"You're out, we're the happiest, you give us money now, I'm useless, it's not good for the elderly to put too much money on their bodies, just leave us some daily expenses, but it's okay to buy a house......"

After staying at home for more than two hours, Xiang Ye's parents finally accepted the fact that their son became a billionaire, and when it was night, the family of three stopped cooking and went to a barbecue restaurant not far downstairs to eat.

Xiang Ye also accompanied his father to drink a few bottles of beer, and his father was very emotional at the wine table, but he didn't ask Xiang Ye for the money he was going to give them.

As they said, they have something to do, and they can manage the business at any time, after all, it is not ancient times, and it is so troublesome to bring money or something.

Now what's going on here, a phone call passed, and in less than a minute, the money from Xiang Ye's side came, which was very convenient, and put the money on the old man's body, and he had to worry about fraud and Trojan horse programs, after all, parents all over the world were the same.

Even if you tell them that it's okay not to click on those videos posted in the family group, they will definitely order it, and you tell them that there is a Trojan horse, and the money on the bank card will be gone after clicking, and it will be useless.

They'd rather not use a bank card, but they must order it!

So putting money in Xiangye is actually a good choice.

However, for buying a house, they are still very supportive, maybe this is also the tradition of Yanhuang since ancient times, in ancient times, after a family has money, the first thing to do is naturally to buy land, even if the money to buy land, it may take decades to plant it to plant it back, then they are also happy to do it~.

In modern times, there are fewer and fewer people who are tied to the land, so everyone has changed to buying a house, and whether to speculate or not is another matter, but buying a house when you have money will never be said by your parents.

So if you want to buy a house, it will definitely be supported.

As for the cars, Xiang Ye's father hasn't made a decision yet, because these cars are too good.

His dream when he was young was actually a Jetta, and it is estimated that many people of his father's generation dreamed of this when they were young, and later it became a Volkswagen car such as Santana and Passat.

Now even though the public has been sprayed badly, they still like it.

Xiang Ye's car is so good, this is really not something he feels he can drive, so he didn't mention it, as for which one Xiang Ye wants to keep, let's talk about it later......

After eating, he returned home, Xiang Ye's family also took a bath in turn, and then Xiang Ye also lay on his small bed, looking at Shaoqing on the side of the bed, Xiang Ye scratched its head gently, and then sighed with emotion.

When he returned home today and finished talking about things, he felt that the pressure on his side had really disappeared in an instant, and he would only live for himself in the future!

The night passed quickly, and when Xiang Ye got up the next day, his parents hadn't gotten up yet, after all, it was more than six o'clock, too early.

Xiang Ye followed the normal rhythm, after feeding Shaoqing first, he began to go to the bathroom to wash, and at the same time glanced at his task today.

Originally, Xiang Ye was thinking when he came back, he was back for a few days, he really didn't do daily tasks, and it was more important to rest at home, after all, he just said yesterday night that he wanted to live for himself, but now in the morning, he still couldn't help it.

He is not short of money now, but BUFF, he lacks skills or something, not to mention, how much money is considered rich, and there are still too many people with money?

So almost subconsciously, he turned on the system, and then glanced at today's task, today's task, whether it is difficult or not, and whether it is simple or not.

Daily Mission, Fishing, Catch Three Carp (Unlimited Weight).

"Carp ......"

Looking at this task, Xiang Ye couldn't help but scratch his head, if it was in the city where he was originally from, whether it was to go to Heikeng, or to Yuejing Lake, he would know where to fish for this play.

But now that this is his hometown, he really doesn't know.

So he could only ask Abbey, but when a letter was sent, Abbey didn't reply at all, and he didn't have to think about it to know that this guy shouldn't have gotten up yet.

Thinking about it, he has to get up at five o'clock every day to work, and now he finally rests, how can he get up so early, but what is the loss of friends, how can Xiang Ye get up and not get him up, so he called directly with a phone call.

"Big brother, what are you doing so early......"

It was only after the phone rang a few times that Eber's weak voice came.

"Let's go, let's go fishing!"

"Damn, today's May Day, the fishing of yarn ......" Obviously, even Ai Bai has no interest in fishing today.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, tell me where I can catch carp?"

Abber used to have a bigger addiction than he did, so he should know where there were carp.

"Damn, I'll send you the location, don't bother me!" Listening to Xiang Ye's words, Ai Bo also scolded, and then hung up the phone, but he didn't forget the business.

After a while, Xiang Ye received three fishing spots.

One fishing spot is a reed swing in the north of the river, one fishing spot is a place called Ice and Snow Avenue, and another fishing spot is a happy pond, which specializes in fishing catty fish.

Obviously, Ai Bai's meaning is very clear, if you can't get the wild fishing, go to the happy pond to get some, don't be ashamed, looking at the location of Ai Baifa, Xiang Ye glanced at his parents' room, and slept soundly, so he also took Shaoqing downstairs.

There is no breakfast shop at the door of their house, but there are a lot of mobile cars selling breakfast, Xiang Ye eats egg burger in the morning, the scientific name of egg burger is egg burger, noodles, eggs in the middle, and meat filling, there are carbs, eggs, meat filling, very perfect breakfast. []

After Xiang Ye ate three, he drove to the ice and snow avenue closest to him first.

However, after arriving here, I found that fishing was not allowed here, and a patrol car was always driving, so Xiang Ye could only go to the reeds in Jiangbei.

Oh, by the way, here I want to say that there is a big river in the city of Xiang Ye's hometown, which is the fifth largest river in the country, with a length of more than 1,000 kilometers, and the widest place is 2,000 meters.

At the point of commuting and commuting at ordinary times, the river bridge is full of cars, but now there are no fart cars, and Xiang Ye can drive to the speed limit.

After Xiang Ye got on the river bridge, he came to the side of Ludang after a short time.

As soon as he saw this, Xiang Ye nodded, here he knew that he had also been with Ai Bai before, but at that time, Ai Bai said that he wanted to fish for river carp, but he didn't catch it once, and finally had to fight with Xiang Ye to pull white strips.

White stripe, the name of the Air Force Terminator is not called for nothing!.

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