Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 145 Li Yan’s elixir

Li Yan quickly turned his attention to Gan Shi, "Senior Brother Gan, I don't know whether you have met a strong enemy or an incredible alliance between several sects. Senior Sister Gong and I met the alliance between Taixuan Sect and Shibuyuan." Attack, but luckily defeated the opponent, and also discovered some secrets, so Senior Sister Gong asked the younger brother to come and inform Brother Gan and Brother Baili. "Li Yan knew that this was not the place to talk, so he just said the key points quickly. He believed him. If Gan Shi and the others had also met several sects who had joined forces, they would probably be able to understand what he said, otherwise he would really have to waste a lot of time talking.

"Oh? You met the joint attack of Taixuan Sect and Shibuyuan? How was the battle? How did you get here?" A glimmer of light flashed in Gan Shi's eyes, but he still stared at Li Yan warily.

Li Yan glanced at the whirlwind snow pillars that were attacking all around. On the one hand, Gan Shi was wary of himself, and on the other hand, he was still barely maintaining his formation to rebound the attacks, but his face was getting paler. After he said what he said, he saw that Gan Shi was still He looked at himself warily and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Senior Brother Gan, I know it's unreasonable for me to appear like this. As I said before, Senior Sister Gong and I also discovered some secrets of the alliance between the other three sects. In this case, I will briefly explain it to you first." Afterwards, he actually got up and walked forward, putting some distance between him and Gan Shi and the others. During the flight, the spiritual power of the Guishui Sutra was running, and it hit one side of the blood-red baby's face. For a moment, Gan Shi was not able to bear the burden. Less burdensome, Gan Shi couldn't help but soften the sharp look in his eyes when he saw this.

While Li Yan was attacking, his consciousness quickly transmitted messages to Gan Shi. At this time, Li Yan knew that Gan Shi could not understand his strange appearance, so he took the initiative to distance himself from them, and at the same time helped them defend themselves against the surroundings. Although He is not a foundation-building monk, but his condition is many times better than those of the people behind Gan Shi. His mana is full, comparable to that of a tenth-level monk in the Qi Condensation stage. Under such circumstances, it has relieved Gan Shi's burden a lot.

The transmission of spiritual consciousness is dozens of times faster than speaking, and he doesn't want to waste any more time.

He saw that Gan Shi was still holding the Cangshi Pill. If he just opened his mouth and swallowed it, then he would have come in vain. Gan Shi recovered in a short period of time, but once the medicine wore off, there was no time to recover. At that time He was so weak that even a monk at the fifth or sixth level of the Qi Condensation Stage could easily kill him.

"Senior Brother Gan, please don't swallow the Cangshi Pill yet. If you believe it after what I say, you will see how to proceed to the next step. If you don't believe it, then it's not too late for you to swallow it."

Li Yan conveyed the message to Gan Shi. As long as Gan Shi believed it, nothing would be a problem. If he really didn't believe it, then Li Yan would slap his butt and leave immediately, and then go to Baili Garden. He didn't want to be An ungrateful person is dragged to death together.

Gan Shi's eyes flashed with cold light, and he was not moved after hearing Li Yan's message. Since the last level, everything here was weird, and he had to guard against it. But seeing Li Yan not


When they got closer, they took the initiative to distance themselves and started to help them resist the four attacks. Although they felt a little relieved, they were still extremely vigilant. They still dragged their injured legs and walked forward step by step, still holding the weapon in their hands. "Cangshi Dan", something was wrong, he swallowed it immediately.

The four people behind him didn't know what was being transmitted between the two of them. When they saw the sudden arrival of Master Xiao Zhufeng walking forward, they had no choice but to follow him slowly with hesitation.

After opening a range of tens of meters, Li Yan reluctantly began to resist the attacks that kept coming from both sides in front, while quickly transmitting a message to explain the situation on their side. As Li Yan quickly transmitted the message, Gan Shi's expression became more and more solemn, but the cold light in his eyes gradually softened. Finally, the hostility in his eyes towards Li Yan faded a lot, and he also asked through the message: "So Come on, these three sects used this blue rhombus to plot against us, no wonder the previous level was so weird."

"Senior Brother Gan, if we hadn't entered in advance and deployed formations and various poisons, it would have been best for us to end up with the same fate as you." Li Yan also learned about what happened to Gan Shi and the others in the previous level through the sound transmission just now. I couldn't help but feel the same way, and I was also scared. If Gong Chenying hadn't changed his tactics at that stage, Li Yan and the others would most likely have been ambushed and killed.

"You said you can come and go freely because of the blue crystal in your hand, so why are you here alone?" Gan Shi looked at Li Yan in front of him and asked slowly. Although he didn't fully believe it at the moment, But they only half-believed it. After all, in their current situation, even if Li Yan was deceived by the restrictions here, the most they can do is let them die in this level earlier. They are determined not to be able to pass the next level. The best outcome is to reluctantly Walk ten miles to this level, and then drag a few more opponents to bury him with you. What's more, he has never seen the phenomenon of restraints being able to attack restraints from all the sect's records about the wheel of life and death. At this moment, Li Yan is helping them resist many peripheral restraint attacks. With his perception, he certainly knows that this is true. Things are happening.

"A blue diamond crystal can only be used by one person. This one is the one I took from the Taixuan Sect." Li Yan took a few sharp breaths, and his voice gradually became colder. Then he turned around and stared at With Gan Shi.

Gan Shi wanted to continue to confirm, but he saw Li Yan suddenly turning back to stare at him, and the coldness in his eyes was gradually growing. He also noticed that the blue rhombus in Li Yan's hand began to emit green light, which gave him a kind of green light. It felt as if Li Yan was about to leave here. He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, "It seems that this Junior Brother Li is already impatient." After thinking about it, he made a decisive decision, and lightly cupped his hands, "Junior Brother Li, you were so offended just now."

Li Yan was already impatient. He didn't want to waste any more time here. If Gan Shi still

Half-believing and half-questioning, he would leave immediately and quickly look for Bailiyuan. If Bailiyuan believed it, he would think of a way. If it was the same, he would go back to look for Gong Chenying as soon as possible. There was a bad feeling in his heart. , it seems that Gong Chenying's team may encounter big trouble. Although he caused a lot of casualties to the team of monsters with the help of the light belt in the previous level, he always feels that something is going to happen.

The people behind Gan Shi saw that the two people in front of them kept transmitting messages. The young uncle who appeared at the end suddenly turned around, with a look of impatience on his face. Then they saw Uncle Gan gently cupping his hands and saying something, which made them They couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The sudden appearance of this little uncle had a considerable psychological impact on them. Although Li Yan's magic power was only in the Qi Condensation stage, this mysterious appearance gave them hope of survival. .

"Senior Brother Gan, if you have lasted ten miles in this situation, you will probably be exhausted. You will not be able to fight again if you encounter the situation again." Li Yan glanced at Gan Shi and the dozen people, and then stared at the gun in Gan Shi's hand. Mei Danyao said.

Gan Shi smiled bitterly when he heard this, "Junior brother Li, there are still eight seriously injured people in my spirit storage bag. Almost all the elixirs we have are used on them, otherwise there will only be four or five people left. In the previous level, due to the We were locked in a stalemate. The other party actually destroyed most of the storage bags before he died. The healing elixirs could not be replenished for a while. Now I don't have much elixirs in my body after swallowing the 'Cangshi Dan'. Send you ten miles away, and ask if Junior Brother Li can help them escape later." Looking at the gray elixir in his hand, Gan Shi said helplessly. His leg injury was suppressed with spiritual power due to the lack of elixir.

"Haha, maybe some of my elixirs are useful." After saying that, Li Yan slapped his waist, and seven or eight medicine bottles flew towards Gan Shi in a flash of light. He had collected them in the third level before. Dozens of storage bags, although they all belong to Qi Condensation Stage monks, but in order to deal with the Demon Sect, those three sects have spent a lot of money, and there are still a lot of elixirs, spiritual weapons, and spiritual treasures in them. The appearance of the storage bags is huge. It was not very big in the first place. Li Yan tied it tightly around his waist and did not hand it over to Gong Chenying when he came out. Li Yan had roughly sorted the contents into categories on the way here, including pills. There were four storage bags filled with them, and he still knew a small part of the elixirs. In the past few years, he had read many books about elixirs and poisons in the Sprite Sect.

Seeing seven or eight medicine bottles flying towards him, Gan Shi reluctantly fired several formations to block the attacks, temporarily blocking the attack from the outside. He quickly lifted up his other hand and floated several medicine bottles in front of him.

Then with a wave of his hand, a bottle cork fell off. He slowly penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness. After a while, there was not much surprise on his face. In this way, he used his spiritual consciousness to explore one by one. When he found the next two When he picked up the porcelain bottle, a hint of joy finally flashed across his face.

"This is Shibuyuan's 'Ling'


Qi Pill', and the Taixuan Sect's 'Three Transformations Golden Body', which are comparable to some of the middle-grade elixirs of our sect. With this Lingqi Pill, I can easily transform it after swallowing it, and I can barely sustain it. Go ten miles away and then do the math. "

Li Yan smiled slightly. Of course, the elixir he took out was for emergency use at the moment. It does not mean that the elixir sect does not have good elixirs. The elixir sect not only has good elixirs, but also has better medicinal properties. However, each person does not have a lot of them. , unlike him who obtained it by plundering many disciples of the Second Sect.

In particular, the "Lingqi Pill" and "Three Transformations of the Golden Body" were taken internally and externally. These were specially taken out for Gan Shi after he considered them. As for the other pills, they could temporarily alleviate the current situation of the few people behind him.

Lingqi Pill is one of the most precious elixirs for sword cultivators in Shibuyuan. This elixir is specially formulated for sword cultivators to attack quickly and consume spiritual energy quickly. It can quickly replenish spiritual energy in the body and has very few side effects.

The Three-turn Golden Body is a simplified version of the Taixuan Sect's "Nine-turn Golden Body Pill". Even the old monster Nascent Soul is eager to get the "Nine-turn Golden Body Pill". In addition to the three-turn Golden Body Pill, Except for severed limbs that cannot be regenerated, the effects on other injuries are excellent.

The elixirs of the Sprite Sect focus on killing people or balancing the distribution of medicinal power, so that the medicinal properties can be more effective. If not, it would be good if one or two people could survive in the Ganshi Spiritual Storage Bag.

Gan Shi was very happy. He didn't expect that Junior Brother Li Yan would be so generous. This could be regarded as solving an urgent need. So he waved his hand, and five or six pills flew from different porcelain bottles to the four people behind him. "You wait for a few people to recover from their injuries and physical strength for the time being. After these last three miles, you can then do careful treatment."

Having said that, he poured out three golden elixirs and swallowed them with his mouth open. As soon as these three elixirs came out from the mouth of the bottle, a sharp meaning suddenly appeared in the space, and it looked like sword energy was flying. He swallowed it in eleven gulps. Finally, a layer of golden light emerged from his face, and his aura gradually increased at the speed of the naked eye in the next moment. After two breaths, he opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, it is indeed a good thing for replenishing spiritual energy. It seems that our Demon Sect needs to refine more of these elixirs." Then he reached out and grabbed a porcelain bottle in the air. Some golden-green liquid was poured over the mouth of the bottle, with a sticky The thick meaning slowly dripped onto the bloody part of his leg. When a few drops came into contact with the bloody wound, a layer of pale golden light rippled out, and a cool feeling spread out.

Gan Shizhi felt a chill in his leg, and the pain immediately began to subside. Slowly, a numb and itchy feeling began to arise. The granulations in the wound squirmed and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. He snarled and muttered, "The effect is okay, but it is much worse than my sect's 'Ghost Smoothing'. If several bottles of 'Ghost Smoothing' hadn't been used on those little rabbits, I would The injury has long since healed.”

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