Since there are no worries, there is no need to take care of that industry, let's start fishing!

Of course, Xiang Ye at this time does not mean that you can catch it if you want to.

Because at this time, his biggest BUFF, the Tempting Fish Intermediate BUFF, is useless.

He is a spearfish and has no bait, so if there is no temptation for the fish, it is necessary to see that the fish never swims over his hook.

But now he has very little psychological pressure, and today's daily tasks will definitely not be fished here, so he has to go to the river to make up for it.

But the temporary task has been completed, then it is not a big problem.

Finally, in the third hour when Xiang Ye sat here, he went fishing again, and it was still a spear, but this time it was just an ordinary sturgeon, worth 200 yuan, and now he has deducted the fishing fee, and he has earned the boss a thousand four.

Half an hour later, Xiang Ye had another one, but this one was an invalid fish, because he speared a herring fish, this one doesn't count, the herring has to be caught, and the sturgeon is the spear.

However, although it is not counted, the number of fishings in Xiangye has also reached five.

At this time, there were still two hours left before the six-hour time, and during this period, Ai Bo and Uncle Sun went on another one, and the money they made was already one thousand eight.

So no matter what others do, Xiang Ye and the others are very happy, and they are even already studying what to eat at night, and with so much money from the boss today, Xiang Ye naturally can't just go home like this, and he must go for a drink in the evening.

Now let's see how much you can buy the boss, and then study it.

If you can have a little more plates, then you can go and eat seafood, if that's all, then go for a barbecue and watch it when the time comes.

In this way, under the condition that the three of Xiang Ye had no pressure, when they fished for the fifth hour, Ai Bai had another one, and today he had already gone to three, and today Xiang Ye and they had already made two thousand of the boss, which could be regarded as completing the goal.

In this way, entering the last hour, Xiang Ye and the others all began to eat a boxed lunch, ready to rest, and suddenly, Xiang Ye saw that he had not moved for two hours, and suddenly moved.

This time it was very slight, if it weren't for Xiang Ye's excellent sense of fish, he would even think that it was blown by the wind, but the problem is that they have no wind today!

"Up!" One hand quickly put the lunch box aside, Xiang Ye's other hand, suddenly raised the rod and stabbed, the fish in the pond ate pain, and instantly pulled Xiang Ye's fishing rod for a full moon, with Xiang Ye's strength five times that of ordinary people, he almost didn't hold the fishing rod, so that the fishing rod was sent into the water, the critical moment.

Xiang Ye suddenly grabbed his hands, and then forcibly stood up the fishing rod, the whirring sound of the line group kept screaming in Xiang Ye's ears, and Xiang Ye grinned for the first time, but his eyes were full of excitement!

Because he knows that this time it's big, it's huge, it's huge!

"Got a big deal?" Seeing that Xiang Ye was the same as himself just now, the fishing rod was on the ground, and then he sat back and pulled the fishing rod, Ai Bai here also reacted at the first time, and after putting the lunch box next to him, he immediately picked up the net and prepared to copy the fish.

"Don't worry, this one is very big, maybe two hundred catties!"

Gritting his teeth, Xiang Ye also said to Ai Bai, as soon as he heard that Xiang Ye felt that this fish might be two hundred catties, Uncle Sun couldn't wait to stand up, and quickly drove the video and walked over, if it was really two hundred catties of fish, it must be a dragon mark!

Now there are a total of five dragon marks in this pond, the least one is 6,000, which is a sturgeon, and there is a 12,000 one, which is a big green of more than 80 catties, and the remaining three, one is 24,000, one is 36,000, and one is 50,000, all of which are rays, according to what the boss said, the 20,000 and 4 are 150 catties, the 36,000 are 180 catties, and the 50,000 are 240 catties.

However, this is the weight when it was put in five years ago, and no one knows how heavy it is now, because this pond has not been cleared for five years, that is, every month or so to put back the water, and in winter, it is directly built with a color steel house, and it is not fishing, and it is directly raised for a winter.

Someone estimated that if the boss didn't lie, the largest standard fish would definitely exceed three hundred catties now, but today, Xiang Ye had two sturgeons, and when these two sturgeons were released, they were definitely only forty or fifty catties, and now they are all over 100.

If the dragon mark is true, then these three big fish, conservatively estimated that one of them will have to break three hundred, and the largest one may not be able to beat four hundred.

Now Xiang Ye doesn't know how big this fish is, because he has never been on a big fish weighing two hundred or three hundred catties, but it can be determined that it is definitely not more than a hundred!

Such a dry pull, Xiang Ye pulled for nearly twenty minutes, this is also Xiang Ye, if it is Ai Bo, they will have to change people now, because it is impossible for a person to consume this fish, for a while, not to mention Xiang Ye and the owner of the fish farm, even those who are fishing can no longer sit still, they all come around, watching Xiang Ye pull fish here.

After holding on to the fish for twenty minutes, Xiang Ye took a deep breath, then stood up, put the fishing rod on his stomach, and then held the fishing rod with both hands, and began to consume the fish's physical strength with the elasticity of the fishing rod.

At this time, the fish was also lifted to the surface of the water by Xiang Ye, and when everyone saw the huge black shadow, the nearly two-meter-long backboard, everyone gasped.

At the same time, what made everyone even more excited was that everyone clearly saw the golden dragon ear nailed on the dorsal fin of this fish!

Of course, the dragon mark is the dragon mark, but no one knows whether it is 24,000, 36,000 or 50,000, because at this time, this fish has far exceeded the weight that the boss said at the beginning.

And this guy just showed himself to everyone, and then plunged back into the water, at this time Xiang Ye also found that his luck was not too good, because his spear (good) is the tail, and now the fish is starting to exert a second force, the spear is on the tail, to be honest, it is difficult to carry the past, it is possible for people to carry it, but the line group is estimated to be difficult.

But Xiang Ye has a BUFF, although it is useless to say that the bait BUFF is useless, but the BUFF of the line and rod is easy to use, others can't catch it, but Xiang Ye will definitely catch it!

The second force, fifteen minutes, Xiang Ye forcibly carried it, and after pulling it up again, because the tail had no way to choke on the water, so the third force came, and after ten minutes of the third force, the fish finally had no strength.

It took forty-five minutes for Xiang Ye to pull this huge thing to the shore, and then with the three of them, as well as the boss and the two buddies who helped next to him, the strength of six people, pulled this huge thing to two tires!

When pulling this guy up, Xiang Ye felt a little out of strength, but listening to the hint in his mind, Xiang Ye couldn't help laughing! .

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