The vast mountain range, lush and green forests, the vision is very broad and the scenery is beautiful, making people relaxed and joyful.

In such a beautiful scenery, the danger contained in it is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

When Yang Wu and his party passed here, they were attacked by a group of ominous beasts. These ominous beasts are very fierce, and they are in groups, each of which is no less than king-level. There are quite a few Heaven Grades, and the number is astonishing. A large swath of them flies over, which is really scary.

Yang Wu and his party didn’t come to hunt these ominous beasts, they formed a team, forcibly tore through their blockade and left.

Yang Family These can become candidates for the jade token, and none of them are weak.

When they just rushed through an obstacle, a new obstacle appeared. It was the three-headed and three-eyed eagle, reaching the realm of the little demon saint. They are kings in the air and fly super fast. , Bursts of raging fire fanned out from their wings, and the soaring fire moved towards Yang Wu and the group burned away.

“Leave these three beasts to me.” Yang Chenlong exclaimed, and riding on one Dragon Hawk, he took the initiative to ask for surprise and shouted.

next moment, Yang Chenlong waved his gun, as if there were flood dragons converging, moving towards these three three-eyed eagles.

Yang Chenlong is a high-level Dragon Transformation realm strength, has the ability to challenge the top level Dragon Transformation realm, he immediately suppressed the three-headed three-eyed eagle, that amazing gun force pierced the firepower, It fell on the three-headed three-eyed eagle.

Just when Yang Chenlong thought that a move was successful, the third eye of one of the three-eyed eagles released a beam of terrifying fire, which seemed to shoot from the end of the sky. Quickly, he reached Yang Chenlong’s chest in the blink of an eye.


The amazing penetration force smashed Yang Chenlong’s little holy armor. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body moved back quickly.

When everyone saw this, there was a hint of surprise on their faces. The three-eyed eagle is only in the realm of the intermediate little demon, and it can also make Yang Chenlong suffer. That beam of fire is not simple.

“This is the end of lack of combat experience. No matter what opponent you face, you can never take it lightly. If he doesn’t wear a Battle Armor, he don’t die also seriously injured in this blow.” Yang Wu lightly said.

“Shen Long is still young, so he can’t be too demanding.” Someone said from the side.

Yang Chenlong is only in his early thirties, and he entered the Divine Pagoda battle with Yang Wu two years ago. Among these people, he is indeed the second youngest.

“Am I young?” Yang Wu asked back.

The man swallowed to death when he was asked to fight.

Other people also showed a weird look. They thought Yang Wu’s words were too hurtful, but they couldn’t refute it.

Yang Chenlong killed the three-headed three-eyed eagles and turned back to Yang Wu and said ashamed: “Young Patriarch, I shame you.”

Yang Wu shook the head lightly and said: “It’s not to lose my face, but to lose your own face. You underestimated the enemy just now. The position of this ominous beast innate talent is so obvious that it can grow a third eye. It must be out of the ordinary Divine Ability. , If their level is higher than you, you are dead.” After a while, he said: “Don’t blame me for being ugly. Here, Yifan and Xu Zhu have rich combat experience, and you all need to strengthen Tempering, I decided that on this road, each of you will hunt down ten ominous beasts in the small holy realm, and then rush to Broken Blade City.”

“In this case, would it not delay us from grabbing Heavenly Dragon The time of jade token and Heavenly Phoenix jade token?” Some people said dissatisfied.

“If you don’t have enough strength, if you have a jade token, the medicinal liquid I gave you, you have all soaked and served the Body Modeling Pill I practiced for you, but they have not been able to Their medicine efficacy is thoroughly refining. Only in the battle can their medicine efficacy be fully utilized, consolidate your physique, and enhance your battle strength, so that you will have an advantage in the jade token battle.” Yang Wu said with a serious face. .

Other people’s faces were filled with dissatisfaction. Yang Wu said: “Whoever doesn’t want to execute it, roll back.”

“Isn’t it just hunting for ominous beasts? I am not afraid of killing Demon Race, and I am afraid that these ominous beasts will not succeed.” Yang Yifan snorted stiffly, riding his blue sea lion first moved towards, looking for the trace of ominous beast.

Others can only swallow their dissatisfaction and look for ominous beasts one after another to complete their tasks as soon as possible.

In this wilderness, there are a lot of ominous beasts. It is not difficult for each to find ten little holy ominous beasts to hunt. The difficulty is that they are afraid to provoke more powerful ominous beasts.

Sure enough, after they took the initiative to attack, many ominous beasts rushed out, king-level, heaven-grade, little saint-level all, they had to start a fierce battle with them.

When Yang Wu fought fiercely with these ominous beasts, they did not forget to remind: “I hope you complete the task quickly, otherwise the jade token will be snatched by someone from another race in advance, don’t blame me.”

They had to fight for jade token.

Yang Wu didn’t make a move. He has been paying attention to their battles. In addition to their combat capability, they must also pay attention to their safety.

He will lead the team this time and must be responsible for their safety.

It’s just that they don’t have a mortal danger, and he will never take action.

The sword comes from sharpening. Yang Wu understands this truth better than anyone else.

“Whether you blame me or don’t blame me, this is the law of survival in the jungle.” Yang Wu in the heart muttered.

Among these ten people, Yang Yifan has the most sophisticated combat experience. He didn’t break into the ominous beast blindly. Instead, he lurked and waited for the machine to move. Defeating defeat, this is a bit similar to the way of submerged killing.

He has been fighting with Demon Race all the year round, not only fighting strength, but also his brain. If he relaxes a little, he may die. If he doesn’t want to die, he can only be more cautious.

Yang Yifan killed more than ten ominous beasts in a row, and two of them were ominous beasts of the little saint level. The hunting speed was very fast, but he was not better than Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu was the most ominous beast. Fast people.

Yang Wu has finally seen Xu Zhu’s evil spirit, which is definitely his innate talent. Those ominous beasts in front of him will be frightened by his evil eyes. It is to seize the opportunity at the crucial moment and directly use his tiger tooth stick to smash the ominous beast’s head.

Xu Zhu’s action was simple and the most lethal. He seemed to know where the weaknesses of these ominous beasts were. Wherever he passed, there were corpses of ominous beasts left behind, all of which were killed by one blow.

“This guy is really good at hunting.” Yang Wu exclaimed.

Compared with Xu Zhu’s this method, Yang Wu feels a little bit ashamed of being inferior.

Xu Zhu should have been fighting these ominous beasts all the year round, otherwise he would not have such killing power.

Xu Zhu’s realm is two realm lower than Yang Yifan, and the speed of completion is the fastest, and it is over-fulfilled.

The efficiency of other people is relatively low, even the Yang Man fans, who have the strength of the top dragon transformation realm, but the ability to kill the ominous beast is average. When encountering an ominous beast of the same level, almost Helpless.

When she was in danger, Yang Wu had to take a shot and slapped the ominous beast to death with a palm.

Yang Manmi patted the stalwart part of her chest and said: “Your servant is scared to death.”

“Manmi, you can’t do this, you have Heavenly Phoenix Jade token, I am going to compare it with the Tianjiao from all walks of life. Even such an ominous beast can’t be killed, and it will only be eliminated in the future.” Yang Wu didn’t dare to look at Yang Man’s stalwart part, just looked at her charming eyes and said seriously.

“I know, people have been only looking at improving their strength, and the combat experience is a little bit less, I will adapt as soon as possible.” Yang Man fan spit out cute little tongue and said.

Yang Wu has to admit that she is a charming fairy, he really does not want her to die on the battlefield in the future.

In the next few days, Yang Man fans worked hard to kill ominous beasts. Yang Wu would give her some precautions from time to time. She quickly understood and finally demonstrated her due strength. .

In addition, Yang Wu arranged for Xu Zhu and Yang Yifan to train other people. After the hunt is over, they also asked them to talk about their combat experience, how they felt, and what weaknesses they found ominous beasts, etc. .

Soon, this entire group liked the feeling of hunting ominous beasts. It was like being arranged by the clan to practice in the mountains when they were at the level of a general. The feeling of promotion in the hunt is really good.

Not all of them were smooth sailing. Two of them were seriously injured by ominous beasts, and others were injured more or less. Fortunately, they have Yang Wu, the top saint pharmacist, and Yang Wu gives them every night. Deploy medicinal liquid to help them quickly recover from their injuries.

They finally realized Yang Wu’s care for them, and their eyes became much softer when they looked at Yang Wu.

On this road, Yang Wu is not idle, picking herbs in this place.

These barren hills are fertile ground for him. Herbs that can be seen everywhere are useful, and there are many advanced herbs that can play a big role.

This night, they encountered a large number of bat attacks, including a Bat King who reached the Holy Land.

In the dark night, they are at a disadvantage and their eyesight is greatly blocked. It becomes very difficult to kill these bats.

When they were panicked, they once again saw the powerful strength of Yang Wu.


This is a Pill God refining technique of the Dan tribe. It belongs to one of the inheritances left by the Dan tribe’s Old Ancestor. Yang Wu obtained it from Taofenyan. He controls the Blue Demon Fairy and forms a piece of In the blue fire sea, there was one after another flame beating up and down, and bats died under the holy fire.


These bats screamed continuously.

That holy bat emits terrifying sonic power, trying to destroy Yang Wu’s soul, one after another invisible power dropping from the sky, everyone else covered their heads and fell to the ground in pain. Can bear it.

As soon as they were eaten by bats, Yang Wu uttered a terrifying Buddha sound. An “Om” was conveyed from the soul, and the shocking power resisted and dissipated the bat’s magic sound , A large number of bats fell down, and the saint-level bat was also attacked by this force. It was fierce and wanted to move towards Yang Wu and swoop down. Before it came to Yang Wu, there was death. The smell enveloped it, and a death sickle slashed across it, cutting it in half.

Yang Wu Tu Sheng!


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