Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 126 Gong Chenying’s layout

Li Yan had forgotten his original intention of searching for the blue diamond crystal. Now there seemed to be a line that he could faintly see, but it was shrouded in mist that dispersed and gathered, making it difficult for him to figure it out for a while.

While Li Yan was thinking, that feeling of heart palpitations reappeared. He quickly stood up. At this time, there were already voices shouting "The shadow is coming" and "The shadow is rising". He looked back and saw the surrounding area. Many monks were already standing on various parts of the cliff. They were obviously disciples who had recovered a long time ago. While they were looking around, they discovered that in the dark clouds outside the cliff, there were traces of deeper black air slowly rising from the bottom up. After all, they have gone through the second level, and they are now very familiar with this black energy. The moment the black energy first appeared, they had already determined it in their consciousness for the first time.

Gong Chenying also immediately stood up and "walked", shouted softly, and walked towards the black hole under the ground in front of her. In fact, she didn't need to greet her at all now. The twenty-six monks had already gathered into a team immediately. However, after seven people died and two seriously injured people were hidden in the spirit storage bag, it was no longer possible to form a six-person team. Now, with slight changes, four teams were formed.

Li Yan had quietly caught up with Gong Chenying after several leaps. "Sixth Senior Sister, when we fight in the ball in the next level, can you try to keep the blue diamond crystal in the opponent's hand?" Li Yan said immediately after following behind him. .

After Gong Chenying heard Li Yan's message, she did not stop and walked towards the entrance of the black hole ahead. However, the hot air coming from the entrance of the black hole below blew her hair back.

"Any questions?" She simply asked via voice transmission without looking back.

"Well, I guess..." Li Yan briefly and quickly said what he had guessed just now, but skipped over the matter of absorbing the spiritual power in the blue rhombus. It was not that he didn't want to say it, but that they were about to enter at this time. There was not much time for the black hole, so he could only pick out the important ones. Besides, he was also confused about why the Sixth Senior Sister had not discovered that the spiritual power inside could be devoured even though they had used the blue diamond crystal several times.

"Okay, but you may be disappointed. I have used it several times before and used spiritual power to detect it. Except that it requires a lot of spiritual power to block the black shadow, I didn't find anything. By the way, where is yours? I just saw it. You picked up the blue diamond crystal from that second-level monster." Gong Chenying knew that Li Yan wanted to study the blue diamond crystal, so he said a lot this time.

"Oh, my one is ruined." Li Yan couldn't help but said.

Just when Gong Chenying was about to step into the black hole, he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and then looked back at Li Fang strangely, but after this glance, his eyes were even more surprised.

"Your cultivation has grown a lot." After saying that, she stepped into the black hole and did not ask Li Yan any more about the blue diamond crystal.

Li Yan


For a moment, he realized that he didn't hide his aura when he patronized the blue diamond crystal. Otherwise, as long as he didn't do anything, only monks above the Golden Core would be able to discover his true realm. Gong Chenying did not ask further questions. With her ice and snow intelligence, she already knew that Li Yan's request for the blue diamond crystal was not simply a matter of three conspiracies as mentioned. This blue diamond crystal should be related to Li Yan's strange two-hour improvement. The big realm has a lot to do with it, but now is not the time for her to ask questions. She originally felt that this junior brother was a bit mysterious, but since the master and senior junior brother have always told him to take good care of Li Yan, she just obeyed his orders.

Li Yan scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness. Now everyone was nervously looking at the black hole in front of him. There was really no one paying attention to him. He quickly ran the concealment technique to reveal his cultivation in the middle of the eighth level of Qi Condensation, so that even if someone noticed Although he was improving, it was not very conspicuous in this secret realm. This was not because he wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, as long as it was not too noticeable. This was Li Yan's consistent opinion.

"It turns out that Sixth Senior Sister has noticed the blue diamond crystal, but why her investigation is completely different from mine, and after pouring her spiritual power into it, in addition to activating the delay function of the blue diamond crystal, she also failed to find that the blue diamond crystal can reverse the direction... Get back a lot of spiritual power?" Li Yan stepped into the black hole while thinking, and was greeted by a wave of heat, flying sparks, and the sound of bubbles.


In less than half an hour, Gong Chenying and his party appeared at the end of the magma path. Above was an exit, and a yellow sphere blocked it.

At this time, many of their sect's long dark green robes were already stained with spots, some had several burnt holes on their bodies, some had their sleeves burned off, and some had their beards and hair curled up. But at this time, there was only one figure behind Gong Chen. Twenty-three people were left, and three more were dragged into the red magma by the monsters in the magma, and no bones were left.

Now that the three levels have not passed, ten people are already dead.

"It's really evil here. Those magma monsters can't be killed at all. They will reunite again after being separated. It's really a headache." Mei Bucai gasped and said to Ding Yiyi beside him. At this time, he was in a very embarrassed state, and his fat body fell. A small portion of the white fat body was exposed, and most of the hem of the robe was burnt black. There was a big hole on the back, and the underwear in the hole was also burned through. The fat there was red and swollen, obviously from burns.

The delicate path had already lost its composure at this moment. "Fat man, if you hadn't hugged my leg, I would have run ahead. You almost made me drown in the poisonous slurry you sprayed." "

"Xiaoweizi, if my brother hadn't provided you with a spiritual shield, would you have had time to release the glass talisman? By the way, you actually hid a glass talisman. Xiaoweizi, you have the glass talisman to protect you. I'm not going to hold you back because I'm consuming Fatty's spiritual power. How can I let Fatty resist that poisonous liquid? You're really a character."

"It would be great if the magma here could be taken away and made into fire poison." At this time, a Fulifeng monk said while looking at the churning magma on the side of the path.

"If you can take it away, just give me two drops when you go back, and I will give you twenty low-grade spiritual stones." Another monk also stared at the magma and said.

"Go get it, and I'll give you twenty low-grade spiritual stones for every drop." The Buli Peak monk glanced at him and said dissatisfied.

"That magma monster is a good thing. There is no such monster on our Spiritual Insect Peak. It is at least mid-level level two and above. Moreover, the poison in its body may not prevent it from fighting against a level three monster. It's a pity. pity."


While the monks were discussing, Li Yan looked at the yellow spheres blocking the entrance to his side and in front, folding his arms and saying nothing. Their speed along the way could only be described as running wildly, while Senior Sister Sixth could only be described as crazy. Almost regardless of life and death, her spiritual power was fully activated, holding up a world in front of her. During the flyby, an arc-shaped light shield appeared in front of her. The speed was astonishing. I don't know why she acted like this. .

Gong Chenying, on the other hand, had just arrived here and already had a gun in her hand. After the spiritual light in her body was strong, she slowly entered the yellow sphere. She had been silently calculating in her heart. Although they lost three people in this level, their progress was not slow. , the opponent should not have arrived in the ball at this moment, which is why she took great risks and rushed at full speed, just to get ahead of the opponent.

After Gong Chenying went in, she quickly walked out again, with an expression of relief on her face. If they were still one step behind even though three more people died after their desperate efforts, it would be extremely unlucky.

Looking at the red cave behind him, Gong Chenying breathed a sigh of relief. The black figure was still invisible. Soon, Gong Chenying pointed at a dozen monks, and then quickly entered the yellow sphere again with her, while the remaining dozen people stayed outside.

Among the dozen or so people who entered the ball, Li Yan was among them. Except for Gong Chenying, the rest of the people who entered were all monks from Laojun Peak and Sixiang Peak. Everyone's faces showed excitement, and Mei Bucai's fat face He actually showed obscene intentions and winked at several Lao Junfeng monks beside him, which provoked the two female monks who followed them in. In addition to glaring at Mei Bucai, they also followed behind him and placed their small hands on his waist. Pick up a piece of fat and spin it, while


There was a blush on Shi's face, while Mei Bucai's face changed color as she screamed miserably. Li Yan followed behind with a calm look on his face.

After half a stick of incense, Gong Chenying and the others walked out of the giant yellow ball again. The dozen or so monks who were sitting cross-legged opened their eyes and looked at them. Gong Chenying did not speak, but looked at the time when they came. In the direction of the cave, I silently thought to myself, "I hope the opponent is very fast."

Time passed little by little, and when it was approaching a quarter of an hour, Li Yan woke up from practice. He felt that the huge black shadow was approaching. When he looked around, he saw that the others were already standing, looking at the people slowly overcoming the pressure. The dark shadow came and looked at the yellow sphere from time to time, with anxiety and a hint of expectation in its eyes.

"After I enter, if I don't come out after two breaths, you will be ready to fight." Gong Chenying silently calculated the speed of the black shadow in his heart, and he was also anxious in his heart. If the other party has not arrived at this time, he can only say I made a miscalculation this time.

She took a breath, her face was extremely solemn, and then a flash of inspiration occurred on her body, and the protective light shield was raised. She no longer hesitated, and took a step towards the yellow sphere, and her body disappeared in the ripples of light.

Li Yan and the others all gathered towards the yellow sphere. Many people turned back frequently. The huge black shadow was only three feet away from them, and a sense of destruction enveloped their hearts. Many people's palms were sweaty, and the standing figures were trembling slightly, feeling the bone-chilling chill on their backs. Then they turned to look at the yellow sphere anxiously again, with uneasiness in their eyes. Li Yan also had a chill in his back, even though this The cave is still overflowing with magma and billowing with heat.

These two breaths seemed like two centuries. Just before one breath passed, the waves rippled on the sphere again, and a tall figure vaguely appeared in everyone's eyes. Everyone's hands were already on the storage bags, ready to attack at any time. The figure became distorted and became clear.

Various low-pitched calls of "Uncle Master" and "Uncle Master" were uttered one after another, but they were all obviously filled with surprise.

It was Gong Chenying who came out. As soon as her figure solidified, she immediately said "Okay, come in", and then disappeared again immediately. Her voice revealed exhaustion, but her jade face was full of uncertainty, and her eyes revealed even more. With a look of disbelief.

Upon hearing Gong Chenying's words, many monks cheered in low voices and rushed towards the sphere.

Li Yan stood in the crowd. He saw Gong Chenying's tired look. He felt relieved and at the same time felt happy for the Sixth Senior Sister. After entering the ball, he already knew Gong Chenying's intentions, but at the same time he also understood the responsibility she had to bear. Under pressure, because Gong Chenying turned around very quickly, Li Yan still saw something wrong in Sixth Senior Sister's eyes.

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