Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1698 Black Wing Guard (1)

Dong Fuyi and Li Yan rushed to the cross-border teleportation formation at the edge of Cangxuan Realm and teleported all the way!

In the Nether World, after the two found the specific location of the Black Demon Clan, they once again traveled day and night to continuously teleport and fly at extremely high speeds...

Under the full power of a Fusion Realm expert, Li Yan also modified the ascension memories of Mu Guyue and Mu Guyue where he felt it was suitable, and then brought them out.

In the end, after a total of seventeen years, Mu Guyue, mother and son, were finally sent to the Black Demon Clan. However, when he was still some distance away from the Black Demon Clan, Li Yan stopped moving forward.

Although it is said that there are no longer so many barriers between the Black Demon Tribe and other races in the fairy world, the Black Devil Tribe's arrogance is innate and they are still very xenophobic in their bones.

Li Yan also gave Mu Guyue the elixirs and spiritual stones, and also had a detailed discussion with Mu Sha. Mu Sha now agreed with Li Yan.

Li Yan said he would take them to the Jiyou Realm, but he actually did it.

And on the way here, he also truly realized that there are so many powerful people in the fairy world, and Yuanying monks are easily killed outside, which makes him feel unsafe again.

In fact, there is always a tight string in the hearts of demon monks. To put it bluntly, few people feel safe.

When they unite to face the outside world, they are extremely united and have unparalleled fighting power. But this also shows one thing. The clan uses an iron fist to restrain the clan members, and the competition is quite fierce.

Along the way, Mu Sha saw his mother and father fighting with others, and he could only protect them.

In the fairy world where he could truly display his strength in the realm of gods, the two of them were so powerful that he felt that he was not even worthy of being called an ant.

He finally knows how strong his parents are, they can easily crush him to death, maybe even just with a look. He still has a long, long way to go...

As for Dong Fuyi, when Mu Guyue and the others were awake, he had already hidden his figure and was only protecting them secretly. He no longer took action easily.

Mu Guyue has stayed in the fairy world longer than Li Yan, and is already very familiar with this place, so a safe return home that is too easy can only make her suspicious.

But judging from the minds of Dong Fuyi and Li Yan, even a woman as smart and stunning as Mu Guyue, including Mu Sha who also walked out of the edge of life and death again and again, could not see any clues.

First, Mu Sha believed in Mu Guyue the most, and Mu Guyue believed in Li Yan and would not always pay attention to the people around him to see if anything was wrong.

Coupled with Dong Fuyi and Li Yan, they are two foxes, one big and one small. They have considered almost every omission, and it is difficult to expose any flaws.

The place where Mu Guyue and the others appeared was after Dong Fuyi crossed the border and traveled day and night to find a place not far from the Black Demon Clan.

This allowed Mu Guyue and the others to return to China. They encountered much less danger and were able to return to the clan in the shortest possible time.

While Mu Guyue was surprised by this, she was also very happy. She didn't expect that this space node would be so lucky to be so close to the Black Demon Clan.

She especially believed in Li Yan

Under this, she didn't have any doubts at all. She just felt that her luck couldn't be bad all the time. She had experienced enough hardships in her life.

Li Yan talked a lot with Mu Sha. Mu Sha was completely different from Li Zhaoyan. He was a bloodthirsty demon crawling out of the mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He was calm, dark-hearted, ruthless, and he had his own accurate judgment.

Therefore, now that Mu Sha feels his weakness, he will desperately want to strengthen himself as soon as possible. Li Yan gave him the basic training method of soul cultivation and told him many things.

He also asked him to ask his mother if he had any problems practicing this art. Mu Guyue had been practicing soul art for a long time.

But the identity of the soul cultivator is too sensitive and dangerous, so as long as it is used, it must be killed with one hit.

Li Yan also warned Mu Sha not to teach anyone else. Even if he has a Taoist partner in the future, if he wants to teach the technique to others, he must obtain Mu Guyue's consent.

Mu Guyue is fully aware of the horror of Hun Xiu and the terrifying attacks. But it is precisely because of this that she knows even more that in the eyes of outsiders, Hun Xiu is an existence that must be killed quickly.

The soul skills that Mu Guyue practiced might not be able to break through the opponent's soul defense in the face of soul cultivators who truly specialized in soul skills. Then their secrets would be exposed.

Mu Guyue has always had the best idea for this, and now Mu Guyue is no longer the person who disdains the use of sneak attacks because of her pride.

Mu Guyue has completely adapted to Li Yan's rhythm. She likes to kill people with Li Yan. That feeling makes her feel joyful and enjoyable.

No matter how fierce the fight is, they still have the possibility to kill each other. Even if they encounter enemies that they cannot deal with, they still have hope of escaping.

Because, killing people and escaping for one’s life really don’t need to be about looking ugly or being aboveboard. Living alone is the best outcome.

Therefore, when Li Yan was teaching Mu Sha and warning him, she just looked at Mu Sha quietly. This made Mu Sha aware of Li Yan's words, even if it was his mother who was as arrogant as a king.

There was no objection at all, and Feng's eyes also contained a strong warning to him.

When Mu Sha heard that what Li Yan gave him turned out to be the legendary soul cultivation technique, he was extremely excited.

The demons lack long-range attack methods, which makes them often have to work hard to get close to some slick magicians.

But what they need to practice most on weekdays is speed, which is their weapon in close combat.

Fa Xiu's tactics are beneficial to them, but Fa Xiu also understands Fa Xiu's attacks and has too many ways to defend against them.

Therefore, as the demons have accumulated experience from generation to generation, they are more willing to break through their own limits. They do have too much experience in this direction.

But once you have soul skills, your attack methods are completely different.

It’s the same, it’s definitely a nightmare for physical and legal practice.

Coupled with his own demonic skills, even if he reaches a higher realm and confronts the enemy, he may still be at a disadvantage.

And when Li Yan warned him that once he used soul skills, he would eradicate the roots without leaving any future troubles, Mu Sha's eyes suddenly turned from surprise to cold murderous intent.

His father told him to do this, and he must do it, and he must not let others get the advantage of him.

"Children, remember your father's teachings and never forget them. Treat them as family inheritance. If you use them, you will die!"

He immediately bowed to Li Yan with a solemn expression.

This made Li Yan feel a little uncomfortable. He still liked Li Zhaoyan's affection and warmth, but in Mu Guyue's eyes, this was how he should be. ??

Mu Su had to respectfully ask Mu Guyue for instructions on everything since he was a child. In the military camp, he was even more respectful of superiors and subordinates, which he had long been accustomed to.

In this regard, Li Yan did not say that Mu Sha grew up in a different environment, so he was allowed to be as good as he was.

At the same time, Li Yan also agreed that he could have such an heir, which would make him more reassured. The other person would be able to fly high, and there would definitely not be anything that would make him worry too much.

But like Li Zhaoyan, he needs to go through several big bloody storms to sharpen his skills. Otherwise, without the protection of a strong person, he may not be able to go very far on the Immortal Road.

Afterwards, Li Yan told the two of them that he would come back to look for them after treating Senior Sister Bai. At that time, he might go to the Northern Shepherd Realm, where there were still many things to deal with.

If they want, they can go there together.

"Let's see then. I should go there with you. After all, Senior Brother Shangguan treats me well, and some things still need to be explained clearly."

Mu Guyue just pondered for a moment and immediately nodded in agreement. She knew that the reason why Li Yan went there was probably about breaking the military gate, and the two of them couldn't really just walk away.

Mu Sha stood not far away, watching the brief conversation between his father and mother, and over the years, he also roughly understood some things about his father and mother in the fairy world.

But when he looked at his mother, there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes. That broken military gate was just a place where his parents had no choice but to settle down.

Now that she is about to return to the clan, why would my mother go back to explain the matter? That is a human clan and is not worthy of trust.

If you have used it, you have used it. With my mother's nature, when she was in the clan, she had no feelings except for herself.

Those people in the clan only had feelings of life and death during external battles, and there was nothing that could make her move after that.

But Mu Sha also knew that there were not only three people in his family, but his father also had Taoist companions from the human race.

But this didn't mean anything to him. Some of the strong men of the black demon clan in the lower realm had women from other races, but they were usually not the first wives.


At the same time, he also learned that he had a sister, and Li Yan also showed some portraits of people to him and his mother.

Regarding these, Mu Sha was only superficially respectful. If he wanted to change his mind, it could not be changed by just a few conversations. He thought that at most he would just avoid these people when he met them in the future.

As for other human monks, he still has to kill what he should kill...

His character is what Li Yan is most worried about, so no matter what, he will not put Mu Sha in the lower realm army!

Mu Guyue thought that Li Yan was going to break the army, but in fact Li Yan was thinking about more plans, whether he could bring Zhao Min, Gong Chenying, and Mu Guyue together at any time.

Mu Guyue's murderous and arrogant character, which regards other races as enemies, can slowly change after going to the upper world, let alone Zhao Min and Gong Chenying?

When the time comes for brother and sister Mu Sha and Li Zhaoyan to meet, that will be the complete and harmonious family in Li Yan's mind.

After explaining these things, Mu Guyue and the two men no longer hesitated. They also knew that a monk from the Sprite Sect almost died trying to save Li Zhaoyan.

Therefore, with their decisive nature, they will naturally not delay Li Yan's trip. At the same time, it is better for Li Yan not to enter the Black Demon Clan. Even they have not yet figured out the situation in the Clan.

After that, the two of them also said goodbye to Li Yan and left!

But what they didn't know was that Li Yan did not leave here immediately, but stopped temporarily with Dong Fuyi near the Black Demon Clan.

What kind of city is Li Yan? He was still very suspicious. He felt that the Black Demon Clan was not like the Demon Sect, and there was no lineage of inheritance in it.

As long as the Demon Sect's master and ancestor are still there, in addition to the competition between the main lineages, the overall competitive pressure will be much smaller.

But the Black Demon Clan is different. There is competition and oppression everywhere in this race. Therefore, Li Yan needs to make sure that Mu Guyue and his wife can successfully settle down in the clan before they can leave with peace of mind.

Therefore, he had to wait for three years, and Dong Fuyi readily agreed to this. He was extremely satisfied with Li Yan's character and cultivation.

I have been unable to protect his growth, so this time it is up to him. Anyway, this is the last thing on this trip.

However, Li Yan was actually very anxious. After all, Bai Rou was still waiting for treatment, so during this period, he also started to explore the method of treatment in the Jiyou Realm many times.

But the result was not satisfactory. There was still no progress in Bai Rou's consciousness injury, and she could only remain in a coma.

As for the investigation into the Black Demon Clan, Dong Fuyi would go into hiding every once in a while to investigate. Li Yan did not dare to enter there because he did not feel that he would live long.

And once Dong Fuyi hides his cultivation, even the old monsters in the Tribulation Stage may not be able to be discovered.

He just didn't want to get into trouble, but if a tribulation monk really attacked him, this was in the fairy world. Dong Fuyi felt that the other party couldn't do anything to him, so it wouldn't be a big problem to escape.

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