Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 147: The Sorrow of the Prodigy

Li Yan suddenly appeared in front of Gan Shi and more than a dozen people again. Only Gan Shi's eyelids moved slightly, but he did not open his eyes. His arrival was silent.

Li Yan glanced at the huge black shadow in the sky behind him, calculated the time in his mind, and walked straight towards the huge yellow ball. After a few breaths, Li Yan walked out of the huge yellow ball again, and then directly sent a message to Gan Shi: "Senior Brother Gan, can you come here for a moment?"

Gan Shi's eyelids trembled and he opened his eyes. At this time, the energy in his eyes had recovered a lot. After hearing this, he stood up and walked directly towards Li Yan. At this time, his severely injured leg unexpectedly He has recovered to some extent. He no longer drags himself on the ground, but walks towards Li Yan with a slight limp. It is estimated that he should be able to return to his original state after a while.

Gan Shi came to Li Yan, looked back at the sky and the people sitting cross-legged and meditating on the snow, and quietly said, "The other party hasn't arrived either? We can only stay here for a cup of tea at most."

"The other party hasn't arrived yet, but it's coming soon. Senior brother, follow me in." After saying that, a hint of cunning flashed in Li Yan's eyes. Gan Shi didn't say much after hearing this, but followed Li Yan into the yellow sphere.

After more than half a cup of tea, Gan Shi and Li Yan entered the yellow sphere again. At this time, the huge black shadow in the sky outside was no more than a hundred meters away from them. ??

When Zhu Gaotai, Senior Brother Laojun Fengrui, the petite Junior Sister Dai and another Laojun disciple entered the ball with full vigilance, the scene in front of them stunned them.

At this moment, there is only one sword cultivator in Shibuyuan in the sphere who is attacking crazily, while shouting, "Who is it? Who is so shameless and despicable? It cannot be prohibited here, absolutely It's not the ban here." He seemed to turn a blind eye to the people arriving.

When Gan Shi saw this person, a hint of fighting spirit suddenly flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to take a step forward, he was grabbed by Li Yan. "Senior Brother Gan, this person is already dead, and there is still one more hurdle to go. Don't waste your efforts."

Gan Shi was held back by Li Yan and was still a little angry, but after hearing Li Yan's words, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Miao Zhengyi can be regarded as a figure of his generation. I have played against him several times. I could only rely on formations to draw a tie, but I didn't expect to end up like this. It's a pity, it's a pity." Then he took a deep look at Li Yan and felt This person's methods are weird. Not only can he come and go freely through these passages, but he can't even detect the way he sets up an ambush.

He was called to the ball by Li Yan before, and then Li Yan roughly drew a range and asked him to set up a hidden formation. The entrance was where his side entered the tunnel, so that the other three people could not see clearly. He also told him not to go beyond the range he designated, otherwise Li Yan would not have the antidote himself.

When Gan Shi heard what Li Yan said at first, he felt that Li Yan was making a fuss out of a molehill, but later he felt emotional because on the other hand, he


While setting up the formation, he used his spiritual consciousness to scan the rest of the ball, but found nothing. He did not believe that Li Yan would lie to him. He must have used some kind of ambush method, but no matter how carefully he scanned the ball with his spiritual consciousness, he did not find anything wrong. .

"This is the legendary fragmentation of the poisonous body, using the body to poison and using poison to cultivate the body."

While he was thinking, Li Yan's words came faintly. "Senior brother, the opponent's first team is from Shibuyuan. They were about 300 meters away from the yellow ball just now, but there was only one team. It seems that they were unable to join the other two sects. The leader of the team should be Miao Zhengyi. They There are only six Qi Condensing cultivators, but it’s not certain how many more will be able to come in alive, but it will definitely be less than this number," Li Yan explained.

Gan Shi was shocked. It turned out that Junior Brother Li had gone to the other side's passage. Unexpectedly, the other side turned out to be Miao Zhengyi. He was a powerful monk who was almost as powerful as Wang Lang. He actually detected it and heard his words. He also did something to the other party, and it was in someone else's passage. How did he hide from Miao Zhengyi's eyes? Even he couldn't do anything under the eyes of the other party.

"Haha, senior brother, that person is quite powerful. He noticed me as soon as I showed up. Fortunately, I walked quickly." Li Yan seemed to have read Gan Shi's thoughts and explained lightly.

Gan Shi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Junior brother Li, if it is really Miao Zhengyi, I really can't believe it. He is a very powerful figure in the foundation building realm in the Sword Academy outside the Shibu Academy. He can control three hundred and sixty flying swords. You can imagine him." How powerful his spiritual consciousness is, you can do something under the lock of his spiritual consciousness and still leave intact, I can't do it."

"Haha, it's just a fluke. If senior brother has arranged a trick, then let's go out and come back when the time is almost up. However, senior brother is amazing. He actually did a lot of tricks on the edges of the formation. I think as long as someone attacks those positions, it will be difficult. Escape the poison." Li Yan chuckled and changed the topic. The reason why he was able to escape from Miao Zhengyi's consciousness lock was that on the one hand he was already very familiar with entering and exiting the light belt, and on the other hand, his poisoning techniques were Completely different from other monks, the places he passed by could be said to be between his thoughts if he wanted to.

"Okay, let's go out first, but we won't last too long outside. Junior Brother Li, I admire you! You actually discovered what I did on the formation."

"I have been observing, and of course I can see it. If I entered later, I would definitely not know."

Gan Shi looked back at Li Yan and shook his head slightly. He didn't know how much he believed Li Yan's words.

At this moment, yellow

Within the sphere, Li Yan looked at the crazy Miao Zhengyi outside the formation, and couldn't help but secretly admire Gan Shi. They were standing here, and the other party didn't even notice. If Miao Zhengyi was condensing energy, This is okay for the monk, but that is a being even more powerful than Gan Shi. It can make another monk who is a small level higher than himself and is already in the fake elixir level unable to see through the formation. How powerful is this? , no wonder Senior Brother said that Gan Shi is a great person, he has condensed the formation into himself, and his whole body can form formations to defend against the enemy.

Looking at the three corpses of Shibuyuan still lying on the ground, Li Yan showed a smile. He had ventured into the white light belt just now in order to delay the opponent's footsteps so as to give himself time to control the yellow ball. , while also causing casualties to the opponent as much as possible.

When his opponent flashed past 300 meters away, he had already left behind the poison of "same energy and branches", which was mixed with the floral fragrance mixed in the air. From this, it seems that at least three people were poisoned by the "same energy". The poison of "qi connecting branches" has already died outside the yellow sphere.

While everyone was dumbfounded, Zhu Gaotai suddenly pointed at Miao Zhengyi, whose pupils had turned pure white, and said in a trembling voice, "Eye-eye expression, this is eyebrow expression, it's unbelievable that even a foundation-building monk can't undo it." Everyone was stunned after hearing this, but some people immediately remembered that Zhou Guan'er was poisoned during the sect competition, which was the infamous "eyebrow flirting" that was rumored in private, but they did not expect that even the foundation-building monks could not resist it.

In their horrified eyes, the powerful sword wind of the foundation-building monk had already deformed and twisted the entire ball wall, and several more sword winds had swept over the formation here, causing the formation to rumble. There was a loud noise, and there were signs of collapse. Only by looking at the indifferent expression on the face of the big yellow-haired man in front of them, a few people were slightly relieved.

Just as a few sword winds swept through the formation, Miao Zhengyi, whose pupils were as white as snow, suddenly turned his head and stared at this side with an angry expression. Although he could no longer see anything, his consciousness was still I can still clearly see the difference here.

With an angry look on his face, he endured the spasms of pain in his heart and said hoarsely, "It's indeed an ambush. It's the master from the Demon Sect. Can you come out and see me?" As he spoke, the nerves on his face kept twitching. Apparently the poison of "eyebrow affection" has taken hold.

Gan Shi let out a long sigh and stepped out of the formation, but he only reached the edge of the formation and did not leave too far. He was also afraid of the poison Li Yan had spread in his heart. "Brother Miao, you're alright." He looked at the person in front of him calmly. At this time, the space inside the sphere was rapidly expanding.

"Haha, Gan Shi! As expected, it's you. I'll tell you who has such a brilliant formation. Brother Gan is so good at killing us without a single blow. But...

\u003c/di\u003e's's just that I don't understand something. The poison I was poisoned here is the same as the poison that several disciples outside the sphere were poisoned to death for no reason. I...sense a familiar aura, but...but...I don't know if It's the work of one person. "

As he spoke, he clutched his chest with both hands, as if his heart was about to burst, and asked with difficulty.

"Yes," Gan Shi said indifferently, looking at his former rival.

"Sure...sure enough, but how can you enter my passage? It's...impossible." Miao Zhengyi's eyes became even whiter, and his waist slowly bowed.

"Then how can you merge people from two different paths?" At this time, a cold voice slowly said, and then a figure appeared next to Gan Shi, it was Li Yan.

Although Li Yan spoke calmly, he was very shocked in his heart, "The sword cultivator's feeling is so powerful that he can sense that it was done by one person through a poison that is not the same type at all." From this, Li Yan's future feelings for the sword cultivator He was full of caution, but he was not worried at the moment, because after Miao Zhengyi fired the last few sword energy just now, the poison had penetrated deep into his organs, and he had no power to fight anymore, unless he had Nascent Soul to follow him. Give up this body.

"Haha, yes...yeah..." Miao Zhengyi heard Li Yan's words and glanced at Li Yan with his spiritual consciousness. He was silent for a moment, and then he laughed. He no longer asked who did it, but sat down slowly. On the ground, he stared at Li Yan again with his snow-white eyes for a while, then slowly lowered his head without saying a word. A generation of genius has since passed away, quietly.

Looking at the person in front of him, Gan Shi couldn't help but be in a daze, as if he was reminiscing about the past. Before he waved his hand, there were hundreds of swords of light shining with cold light, and the scalp-numbing Miao Zhengyi...

Li Yan did not immediately step forward to take Miao Zhengyi's belongings. He knew that Miao Zhengyi's blue rhombus and cyan gourd were in the storage bag and had not had time to destroy them, or he already knew it after listening to Li Yan's words. There is no need to destroy it anymore. Li Yan has to make sure that this person is really dead before he can step forward.

At this time, the four people within the formation had also walked out, but with Gan Shi's previous instructions, they did not dare to walk around. They looked at the two people in front without making a sound. They looked at the four corpses on the ground for a while. , especially the body of Miao Zhengyi, which was a foundation-building monk, and fell into the hands of a Qi-Condensing Stage monk. No matter what method Li Yan used, it is a good method to put him to death. This is a ghost. The Jie Sect has always known that for a poison that even the foundation-building monks could not remove and for someone who could kill people beyond his level, these people were extremely jealous of Li Yan.

After a long time, Gan Shi, who was in a daze, finally moved, sighed, and turned to look at Li Yan, "Junior Brother Li, what's next?"

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