Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 120 Desolate Ancient Road

Just as Gong Chenying and the others ran out, a small path passed through a dense jungle in the Wheel of Life and Death. A group of monsters were screaming and rushing towards the front of the forest. The green leaves in the woods were like arrows, and they rushed towards them with sharp whistles.

This was a group of monsters mainly composed of reptiles, but mainly composed of two large tribes, ground thorn lizards, six-tailed poisonous centipedes, and a few scattered powerful monsters of other races. They cut through the thorns all the way, and although there were casualties, they were very few.

"We need to be faster, so that we can rest in advance and ambush the opponent like in the last level. The team of human swordsmen in the last level was really difficult to deal with." The leader was a late-stage second-level ground thorn lizard. It was half-standing, with dense thorns all over its body, just like a hard shell. Its head was like a bucket, and its long tongue was stretched out from time to time. Holding a pair of plank-door broadswords, he looked at the twenty-two monsters behind him and couldn't help but shouting.

In the last level, they encountered the sword cultivators of the Ten-Step Academy. After a fierce battle, ten of their monsters died and four were seriously injured. However, the four seriously injured monsters ended up in their stomachs. Since they couldn't fight any further, they might as well make a contribution. Thinking of the rain of swords flying out of the sword boxes behind the cultivators, some monsters felt cold. Those sword cultivators were too terrifying. Their attacks were sharp and unparalleled. Even some of the most defensive monsters dared not use their bodies to block them. Especially some cultivators without sword boxes, their attacks were even more terrifying. They didn't know when a sharp sword would appear in the space above their necks. They were really hard to guard against. Several companions lost their heads when they were caught off guard. If the opponent hadn't been caught off guard and ambushed, the outcome would have been unpredictable.


Li Yan waved his hand and released a blue light. A water belt rolled towards an arm in the air that was twice as thick as his entire body. The arm was a Guanyin arm that flew up from the sand. It was mottled with years, and pieces of skin peeled off, revealing small brown pits. It smashed over with a whimpering sound.

After the blue water belt circled and sank, it flew far away, flying into the sand beside the ancient road, and with a "bang" the sand and dust splashed everywhere.

Looking at the other cultivators who were also struggling to cope, and looking at the broken limbs of the statues flying up in the desolate desert, as well as the unknown black and red sandworms mixed in, Li Yan's scalp tingled. The attack intensity of this level was far greater than the previous level. They only advanced less than 500 meters in half an hour. During this time, two people were bitten by a red lizard-like sandworm. Now one of them is unconscious and the other has temporarily lost his combat effectiveness. Fortunately, they are all people who use poison without authorization. They gave them several detoxification pills, which slowed down the spread of the poison in their bodies.

The two have been collected by Gong Chenying in a special spirit storage bag. Storage

The bag can only store dead things, not living things. Otherwise, there will be no air in the space, and the living things will suffocate to death. The soul storage bag is a special space that takes in a very small spiritual vein, which allows living things to not only survive, but also rely on the spiritual vein to practice. This kind of soul storage bag is extremely precious and rare in the outside world. Even with the strength of the four major sects, each sect will not have more than ten. This time, only three captains received one each in the life and death round, in case someone in the sect is injured and loses combat effectiveness, but has nowhere to hide. The elders repeatedly told them to keep it as if it were their lives, and hand it over to the sect immediately after leaving.

In the previous level, they finally got one from the corpse of Zen Master Zhizhong. Now the two soul storage bags are on Gong Chenying. They will hand them over to the sect after leaving. As for the Pure Land Sect asking for it, that is not even a thought. If Gong Chenying and others are also destroyed, the soul storage bag is obtained by the Pure Land Sect, and it will not be returned, and they can only blame themselves for their bad luck. In fact, this kind of soul storage bag has the consciousness of the leader of the foundation-building monk on it. First, it is necessary to open it, and second, it can be detonated at the last moment. However, Master Zhizhong's consciousness had already communicated with the soul storage bag before he exploded, but in the end Li Yan triggered the Twelve Fragments in advance, so he didn't have time to destroy the soul storage bag. However, Gong Chenying couldn't use this soul storage bag for the time being. He had to eliminate the spiritual mark left on it, which would take time, but they didn't need to use it immediately at the moment, so they were not in a hurry.

That kind of red lizard has a very small body, a slender spindle-shaped head, and scales all over its body that are as dazzling as a bright red. It is very fast and often hides in the sand and dust brought up by the attacks of other gods. It disappears in a flash and goes like lightning. The protective spiritual light below the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage is basically shattered by its attack.

Now, except for Li Yan, the six cultivators below the tenth level of Qi Condensation Stage had already slapped a "Ghost Cart Talisman" on their body protection. This talisman has the defense of the middle stage of foundation building. When entering the Wheel of Life and Death, each person was issued three. Looking at the pained looks on the faces of the elders, you can know how precious it is. If it is not for participating in the Wheel of Life and Death, if a cultivator in the Qi Condensation Stage can have one, he will regard it as a treasure. It is said that this talisman can be activated by one's own spiritual power at a low level, and can continuously replenish some consumption in the talisman. Although the talisman power will inevitably be exhausted in the end, it is many times more precious than the usual disposable defense talisman paper. Even the cultivators in the foundation building stage treasure it and use it seldom. The main reason is that the raw materials for refining it are very rare in the outside world. In the past few thousand years, they have all been collected from this secret realm. Otherwise, how could those Jindan elders be so reluctant to part with it.

Li Yan did not take out the "

"Ghost Car Talisman". He had been attacked by a red lizard before. He was shocked, and his spiritual power was poured into the spiritual shield. With a harsh "squeak" sound, the shield on his body The monster actually plunged half an inch into it, and while looking at it, it wormed its way in, revealing its tiny teeth and letting out a "squeak" scream. The force of the boost made Li Yan's scalp tingle. A sudden flash of spiritual light on his body made it fly back into the air and merge into the fine sand in the sky. This made him feel relieved a little. After thinking about it, he still didn't take it. When he used the "Ghost Car Talisman", he had a premonition that the attacks in later levels would become stronger and stronger. Now that he could still defend, of course he would not use the "Ghost Car Talisman".

Since the two ninth-level Qi-condensing monks were bitten by the beast, the other three ninth-level Qi-condensing seeking monks were slightly protected by the others, but after gritting their teeth, they each offered a "Ghost Car" symbol". Everyone who can come here is not a weakling. Otherwise, these people would not have defeated so many tenth-level Qi Condensation masters to obtain quotas. However, they often either possess a powerful spiritual treasure, or they are extremely talented. Some kind of special magical power, but the six people with deep magic power do not have the advantage of Li Yan in this regard.

Some monks who were closer to Li Yan couldn't help but take a high look at Li Yan, his nominal uncle. After all, they knew that Li Yan had only been a disciple for about five years. When he entered, they heard that he had just entered the second level of Qi Condensation. Although he was now at a higher level It is really amazing that he is only at the eighth level but can be compared to the masters of the tenth level of Qi Condensation. No wonder Master Wei of Xiaozhufeng can directly take him under his sect, not to mention that this young master's uncle has extremely strange poison skills. Although they are not as good as the uncle and uncle of the Foundation Establishment Master They have studied the use of poisons for decades, but in the past ten years, they have never heard of the poisons Li Yan used. When they often ask the uncles and uncles, they are very secretive, just shaking their heads, but they don't know. explain.

Li Yan was not relaxed at the moment. Although those red lizards attacked strangely, fortunately there were not many in number. Only one appeared occasionally. It also missed a hit and immediately bounced back, waiting for the next sneak attack. , this kind of monster seems to have intelligence, and it is not just a deadly attack. Otherwise, Li Yan believes that they can kill them all with their methods. Unfortunately, until now, they have only killed about three of these weird red lizards. Two of them were killed one by one by Gong Chen's shadow in front. The two red lizards probably saw that Gong Chen's shadow was leading the way and had to deal with the most attacks from both sides of the ancient road. They thought they had an opportunity and didn't want to just rush in front of Gong Chen's shadow. After he was within ten feet, he was crushed into powder by a powerful twisting force. This made Li Yan and the others look in shock at the sight of Gong Chenying's tyrannical strength, which was like a female war goddess. \u003cb



What gives Li Yan a headache is a small black insect. This insect is similar to a beetle. Its black carapace wings flutter and make a buzzing sound. This kind of black beetle always attacks in groups of thousands, and its single attack The ability is not very strong. It can be said that Li Yan and the others can easily chop dozens of them with just one wind blade. However, these black-shelled insects seem to know some formations. There are often about a thousand of them forming a black insect cloud, or They are in the shape of a long spear, or a triangle, or a giant hammer. When they flap their wings in unison, they can make noises of different frequencies according to different formations, which can be sharp and harsh, or low and chest tight, or high and blood boiling, or softly moaning to sleep. , causing demonic obstacles to arise in everyone's minds. They almost missed several times and were able to break through the defense. A few red lizards even took the opportunity to attack the defensive formation. Everyone was in a hurry to avoid their own spiritual shield being breached, and everyone was shocked. Drenched and broke into a cold sweat.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour later, they barely managed to advance forward to about six miles despite the sacrifice of injuring another monk who was in the middle of the tenth level of the Qi Condensation stage. By this time, everyone had lost 30% of their spiritual power. A lot of various defensive talismans were also used, which cast a shadow on everyone's minds about the following levels. Nearly half of the many defensive methods they prepared were used in the second level.

In the meantime, she saw that some of the attacks on both sides of this desolate ancient road came from very deep places. This gave Gong Chenying a new perspective. She thought that this place might not be restricted to the middle of the street like the previous level. , unable to stay away from the street at all, so she tried to hit the side of the ancient road. The hit didn't matter. Afterwards, Gong Chenying felt frightened every time she thought about it.

She attacked one side of the ancient road, and Li Yan and the others followed closely. Just as Gong Chenying thought, this level did not limit them to a certain area. In an instant, they leaned a hundred meters to one side. During this 100-meter journey, the original intensive attacks were reduced by more than half. The reason was that when they were on the desolate ancient road, they had to accept attacks from both sides. Now they can only defend half of the attacks, and the attacks at this time are also It has been significantly reduced. In this desert, they only need to roughly follow the direction of the ancient road.

However, after walking forward for a while, the monks began to feel something bad in their hearts. No one thought that such a relaxing situation would happen so easily. Just when Gong Chenying realized that something was wrong, they had already entered the desert diagonally for about 200 meters. The attacks here were actually reduced to only occasional sporadic attacks, and everyone felt more and more uneasy. Especially Li Yan felt that the spiritual power in his body was circulating crazily, as if the cycle of the five elements had increased ten times, as if urging Li Yan to I want to leave this place as soon as possible.

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