Yang Wu left the City Lord Mansion great hall, and his mind became a paste.

When I went out, I ran into a Heavenspan old monster. His luck was not normal.

Not only that, but the other party also gave him a Divine Weapon, which really valued him.

The one-armed saint appeared beside Yang Wu and said: “Yang Wu Holy Master, don’t worry about leaving.”

“What else?” Yang Wu asked back.

Facing any saint, he has enough confidence. He is the top saint pharmacist.

“I want to continue talking on behalf of City Lord Mansion, can I move to another courtyard?” said the one-armed saint.

Yang Wu read the sincere feeling from the opponent’s eyes, and did not think much, and followed the other party to the other hospital.

When I went to the other courtyard and sat down, the one-armed saint straight to the point said: “Yang Wu Holy Master, what do you think of Broken Blade City?”

“How about what?” Yang Wu did not Answer the rhetorical question.

“How is the impression.”

“Hehe, the impression is average.”

“Is it messy and there are no rules at all?”

“You are honest.”

“Of course, we want to cooperate with you and must be based on honesty.”

“The cooperation between us is not Have you just talked about it?”

“That’s your cooperation with City Lord, not with me, Broken Blade City. We want to cooperate with you to auction medicine pill.”

The one-armed saint briefly explained his intentions. They have an auction house in Broken Blade City, but the auctions have always been all kinds of looted items, and they can’t make it to the table. Yang Wu got the sacred pill here and joined them in the auction to expand the scale and income of their auction.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the one-armed saint is really good. The appeal of any holy pharmacist is amazing, especially the top holy pharmacist recognized by the pharmacist alliance like Yang Wu. How many people want to rush to auction his medicine pill.

After Yang Wu listened, his heart moved.

In Broken Blade City, there is Broken Blade, the old monster of Heavenspan. Most people don’t dare to make trouble. No one dares to make trouble in the auction here. It is an important means of collecting money.

What’s more, the dragons and snakes mingle of Broken Blade City is not bound by too much. Many powerhouses come from outside and will have a lot of wealth. Whether they are plundered or owned by themselves, they must all Desire to get a high-level medicine pill. If there is a medicine pill transaction in the city, it will definitely be popular.

Yang Wu didn’t immediately agree. He had to figure out the benefits before deciding whether to accept cooperation. He is a top-level holy pharmacist and he is welcome no matter where he goes. You must not cooperate with Broken Blade City. He has such confidence.

“I have to think about this, and the Dragon Phoenix battle is about to start, I have no time to pill concocting.” Yang Wu replied in a deep voice.

“This matter is not in a hurry. I hope our cooperation is long-term, not just one or two short-term. After the Dragon Phoenix dispute ends, we can plan well.” The arm saint said, after a while, he said again: “However, you can sell us a little bit if you have a holy pill now. We promise to sell you a price twice as high as the outside world.”

“Are you sure you can shoot this high?” Yang Wu asked.

“Of course, none of the people who come here are good. Their money is unknown. There is a place where they can spend money just and honorable. They are very happy.”

“Okay, then I will give you some medicine pill auctions, let me see how your auctions work, and then consider whether you want to cooperate in the future.”

Yang Wu continues to pill concocting in the family. Month, he provided Yang Family with many medicine pills. He also kept a part. It is not a problem to give a little to the one-armed saint. He originally planned to use part of the medicine pill in exchange for the holy stone. Now the other party sends it to the door. It’s a good time.

The one-armed saint and Yang Wu agreed to give him three days and hold an auction in three days, and he must sell these medicine pills at sky-high prices.

Yang Wu doesn’t mind waiting for the past few days. He is going to return to the city to meet other partners, but the one-armed saint invited to stay here.

Yang Wu still insisted on going back to the city, accompanied by the one-armed saint himself, and his presence would ensure that no one would dare to hit Yang Wu in Broken Blade.

The one-armed saint arranged a house for Yang Wu and the Yang Family to rest. The Sun Family also got a chance to live together.

These arrogants finally saw the glory of Yang Wu’s identity as a saint pharmacist. There will be people who come in and out of it. This is definitely not a joke.

In the same yard, Tianjiao from Yang Family and Tianjiao from Sun Family discussed martial arts together. The friendship between the two is heating up rapidly, and Yang Wu has also refined some Healing Pills for them. Used after the Dragon Phoenix battle has started.

Yang Wu’s move immediately bought the hearts and minds of the Sun Family Tianjiao, one by one shouting “Yang Wu Holy Master” with respect and affection.

Sun Yong feels that he has face with his children and is proud to know Yang Wu.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

A storm caused a storm in Broken Blade City.

There is a saint medicine pill at the auction site. This is definitely great news for the saint who has been living in this place for many years.

At the beginning of the auction, it was crowded with people, many of them holy creatures, besides Human Race, there are creatures of other races.

One morning, none of the twenty sacred pills that Yang Wu took out failed, and they were all taken away by the holy creatures at sky-high prices.

Yang Wu and Qingfeng sat in the box and looked at the creatures who were bidding wildly, only to realize how terrifying the value of the holy pill they refined.

“Feng elder sister, you can tell me whether I will pill concocting every day, and I will fight for the world.” Yang Wu stretched and said.

“If you really like it, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. How many people want to do this is not qualified.” Qingfeng responded.

“haha, forget it, I’m born to work hard, calling me to pill concocting all day, I think I will go crazy, or it is more interesting to fight for the world.” Yang Wu laughed long. After a while, he said, “I think I should take a few more holy creatures to follow me.”

“Do you think I can’t protect you?” Qingfeng beautiful eyes passed by With a trace of sadness, she paused and said, “Yes, your enemy is getting stronger and stronger. My strength can’t protect you at all, and it will even drag you down.”

Yang Wu look While holding Qingfeng, he gently patted the back of Qing Qing’s hand and said, “I’m afraid that Ms. Feng is too tired. Wouldn’t it be better to find some attendants to make you call me?”

Seeing that her face was a little hot, she turned her face and said: “You can make up your mind, I will listen to you.”

On this day, Yang Wu got it from the one-armed saint Millions of high grade sacred stones, the people who took the Yang Family and the Sun Family parted ways, returned to the Yang Family.

On this trip, they got two Heavenly Dragon jade tokens and one Heavenly Phoenix jade token, which was very rewarding.

These three jade tokens were given to Yang Yifan, Xu Zhu, and another Yang Family woman. They will be able to participate in the Dragon Phoenix battle.

Others who didn’t get the jade token were not frustrated either. After this trip, they realized that there was still a big gap between them. They decided to go to other places to try their luck, whether they could get the jade token or not, They all hope to further temper their strength.

Yang Wu taught them a good lesson. They have no strength, but they have not been able to fully display their strength. With such strength, they have no chance of winning at all in the Dragon Phoenix battle. , It is better to practice cultivation.

After Yang Wu returned to the Yang Family, he didn’t plan to stay in the family for a while, he was going to the Julang Gang.

Dragon Phoenix battle for hegemony will be announced at any time. Before that, he wants to do the best closed-door cultivation.

Although his battle strength has improved a lot in the Dragon Tomb, it is still not enough. This time he will face the most powerful genius in the transcendent world, and he wants to win the position of the Dragon King easier said than done.

Once, Xun Lao once said to him that water is beneficial.

Julang helps to rely on the Yangtze River, which is his most advantageous land of cultivation.

Yang Wu took Lu Zhi, Qingfeng, Yang Manmi, and the silver-striped tortoise, and hurried to the Giant Wave Gang.

Yang Wu didn’t want to bring Yang Man fans. This woman is too beautiful. He doesn’t know if he has concentration to keep his heart, but the clan deliberately brought them together. He Very passive.

Yang Manmi is the body of continuous veins, which can give birth to the most powerful offspring. This is a woman who inherits the line that many Great Family wants but can’t get, and she is so beautiful that she is any A stunner that a man can’t refuse.

Yang Wu is not so tacky. He accepted her to go out together, not because of the arrangement of the family, but she said: “I just want to go out to exercise and make myself stronger. I hope Young Patriarch can Give me some pointers.”

She was very sincere, and Yang Wu really couldn’t give the slightest reason for her rejection.

People are not haunting him, they just want to become stronger. As Young Patriarch, can he refuse?

In this way, he had to bring Yang Man fans.

As for Lu Zhi, after the cultivation of Yu Chang’an, this guy has the courage that I can go everywhere in the world, as if he is invincible in the whole world, especially since he is really invincible. After entering the realm of Dragon Transformation, his arrogance became even more arrogant, and he challenged Yang Wu. Yang Wu accidentally photographed him into a pig’s head, and his arrogance was reduced a lot.

However, this guy decided to participate in the Dragon Phoenix battle, so he followed Yang Wu out, and he wanted to show the world how powerful he is.

Yang Wu did see Lu Zhi’s innate talent, and he was actually integrated into the martial arts, and he was constantly displaying the mystery of the formation. In terms of Lu Zhi’s current battle strength, it could deal with the intermediate level. The martial artist with no difficulty in the realm of dragon change is undefeated against the advanced realm of dragon change, and the top martial artist in the realm of dragon change is somewhat threatening to him.

His yin and yang fighting body is not a joke. After being trained by Yu Changan for more than half a year, his understanding of fighting is no longer a fledgling young child.

In addition to his natural combat body, Lu Zhi’s perception is amazing. His growth space is definitely not worse than Yang Wu, and he can even compare with the skinny monkey Sun Dou.

Sun Dou is hailed by Xiaohei as an innate talent of Divine Grade. One can imagine Lu Zhi’s out of the ordinary.

On this day, they rushed to the Giant Wave Gang, and the Giant Wave Gang was facing the disaster of the water monster.


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