Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1695: Taking Root in a Sect (Part 2)

At this time, Li Yan seemed to be hesitant and said with some uncertainty.

"But when he finally killed the late-stage god-transformation monk, he must have realized the crisis of life and death, and finally burst out with a kind of power in that moment.

That kind of power contains two kinds of strength, one hard and one soft. When the technique is condensed, it makes me feel very palpitated. However, I feel that the person is not skillful in using this technique.

Therefore, the opponent did not block my fatal blow at the critical moment.

The Demon Envoy and I have also discussed that if this technique can be truly used, it will not be inferior to the high-level techniques of our sect.

Therefore, from this point of view, these people do not look like monks from a small realm..."

When Li Yan said this, he still seemed to be thinking about that matter.

"Oh, can you tell me more about that power?"

Upon hearing this, Da Cen's frowning brows relaxed slightly, and he immediately stared at Li Yan with burning eyes.

This is a very good clue, and Li Yan and the others seem to have some truth in their analysis of each other's origins.

"It was just a moment of induction. The power just exploded and then disappeared due to the death of the other party!"

This time, Li Yan just shook his head.

After Da Cen thought for a while, he asked several questions one after another. Li Yan's answers were still not very sure.

"The strength and softness you mentioned, although they did not explode, is it possible that they are water and fire? Does this mean that a person has the spiritual roots of water and fire at the same time?"

It is not uncommon for a person to practice water and fire spells, and other attributes can be imitated, but it is quite rare for monks to have both water and fire spiritual roots.

If you check in this direction, although you still need to check those small areas one by one, it is still very troublesome.

But this is already a certain direction, and such people should still be able to be found.

"Strength and femininity, fire and water? This... this is really possible, but I can only say that it cannot be confirmed until the power fully explodes!"

There was a look of helplessness on Li Yan's face, and some of Da Cen's brows that had just been relaxed were knitted together again, frowning in deep thought.

"The monk who can directly seal the sect is not even the demon envoy."

Fa found out that when he arrived, there was more than half a chance that the other party was a monk from the upper realm.

The person who could directly scare him away should also come from the upper world. Based on their analysis, Li Yan and the others still have a lot of possibility...

The remaining six mysterious monks, Demon Envoy and Li Yan all judged that they were from the Small Realm, but their skills were different.

Does it mean that that person is not from the small realm, or that he has the rare spiritual root attribute of water and fire?

The upper realm monks...the small realm monks...the rare spiritual root monks...the great supernatural powers of the upper realm monks...No, no, there is another possibility here.

Are they buyers and sellers? The monks in the upper realm have advanced or top-level skills. What if they trade with others..."

Da Cen suddenly thought of the third situation. He had to report this matter as soon as possible!

Among the people around them, only Wei Zhongran knew about their conversations. They were all the result of discussions between Li Yan and the demon envoy, and Li Yan specifically told him.

In this regard, Wei Zhongran also understood Li Yan's thoughts. The other party was afraid that he would be disappointed, but Zhao Min and the others were a little shocked when they heard this.


After being questioned by Da Cen, they were taken to the deacon's office in Xiaozhu Peak. After Da Cen explained a few words to a deacon, he left in a hurry.

The deacon was also surprised when he learned that they were all ascended monks. He had never heard of so many people ascending at one time.

However, he was surprised. After knowing that this was all from Da Cen's lineage, and after regaining his composure, his attitude was considered polite and he did not deliberately make things difficult.

He asked Li Yan and the others to take out the identity tokens from the lower realm and verified them one by one. After confirming that everyone was a monk from Xiaozhu Peak, they started to register them.

After that, they sacrificed their identity tokens and flew into a refining furnace behind them, refining everyone's identity tokens on the spot.

After the identity token was returned to everyone, they were told to explore the sect's precepts inside.

Because there are some sect rules that are different from those in the lower world, they need to know this.

Xiao, so as not to violate the rules without knowing it.

Then there is the distribution of elixirs, clothing and other things. The level of these treasures is much higher than that of the lower realm.

For example, the elixirs given are all around the fourth to fifth grade. Of course, except for Li Zhaoyan, she can only get golden elixir level things.

However, the dark green robes are magic weapon-level existences and have extremely strong defensive effects. No one cares about all this.

First of all, Li Zhaoyan was very happy to be with his parents and grandfather.

And some of the things she got were only available to the ancestors of Nascent Soul in the lower realm, and she was quite satisfied with them.

And she is now rich, including better elixirs and magic weapons. Of course, the things Li Yan gave her will not be too stingy.

There are so many disciples on Xiaozhu Peak in the upper realm. Each person's place in the Bamboo Courtyard will be divided into levels according to their own cultivation level.

The aura and surrounding environment are very different in different places. The closer to the top of the mountain, the better the environment in all aspects.

If the requirements are not very high, then as long as your identity is recognized, you can just choose one of the places designated by the deacon.

But if you want to get a place with a better environment, you need to pass the assessment. When dividing the bamboo courtyards for living, Li Yan and others asked some questions that they were concerned about.

What Li Yan mainly asked was whether his relatives could live in the Bamboo Garden in the God Transformation Realm area.

The deacon said that as long as Li Yan agreed, after the formation restrictions were opened, the relatives and direct disciples of the monks in the Bamboo Garden could still enter to practice or live.

But it is limited to this. If there are too many people waiting and coming and going in that area, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other monks, which is also not allowed by the sect.

But in the end, everyone including Li Zhaoyan chose to pass the assessment and choose a better bamboo courtyard in their area.

Li Yan also chose the assessment, hoping to obtain a better training environment in the same realm.

After entering the assessment of the realm of transformation, Li Yan found that he was transported into a sea of ​​bamboo, and then the surrounding bamboo sea turned into overwhelming green.

Colorful monster.

Those fourth-order monsters were like a turbulent wave in the sky, and they were attacking him one after another...

Finally, when everyone gathered again, the deacon's eyes changed significantly when he looked at them.

He had long known that the ascended monks from the lower realm were very strong, but not many of them had passed his examination. That was because there were very few ascended monks in the past.

But today, this was a group of people taking the exam together, which really opened his eyes, but each of these people was so strong that they were not even close to the monks in this realm.

The little girl with the worst golden elixir also persisted in it for half an hour. This is comparable to the strength of some Nascent Soul monks who have just been promoted in the upper world.

The opponent's puppet control technique was very powerful, which also made the deacon very strange. The little Jindan girl should be a disciple of Sixiang Peak. It seems that Xiaozhufeng does not have such a powerful puppet mechanism technique?

How did this deacon know that the people he saw today were the strongest people in the two generations of the Demon Sect in the lower realm.

Even if Wei Zhongran and the others were in the lower realm, they were powerful existences that were beyond their own kind and outstanding in their own realm.

Li Yan, on the other hand, has always liked to use his scheming skills. He only used part of his strength in the assessment, putting himself at almost the upper level of the God Transformation Realm.

After seeing everyone choose their own bamboo courtyard, he also liked it in his heart. He wanted others to enter the God Transformation Realm area to practice, where the environment was currently the best.

But Master Wei Zhongran definitely disagreed, and Li Zhaoyan was also unwilling. She wanted to make friends with more monks of the same realm.

She didn't want to sense the surroundings all day long, and an old monster would appear at every turn. And after Master Bai Rou recovered from his injury, she would see what Master decided next?

She also probably knew something about the Shuangqingqing Master. Bai Rou also mentioned it to her. At that time, she said that after Yu Niang gave birth to a baby, she would ascend to find the Shuangqing Master.

She has been walking in the fairy world for these years and already knows how weak she is.

A being as powerful as dad is still unable to deal with the enemy at certain times, and the middle-aged strong man still needs to take action.

Then she will take advantage of these days to hone herself and accompany her master to travel to the fairy world in the future!

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