Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 131 Exploration

As soon as Li Yan finished speaking, a cold sound rang out, and Gong Chenying raised her beautiful eyes in the snow and looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan seemed to have been prepared, smiled slightly, and spoke loudly, "I have been thinking about this question, and it may take a test later to confirm it. I think people outside the ball can enter the ball at any time. It should be the blue diamond crystals in their hands. You also saw before that the two foundation-building cultivators were still holding the blue diamond crystals when they died, and they did not put them away. This may mean that their method requires the support of blue diamond crystals at all times, or that they have used some means to deceive the rules in the yellow ball. Once they are put away, they will lose their effect. Both sides may have to fight until the rules are recognized."

"You mean that the other cultivator The monks entered by relying on the blue diamond crystal to deceive the rules of the yellow celestial sphere, but they were divided into two groups, one in front and one behind. The biggest significance of this is that we entered the sphere without knowing it, but we have to kill the monks one by one, not directly facing two groups of monks? In this way, although they still have a great chance of winning, the monks who entered in the first group will either suffer huge damage, or be killed by us, or suffer heavy losses. If the opponent is a monk from the second group of the same sect, it is okay to say this. If it is a monk from the second sect, who would be willing to enter in the first group? "Just as Li Yan finished speaking, Ding Yiwei thought for a while and asked. His question is indeed very important. Even if Li Yan explained the previous doubt, there are still more questions, and these questions will still put them to death. Li Yan also frowned, and then said, "This problem should be related to the secret of their three sects joining forces, but it needs further verification. In addition, the opponent may not merge two roads, but perhaps more roads. "After saying that, he looked at Gong Chenying. Gong Chenying had been thinking since she asked the question. She understood the meaning of Li Yan looking at her. It was that Li Yan needed time. This time was extremely precious to them now. Giving Li Yan time would mean giving up the opportunity to reach the place ten miles ahead of time and risking everyone's lives.

Gritting his teeth, Gong Chenying stared at Li Yan and said seriously, "Including the time just now, one hour."

For the first time, Li Yan felt Gong Chenying's seriousness and her anxiety. He also stared at the beautiful Sixth Senior Sister and said seriously, "I still need the storage bags of all the foundation-building cultivators you collected before."

After that, he turned around and walked to the side of the snowy road, sat down cross-legged directly, and let the snow fall on him.

"Okay," Gong Chenying did not hesitate, and waved his hand, and four storage bags flew to Li Yan.

The conversation between the two of them was very fast. It took only a short time to make a decision. Many people were still thinking about Li Yan's previous words, which were "the other party might have merged two or more routes together." For them, it was even more of a heavy mountain in their hearts. This sentence was undoubtedly adding insult to injury. "You guys recover your spiritual power." Gong Chenying looked at Li Yan's back and left a sentence. After hearing this, some people hesitated for a moment and sat cross-legged in the snow. Although they didn't consume much in the previous level, they had nothing to do. Some people sat cross-legged to recover their spiritual power, while others sat cross-legged to think about things. Some people stood a few feet away from Li Yan to see what Li Yan was doing. Li Yan reached out and took a storage bag, and used his spiritual sense to scan it. The spiritual sense on these storage bags had already eliminated the original spiritual sense marks on them when Gong Chenying threw them over. This does not mean that Gong Chenying is stronger than the three people and the monster, but that the three people and the monster are all dead. For cultivators of the same level, it does not take much effort to eliminate the spiritual sense on them.

Li Yan was stunned after scanning with his spiritual sense. The storage bag of the foundation-building cultivator was really amazing. The space was at least ten times larger than his storage bag. The things inside made him greedy. The first storage bag he picked up contained at least nearly a thousand low-level spirit stones. In a corner, there were actually three middle-grade spirit stones that Li Yan had seen the Golden Core Elder take out outside the Secret Valley. The three middle-grade spirit stones were full of spiritual energy. When Li Yan's spiritual sense touched them, he felt like moaning.

Li Yan suppressed his greed, and the Sixth Senior Sister threw out the four storage bags without hesitation. Although he was greedy, he could not directly hit these storage bags. His spiritual sense quickly scanned them one by one in his excitement. There was not even a low-level spiritual weapon in it, but there were more than a dozen medium and high-level spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures, and even a magical flying sword whose grade Li Yan could not tell and a green gourd.

Li Yan pondered for a moment and thought, "This should be the storage bag of the sword cultivator of the Ten-Step Courtyard." He judged it not by the flying sword magic weapon whose grade he could not tell, but by the special aura of the Ten-Step Courtyard on some other ornaments. This is an inner sword cultivator, and his cultivation is all in the flying sword in the Niwan Palace. When he died, the Niwan Palace was shattered and the sword was destroyed. The flying sword magic weapon in this storage bag is at most the spare flying sword of the foundation-building cultivator of the outer Ten-Step Courtyard.

After reading it, Li Yan did not hesitate, but put down this storage bag.

He quickly picked up the other one from behind the bag. After just a few breaths, he had checked the items in the four storage bags. At this time, Li Yan's eyes lit up. He had his own purpose for this inspection. He always believed that the blue diamond crystal was the biggest doubt among several operating methods. In addition, he could use other magic weapons. To control all this weirdness, no matter which of the two methods is used, there is a prerequisite, that is, all parties must hold the same item, which either looks the same or has the same breath. Obviously the blue rhombus is the only item that meets the conditions.

Of course, Li Yan needs to confirm this first. The best way is to check the storage bag of the Foundation Establishment monks. This kind of precious thing may only be in the hands of the Foundation Establishment monks. As for the Qi Condensation Stage monks, Li Yan was in the ball just now. He also collected the storage bags in the four areas under his control. He had checked them at the time and found nothing that made him feel too suspicious. And he also discovered another important problem in those monks. He had basically determined the problem of the monks in the Qi Condensation Stage.

After Li Yan checked the storage bags of several foundation-building monks just now, he made a discovery. There was actually a green gourd in the three storage bags. These three storage bags came from the Pure Land Sect, Taixuan Sect and In the Shibuyuan, the one without the green gourd is exactly the storage bag of the second-level monster.

Li Yan threw aside the storage bag of the second-level monster, then picked up the three storage bags one by one, reached out and patted them respectively. The light flashed one after another, and three cyan gourds appeared in front of the snow. superior. The monks observing here from a few feet away couldn't help but stare. Although they didn't know why Li Yan threw a storage bag, they saw three almost identical green gourds appearing on the snow, and their eyes lit up. They knew that the mere presence of the same thing in the storage bags from three different sects meant something unusual.

Gong Chenying also stared here for a moment. After seeing this scene, she couldn't help but be stunned. Since she collected these storage bags, she didn't have time to check them. She was chased by the huge black shadow all the way and just wanted to pass the level. After passing the customs and then passing the customs, she didn't expect that she had neglected this matter. She did not step forward to disturb Li Yan.

Li Yan picked up a green gourd and looked at it carefully. He didn't find anything wrong. He carefully released his spiritual consciousness and probed the surface of the gourd. After a breath, he relaxed and felt slightly relieved. With a wave of his hand, the lid on the gourd's mouth flew up. Li Yan carefully used his spiritual consciousness to probe into the gourd's mouth again. After a while, he showed a strange look, then waved his hand again and covered the gourd again.


Afterwards, he picked up the two gourds on the ground one after another. Each time, he wrapped his hands with spiritual power. After staring at it for a while, he carefully stretched out his spiritual consciousness and put it on the surface of the gourd. Then he opened the gourd and opened it again. Carefully release your spiritual consciousness to explore, and do every step with extreme caution.

However, after he finished exploring the three gourds, the weird look on his face became more intense. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then reached out and patted his waist. In a flash of light, two blue rhombus crystals appeared in front of him, hanging in the air. Floating, Li Yan reached out and took out a blue diamond crystal and put it in front of his eyes. The core of this blue rhombus is white. If Li Yan remembers correctly, Wang Lang chose the blue rhombus with a white core when he entered the passage. This means that this blue rhombus should be held by a monk from the Shibu Academy.

Li Yan did not pour in spiritual power this time. In fact, he wanted to test whether he could feed back more spiritual power to him like the previous black core blue diamond crystal after he continued to pour in spiritual power. He could Advance again. But this is not the time for him to act recklessly, his consciousness has already been released.

This is a colorful space, completely different from the pure blue seen from the outside. There are five areas here: white, black, green, red, and yellow. However, these five areas are not the same. Some are large and some are small. They are emitting With amazing spiritual power. These five areas are distributed in a circle, with a huge white light group in the middle of the circle. Even if Li Yan's consciousness is far away from this light group, he can still feel the pure spiritual power. This white light group is constantly pouring out spiritual power and spreading to all directions, but it is blocked by the surrounding colorful light groups and cannot continue to spread. , arousing layers of frenzy like a sea of ​​clouds.

Li Yan's consciousness was like a fish swimming in water in this colorful space, quickly approaching the white light ball in the center. When his consciousness finally stopped outside the white light ball, the white light ball seemed to sense the arrival of his consciousness. , the frenzy suddenly subsided and calmed down, a soft force brushed towards Li Yan's spiritual consciousness. Li Yan was not panicked. He had already slightly detected it in the sphere before, and the soft force was in contact with Li Yan's spiritual consciousness. In an instant, his consciousness had entered the white light group. At this time, his consciousness seemed to have a sense of integration as a fish entering the sea, which made his consciousness very comfortable. And it was as if someone was calling him deeper in the white light group, so that he couldn't feel any danger at all.

Li Yan's consciousness only paused for a moment, and then flew directly into the depths of the white light group. Just after his consciousness advanced a certain distance, a strong suction force enveloped him, and Li Yan only felt that his consciousness was tight. He was tightly controlled by the white light group. If something unexpected happened at this moment, it would be too late for him to escape even if he wanted to. He could only give up this ray of consciousness.

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