Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 133 Li Yan’s speculation (1)

Soon the two blue diamonds returned to Li Yan's hands. Li Yan looked at everyone with the blue diamonds.

"I'll make a long story short. I don't know what you just saw. Do you want to tell me and listen to it? I will tell you everything I know later so that we can corroborate each other."

Li Yan looked at everyone. He was not pretending to be suspense to show how powerful he was, but he was not sure in his own mind. He didn't know how much everyone knew and whether it was different from what he knew. He was afraid of leaking some things. In the end, even I couldn’t justify myself.

"I saw a colorful space, with a huge white light group in the center. However, when my spiritual consciousness touched it, it could not advance even half an inch, and it would be bounced back. The rest of the space detected by my spiritual consciousness was just a colorful space without anything. Something." The pretty girl Hu Ziyi was the first to speak, she said thoughtfully.

"What I saw is the same as Ziyi, except that the center is a dark cyan light group. The same spiritual consciousness is ejected when touched, and there are no other findings or problems." As soon as Hu Ziyi finished speaking, Yu Yong also smiled and said, And looked at Hu Ziyi, he was looking at another cyan core rhombus crystal. When Hu Ziyi saw him calling her that, he couldn't help but give Yu Yiyong a rollicking look. This look was so charming that it made Yu Yiyong smile even more.

"The shouting was quite affectionate. I had the same result, but I found that this colorful space should be composed of the five elements' spiritual energy. I felt the different attributes of the five elements in it, and the dark blue light group in the middle I saw exuded a very strong aura. Wood spirit power, I think the other one should have gold spirit power in the middle." Mei Bucai muttered in a low voice, and then thought about it.

As soon as he said this, several people nodded in agreement, obviously noticing the situation in the blue rhombus.

Li Yan's eyes stayed on the fat man for a while. He knew before that the fat man had amazing talents. He heard from others that he was usually in a semi-cultivation state. This was because he was forced by the elder of Laojunfeng Jindan. Unexpectedly His observations are also so delicate. Looking at the expressions of other people, it seems that most of them have also noticed this matter. It seems that he just took advantage of the Guishui Scripture to know more about it.

What everyone said next was very similar. After a while, Li Yan's eyes fell on Gong Chenying. Just now, Gong Chenying was also holding his own blue diamond crystal. He wanted to explore it again. Gong Chenying Shadow nodded to him, and it seemed that he only saw these situations. Li Yan basically understood in his heart that he knew the difference between the situation and everyone else. After weighing it in his mind, he straightened his thoughts and spoke.

"The key here is the five-color space. As we have explored, the five-color space is the five areas composed of the five elements of spiritual power. But did you notice that when I gave it to you just now, the five areas were basically the same size? Yes, but if I probe it again for you, you will find something different."


After that, Li Yan pointed at two blue diamond crystals, which were already floating in front of him.

With doubts on their faces, everyone's consciousness shot towards the two blue diamonds in front of Li Yan.

Seeing Li Yan's actions, Gong Chenying couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart, "My little junior brother is really serious about his work. At first, he directly threw these two blue diamond crystals to everyone. That's because the blue diamond crystals are in the air." Everyone is very mysterious. Once it is in their hands, not only does the mystery disappear in their hearts, but also the resistance to Li Yan's previous behavior of collecting blue diamonds alone is greatly reduced. It seems that it is the repeated reminder. He probably did it deliberately not to inject spiritual power. This would make some Qi Condensation monks want to inject spiritual power for detection even more. Unexpectedly, he even counted me, the senior sister, as he also calculated that I would take action and be intimidated. Everyone." Thinking of this, a wry smile flashed across Gong Chenying's beautiful eyes.

"But this time, he only suspended two blue diamond crystals in front of him, allowing everyone to detect them with their consciousness. Firstly, he saved time, and secondly, he allowed others to slowly and subconsciously identify with the blue diamond crystals. He's the owner, he's really well-intentioned." Gong Chenying's understanding of Li Yan improved to a new level. She didn't expect that this young junior brother could be so good at understanding people's hearts, and she couldn't help but use her spiritual sense to explore it. , and then quickly detected the blue diamond crystal in his hand, and then a look of thinking appeared on his face.

When everyone's consciousness was being detected, Li Yan continued, "If you observe carefully, you will find that the space now is slightly different from just now. Some areas are shrinking, and some areas are expanding. As a whole, they are constantly expanding. Changes, come to think of it, even the blue diamond crystal in Sixth Senior Sister's hand, the space is like these two blue diamond crystals at this moment."

Gong Chenying couldn't help but nodded. With her powerful consciousness, she couldn't escape the subtle changes. The space of these three blue rhombus crystals was different from when she detected it before. She couldn't help but cast her eyes on the three cyan gourds on the ground, and then As her eyes shifted, many monks also looked at the three green gourds on the ground. They had seen Li Yan touch the gourds before repeatedly taking the three blue diamond crystals.

Li Yan continued in a calm voice, "It seems that you have all thought of the three green gourds on the ground. These gourds contain five attributes of spiritual energy: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The purpose of these gourds is to store them. And the five elements' spiritual energy is released. This is the secret of the merger of different sects on the other side. The five elements' space in the blue rhombus we obtained is of different sizes. This should be the original appearance of the wheel of life and death, at the center. Different color cores represent different five elements spiritual power, although in

There are twenty colors at the entrance of the passage, but after thinking about it, I still can’t escape the scope of the five elements of spiritual power. For example, there are white, light white, cyan, dark cyan, and emerald green. In fact, the colors just mentioned belong to the two spiritual powers of gold and wood. The power is just that the spiritual power of the same attribute contained in it is different in artistic conception, so there will still be some differences. Even if the same sect chooses cyan and dark cyan, two blue diamond crystals with the same wood spiritual power attribute, these two paths It is still possible to eventually intersect and be judged as hostile parties.

Therefore, only by choosing the same core color of the rhombus, the paths of the same sect will not intersect, resulting in fighting. But the other three sects did not know how to discover this secret. When all the areas in the five-element space outside the blue rhombus were basically the same size, the spaces here were actually regarded as the same passerby and were no longer judged as hostile parties. So there is this cyan gourd. This cyan gourd contains five spiritual energies of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. You can freely adjust each of these five spiritual energies according to the size of the five elements space in the blue rhombus you hold. A certain amount of spiritual energy is injected into it, and a five-element space that is basically balanced in the area is gradually formed. This space can last for about a quarter of an hour to half an hour, and then it will return to its original appearance. The reason for this situation is that Because of the core light group of different colors in the center, a powerful single-attribute spiritual energy is stored in this core light group, which will always impact and wash the surrounding five-element space until it returns to its original state.

This also explains why the Zen master in the first level crushed the blue rhombus immediately, because he didn’t want us to discover the secret, but he didn’t have time to destroy the cyan gourd in the storage bag. However, the monster in the second level only threw blue diamonds, and the storage bag did not have a green gourd. This is why I said before that the monster did not participate in the three secret conspiracies. "

Everyone couldn't help but nodded. This statement could indeed explain the difference between the first and second levels.

"Doesn't that mean we can merge onto other roads?" At this time, a monk couldn't help but ask.

After listening, Li Yan nodded and continued, "Theoretically it's possible, but if we do this, it won't last for long. If you use your spiritual sense to detect it now, the balance in the Five Elements area has begun to change significantly. , it is estimated that within thirty breaths at most, the rules of merging will be broken. Only by continuing to inject the Five Elements Spiritual Qi in the cyan gourd can the opponent maintain the balance of the five elements of the blue diamond crystal for a long time. I just said that you all came from the ball. After coming out, I also did a little test inside the sphere. "Li Yan no longer asked them about the time. He was also counting the time in his mind. Now more than half an hour has passed.

"I inspected the corpses of four or five Qi Condensation Stage monks, and I made a surprising discovery: they all turned out to have mixed spiritual roots." Li Yan said


At this point, he was sighing in his heart. The reason why he suddenly thought of detection was because before Xiaozhu Peak entered the entrance passage, he felt a sense of familiarity when he saw these Qi Condensation Stage monks. Later he found out that they were the Guishui Scripture in his body. It was caused by this, and he was not a golden elixir overhauler, so he had no ability to detect from afar, so he kept looking for opportunities to find the answer on the opponent. Until the end of the first level of the battle, he had already hurriedly checked it at that time. A corpse. However, due to the urgency of time at that time, the black shadow outside the sphere was about to fall in from outside the sphere, so he had to do a little exploration on the corpse. But the result of this little exploration also made him suddenly enlightened. He discovered that the spiritual energy remaining in the corpse turned out to be the spiritual energy of the Five Elements. No wonder it felt very familiar to him, because he himself was a miscellaneous spiritual root, just a very special Five Elements spiritual root.

In the next second level, because he encountered a monster, he had no chance to check. However, in the sphere just now, he checked again and he was completely sure that except for the two foundation-building monks, they were not miscellaneous spirits. Outside the roots, several of the Qi Condensing monks he tested were all miscellaneous spiritual roots. Because the time of their death was very recent, the spiritual power remaining in these monks still existed. Even the foundation-building monk with only a skeleton left. Three spiritual powers were detected on that skeleton.

"After you all left, I also made a blue diamond crystal reach the balance of the five elements in the sphere, but the balance of the five elements space there collapsed very slowly, and now the balance area of ​​​​the five elements space in the blue diamond space is consumed very much. Fast, maybe it means that the more people there are, the more unstable the five elements space in this blue rhombus is, or that it is consumed faster. I made an estimate. If these three cyan gourds continue like this, they will probably go through one level at most. , the spiritual energy of the three gourds will be exhausted, and these three gourds were obtained from the other three, so how can they survive one level after another and still retain so much of the five elements' spiritual energy in the gourds? The problem lies with those Qi Condensation Stage monks. Although I only examined a few corpses, they are all with mixed spiritual roots. It can be inferred that these three Qi Condensing Stage monks must all be mixed spiritual root monks, because this is also the case. Being able to escape the rules here should be another secret discovered by the three sects in the wheel of life and death.

Since these Qi Condensing monks do not need to consume the Five Elements Space Balance in the blue diamond crystal at all, and this Five Elements Space Balance is only used by the Foundation Establishment monks, the Five Elements Spiritual Energy in the cyan gourd is enough to sustain their use. Why is this happening? I carefully I thought that it might be that it is extremely difficult to build a foundation with miscellaneous spirit roots, so there are no miscellaneous spirit roots among their foundation-building monks. The Five Elements Qi Condensation monks who have cultivated so many miscellaneous spirit roots in large numbers should have relatively more miscellaneous spirit roots in the Qi Condensation Stage. At the same time, it can reduce the consumption of the five elements balance in the blue rhombus. "

Li Yan said these words without stopping, which made everyone feel shocked.

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