Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 123 Reunion

In just a dozen breathing fields, there were only six demon beasts left. In the previous confrontation between the two sides, due to the close distance, several demon beasts relied on their strong bodies to rush into the Qi Condensation Stage monks. In the close combat, The demonic beasts are more talented, and these demonic beasts actually killed three people in succession during a surprise attack.

The remaining monsters in the field are poisonous in nature and are not weak against other poisons. Their eyes were red at this moment, and they rushed towards the crowd crazily. For a while, the monks of the Demon Sect were beaten back step by step, but gradually the monks of the Demon Sect gained the upper hand. At this time, two monsters suddenly cast The magical power that had been hidden for a long time actually killed three people in an instant, and these two monsters also moved slowly after running out of strength, and were chopped into a pile of flesh by the angry monks of the Demon Sect.

Li Yanzheng and several others besieged a monster beast. This sudden change also caught them off guard. Before they could help, the sudden outbreak and death of the two monster beasts actually aroused the ferocity of the remaining four monster beasts. , they resorted to resisting purely with their physical bodies, and quickly bullied them forward at the risk of their lives. Of course, the monks knew that this was a final fight, and they were all on guard against these four monsters.

Unexpectedly, at the same time, the late-level spiny lizard suddenly threw away the blue diamond crystal in his hand and dodged directly in front of the Qi Condensing cultivator. His move was beyond everyone's expectations, even those who had been there all along. Gong Chenying, who was on guard, was also surprised. In this shock, the second-level spiny lizard had already entered the crowd without anyone taking precautions, and carried out a sneak attack with his cultivation level comparable to that of a human monk in the foundation-building stage. This shot was so different in realm. He had killed one person with just one wave of his hand. When he wanted to continue killing again, Gong Chenying had already made an angry move. A huge ray of light slashed towards the two-headed monster blocking the way, and a small golden handle The ax hit the second-level spiny lizard in the neck. The two monster beasts were unable to withstand Gong Chenying's angry attack and were cut into four pieces on the spot.

The second-level demonic beast was about to continue killing, but he felt a fear of imminent death. He hurriedly swung his two swords and crossed them backwards to block, but after hearing two heavy blows, his two wooden doors The big knife was penetrated directly by the golden axe. He dodged in a hurry, and just barely managed to dodge. Before he could stand firm, the figure in front of him flashed, and Gong Chen's figure had already appeared in front of him, and a green light flashed out. The sword had struck at his neck, and he quickly sealed it with the broken swords in his hands. But at the same time, he only felt a pain in his abdomen, and his consciousness was a little blurry, but he still blocked Gong Chenying's strike. The shadow turned sideways and quickly hit him on the head with an elbow.

Gong Chenying's face was extremely pale, and the hand holding the golden ax was trembling slightly. It was obvious that she was struggling to drive the golden axe. This golden ax was extremely powerful. With these two consecutive blows, let alone the other monks, Even the second-level monster didn't know how this golden ax appeared. Gong Chenying should not be able to use it unless absolutely necessary, otherwise she would be at her weakest next.



He took back the golden axe, looked at the last two monsters that had been killed and turned them into clay, and then looked at the corpses on the ground, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this time, outside the wheel of life and death, most of the monks from various sects on the top of the spherical mountain tops were meditating with their eyes closed. Some monks were staring at the spherical mountain peak in the center. The previous twenty passages there had disappeared, but there were more than a dozen faint lights. The belt is hidden or visible in the mountains and jungles.

"Another one disappeared," Zhao Min said in a low voice on the top of the mountain of the Sprite Sect.

"It's impossible to know here whether the monks on which belt of light met and fought with another belt of light, or whether they were destroyed and merged." A charming voice also whispered.

Li Changting shook his hair and said helplessly. He looked at Zhao Min and then at Li Wuyi on the other side. Since Li Yan and the others entered the wheel of life and death, these two people had actually looked at these light strips. After such a long time, it is not boring. After all, these faint or appearing bands of light have no idea who are the people above and what these people are going through.

"Sixth Junior Sister and Junior Brother, it seems that the situation is not too good." Li Wuyi glanced at Shibuyuan, Taixuan Sect, and Pure Land Sect one by one, and his heart became heavier and heavier. These sects were the same as here at the beginning. There was uneasiness in his eyes, but as seven or eight items disappeared, he became more and more excited.

"They seem to be becoming more and more confident as a few roads disappear." Zhao Min also looked at those sects, his eyebrows frowning on his jade face. Even she didn't notice that sweat was seeping out of her white jade hands in her sleeves.

"Eight of them have disappeared now. Excluding the chance of encountering monsters and demon sects in the first wave, at least half of them should have merged." On the top of the mountain where Shibuyuan stood, a graceful and beautiful woman broke through Shen Jing whispered to the Xianghua Sword King and a group of golden elixirs.

"Haha, it should be like this." Xiahua Sword King cherished his words like gold. After hearing the words, he just spoke lightly, and then looked at the spherical mountain peak in the center, his eyes flashing brightly.

"Among the three sects, Shibuyuan has the strongest attack, and Pure Land Sect has the strongest defense. If our sect joins them, we will inevitably suffer in the end." On the top of the mountain where Taixuan Sect stands, Hangwu looks into the distance like a fairyland. The surging white clouds seemed to be talking to themselves.

"It's worth it to be able to cut off the immortal roots of the Demon Sect for decades. They have stretched their hands too far over the years, and many marginal areas have been annexed by them." Behind him, a strong old man was also looking out at the endless sea of ​​clouds. Some bitterly said that he is also a golden elixir.

"Haha, you see, the Pure Land Sect monks over there don't care. What they care about is how they can get more benefits from the Shibuyuan and our sect if the Demon Sect starts trouble after this is over. Otherwise, say Maybe these bald donkeys will tell the secrets, and then they and the Demon Sect will turn around to deal with us." Hang Wu had a mocking look on his face, and he didn't know if he was mocking himself or the Pure Land Sect's calculations.

"This secret was originally discovered by our sect's predecessors thousands of years ago when they were practicing in the Wheel of Life and Death. If it weren't for increasing the chance of targeting the Demon Sect, we would have just joined forces with Shibuyuan in private." At this time. A Taoist nun behind Hang Wu said dissatisfiedly. The originally pretty jade face actually had a hint of ferocity.

"Haha, Hangzhi, I know that your apprentice was killed by Zen Master Zhiwei of the Pure Land Sect while picking fifteen years ago. The only reason why we finally brought the Pure Land Sect in was because there were still monsters. , those who are not of my race must have different intentions, and we cannot join forces with the monsters. In this case, we have to count the extra eight monsters. Therefore, we can only join forces with the Pure Land Sect. I hope it is still your apprenticeship. Let's take revenge in the picking later." Hang Wu didn't look back, but his tone became a bit harsh. Compared with personal grievances, sect affairs are a big deal. He doesn't want a Jindan to ignore the matters decided by the sect because of petty thoughts, and he won't be able to save this junior sister by then.

Inside a huge yellow sphere in the Wheel of Life and Death, Wang Lang looked at the nine stars in front of him and couldn't help but frown.

"I didn't expect that the person I met was you. Who will lead the team in later?" Wang Lang said indifferently, and then glanced at the monks behind Quan Jiuxing. There were still twenty-five people. It seemed that they had not met the first wave. Another two cases.

Quan Jiuxing, carrying two crossed swords on his back, stood tall and tall a few feet away. His smart eyes flashed several times, and he also glanced at the monks from the Shibu Academy behind Wang Lang. There were about thirty one people. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The sword Xiu was indeed powerful. Although he had formed a seven-star stepping lock formation, he still lost nine people and injured three when passing the level and finally meeting a team of monsters.

He understood what Wang Lang meant. After the next meeting, the two of them led the team to pass through this level. However, at the intersection of ten miles, because only one of them could enter the ball, while the Qi Condensing monk There can be a maximum of seventy-two people all the way. In this way, only one of the two people who can enter the ball can lead the team to enter. At that time, if there are still Shibuyuan or Pure Land Sect or Taixuan Sect monks in the ball, they can rely on secret methods to deceive them. According to the rules here, they are still separated, because their maximum number of Qi Condensation Stage monks is seventy-two, so they cannot integrate into the third team. Although their two teams now have less than seventy-two Qi Condensation Stage monks in total, But the other team certainly won’t either


If a few more people come over, their own strength will be reduced.

If you encounter a demon sect or a monster team in the ball, then the Qi Condensing monks who enter the ball will be commanded by Wang Lang or his Quanjiuxing. The other of the two will have to wait until one of the foundation-building monks inside dies. Only one person can enter, and the risk of being alone outside is extremely high, because the person inside the ball must deal with the enemy on the other side before the shadow arrives, otherwise, even if he has secret protection, I heard that he can only support five breaths under the shadow. time, but no one wanted to try.

The Qi Condensation Stage monks who enter the ball may also be used as cannon fodder by the other party's foundation builder. This needs to be considered.

"What about Brother Wang's wishes?" Quan Jiuxing looked into Wang Lang's eyes and asked.

"Whoever is stronger will advance." Wang Lang said unceremoniously.

"Oh, that means we are going to have a fight here." Quan Jiuxing's face also turned cold. To decide the winner here was to give up the time they originally had to fight for the black shadow to suppress it.

"That's not necessary. Let's go out now, on the same road, each guarding one side, and see who gets to ten miles first." Wang Lang had obviously already thought about it, and said as he looked at the black shadow that had begun to cover the sphere.

"Okay, Brother Wang, please." After saying that, the two of them waved the blue diamond crystal they had been holding in their hands, concentrating on it, as if they were sensing the breath in the blue diamond crystal. After a while, the two people immediately Opening their eyes, they gently tossed the blue rhombus in their hands, letting it float in front of them. Then each of them carefully took out a cyan gourd from their arms, holding the bottom with one hand, opening the stopper on the mouth of the gourd with the other hand, and holding the palm of the bottom of the gourd. As soon as he spit out his spiritual power, the two gourds spit out two to three thin lines of brilliance of different colors that wrapped around the blue rhombus in the air. The brilliance sprayed out from Wang Lang's gourd was green and black, while the gourd in Quan Jiuxing's hand was Yellow and black, these thin lines of brilliance were long and short. When they came into contact with the blue diamond crystal, they all flashed away. At this time, the blue diamond crystal's five-color brilliance circulated throughout the body, and then returned to normal.

After seeing the blue rhombus like this, the two quickly closed the stopper and carefully put the cyan gourd away again. However, when Quan Jiuxing saw Wang Lang only emitting two rays of brilliance, an unexpected cold light flashed in his eyes.

Just as the two of them had just put away the gourd, the two blue rhombus floating in the air suddenly swung like pointers. One of the rhombuses pointed in one direction on the wall of the ball at the same time, and instantly shot two blue rays of light towards the ball. The blue light made no sound after hitting the ball wall, and the ball wall sent out a wave of ripples.

"Let's go." Seeing this, Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing stretched out their hands to grab the blue diamond crystal in the air. They each shouted to the people behind them and took the lead in dodging towards the ball wall.

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