Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1708 Leaving the Sect and Entering the Alchemy Valley

After Li Yan came to the Five Immortals Gate, he was also given a small cauldron that could be entered, but he also knew that the entrance and exit of the reed marsh was a temporary entrance and exit.

There is actually the entrance to a killing formation, but it can also be regarded as the birthplace of the formation. The change can only be made in a thought of the person who controls the formation.

Dong Fuyi also told him that only after he reaches the Fusion Realm will he be given the real entrance and exit of the sect, and that is a rule for everyone.

For now, Li Yan is holding a small cauldron, which will not affect his entry and exit from the sect. The small cauldron, like many sect tokens, can be broken into pieces after death.

Even if someone captures Li Yan and prevents him from dying immediately, it will be useless after getting this small cauldron.

That small cauldron must also use the Five Elements Law, and this requires at least the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm to understand the Five Elements Law.

But in this world, except for the monks with mixed spiritual roots from the Five Elements Sect, how many people with mixed spiritual roots can conceive a baby?

However, this is just to protect him as much as possible. If Li Yan is controlled by someone, it is still possible for outsiders to enter the Five Immortals Sect.

However, the lake area where Li Yan appeared was a huge formation that reached the sky, and people could sense it when Dong Fuyi first entered.

If they had taken action at that time, not to mention the Fusion Realm monks, even the Tribulation-Transcending and Mahayana monks would have been hard-pressed to escape the strangulation of the formation.

This is a sect-protecting formation carefully built by the Five Immortals Sect. Compared with any top sect in the fairy world, it is neither stronger nor weaker.

After Shi Ligui brought Li Yan and Ling Yao back to the sect, he talked carefully with Li Yan for several hours before taking Li Yan into an alchemy room.

Then, Li Yan's alchemy attainments were assessed...

Li Yan stayed in the alchemy room of his second uncle for five and a half months, and Shiligui didn't even let him take a step.

He is a prefecture-level alchemy master, and he can guess what level Huangqi Valley needs when recruiting disciples into the valley.

It was not until the final assessment of Li Yan that he was allowed to go back first. On the second day after Li Yan returned, a message entered Li Yan's mind.

"You come outside the sect!"

That was Fairy Ningke's voice, and a smile immediately appeared on Li Yan's face.

"Is it time to set off?"

When Li Yan left the black gate of the Guishui Immortal Gate, he found that on the shore of the lake below, Uncle Ningke was standing there, with the green palace decorated with ribbons fluttering, as if it would fly away in the wind at any time...

This time, Fairy Ningke looked at Li Yan with a look of surprise.

After the senior brother returned home, he described the three months to her. His words were filled with admiration and envy for Dong Fuyi.

The final conclusion for Li Yan is that he can completely kill the monks in the realm of refining the void, especially the monks in the early and middle realms of refining the void.

It is estimated that even if Li Yan wants the other party to die, he doesn't have to use any tricks, but facing the monks in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm, Li Yan should only be able to count five to five.

But this was just his judgment. He always felt that Li Yan had not used all his strength in the past three months, which made his judgment somewhat inaccurate.

Of course he could tell Li Yan's cultivation, but a person's strength was judged from all aspects, so he couldn't be completely sure.

Li Yan can perform like this. After he enters Huangqi Valley, as long as he doesn't act recklessly, there won't be any fatal problems.

"How do you plan to implement your plan after entering Huangqi Valley?"

On the shore of the lake, Fairy Ningke asked softly.

"I have only considered some rough plans for the time being. I definitely cannot rush this matter. At least in the first ten years, I will not let myself stand out too much.

Then slowly wait for the opportunity, let yourself enter the elite core disciples with a reasonable reason, and then act according to the opportunity again and make a suitable plan again! "

Li Yan replied respectfully.

This kind of thing is extremely familiar to him. Of course, he can't immediately show his sharpness as soon as he enters the Dan Valley.

Always look for some opportunities to integrate yourself into the sect little by little.

“If you can have such a character, that’s right!

I also suggest that it should be five to ten years or more before you can reveal yourself. Any sect will definitely keep observing the new disciples secretly.

This little waiting time may not be enough for monks like me to spend in one meditation session.

Also, after you enter Huangqi Valley, you can learn some of Huangqi Valley's exercises, but you have to master them yourself.

If the place you go to this time is changed to another sect, your master and I may not be willing to let you go, for fear that you will put the cart before the horse and focus on other techniques.

You have already dabbled in body refining and poison refining. Even though this makes you very powerful, it has already affected your cultivation speed.

Each practice takes up a lot of time. Fortunately, your detached poison body does not need to practice poison skills to improve your cultivation, which also greatly reduces your energy.

You must always be aware of where your roots lie, but as for alchemy, monks like us must be somewhat proficient in alchemy.

Your second uncle is proficient in this way. I think you must have a deep understanding of it in the past few months. After all, the way of alchemy is beneficial to any monk.

And Huang Qigu’s alchemy skills do have some skills. You can learn a few things after you go there, but you must not ignore the basics and ignore the weak points, as long as you can act within them! "

Fairy Ningke's voice was ethereal, like fairy music floating in the rich aura, but her words were full of exhortations and warnings.

She brought Li Yan over, but she just wanted him to see if there was a chance to get the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass. She didn't want Li Yan to delay his own cultivation and become someone else's disciple.

However, Dong Fuyi always said that Li Yan was very self-disciplined. He had not taken care of his own practice for hundreds of years, and he unexpectedly reached this point.

Regarding this point, everyone has seen the current Li Yan with their own eyes, so they believe it without a doubt.

"Disciple must keep it in mind!"

Li Yan immediately bowed. The other party did not mention the soul cultivation technique. It seemed that the master did not reveal this matter.

Either they were keeping it a secret for themselves, or they just thought that the skills they practiced were just some superficial soul skills, which were not worth telling.

However, what Uncle Master and the others said are right. I am really running out of time. Just looking at the current practice of several techniques, their alternating breakthrough speed has already been affected.

Every time Li Yan was promoted, his overall realm often became a little blurred, and he was often promoted in just one skill, which made his strength inconsistent.

If it is in a war, once in a crisis and emergency, errors in judgment may be made, which can be enough to cause fatal consequences.

"Okay, that's all I'm saying, you can go out with me now! Your master has also gone into seclusion, and he has told us all the things that need to be explained.

Don't worry, after you go to Huangqi Valley, we will also help you find the Misty Moon Fairy Grass, and as soon as we find it, we will notify you as soon as possible.

When the time comes, you can just leave there!

This one is a jade slip about Huangqi Valley. It also contains the origin I made up for you. After you pass by and read it, return it to me.

If you have any questions, you can always ask me on the way. Don’t make mistakes in the origin! "


Four years later, this is a world of ice and snow, with a faint shadow traveling between the ice and snow, and this faint shadow really seems to have no substance.

He shuttled lightly, gliding silently through the wind and snow, without affecting the falling of any snowflake. Even the wind and snow blowing in the face passed through the virtual shadow.

As if it was an almost transparent shadow, Li Yan was standing behind a beautiful figure at this moment, with the two people separated by about ten feet.

Li Yan stood there, his whole person enveloped by an invisible layer of energy. He didn't need to use any magic power at all, he was just as light as nothing, walking through the wind and snow between heaven and earth.

Those dense snowflakes hit me head-on, but they passed through my body and floated to where they were supposed to be.

"This is the mastery of the laws of heaven and earth by the strong. This is the true integration between heaven and earth!"

Li Yan knew that this was not a problem with the snowflakes, but a problem with the invisible energy wrapped around his body, making the dense wind and snow around him unable to sense its presence.

That is some kind of law of heaven and earth. This law of heaven and earth can make the two of them, their obviously existing bodies, become tangible and insubstantial.

Of course, Li Yan also believed that if the other party wanted to turn him into intangible, it would be easy. The other party wanted Li Yan to feel the use of laws at different levels in the process.

During these four years, Li Yan also received a lot of guidance from Fairy Ningke.

Li Yan felt that he could choose a quiet place at any time, and after a little practice, he would soon have a breakthrough.

Li Yan's illusory realm brought about by promotion last time has been consolidated again, but now he can't break through.

Otherwise, would it be possible to go to Huangqi Valley and become a deacon in the Void Refining Realm? He continued to suppress his own cultivation, and at the same time, he continued to compress his magic power.

Under this, Li Yan felt that his already quite powerful magic power had undergone great changes again. Every strand of magic power was like a rope condensed from fine steel.

When he uses any kind of magic now, he uses about 20% less mana than he did four years ago after performing a strike in the late stage of divine transformation.

Not to mention that Li Yan knew about the act of compressing mana, most monks knew this very well, and they all knew how much their magic would be improved by compressing the mana in their Dantian.

But this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to actually do. If Li Yan had only relied on himself to compress his magic power in the past four years.

He simply cannot achieve the state he is in now, and even with all his strength, he may not be able to compress and condense even half of his magic power.

But with Fairy Ningke by his side, the situation is completely different. This is the advantage of having a peerless strong person who can always provide guidance.

In the past few years, Li Yan has really experienced the feeling of being cared for by a strong person. Along the way, except for practicing freely, there was nothing at all that he needed to worry about.

In the past, there were too many dangerous places in the so-called fairy world, and it was easy to fall into the situation when you were practicing outside. This made Li Yan's memory of these things still stay in the Bei Mu world.

At this time, Li Yan could already see in his consciousness that the endless mountains of ice and snow below were gradually becoming less and less dense, and the terrain was gradually becoming gentle.

Instead, large expanses of flowers and plants appeared on the ground, red, green, and yellow, as if they suddenly appeared on the edge of a world of ice and snow.

It was a different kind of world, full of colors and stars everywhere, and the flowers were constantly swaying in the warm spring breeze.

Waves of fragrance spread between the heaven and the earth, making this world have both the fresh and incomparable coldness of ice and snow, and waves of fragrance.

The cold air in the sky blew strongly, making the permeating fragrance suddenly become richer and clearer several times.

"We are almost there. We have not been idle along the way. Unfortunately, none of the towns we passed or some of the sects I know have heard about the Misty Moon Qing Xiancao. It seems that you can only enter Huangqi Valley. "

Fairy Ningke's ethereal voice appeared in Li Yan's mind.

"Thank you, Master, for taking care of me all the way. I will definitely keep your instructions in mind, Master. Please rest assured, Master."

Li Yan immediately said that he now has more and more strong backing in the fairy world.

This made some extremely difficult things that Li Yan had to fight, grab, and do turn out to be so easy, and he no longer had the helpless sighs of previous years.

He certainly understood the meaning of Uncle Ningke's words, but he was still a little worried about his trip.


Fairy Ningke just hummed. Dong Fuyi handed over his disciple to him, and he naturally had to do his best.

She would not tell Li Yanming that after arranging for the other party to enter Huangqi Valley, she would not leave immediately, but would have to observe him secretly for a period of time.

If something goes wrong with Li Yan, he will definitely take him away as soon as possible to avoid serious uncontrollable consequences.


Hu Kuijie looked at the ordinary-looking young man in front of him. His cultivation was only in the early stage of becoming a god. Before it was time to recruit more disciples, a disciple from Neigu came to arrange for him.

Let him arrange for this person to enter the outer valley and wait for four months. After four months, he will take the examination for entering the inner valley together with other new disciples.

The Neigu monk who arranged for me was only a little higher than myself, and he got a Neigu pass order from somewhere.

Then after arriving here, he was able to command himself so casually, which made Hu Qujie feel very unhappy.

To put it personally, that person was also a deacon from the outer valley of Huangqi Valley, and the person who came was just a disciple from the inner valley, not even a deacon.

The outer valley where he is located is the place where all sects must stay before recruiting various types of disciples.

They have to go through three rounds of assessment here before finally shortlisting a list of people to decide whether they are qualified to participate in the inner valley assessment.

And it is clear that the monk named Li Yan in front of him has skipped the first three rounds of assessments and just got a quota to wait here.

Li Yan also looked at the black-clothed deacon in front of him. He was about thirty years old and had the strength of the early stage of void refining. His small eyes like a giant rat were constantly spinning around on his body.

With the level of cultivation of Fairy Ningke, he had taken him to a place in the inner valley half an hour ago, and then there he met the Earth-level alchemy master.

It was a middle-aged female strongman. Li Yan could not tell the other party's cultivation level. If we excluded that the woman did not have a magic weapon to cover her body, the other party's cultivation level must have exceeded the realm of refining the void.

After the woman saw Fairy Ningke, her attitude was very respectful, but she was a little confused as to why Fairy Ningke brought people here?

During her interactions with Ning Ke, she learned that the fairy did not have any disciples and that he just liked to be a free and unfettered cultivator, so she rejected her invitation.

And the little guy in front of him is only at the early stage of the Divine Transformation Realm. If this were placed on Fairy Ningke, she might not be qualified to be a disciple.

Fairy Ningke did not waste any time, but after a few brief words with the other party, she quickly explained the purpose of her visit.

She told the woman that Li Yan was a descendant of an old friend of hers, and that she accidentally met Li Yan outside after going out this time.

And through a token that the other party carried, he recognized the other party's identity.

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