly.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked in a direction in the sky, because he sensed that a ray of light was flying toward him at great speed.

The location of the residential compound where he lives is already the most remote place in the west of the dense forest. No one may come here for several months.

"Did someone choose a hospital nearby?"

Li Yan's first thought was whether the other party was a new monk. Then he also liked a secluded place, so he also chose a nearby hospital.

He didn't think about whether it was Cheng Kuanghan who came here to cause trouble for him. Ever since he robbed those people, he had actually encountered that person during a legal hearing.

Cheng Kuanghan.

It's just that after the other party saw him, he immediately lowered his head subconsciously, and then hurriedly left the original position, and the slightest bit of fierce flame was gone.

But soon, Li Yan knew that he had guessed wrong, because after the light arrived in this area, it rushed directly to his courtyard.

Then, the light turned into an arc and landed directly in front of the door, and then a voice came over.

"Fellow Daoist Li, are you here?"

Li Yan saw the brilliance disappearing in his consciousness. The moment he saw the other person's appearance, he was stunned. Although he knew the person, he had only met him once.

This person was the disciple of the Huangqi Valley prefectural-level grandmaster who originally arranged for him to enter the sect.

That is to say, this person later just brought himself to a monk in the inner valley. After a few casual explanations, he left without caring. But how did this person get here today?

"What is he here for?"

Li Yan felt extremely strange.

Ever since he arrived in Waigu, he no longer has anything to do with the Fusion Realm monk.

The favors in the world of immortality are just used. They have already helped you, why should they continue to help you for the rest of your life?

Although Li Yan's thoughts were racing, he gently waved his sleeves forward and walked quickly towards the front door.

"Could it be that the other party found out that there was something wrong with his identity and came here to look for trouble..."

Li Yan thought quickly, but for a moment he didn't feel that he had exposed anything, and where did he reveal any flaws?

When Li Yan left the courtyard, he saw a thin young man with fair skin, his hands behind his back, looking around leisurely.

"Li Yan has met senior!"

Li Yan immediately bowed to the other party, who was a strong man in the Void Refining Realm.

But he didn't know the other person's name, and from beginning to end, he seemed unwilling to say more at all.

"Oh, I came to see you today because my master arranged something that I haven't told you yet. You will take this ring and go to the 'Zhurong' alchemy room."

Then pass this ring to the guarding disciple there, and someone will naturally arrange the related matters later.

As for what happened? There is also a jade slip here, you will know it after reading it.

Also, this is the last time the tutor will help you. Everything from now on will have to be done by yourself. And from now on, you should be the same as before and don’t use the name of tutor.

You have performed very well in these years. I hope you will continue to work hard. Maybe we will meet again in the future! "

The fair and thin young man spoke very eloquently. Before Li Yan could react, he waved his hand, and immediately two rays of light flashed and flew towards Li Yan at a leisurely pace.

Then, while his voice was still echoing in Li Yan's ears, the man had already jumped into the sky and flashed away in the direction he came from.

Li Yan looked at the two rays of light flying towards him, and then looked up at the young man who drifted away after just one word. He was completely confused.

He didn't know what happened. He didn't understand what the other person said.

Moreover, this person came and left even faster. He said some incomprehensible words and threw two things to himself without explaining a word at all.

He didn't even say another word to me, and he didn't even want to enter the courtyard, so he just left. What a huge difference in identity between the two parties.

After a few breaths, Li Yan finally came to his senses. With the surge of mana in his hand, he grabbed the two suspended objects in his hand.

It was a green ring the size of a copper coin, and there was also a jade slip.

After seeing the jade slip, since the other party told him to watch it, he wanted to see what happened?

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