Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1690 Be a cow or a horse

This is a hilly area covered with green cypresses, with thick green cypress trees rising into the sky, lush and full of vitality.

Under the clear blue sky, a patch of sky suddenly became distorted, and the blue sky there seemed to have its smooth cheeks wrinkled.

At the same time, a black hole appeared there, and there was a gentle buzzing sound.

And just when the sound sounded, a figure flashed out, and then one figure after another quickly flashed out.

Soon, the sky above returned to normal.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so rich, even that secret realm back then cannot be compared to this place!"

While Mo Qing's consciousness was sweeping around, he took a deep breath, and his whole body suddenly felt extremely comfortable.

Beside him were Wei Zhongran, Zhao Min, Gong Chenying, and Zi Kun. .🅆.

Finally, Li Yan and the middle-aged monk walked out side by side. None of them had a lot of blood on their bodies.

Wei Zhongran also felt a sense of spaciousness in his heart while looking around. There were some monsters nearby, but their levels were not very high.

This shows that they are very lucky. The node exit is not someone else's sect, or the lair of some high-level monster.

"I finally broke out, this is Cangxuan Realm!"

Wei Zhongran also said softly, while constantly looking around.

They didn't know how long they had gone through as they ascended. Not only did they encounter black holes and space debris, but they were also attacked by swarms of meteor beasts.

And later on, the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth coming from above became more and more severe, almost making it difficult for them to move forward.

But those meteor beasts are getting stronger and stronger. If Li Yan and the middle-aged monk hadn't taken action, their movement speed would be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth.

How many people will survive in the end? Whether it can soar up is still unknown.

Zhao Min, Gong Chenying and Zi Kun were also exploring the surrounding area. They were already a little scared after being continuously attacked by the meteor beasts.

But after seeing that there were no powerful monsters nearby, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yan and Dong Fuyi looked at each other. Is it safe here?

After they came to the upper world, they deliberately found a place where monsters and monks were rare, and smeared some monster blood on them before letting them out.

They also thought about whether the two of them should try to get as close to the Demon Sect as possible first, and then let them out at the end, so that the time could be greatly reduced.

But unfortunately, they are not allowed to do this on a certain matter.

"The spiritual energy here can only be considered acceptable, so the level of the monster is not high. Just find a place here, and you must use the Immortal Liquid as soon as possible.

Let yourself merge with this world as soon as possible. Senior Sister Bai is still in a coma. After Min'er and you recover, you can help her.

once! "

Li Yan said to several people.

He chose to stay here, of course, so that the souls of these people could integrate with the rules of heaven and earth in the fairy world as soon as possible.

As for the unconscious Mu Sha, he would personally help him use the immortal liquid.

Anyway, when he wakes up in the future, just let him use it again before he can react. Mu Guyue won't be able to investigate carefully.

As for Bai Rou, Li Yan just couldn't do anything. This requires contact with the other party's body.

"Hehehe... This time, I have benefited from your father-in-law. I got the immortal liquid as soon as I came up. I need to buy the spiritual stones for these immortal liquids. I will give them to you later!"

After Mo Qing heard this, he also laughed.

Regarding some things in the fairy world, they are better prepared than Li Yan and know some basic things above.

Moreover, when Li Yan was in the Demon Sect, they also asked Li Yan a lot about the fairy world, and they knew more about it.

Li Yan just smiled and nodded, but did not refuse.

They were just from the same sect. Wei Zhongran and Zhao Min could accept Li Yan's gifts, but these things were not feasible for Mo Qing personally.

Li Yan could help them ascend, but he couldn't repay this debt in a short time. If he could repay it, of course he would repay it immediately.

Among monks, it is best not to owe anything. Otherwise, once someone asks you to do something, it will most likely be something that person finds difficult. How can you refuse?

What's more, after Mo Qingfei ascended, he was not like the original Mu Guyue. When Mu Guyue was in the lower realm, she did not hold great power in the clan.

The training resources she received were normal Demon General-level resources, and before she ascended, she spent many spiritual stones on Mu Sha and purchased the Black Demon God Armor for him.

This left Mu Guyue with almost nothing left on her body when she left, so she would not be able to afford the immortal liquid after she went to the world.

But Mo Qingke is different. He holds a lot of power in the Demon Sect, so naturally his net worth is not too shabby.

Soon after, they opened several temporary caves on a relatively tall hill.

After setting up small formations, Li Yan took out a few bottles of immortal liquid and gave them to these people respectively. Gong Chenying and Zhao Min entered a cave.

Then Li Yan wrapped up Bai Rou who was in a coma and Li Zhaoyan who was practicing.

Then, he looked at Li Zhaoyan, who was looking at the outside of the cave formation with a surprised look on his face, and briefly told some things, so that she could calm down first.

After Li Yan went out, he and Dong Fuyi protected them.

Well, if one person uses the Immortal Liquid, it will take about half a year if it’s quick, and that’s enough.

But considering Bai Rou's situation, it's natural to wait a little longer.

And he and Dong Fuyi have practiced the laws of the fairy world. Although their physical bodies are uncomfortable, they will not be affected. Of course, if they want to adapt to this place as soon as possible, using the immortal liquid can speed up the process...

More than a year later, Li Yan and the others appeared under another sky, and Dong Fuyi "took his top-grade spiritual stone", of course to complete the "deal".

They had already started heading towards the Demon Sect. With the old horse Dong Fuyi here, it was a lot easier.

Dong Fuyi had been wandering around in the Cangxuan world for a long time. In fact, Mo Qing and Wei Zhongran also roughly knew the location of the Demon Sect.

These are all recorded in the sect's classics. Unlike Li Yan who was in a hurry to go to Fengshen Continent, they did not make any preparations in advance and were completely confused in the end.

But Dong Fuyi's identity is a monk from the Northern Shepherd Realm. If he bullies these people, he wonders what the realm means in the fairy world?

But they had to do everything in their acting. Dong Fuyi still pretended to be unfamiliar with Cangxuan Realm. He would often take out the map and jade slips to check it out, and even pretended to "study" it with Li Yan.

Regarding these situations, others were only very concerned at the beginning, but soon after knowing the approximate location of the monster, they realized that this was not something that could be achieved in a short time.

They were gradually attracted by things in the fairy world, and all of them were full of curiosity, especially Li Zhaoyan, who of course did not want to stay in the spirit storage space anymore.

Just following Li Yan, constantly asking this and that, he was always in a state of excitement.

Not only did she not say goodbye to her closest relatives, but she actually came to the fairy world. How could she suppress her excitement?

Li Yan took the trouble to explain this and that to Li Zhaoyan very carefully.

And since he didn't transmit messages, what he said was of great benefit to everyone except Dong Fuyi.

These are the experiences that Li Yan has accumulated over many years. If people like them were to explore them, they would not be able to know them even if they were not there for decades or hundreds of years.

And if you say it at this time, you will have a deeper understanding than if you say it in the lower world, and it will no longer feel that ethereal.

Zhao Min looked at Li Zhaoyan who was extremely happy, like a bird clinging to someone, constantly surrounding Li Yan and talking in his ear.

And the love that Li Yan showed invisibly was also an expression of emotion from the heart.

Then she saw that her father was also by her side, and when he occasionally looked at her, he looked relieved. This kind of scene was exactly what she had been longing for since she was a child.

This allows

The thorn in Zhao Min's heart has gradually melted...

In addition to Li Zhaoyan, Zi Kun was also the one who asked more questions. After knowing that Qianji had the possibility of rebirth, his mood had improved.

Although he was no longer as cheerful as before, the novelty brought to him by the fairy world still allowed him to slowly regain his mood.

On weekdays, apart from looking for the teleportation array, they would spend the rest of their time sitting cross-legged on a purple feather released by Dong Fuyi.

Of course, Dong Fuyi would not be able to fully activate this purple feather, otherwise his cultivation level would be fully exposed.

He only performed according to his strength in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm, but even at this speed, Wei Zhongran and the others could only express envy in addition to their expressions of amazement.

But because of this, Wei Zhongran finally asked Li Yan secretly, how many top-quality spiritual stones did this senior spend on him, besides the kindness he showed to his disciple, to be able to help him like this?

When Li Yan finally reported the fifty top-quality spiritual stones, even Wei Zhongran's character that remained unchanged even after a mountain collapsed in front of him showed a look of shock.

And Li Yan knew that among them, except maybe Li Zhaoyan, the rest of them had empty eyelashes. If no suitable reasons and conditions were given, they would become suspicious.

Wei Zhongran also stared at Li Yan blankly for a while, then shook his head slightly, these are fifty top-quality spiritual stones!

It seems that he is really poor. Even if the entire Wei family sells everything, they probably won't be able to gather so much wealth.

And just after Li Yan answered Wei Zhongran's question, Li Yan soon saw Mo Qing, Zhao Min and Gong Chenying. When he looked at Dong Fuyi in front of him who was controlling the magic weapon, there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Obviously, the questions Wei Zhongran asked should have been asked by these people after they had discussed it. Now that everyone knows the result, they feel that Dong Fuyi is too dark-hearted.

Dong Fuyi in front seemed unaware and was still sitting there cross-legged, but they were so close and they were both on the same magic weapon.

No matter how strong Wei Zhongran is, he is only a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm. The sound transmission between them will enter his consciousness even if Dong Fuyi doesn't want to hear it.

Dong Fuyi, who transformed into a middle-aged man, was still facing forward, but his face inadvertently twitched a few times.

"I worked so hard to get you all to the upper realm, but in the end I was blamed. I...I..."

At this time, he felt that the black-skinned boy behind him was giving him such a headache.

Only then did I find out how much time he had spent. Either he had been acting like a donkey or a horse for him, or he had been taking the blame for him.

But then he thought about it, and he could only sigh in his heart.

"I really owe him this!"

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