Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 164: Not like this

"Oh, I saw it."

Li Yan turned his head and was thinking about the healing process of Gong Chenying's abdominal wound just now. He was still complaining that the sixth senior sister had woken up too early. Suddenly he heard a clear voice coming from his ear. He couldn't help but subconsciously opened his mouth and answered, "It's just As soon as the words were spoken, I screamed "Bitterness" in my heart.

"Oh, what did you see?" Gong Chenying stood there with a calm expression, as if he asked casually.

Li Yan slowly turned around, his face twitching a little. What he saw was a pretty face with crimson eyes. Starry eyes stared at him, and there was a constant flash of light in his eyes. He seemed calm, but had a round and firm chest. Heaving violently, a breath that made Li Yan tremble was slowly emanating from his body, which made Li Yan take a few steps back.

"Six...Six...Senior sister, but...don't do this. Junior brother, I am here to save you. Except for the wound, I have never touched you anywhere else. can't do this." Li Yan He hurriedly distinguished.

"Really? You've been staring at him since you rescued him?" Gong Chenying clenched her silver teeth and spoke every word. She could not imagine that Li Yan looked so innocent.

Li Yan seemed to hear the sound of a she-wolf rubbing her teeth in the cave, and he suddenly became more nervous. "I just want to see how effective the elixir is. You can't use this elixir and I don't know how effective it is, right?"

"Oh? What kind of elixir is this?" Gong Chenying couldn't help but be stunned after hearing Li Yan's words, but saw that this senior sister, who just seemed to be about to erupt a volcano, slowly calmed down little by little, and finally she Surprisingly, he suddenly calmed down.

Seeing that Gong Chenying slowly calmed down, Li Yan couldn't help but relax a little. If Gong Chenying was really serious and continued to ask questions, he really didn't know how to end it. Now Li Yan is also regretting that his actions were too reckless. , he no longer understands the affairs between men and women, but this kind of relationship and morality was taught by the old scholar in the village. It’s just that he just patronized the eighth-grade elixir for heartache, and he couldn’t help but focus on it, except for the slightest impulse at the beginning. , I didn’t think about men and women at all later. It's just that this kind of thing happened to a girl, and it was too late for him to regret it afterwards.

"I don't know what kind of elixir it is. I accidentally got it from a storage bag in the space outside the passage. There is only such a jade bottle in the storage bag, and there is only such a elixir in the jade bottle. "Li Yan had already thought of the reason. He must never tell anyone about Pingtu and the eighth-grade elixir. He pushed everything to the colorful space. Anyway, Gan Shi had been there, and Gan Shi didn't. Understand the things in the colorful space.

"You gave it to me without knowing?" Gong Chenying was still dumbfounded. He didn't expect the answer he got to be so unexpected.

"I don't know, but the elixir smells fragrant


, it doesn’t look like poison, not to mention Senior Sister, I had no other choice in your situation at that time, so I could only..." Li Yan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It is really a waste to use this elixir on me. If you take it back to the sect for research, it will definitely be worth a lot of money, and you will also get unexpected rewards. If the results of the research on this elixir come out, it may improve the sect's alchemy level." It's a waste to raise one or two levels. It's really a waste." After listening to Li Yan's words, Gong Chenying did not continue to ask Li Yan if he had discovered anything else in the colorful space. He just remained silent for a while. Said to himself.

Of course Li Yan heard Gong Chenying's words and couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart: "Is this Sixth Senior Sister sincere or stupid? She still contributed this elixir to the sect? If you can still stand here now, you would have gone directly to the underworld." , Furthermore, once the news about the eighth-grade elixir is leaked, it is estimated that the Demon Sect will face threats from the other three sects. It is impossible not to hand it over for joint research, and it may even attract unknown powerful people. "

But his expression still didn't show any strangeness, he just spread his hands, indicating that he had used them, but that it was useless.

"Sixth Senior Sister, we have to leave. Wang Lang may come looking for him at some time." Li Yan has been counting the time in his mind. It is almost half tea time now and he must leave.

After he said this, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave. After taking two steps, he didn't hear any movement behind him. He couldn't help but stop and turned around to look, but he saw Gong Chenying still standing there, tightly. Biting his lower lip, his face turned red and white, and he stared at himself. When he saw that he turned around to look, his eyes directly avoided him, not daring to look directly at him. The slender fingers of a pair of jade hands kept intertwining with each other, as if hesitating.

"Sixth Senior Sister, what's wrong with you? Is your injury not healed? Or is there something wrong with the elixir?" Li Yan couldn't help but wonder, but he was thinking in his heart, "This is an eighth-grade mid-level elixir. It's not an exaggeration to say it is a fairy elixir. Why does she still look wrong?"

"Li...Li Yan, what did you see just now?" Gong Chenying changed from his usual straightforward style and hesitated a little before asking again.

Her expression was undoubtedly like a different person in Li Yan's eyes. Gong Chenying had never had such a coquettish expression as his little daughter's house. Standing in front of Li Yan at this moment was clearly a young and pretty eighteenth-year-old girl next door. Her behavior was so... There was a strange feeling in the room, and Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Gong Chenying saw Li Yan looking at her in a daze, and immediately knew that his expression was abnormal, so he just straightened up.

He straightened his body, stretched out his fingers to smooth the short hair hanging beside his face, and tucked it behind his ears.

"What? I'm asking you something." Her tone sounded cold again. This coldness made Li Yan, who was a little stupid, suddenly sober up, but he didn't notice that Gong Chenying actually called him by his first name. .

He touched his nose awkwardly. "Sixth Senior Sister, if you don't believe me, I can't help it. I really didn't do anything to you. Besides, now is not the time to talk. We have to leave. If you don't believe me, you can deal with me after it's safe. How about that?" As he spoke, Li Yan looked outside the cave and said anxiously.

"You really didn't see anything except the wound?" Gong Chenying remained motionless, but her voice became colder and colder in her dryness, which made Li Yan feel a little uneasy.

Li Yan recalled quickly in his mind, "I saw underwear and bras, do I have to say it?" But seeing that Long Chenying's face was getting uglier and uglier for no reason, he had to bite the bullet and said, "Well, Sixth Senior Sister, you forced me to say this. You can't turn the tables and say I'm a shameless person afterwards."

Gong Chenying's pretty face flushed instantly when she heard what Li Yan said, but she still bit her lower lip and stared at Li Yan.

Seeing this, Li Yan could only sigh inwardly, "Why bother? You have to see the effect of some elixir. Now, is this going to make me pay for the spirit stones? Isn't this not only losing the elixir but also losing the spirit stones? I will never do this again." Li Yan was distressed.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, "Isn't it that he wants me to marry her? The old scholar in the village had this part in his storytelling before. After seeing the woman's body, the woman had to marry this man. But this is the world of immortal cultivation. Brother Seven often said that there is no ordinary etiquette at all. Moreover, there are many women like Zuo Shengyan in the sect who are extremely exposed. They expose more than what I just saw. Usually, they expose a large area of ​​their breasts and wear short skirts that only cover their hips. Isn't that a woman marrying multiple husbands?" Li Yan immediately denied this idea in his heart.

But he had to lower his head, not daring to look directly at Gong Chenying, but could only murmur and whisper in his mouth, and glanced at Gong Chenying from time to time. "The underwear on the upper body, the red bandage you bandaged..., oh, let me make it clear, except for the underwear on the upper body, I didn't touch the rest."

In the corner of his eyes, Gong Chenying's jade face was as red as the burning red sunset, beautiful beyond words. After listening to what Li Yan said, Gong Chenying was still shy, but still stared at Li Yan, and suddenly said, "Nothing else?" There was a tremor in her voice, which made Li Yan startled for no reason, and hurriedly said, "Sixth Senior Sister, you


can't force me like this, I just wanted to save you, and I was just treating your injuries at that time. I really didn't do anything to let you down. If you don't believe me, you should compensate me with spirit stones or kill me."

Speaking of this, Li Yan looked up at Gong Chenying. He felt that this senior sister was too pretentious. In the past, he felt that this senior sister was straightforward in both her personality and work. Why did she keep talking just because he saved her today? It was a bit of an exaggeration. He paid an eighth-grade pill, who could he complain to.

"I didn't see anything else. I don't believe it... I don't believe that you still have to compensate me with spiritual stones, hehe." After hearing what Li Yan said, Gong Chenying's blush had faded, her face turned pale, she was still mumbling to herself, and there was a hint of gloom in her eyes, and she even glanced at the red cable tie on the ground that had been used to bandage the wound.

"Sixth Senior Sister, Sixth Senior Sister, what's wrong with you?" Li Yan saw that Gong Chenying's expression was obviously getting more and more wrong, and then continued, "All these things, I did to save you, and I couldn't help offending you during the period. Isn't this also worthy of forgiveness?" His voice became colder and colder. He really didn't know why this senior sister who had always been decisive became so capricious today.

"Okay, you go first, I will rush over later. I haven't recovered from my injuries yet, and I need to heal them again. Even if I meet Wang Lang later, I can resist a little. Don't mention this matter again in the future." Gong Chenying heard what Li Yan said, her expression recovered a little, but she slowly sat down cross-legged, waved her hand, and said to Li Yan.

Seeing Gong Chenying actually sitting down, as if she really wanted to heal her wounds, Li Yan couldn't help but think to himself, "Just now I saw that her wounds had basically healed, but now she needs to heal her wounds. Could it be that even the eighth-grade elixir 'Zhenyuan Pill' can't make her recover." He stood at the entrance of the cave and stared at Gong Chenying for a while, and finally sighed, "It seems that she is really angry and doesn't want to go with me, so what." Thinking of this, Li Yan turned around and walked out of the cave. But just after Li Yan took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, and the expression of Gong Chenying in his eyes just now flashed through his mind. It was a disheartened expression. This expression seemed to be a kind of emptiness and paleness that saw through everything and had no desire to live. "No, that's a sense of death. Sixth Senior Sister is going to die here." At the same time, he flashed in his mind the silver ring on Gong Chenying's round belly. He blurted out "Ring?"

Just as Li Yan blurted out, Gong Chenying, who was sitting cross-legged behind him, trembled violently. Her beautiful eyes, which had been tightly closed, opened instantly, and then stared at Li Yan's back, and said in a somewhat dry voice, "Did you see the navel ring?"

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