First Law

Chapter 51: mississippi river

Subconsciously looking over, the magic ship floated up and down on the water like a cork, the soaring chimney was emitting black smoke, and there was an iron house in front of it, the top of the house was inlaid with unique sea glass, like a human castle.

This is a typical luxury cruise ship.

Karen followed. Although the whole hull was shaking, it was more stable than expected.

This is a small three-storey boat, the whole body of which is covered with silver-white varnish, it is not clean enough, and the words "Welcome" are written on the huge chimney, and there is a watchtower on the chimney. Available for high-altitude viewing.

Below the chimney stands a parasol, a bar and a wicker chair.

"The leader said that you like to drink, and you can drink as much as you want on the way to the Lion's Fortress." The blue-faced Rhine smiled respectfully.

The hull set sail amidst the humming vibrations, the chimney began to emit black smoke, white waves appeared on the water surface, and the boat rushed forward with high height.

After turning a corner, a huge turquoise river appeared in front of him, and he realized that it was just a small harbor, and the real Mississippi River was in front of him.

The blue river is full of boats coming and going, and every boat is sailing forward like ants.

The small boats are close to the edge, the medium-sized boats are close to the center, and the large boats are in the middle, but the "Yingbin" walks in the center of the entire water surface. There is no boat on this center line. Every time it passes by, other boats will always cast To look enviously.

Two-thirds of the river surface was occupied by boats. Perhaps this was the narrow side of the river, and the traffic was extremely slow, but Karen could tell that every cargo boat had a deep draft and was obviously full of things.

Now he finally knew why Martin was so arrogant. A shield was 200,000 pence, and the profits provided by so many business groups were unimaginable.

Karen was lying on the wicker chair, and there was a faint coolness behind her, which was the best thing, and then she noticed a red-haired Forbes standing behind the bar, naked to the waist, obviously the other party was not wearing any clothes.

"A glass of fruit wine, add some ice!" Karen smiled at the other party, "Give me another glass of cocoa, and a glass of Coca-Cola."

Sure enough, as Karen expected, the other party had asked the other party to prepare for picking, and Martin had prepared extremely meticulously, but Karen asked the other party to put down the things and ignored it.

He is not a **** with a brain. Of course, if possible, he would like to enjoy some beauties, but judging from the current situation, it is not the time to flirt. He better take advantage of this rare time to think about what to do Cope with this first meeting of the 'septwolves'.

It was ridiculous to say that, except for Martin King, he still didn't know who the remaining alpha wolf was.

The "Welcome" passed through the Mississippi River with two water waves, and when it reached the rest of the middle reaches, the river was already quite wide, and a ship as tall as a four or five-story building passed by. Karen knew that there must be something inside this ship. A certain big businessman, because this kind of ship can only be seen in the open ocean.

That is a trade across continents. On the Aegean Continent, only the human race has this strength.

Traveling on the water is many times faster than on land. Karen just drank two glasses of fruit wine and a bottle of Coca-Cola was already close to the Lion Castle.

The Lion Castle is built along the river. There is a large pier on the river bank. There is a pattern of a red-maned lion floating above the pier. There are many boats docked in the pier. Strong orc laborers are loading and unloading goods. Three railway tracks, together with the three directions of Northeast and South of Lion Castle.

After getting off the boat, there were cries of hawking one after another. There was a large square in front of the pier, and there were large warehouses in the square. From time to time, some tauren, crocodile laborers, and Taifen laborers could be seen shuttling among them. A magic locomotive rumbled over from the east of Lion Castle, and hundreds of laborers jumped off a dozen wagons.

Under the scolding of the supervisor, these orc laborers began to load the packing boxes on the ship one by one.

"This car has almost 300,000 pennies worth of goods." Churchill whispered in Karen's ear.

Karen knew the meaning of this sentence, no matter who it was, Martin could at least get 10,000 pence from it. Looking along the pier, it was an endless commercial lane. He had seen Cartel City before. I have also seen Blue Mountain City, but it is undeniable that this street far surpasses them.

Walking along the commercial street, apart from the characteristic slave shops on both sides, food, water sources, medical clinics, sake, gambling houses, cockhouses, taverns, everything that a city-state should have exists here.

This is no longer a castle, but rather a medium-sized human city.

This is what a city should look like. Just like Gold Shining Town, it is at best a small town, where a characteristic industrial chain has been completely formed relying on the port.

Suddenly, a group of Rhine soldiers walked by, and they heard the advancing footsteps from a distance.

Golden armor, golden helmet, golden shoulder pads, golden scimitar and golden shield, all twelve members of the Golden Rhine Squad, they are not driven at random like bullies, but uniformly paced, in accordance with the prescribed military The patrol line advances.

No one was intimidated by the soldiers who suddenly appeared. Obviously, this was a normal patrol.

"Your Excellency Karen, Wolf of the Southwest, you and your followers can stay at the Good Night Hotel at night." The blue-faced lion stopped in front of a four-story marble building. There are four such marble buildings here, and the other three are empty. It was Martin who entertained guests exclusively.

The Good Night Hotel is equipped with a 100-member Rhine Guard, a 300-member Piggy Guard, and a Rhine Priest.

All the waitresses with long-eared rabbits in the hotel saluted respectfully when they saw Karen.

Karen looked at the marble under his feet, and could clearly see his own shadow. He couldn't imagine how much it would cost to keep such a clean wasteland, but there was no doubt that it was definitely a lot.

He admired Martin King a little now, and finally figured out why Sharaf respected Martin so much.

A territory determines the status of a lord, and whether a territory is strong or not depends on the details. This Good Night Hotel alone has won Karen's respect.

At least as far as Gold Flash Town is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this level. The last time he entertained Martin was in a temporary stone house.

He has never seen the world and always feels that he is the best. Before he came out of the town of gold, he only thought that the human race was powerful. In his eyes, having a giant beast knight, a giant mutated worm, and a giant storm tree were enough to be ferocious. The capital of the wasteland now seems to be a frog in the bottom of the well.

The profit brought by the Coca-Cola factory is far less than one tenth of that of a port.

Of course, Karen is not inferior. He just objectively analyzes the gap between them. At least he has the salt. This is a cash cow, and he has already opened up the human market. It only takes two or three years for Jinshi Town to change completely. .

But he can't guarantee that it can be so fine, it will take time to settle.

Now, Karen is eager to meet Martin. His lion castle has opened Karen's eyes. Unfortunately, such a meeting did not happen all night. The blue-faced Rhine brought a message that his leader needs to deal with a big problem. He had to do official business, and he also had to meet with several leaders in the wasteland to ensure that they could secure the position of the chief wolf at this meeting.

Karen didn't sleep well all night, and he felt more and more that this meeting of the 'Septwolves' was extraordinary, otherwise Martin would not have taken it so seriously.

The real time to see Martin was still on the boat, and it was half an hour after Karen boarded the 'Lion'.

The "Lion" is a four-story full-magic giant ship. It adopts a full-magic structure as a whole. Naturally, there will be no chimney. The top floor is the private territory of Karen and Martin, the lower floor is the armed forces of both sides, and the middle two floors are A big businessman close to Martin, a tribal leader, and an armed bandit leader.

The "Lion" was moving unscrupulously on the river like a big shark.

"Sorry, Karen, I'm really too busy this time." Martin came up wearing a golden dress with a gentle smile.

Karen took the initiative to walk over and shook hands. He likes to stay with the strong, and laughed at himself, "I'm much more relaxed."

Martin froze for a moment, then laughed again, "I'm so sorry, this election is very important and will determine the future power structure of the Wasteland. Fortunately, of course, I will fully support you."

"Who is the wolf?" Karen didn't want to make a detour. This was what he cared about the most. The closer he got to the center of the wilderness, the more he felt that something was wrong. This place is not as barren as imagined, but very prosperous on the contrary, relying on the Mississippi River, many robbers are there. It's booming.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the wasteland is very rich. There are many places that are truly poor, such as Gold Shining Town. Those who have not enjoyed the blessings of the wasteland occupy nine tenths of the entire wasteland.

But Karen is sure that a tenth of the area can also produce a strong enough force.

"You and me." Martin smiled. He sat down at the table and drank a glass of iced Coke before slowly taking out a map.

This map is completely different from Karen's. The seven red lines divide the entire wasteland into seven large areas. Karen saw the Golden Town, which is basically the same as the territory he controlled, but much larger. Divide Iron Town into his rule area, and more importantly, the river area of ​​Nail Point is within his range.

He has a little bit of control of the Mississippi River, on the east side of the Aijiaer Snow Mountain.

Looking up slowly, the lion's head is Martin, the upper reaches is an inverse cross emblem, and the upper part is a horn, the northern area of ​​the map is a Bell (bear), and the area near the orcs is an axe , facing away is a pair of wings.

And his logo is a crimson white skull.

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