Wang Daha and Huang Xiaohe are brothers, their names are very interesting, their strength has reached the semi-sacred state, it is not easy.

These two people look like middle-aged and elderly people, their blood energy is still very strong, but unfortunately there is no backstage support, it is difficult to break through the star pattern realm, and they don’t want to be the worship of those Great Influences, the last choice Become the guard of the Pharmacist Alliance, and follow the Holy Pharmacist to have a future.

Haiguiren and Li Changle are both middle-aged man. The former looks like a wretched and uncle with a minion smile, while the latter is serious, reserved, and mighty.

Bao is beautiful, in fact not beautiful at all, she is like that kind of rustic and rude woman, but she is the only Medicine Refining Master among the five. The medical smell of her is very strong, and she is often soaked in The person in the medicine pile.

The first four people want to improve their strength and get longer life, while Bao Meili wants to bring it up a level in Alchemy Technique.

Yang Wu figured out what they all wanted, so he was relieved.

It’s hard to control if people don’t want anything.

Yang Wu will not comment on them for the time being. First, see who is more suitable to be his subordinate, and whoever is suitable can stay. If not, let them come from and go back.

“Master Yang, take a rest first. The villain will prepare you for a bath and change clothes.” Haiguiren bowed and said with a smile.

Yang Wu looked at his “Duke Turtle” face, and he was amused. He replied, “You are a big man serving me. You don’t feel sick, I can’t stand it anymore. .”

“I’ll do it.” Bao Meili responded.

“Are there no maids except you?” Yang Wu asked.

“Yes, Young Master can still choose five maids, but it’s late now, and I can call them tomorrow.” Returnee Ren responded.

“Well, then you just need to fetch the water for me. I don’t need you to do the rest for the time being, and there is nothing to disturb me.” Yang Wu emphasized.

“It’s an adult.” Everyone responded in unison.

Yang Wu entered the pavilion, moved into the large room on the third floor, and called Qingfeng up.

Yang Wu took out the Phoenix blood essence and handed it to Qingfeng and said: “Sister Feng, this is for you.”

Qingfeng handed over the jade and looked at the inside like Phoenix The blood essence was surging, and the color of joy appeared: “This… is this Phoenix blood essence?”

“It is blood essence.” Yang Wu corrected.

Qingfeng was almost speechless with excitement. She wanted to rush to hug Yang Wu and give her a good kiss. In the end, she suppressed this impulse.

Without waiting for Qingfeng to speak, Yang Wu said again: “Sister Feng, let me find you a retreat room. Only when your strength improves, you can better protect me.”

“Okay.” Qing Feng responded succinctly.

She has made up her mind to protect the young man in front of her for the rest of her life.

After Qingfeng went down, Yang Wu didn’t call the silver-striped tortoise. He had to continue to boil the silver-striped tortoise. It didn’t take long for that guy to drink the Holy Body wine, and it didn’t take long for his strength to improve , It is not advisable to accelerate the promotion.

After Yang Wu bathed and changed his clothes, he closed his eyes and meditated to digest the “dominant Divine Palm” passed on to him by Xuanyuan Ba ​​Tao.

There are not many palm skills, Yang Wu cultivation skills. The palm skills of previous cultivation, but now the “Broken River Palm” is still available. It was obtained in the Fractured Space. He has already He cultivated Broken River Palm to perfection, not at all, and he did not deliberately pursue this artistic conception.

For every martial artist, it is enough to master one or two martial arts, bite off more than one can chew.

Yang Wu has no intention of cultivation in the palm of the hand, but this does not prevent him from comprehending this magical skill.

Divine skill, it is a battle skill that is more advanced than the holy skill. With the unpredictable power of Ghost God, it is the advanced battle skill he currently lacks most. If he can understand a little bit of fur, maybe he can do it. For another trump card card.

The overbearing Divine Palm, just listen to the name, you know that it is a very sturdy palm. There are many changes in one palm. Each change is based on crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. To intercept the opponent.

During meditation, Yang Wu saw the terrifying power of Xuanyuan Ba’s wave of his palm and blasted the sky. He felt like the end of the world. His spirit strength was very exhausted, so he meditated several times. Shrinking.

He eyes opened muttered: very terrifying palm force. With my current strength, I am afraid that I can’t learn it. At least I have to improve one or two levels before I can cultivation. “

Yang Wu gave up meditation, took out the blood gathering vine, extracted its essence, and quickly swallowed it.

Sometimes, herbal medicines must not be refined into medicine pill. It can play its role. It can be eaten directly, and the desired effect can be achieved.

The blood gathering vine has the effect of gathering blood and activating qi. It is the blood energy Yang Wu wants most. Processed and eaten.

When this group of power enters the abdomen, the bloodline power seems to be beating, the Black Tortoise is roaring, the blood is boiling, and the loss of blood energy is slowly increasing.

Yang Wu Feeling very comfortable, he mobilized the profound formula to limit the daily operation, increased blood activity, improved blood energy, and made full use of the medicinal properties of the blood vine.

After one night, Yang Wu felt much better and his face looked better. It has also become a lot ruddy, and it seems to be more energetic.

“It’s still a little bit worse. As long as the Black Tortoise blood essence is refining, it may be able to complete it completely. “Yang Wu said to himself after looking inside.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Wu took out Black Tortoise blood essence and Dragon Tortoise blood essence, both of which are the blood essence of the top demon saints, which are expensive Incomparable.

His cultivation Black Tortoise battle spirit is very compatible with Black Tortoise blood essence. This is what he learned from the will of his ancestors. This is what he is willing to spend a lot of money to buy Black Tortoise Because of the blood essence.

Dragon Tortoise blood essence is the sacred relic he has been looking for for a long time. His Dragon Tortoise turning over the sea is also the time to burst out the strongest formidable power.

After hesitating again and again, he decided to refining Dragon Tortoise blood essence first. The Black Tortoise blood essence will be kept temporarily, for fear that he may overfill his head, and he cannot bear it.

Yang Wu adjusted his breath first. In his mental state, Soul Power completely recovered the blood essence of Dragon Tortoise.

Suddenly, he felt a huge Dragon Tortoise overwhelmed within the body. The majestic breath instantly made His meridian power has become messy, and his internal organs have been greatly impacted.

This is an extremely powerful Dragon Tortoise demon saint, even if it is just a little blood essence, it is still not an ordinary martial artist capable of refining Yes.

Yang Wu Seven Orifices has overflowed with blood, and he regrets being so hasty in his heart, swallowing this Dragon Tortoise blood essence, if he slows down, or uses some herbal aids, he may be more gentle.

“If you want to ruin my foundation, how can it be so easy, let me completely refining. “Yang Wu gritted his teeth, roared, and urged the limit of the week to run. The meridian flow became extremely fast, quickly decomposing the power of the Dragon Tortoise blood essence. At the same time, he also visualized Dragon Tortoise turning over the sea. Skill, resonate with this Dragon Tortoise, hoping to calm him.

This Dragon Tortoise blood essence power is too violent.

It has been madly raging on Yang Wu’s The meridian and the viscera, I really want Yang Wu’s life.

Yang Wu has exhausted all his strength and constantly refining to break down its power. There is absolutely no slack at all, otherwise it will be true. It’s over.

peng~ peng~!

Yang Wu only feels that within the body has been hit by waves after waves, and the flesh is bleeding.


The extreme refining speed cannot prevent this from happening.

Just when Yang Wu was desperate, there seemed to be a Black Tortoise condensed in Yang Wu bloodline, which belonged to him. The bloodline power of this Black Tortoise is not as powerful as Dragon Tortoise, but its inherent Imperial Family style still gives Dragon Tortoise a sense of fear, and the destructive power is slightly weaker.

Also. At this brief moment, Black Tortoise flew fiercely against Dragon Tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise was not to be outdone, and counterattacked against Black Tortoise. The two turtles fought fiercely together.

Yang Wu also used this gap time to run the Taishang Nine Profound Jue for support, while splitting the power of Dragon Tortoise, while contributing to the battle strength of Black Tortoise. As long as he persists, he will win in the end.

I don’t know how long it took, Dragon Tortoise became weaker and weaker, Black Tortoise became more and more fierce, and eventually swallowed Dragon Tortoise completely.

After Dragon Tortoise was swallowed, Black Tortoise Rapid growth, blood The energy surged again, and the damaged areas quickly calmed down and recovered quickly.

When Yang Wu woke up, he suddenly had an extremely overbearing imposing manner soaring, and the spirit of Black Tortoise that emerged behind him appeared extremely real, and the strong fighting intent power filled the whole Block of pavilions.

“haha, the blood energy power has finally been completely restored.” Yang Wu laughed with great satisfaction.

When he was in the Dan clan, his blood energy was lost too much. He swallowed the heart-reinforcing blood pill, but he could not fully recover. Today, after refining the blood essence of Juxue Vine and Dragon Tortoise, he finally It was once again returning to Peak status, and the stagnant strength increased again, and came to Peak, the primary dragon transformation realm in one fell swoop.

In this period of time, he was attacked by a lot of holy thunder, Dantian gained a lot of power, and his strength should have been improved long ago.

Everything is bloodline’s loss, which makes him afraid to accelerate and increase his strength.

What he needs to polish is the ultimate realm, perfect physique, and don’t want any defects. When the bloodline power is filled, there is no worries.

Yang Wu originally thought that refining Dragon Tortoise blood essence is to promote the power of Dragon Tortoise’s sea turning technique. Who knows that it can also complement his blood energy, and the increased power, the top holy demon bloodline is really nothing trivial.

Yang Wu feels that as long as he stays silent for a period of time, he will definitely try to attack the intermediate dragon transformation realm.

“You can’t be too hasty. After the blood energy is restored, you still need to continue to polish, hit the limit and then break through.” Yang Wu comforted himself, stood up, and called the returnees to come over and prepare for him to bathe and change clothes. The water, he should go to receive the gift ceremony.

The returnees quickly appeared, and several women came with him. He bowed and said to Yang Wu, “My lord, this is the maid chosen by the league for you. They will come. Waiting for you to take a shower and change clothes.”

Yang Wu almost felt like vomiting after seeing the appearances of the women. He turned his face away and cursed: “Which bastard chose the one for me, I and you Is there a revenge for life and death?”


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