Yang Taihe is a figure of Ancestral level of Yang Family. He brought ten million middle grade sacred stones. He is not as rich as a younger generation who has passed thousands of years, and his face is really hard to hang on.

Yang Taihe had to sigh with emotion: “Even if I die, I won’t be able to cause Wuer to have an accident.”

A top saint pharmacist is too important to Yang Family.

Not to mention the enchanting like Yang Wu who has boundless prospects. If he crowded into a divine medicine teacher, it would be the Xing family’s turn to worry about their safety.

Yang Wu asked Yang Taihe what medicine pill should be prepared for the family first, and he opened the medicine list and asked Miao Miao to purchase it.

Yang Taihe briefly talked about the situation and asked Yang Wu to analyze what kind of medicine pill the family needs is the most suitable.

The two talked for a while. What Yang Family lacks are the saints of the star pattern realm and a group of elites of the dragon transformation realm. First, it needs to improve the medicine pill, and then prepare more Healing Pills. , The Yang Family army suffered a lot of casualties in the war world, and it needs to be supplemented constantly. In addition, some spare medicine pills that can save lives are almost ready.

Apart from anything else, Yang Wu made a long medicine list and gave the holy stone to Miao Miao to help him purchase.

Miao Miao was also willing to run errands, and quickly went to the herbal medicine hall to purchase Yang Wu’s token.

Yang Wu needs a lot of herbs, and it takes a while to get them all together. Yang Wu uses this time to say goodbye to the old man.

Old Zui heard that Yang Wu was leaving, he couldn’t help but sighed softly: “I wanted to push you to my Senior Brother, but I don’t know where he went, so I can only wait. The next time you come here, I hope to meet him. Your Pill Dao is very similar to him. You can definitely talk to each other.”

“Well, I hope to have this opportunity next time.” Yang Wu responded lightly, and then he asked: “Old Drunk, our Pharmacist Alliance has sub-forums in all walks of life. Is it possible to set up a sub-forum in my Yang Family? In this case, I don’t need to go back and forth frequently to the general forum to be able to replace Contributing to the Alliance, and in my Yang Family’s domain, I can also contribute to the Alliance.”

The Pharmacist Alliance has a sub-forum in every realm, and there are also in the Battle Clan realm, but in The site of Xuanyuan Clan is not within the boundary of Yang Family.

The drunk old man instantly understood what Yang Wu’s idea was. He couldn’t help saying with a smile: “You guy’s brains turned so fast, you actually scored Altar Master. It’s a pity that I can’t help you with this.”

The establishment of the Pharmacist Alliance branch means that there will be a large number of Medicine Refining Masters gathering there, which will inevitably increase the income of that place, and there will be a lot of The circulation of medicine pill there will contribute to the prosperity of the place.

“What, isn’t my identity enough for the general forum to set up a sub forum?” Yang Wu asked.

“The alliance has rules for the alliance, and every sub-forum is set up with particular attention. Basically, it will be set up in places where there are many Medicine Refining Masters, or where the Medicine Refining Master is convenient, there are special Elders and Entering these matters is not the final decision by one or two people. It must be decided by the Elder Council before it can be implemented. Before you join the alliance, you want the alliance to make a division for you. This is definitely unrealistic.” Drunk old man analyzed After a while, he added: “You have a way to make a division on the Yang Family boundary.”

“What else can be done?” Yang Wu asked.

“When your contribution value reaches ten thousand saints contribution value, you can exchange for the establishment of a sub-forum.” Zui old man said seriously.

“Ten thousand points of saint contribution value!” Yang Wu lost his voice.

An ordinary sacred pill is worth a little saint contribution value, which means that he must refine 10,000 ordinary sacred pill for the alliance in exchange for the establishment of a sub-alarm. This price is not worth mentioning. not tall.

Not every holy pharmacist has a pill concentration like Yang Wu, and the amount of pill formation is even more incomparable. It takes a lot of time to accumulate to achieve the number of 10,000 holy pills. .

After all, the sacred pill is not an ordinary medicine pill. It requires a lot of herbs and a lot of demon cores. It is so easy to refine it by one person.

With Yang Wu’s pill concocting speed, if you have been desperately refining the sacred pill within a few years, it is not a problem to complete ten thousand, but the contribution value is no less than the sacred stone, you can get a lot Sacred relic, or even promotion, not everyone is willing to use contribution value to set up a sub-forum, not to mention a large number of medicine ingredients is also a huge problem.

At this step of the saint pharmacist, most of the ways to help a powerful force are ways. There is no need to set up a branch.

“This difficulty is not generally small.” Yang Wu said with a bitter smile.

“Of course, otherwise everyone will build the division on their own turf, how the alliance will continue to run, just let all the forces scrape the Medicine Refining Master.”

“Then is there a way to brush up the contribution value quickly?”

“It’s so easy to open it. However, you kid may really be able to open it.”

“How to say?”

“Didn’t you and Ji Fei that girl gambling to solve the corpse poison and corpse curse? The contribution of the task is not small, right?”

“It’s okay, the contribution value of the Five Hundred Saints is dozens of times that of other Saint-level missions, but it is far from ten thousand.”

“The contribution of the Five Hundred Saints is not low. If you can Solve the corpse poison and corpse curse, and then contribute the Pill Recipe, the contribution value of 10,000 will not be far.”

“You mean you want me to contribute the Pill Recipe?”

“Think about this yourself.”


Yang Wu left from the drunk old man, thinking about the conversation with him all the time, and contributing Pill Recipe is not impossible , But the contribution value of his Pill Recipe is still to be discussed.

The drunk old man said that the ordinary holy-level Pill Recipe is worth a thousand holy contribution points, and can get the Pill Recipe’s income rake. If anyone provides this Pill Recipe, he will definitely give the contributor a generous return. The Alliance strictly regulates this aspect.

The advanced holy Pill Recipe is worth 2,000 to 3,000 holy contributions, and the top holy Pill Recipe is worth 5,000 holy contributions.

If Yang Wu contributes two top-level Pill Recipes, he can have ten thousand saint contribution points. This is the fastest way to achieve the goal.

“Forget it, this matter can’t be rushed. First set a direction. It is the best that can be achieved. If it can’t be achieved, there is no way to force it.” Yang Wu in the heart thought to himself.

As he merged into the family, he wanted the family to become stronger, mainly to give his family a safe and strong home, and he was less concerned about it.

The establishment of sub-forums is very important for the future development of Yang Family, but also not necessary. Let everything go with the flow.

As for his bet with Cao Jifei, he is not in a hurry to resolve it. There is still plenty of time for a month.

Two days later, the sacred stones that Yang Wu gave to Miao Miao were almost exhausted. He bought a lot of herbs and demon cores, which was enough for him to spend a while.

“Little ancestor, let’s go.” Yang Wu greeted Yang Taihe and left the general forum of the Pharmacist Alliance.

Miao Miao also walked with him. This guy didn’t know if he had asked Miao Xiangqi for instructions. In short, he had decided with Yang Wu.

Yang Wu didn’t care about it either. Miao Xiangqi would definitely send someone to stare at Miao Miao. If Miao Xiangqi didn’t want Miao Miao to leave, he wouldn’t take it with him.

Yang Wu, Yang Taihe, Miao Miao, Qingfeng, and the Silver Tortoise, the three of them and the two demons went on the road together.

Wang Daha, Huang little brother, Haiguiren, Li Changle and Bao Meili were all left by Yang Wu.

These people are certainly good helpers, but Yang Wu doesn’t have time to take them for the time being. If they want to stay, he won’t mind supporting them in the future. If they can’t wait, let them find another master.

Cao Jifei learned the news of Yang Wu’s departure for the first time. She stomped and scolded: “This liar.”

She has been waiting for news about Yang Wu’s trading mission. In the end, I didn’t wait, but I heard that he had left first. Yang Wu was sure that Yang Wu was lying to her, and his heart was full of anger.

After a while, she felt empty in her heart.

The past few days have been thinking about Yang Wu, and she has also understood the origins of Yang Wu clearly. She became more curious about her, unconsciously there was a shadow in her heart, Yang Wu Suddenly leaving, it was like the shadow was leaving her, feeling very uncomfortable inside.

“Don’t let me see you next time, or it will make you look good.” Cao Jifei secretly thought in the heart.

Yao Wushuang also received the news of Yang Wu’s departure at the first time. There was no need for him to talk nonsense anymore. Someone passed the news of Yang Wu to the ears of the people.

“Yang Wu, goodbye.” Yao Wushuang in the heart said with a sneer.


Yang Wu is among the hundred on the bounty list. Many assassins are focusing on him. Who makes him the weakest?

Yang Family is also about to withdraw from the list of 1st Rate Influence, and more saints will not put them in their eyes.

Many killers who want to get rewards have quietly gathered in Dingcheng, and have figured out the probabilities of various routes that Yang Wu has left, and are ready for a complete interception.

In Dingcheng, no one has dared to kill Yang Wu. The Heavenspan-level old monster in the Pharmacist Alliance is not a decoration, always staring at everything here, who dares to kill the Alliance’s Saint Elder, It’s dead end.

Yang Taihe is not a fledgling young child. He once was on the bounty list and understood Yang Wu’s situation very well, so he took Yang Wu and left directly from the Space Gate in Dingcheng and chose the city. It wasn’t the only way to return to Yang Family, but chose a reverse direction unexpectedly by the killer.

Only in this way can we avoid the enemy’s interception.

As soon as Yang Taihe and Yang Wu left, many powerhouses quickly rushed to Space Gate, chasing the direction they moved.

When Yang Taihe and Yang Wu and his party moved to another place, Yang Taihe said solemnly: “Move immediately. Don’t let the guys behind catch up, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

Yang Taihe released a powerful force, wrapped Yang Wu, Miao Miao and the silver-striped turtle moved towards another Space Gate, as long as they arrived there and handed over the mysterious Spirit Stone, they could leave calmly.

This short distance is a matter of in a flash for Yang Taihe, but now it is different from the past, and if it stagnates a little, it may fall into the point of being consigned to eternal damnation.

“Yang Taihe, Yang Wu, you can’t escape, all of you stay here.” There was a burst of laughter, and a shocking palmprint moved towards them.

This is a golden palm print, just like Golden Peng Spread The Wings.

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