Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 142 Angry Wang Lang

"Scattered apart, all suspended in the air."

"Increase the protective spiritual shield and don't touch the iron chain!"

Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing in front were stunned when they witnessed this scene. This sudden scene caught them off guard and they had no idea what was going on.

But soon the two of them realized that this was obviously a sign of poisoning. The first monks who died in their field of vision were all those who gently held the chains while their bodies were shaking due to various reasons.

But it was obvious that it was too late for them to speak out. They had never seen or heard of this poisonous tyranny. In just a few breaths, more than twenty people had disappeared. This would be difficult to happen if they were usually exploring dangerous places or caves, but these days The process of clearing the level has formed some stereotypes in their thinking. There will never be a similar situation on the so-called level. Attacks will only come from the surroundings and the sky. Like this level, there are attacks from the river, so they have to take precautions, but they don't. Maybe they thought something might happen to the wooden planks and chains they were walking on for several miles, so they ignored any abnormalities for a while, which resulted in a large number of deaths in a short period of time.

There were more than 20 people, and they suddenly disappeared like this. This made Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing's hearts bleed. These people were trained by the sect for decades, and they were just wiped out in a moment. , and they had no idea what was happening.

"What's going on?" Wang Lang's eyes were red. He was suspended in the air, and his heart was full of anger. However, the black strange eagles refused to retreat and kept roaring towards him. Under the mixture of sadness and anger, his movements were powerful. It was several times larger, and with one strike, dozens of flying swords radiated with cold light would fly around, and a rain of blood would spread across the sky.

Listening to the roar that Wang Lang squeezed out of his throat, Quan Jiuxing's face twitched. He took a quick look and found that more than twenty people died in an instant. There should be thirteen or four Taixuan cultivators inside. He was also searching around with his consciousness like a vicious wolf. ??

But what disappointed them both was that no matter how much they let go of their spiritual consciousness, except for these endless strange eagles and the golden thread snake below, there were no other creatures.

After confirming that there was no ambush around them, the two quickly placed their consciousness on the iron chain. After a moment, the two of them withdrew their consciousness with embarrassed expressions.

"Only the iron chains within ten feet have faint auras. These auras are used for ambush and concealment. They are not offensive at all. The purpose is to hide the poison underneath." Wang Lang said word by word, Bai Senlin His teeth clenched.

"Is this a new method in the next level? It's too despicable! This kind of spiritual energy is too weak, and it is difficult to detect it in our large-scale attack. I just looked carefully, even if I search carefully with my spiritual sense, It's extremely difficult to detect without triggering it, it's too hidden." Quan Jiuxing's delicate face had long lost its former gentleness, and was so gloomy that it was about to drip.

"Why do I think it seems to be man-made? These auras are different from the naturally occurring auras in this world." Wang Lang suddenly turned his head and looked at Quan Jiuxing.

"I have the same feeling, but who here can do it? Could it be that they also have mastered the secrets here?" Quan Jiuxing pondered for a moment, expressing doubts, but then shook his head. He simply did not believe that there was such a thing in the world. Coincidentally, the first time they used the power of the Five Elements to deal with the Demon Sect, they


There will be people who are more skillful than them, and can quietly manipulate them in front of them.

And when the two of them were talking in low voices, they didn't notice that two faint spiritual energy were coming quietly, and their target was the blue diamond crystal they had been holding in their hands.

At this time, Li Yan, who was hiding in the light barrier ten meters away from the two people, was carefully releasing two rays of spiritual energy. This was the moment he was waiting for. The Twelve Twelve Poisons he had previously deployed would not only kill some of the opponent's people. In addition, another effect is to cause chaos in the opponent's formation.

"It's at this time, they are in a state of excitement." Li Yan said to himself while carefully controlling the spiritual energy.

His plan was to destroy the balance of the five elements in the blue rhombus in the opponent's hand, but since these two magic weapons were always in the hands of two foundation-building masters, it was almost a fantasy for him to get close to the aura. As a monk in the foundation building stage, Li Yan was unsure no matter how confident he was, so he had to create opportunities by himself. He arranged a poisonous area about ten meters away from the last door, intending to create a chaos, and then take advantage of it, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the blue diamond crystal in the opponent's hand. The reason why he chose ten meters was because That's because if he got closer, he wouldn't be sure whether he would be discovered immediately. But if it is too far, even if the other party is confused, the chance of his spiritual energy being discovered over a long distance is too high. Li Yan calculated this distance himself and estimated that as long as he is not discovered when he opens the door to the barrier, he Once the spiritual energy is out, he only needs to make a surprise attack ten meters away. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will arrive instantly.

But in order to be more sure, Li Yan controlled the spiritual energy as carefully as possible and slowly approached.

"Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters..." Just as Li Yan was approaching, Wang Lang suddenly narrowed his eyes. At the same time, Quan Jiuxing suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction. The sudden movements of the two of them , which made Li Yan's heart tremble. "No, I've been discovered." Just when his two spiritual powers were approaching a few meters away, the two people seemed to be investigating, and their eyes and consciousness were already focused on where Li Yan was hiding. . Li Yanna still dared to be lazy, the spiritual power surged in his hand, and the two spiritual powers shot out instantly like wild horses out of bounds.

"Sure enough, there is something strange. I want to see what kind of shameful means are hidden in this level." Wang Lang shouted loudly, and a sword light was shot out.

At the same time, Quan Jiuxing moved his hand forward with a gloomy face, and a strange seal like a crescent moon struck Li Yan's hiding place as fast as lightning.

When they shouted, Li Yan's two auras were like frightened rabbits. They had already missed the air and hit them in the air. This made them think at first that the other party had been disorganized because Xingzang had been seen through. , seeing that the spiritual energy that the other party was attacking towards them had been exhausted, the two of them naturally attacked with all their strength.

These two auras almost brushed away from their bodies. The two of them only felt a strong force from this aura, but the induction did not carry any magic power. They couldn't help but be stunned. Before they had time to think, the two spiritual powers collapsed around them. However, the next moment, their expressions changed. Because of these

The collapsed spiritual power seemed to be attracted by something and pounced directly on the blue diamond crystal in his hand. This was exactly one of Li Yan's methods. He had previously determined through experiments that the Wheel of Life and Death and the Five Elements Gate should have some relationship, so he used the method of the Guishui Sutra in his spiritual power. The blue diamond crystal has a greater affinity for the magical power cultivated by the Guishui Sutra. It will automatically inhale it as soon as it gets close. This is also what Li Yan Not because of the green gourd, he felt that his Guishui Sutra was more handy when protecting the blue rhombus in his hand.

What made Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing's faces change even more was what happened later. They didn't have time to see the results of their attacks. At the moment when the spiritual energy collapsed and poured into the blue diamond crystals in their hands, they only felt There was a surge in the five elements space in the blue rhombus. Before the two of them could make a decision, the space in this passage suddenly changed. Then there were all kinds of exclamations. The two followed the shouts and went out, only to be frightened. All the souls of the dead appeared. During the sudden change in the wind and clouds, the black shadow in the sky behind them was approaching at an incredible speed.

"What the hell is going on?" After Wang Lang saw this, his former fengshui-like expression had long been replaced by a ferocious look, and his roar resounded throughout the world.

"Is this the result of the tactics used?" Quan Jiuxing muttered to himself as he stared blankly at the huge black shadow that was coming to press him.

The two of them had long forgotten the blue diamonds in their hands. Just as everyone screamed in despair, another change occurred in the space. A loud roar roared from above their heads, and everyone hurriedly turned their eyes from the sky behind them to the top of their heads. They saw a huge yellow light group coming towards them. In their shocked and somewhat desperate eyes, , the yellow light group quickly enlarged in the line of sight, and then occupied the entire field of view.

After a loud noise, Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing and other monks looked around blankly. They had actually arrived inside a yellow sphere. Looking at the huge black shadow that had spread rapidly above the top of the sphere, everyone felt relieved for some reason. Take a breath.

All this was like in a dream, a series of changes, they had no idea what happened, poisoning, death, the two captains inexplicably attacked a place, sudden changes in the sky, a huge black shadow quickly approaching from behind, and then they were attacked by this huge The yellow sphere covered it, and it all happened too fast.

"Quick, quick, Ling Jing." While the monks were stunned, Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing jumped up again. They hurriedly looked at the blue Ling Jing in their hands. Take out the green gourd. The two of them reacted quickly enough. They had reacted in a very short time. They knew that all this was caused by those two spiritual energies.

However, just before they opened the gourd lid, two deep voices sounded behind them. When the two of them looked at each other, their faces were extremely ugly and distorted. The two voices came from within the sphere, and the two earth platforms were already booming. The huge black shadow above the head became thicker and thicker. What did this mean? The expressions of everyone in the ball changed drastically.

Li Yan quickly escaped from the light belt barrier after the blow. He did not dare to continue to detect what was going on inside. He sensed two powerful attacks coming towards the source of his spiritual power. He dared to have a moment. Staying, he closed the gap in the semicircular arch with light in an instant, and he closed


The moment there was a gap, the light belt shook with two huge forces, and Li Yan quickly retreated without looking back.

After he came out of the diaphragm, he was already soaked. This ambush was simple to say, but he used a lot of brainpower and patience, and consumed a lot of spiritual energy. He was stuck in the diaphragm for half a cup of tea. , He has to use his spiritual power at all times to maintain the five elements space in the rhombus, and nearly 80% of his spiritual power is consumed. At this moment, even the new "Ghost Car Talisman" that he took on his body before entering is already dim, and it is obviously about to be scrapped. .

Li Yan reached out and took out several pills from his storage bag and threw them all into his mouth. He took out two more spiritual stones and sat cross-legged on the spot.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Yan's expression recovered slightly, and he put away the spirit stone in his hand. Now that time was running out, there was not much time for him to recover, so he could only take a short rest.

He took out the blue diamond crystal and floated again to stand on the pure white light belt behind him. His consciousness penetrated into the core of the diamond crystal. Later, his consciousness withdrew from the diamond crystal.

"The ten arches inside are all black. What does this mean? Could it be that with the action just now, the huge black shadow has arrived in advance and swallowed everyone? But why hasn't this pure white light band disappeared?" Li Yan pondered. After a while, he still gave up the idea of ​​entering the detection. The ten semicircular arches were all black, and he didn't have the courage to enter. It would be sad if he broke into the darkness.

"Since the tenth door was only lit up when I exited just now, it is completely dark now. Something has happened inside it. There is no time now. I have to go find Senior Brother Baili and the others. I have to come back as soon as possible. Even though Sixth Senior Sister and the others knew the whole story, the situation was extremely bad." When Li Yan thought of this, his consciousness swept away, and after confirming that the purple light belt he came from just now was still there, he raised a hint of light at the corner of his mouth. Smiling, because another yellow band of light that was very close just now has disappeared.

Then Li Yan looked in one direction. There were several light bands in his consciousness, but they were too far away. He needed to get closer. In a flash, Li Yan's figure disappeared into the distance, leaving only this A strip of pure white light is still dancing.

But what Li Yan didn't know was that not long after he left, there was a roar of grief and anger in this white light belt, "Why, what is this? Everything is calculated, and in the end this... Why?"

Wang Lang stood covered in blood inside the yellow sphere, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth and buttocks. There was actually a scar between his chest and abdomen, which reached deep into his internal organs. He could faintly see the beating organs inside. At this time, he was still holding the hand in his right hand. He had a long sword, but he looked around with dull eyes, as if he was unaware of his own injuries. The place was already littered with corpses, and there were only three Shibuyuan monks left behind him. They were all wounded and looked sad. Except for nearly half of the corpses of the Shibuyuan monks on the ground, the rest were all the corpses of Taoist priests from the Taixuan Sect. One of them was holding a blue diamond crystal and pointing forward with a hand, and the direction he pointed was exactly where Wang Lang was at this moment. In the standing position, he had a look of confusion on his delicate face. He was lying in a pool of blood with several swords in his body. He still had his eyes open until he died. That was the Quan Jiuxing, a generation of genius, who died here.

At this time, the huge black shadow above the sphere had formed into a thick liquid shape and was about to break through the wall. A rippling ripple on the sphere wall in front of Wang Lang and others was slowly creating ripples.

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