Long tomb.

This is not an ordinary place. There used to be a Dragon Race dragon body buried here. It is the Secret Realm Space discovered by Dragon Girl and Yang Taihe.

Unfortunately, when they discovered Secret Realm Space, they were hunted down by Emei Mountain and Xingjia, and they almost fell here in the end.

The dragon body of the dragon girl was divided by the two parties, and the dragon ball was even taken away. Without the chance of resurrection, Yang Taihe had suffered thousands of years and almost went to hell to accompany him. The dragon girl.

Most of the Dragon Tomb here was emptied and moved away by the opponent, and almost nothing was left behind.

Nowadays, there is still a strong Dragon Qi, mainly the dragon鈥檚 blood of the dragon girl who was once scattered here. It is normal to leave Dragon Qi, and there are still some remnants in the dragon grave that have not been found. After thousands of years of changes, gather Dragon Qi again and live up to the name of the Dragon Tomb.

Yang Taihe brought Yang Wu here, hoping that Yang Wu would absorb the Dragon Qi here to enhance the strength of the Dragon Transformation realm. In addition, there is also a “Dragon Sha Pool” here, where the residual dragon evil spirit gathers. The place of formation.

Dragon Sha is a terrifying power, and ordinary people will die if they touch it.

For a powerful martial artist, it is an excellent tempering physical force.

Although Yang Wu has become a sacred Fleshy body, the Dragon Sha Pond here is still useful to him.

Yang Wu didn鈥檛 go to the Dragon Sha Lake for the first time, but emphasized again to Yang Taihe that he would absorb a lot of power, and a small amount of Dragon Qi would not help him. Dragon Qi here takes time.

He said that just to make Yang Taihe mentally prepared. If after absorbing all the Dragon Qi, the dragon girl no longer appears, how is this good?

This is a problem that Yang Wu has to worry about.

“You can absorb as much as you want. She is already prepared. Even if you absorb all the Dragon Qi, she will be able to reappear, but the time will be longer.” Yang Taihe responded.

Yang Wu asked again: “What about Miaomiao?”

“I’ll train him.” Yang Taihe responded.

“Well, then I will start.” After Yang Wu complied, he stopped mother-in-law, and began to let go of the Supreme Nine Profound Jue to absorb the Dragon Qi here.

When Yang Wu broke through the realm of Dragon Transformation, it became the true dragon phantom of thousands zhang. He directly reached the point where it could only be achieved by the ordinary top-level dragon transformation realm. That was because he had absorbed Dragon long ago. Qi, also got dragon marrow fluid body tempering, the foundation is extremely thick, it is reasonable to condense into true dragon phantom.

When he completely let go of the imposing manner, the True Dragon in the dantian rushed out. It seemed to have been hungry for a long time. Seeing the delicious food in front of him, he was extremely greedy and opened his mouth. Absorb the rich Dragon Qi crazy here.

One after another Dragon Qi emerged from the dragon grave, kept moving towards Yang Wu and gathered in the past, and was swallowed by the mouth of that True Dragon again and again, how fast it swallowed.

Yang Taihe finally understands that what Yang Wu said is true, even if he is only at the elementary level of Dragon Transformation, but his speed of absorbing Dragon Qi is no worse than that of Semi-Holy. A small amount of Dragon Qi is simply hard to satisfy him. Demand.

“Is the mysterious formula of Heavenly Palace really so abnormal?” Yang Taihe sighed lightly.

He knows that Yang Wu has become the d铆sciple of Heavenly Palace, and Heavenly Palace is the ancient Number One Influence, and its “Xuan Jue” is indeed the one of the very best in the world.

Yang Taihe feels that Yang Wu should have obtained the inheritance of Heavenly Palace to have such a foundation.

Yang Taihe shook the dragon scales and looked at those Dragon Qi who were beginning to become thinner. His heart was choked and he had to turn his attention to Miao Miao. He muttered, “You are Miao Vice Descendants of Alliance Lord, I will train you, and it鈥檚 not a shame.”

He doesn鈥檛 need to teach Miao Miao Alchemy Technique, he only needs to raise Miao Miao鈥檚 realm.


When Yang Wu and Miao Miao were in retreat, time was gradually passing away, and the time for the Dragon and Phoenix List dispute was finally in the budget of the Divine Prediction building. Next, the best auspicious days and the best place to compete for hegemony were selected.

A year and a half later, the natural phenomenon of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness will appear, showing the place of Dragon Phoenix hegemony. At that time, the peerless talents of the Great Influence of the transcendence will gather in the place of Dragon Phoenix hegemony. , Compete for the position of Dragon Emperor and Emperor Phoenix.

Just after the announcement of the news in the Divine Prediction building, the original Heavenly Dragon jade token and Heavenly Phoenix jade token appeared in various places. Men won the Heavenly Dragon jade token and women won the Heavenly Phoenix jade token. Only then are eligible to enter the Dragon Phoenix hegemony, each token is 10,000 yuan, a total of 20,000.

This is the amount obtained by Human Race. In addition, there are 90,000 tokens each for other races to compete for points, which means that young talents of all races will gather and collide.

After the previous time Dragon and Phoenix List dispute ended, a part of Heavenly Dragon jade token and Heavenly Phoenix jade token disappeared with the defeat of competitors. Now they have appeared everywhere, and a large part of it has fallen In the hands of Great Influence, even if their Tianjiao does not need to fight for it, they also have the qualifications to enter the Dragon Phoenix Hegemony Land. There are also some Tianjiao with good chances to get tokens, and some who get tokens inexplicably can also get sky-high prices. , But it was accompanied by more bloody killings.

Many powerhouses in the realm of Dragon Transformation within a hundred years of age fail to possess the Heavenly Dragon jade token or Heavenly Phoenix jade token, so they must find a way to capture them before they have the opportunity to enter the Dragon Phoenix hegemony.

The number of 10,000 each seems to be a lot. In fact, in terms of the terrifying population of the Transcendent Realm, it is pitifully small. Even if it is a martial artist of the Dragon Transformation realm with a limited age, the number is still shockingly large. , At least it is counted in the trillions of people, and after subtracting the original shares of each Great Influence, there are fewer places left, and the competition is cruel.

The battle between Dragon and Phoenix List will not only discharge the strongest younger generation, but also send these strongest youngsters to Dragon Transformation Holy Land to help them grow up as soon as possible.

all influence The reason why all influence is willing to help these youngsters grow rapidly is that they hope that among these youngsters, those Overlord level characters who can walk out of a few Heavenspan-level realms, can guard the existing territory for Human Race.

After all, there are countless creatures in the transcendent world. Human Race seems to occupy a lot of territory, but in fact it doesn鈥檛 even reach the one third place. There are many terrifying creatures in the ancient mountain range. There are some unknown races living in some forbidden areas, there are countless water monsters in the sea, and the demon race that looks awkwardly. These tangled and complicated living environments make Human Race not dare to neglect at all times. Ten years will restart a grand event, fighting fierce battles with all kinds of Tianjiao, and Tianjiao who can kill blood from the battle is qualified to become a region’s Overlord.

After the Dragon Phoenix battle started, all realms began to smoke all over the world. Not only the Human Race, but other alien races were also engaged in the cruel jade token battle.

Dragon and Phoenix List has not yet started, the war has been ignited first.


The boundary of Xiangjiang River.

There is a female back sword walking across the rivers and lakes, and she hangs a jade phoenix card on her chest. She is not worried about being snatched by others. It is definitely a boldness of execution stems from superb skill.

Some people from the corpse chaser quietly took action on this woman, and each corpse formed a terrifying attack, which was enough to threaten the martial artist of the dragon change realm.

The woman refers to the sword, and sword energy traverses horizontally and horizontally, and a corpse is cut in half, which is difficult to pose a threat to her.

These corpses are made by secret technique and are extremely hard. Ordinary heavenly soldiers can’t destroy them, but they can’t withstand the sword energy of women. This woman possesses the strength of the dragon transformation realm.

The corpse chaser summon produced a large number of corpses. The woman must be kept. In the end, all of these corpses were cut down. The sword energy directly penetrated the clansman鈥檚 eyebrows. Deprived of life.

“With this strength, I also want to besieged this Young Lady, too weak.” The woman muttered to herself with a flat color without even drawing her sword.


The wasteland.

There is a young girl staying with a bunch of wild beasts and ominous beasts. She communicates with them innocently. These brutal wild beasts and ominous beasts are as gentle as lambs, which is really incredible.

There was a little black dog who kept provoke the big guys in the wild bushes. It didn’t take long for those big guys to rush over and became one of these beasts again.

“Recently, your’innate talent for controlling beasts’ has improved a lot, but you haven’t been able to tame the saint-level big guys, you still need to continue to improve.” The little black dog said to the girl old-fashioned.

The girl touched the nose of the gigantic fierce elephant next to her and said: “Their fierceness is too strong, I can’t make a contract with them, my strength is still weak.”

“Well, it’s good if you know it. In the next period of time, you will practice against them, and you are not afraid of hurting them. Anyway, there are a lot of big guys here, but there are few of them.” The little black dog said.

“They are so obedient, how can I bear to hurt them? Let’s find some big guys who have not been tamed.” The girl said with distressed expression.

“It’s all right, you like it.” The little black dog responded.

At this moment, an iron-winged fierce bird flew over in the sky, holding a jade token moved towards under its paws, and the girl threw it away, and screamed at the girl invitingly. The girl caught the jade token and looked at it carefully. It was a phoenix-shaped jade token. She asked the iron-winged fierce bird, “Is this for me?”


The Iron Winged Fierce Bird responded happily.

“You are so kind, it looks very good, I will accept it.” The girl stroked the iron-winged ferocious bird happily.

The little black dog said: “Take me to see what it is?”

The girl gave it a look. She wiped a hint of surprise in her eyes and said, “Yes. A piece of imperial jade belongs to the category of sacred jade. It is shaped like a phoenix. Could it be the so-called Heavenly Phoenix jade token?”

“Heavenly Phoenix jade token, No way, does not mean that there is only cruel fighting. Can I get it?” The girl surprisedly said.

Although she and it are on the road of cultivation, they have also heard about the Dragon and Phoenix List and knew about the existence of Heavenly Phoenix jade token.

“Wang Wang, you little girl has a great chance, there is no need to fight, and there is also a jade token sent to the door. It seems that you don’t win the position of Emperor Phoenix. It’s not reasonable.” The little black dog said cheerfully.

“How can I be so good.” The girl modestly said.

“Will your Young Master win the position of the Dragon King?”

“Then I will fight with all my strength and not shame Young Master.”


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