In the previous Medicine Pavilion, Yang Wu also saw a lot of medicine pill and herbs, but after seeing these top medicine pill and herbs here, he knew that the 36 Medicine Pavilion why not open to the public, and There is also the guardian of the holy realm, because everything here is enough to make any saint crazy. In addition to the holy pill of the Three Tribulations, there are also Divine Pill and divine medicine. Even if they are seen by Heavenspan level characters, they are not guaranteed Not tempted.

“The kid is dumbfounded.” The drunk old man said triumphantly.

“It’s a bit dumbfounded.” Yang Wu even nodded, and then he added: “This is not made by you. What are you doing.”

“I It’s the dean!” The drunk old man raised his head and said.

“Then you can give me a few items?” Yang Wu asked in a low voice.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Then what’s the use of your dean?”

“You kid, can you speak human words? “

“I always speak human words.”


When Yang Wu was bickering with the drunk old man, a Kong Wu was powerful The old man appeared before their eyes.

After a while, Yang Wu’s hair stood upright.

This old man put too much pressure on him, just like the sun approaching, he couldn’t help feeling fear.

Yang Wu is not a timid person. Even if he is facing a real saint, he will not be afraid. Even if he can’t beat him, he will only lose the battle. But in front of this old man, he will not be born. With the slightest thought of being able to resist, just like in front of his Master, the difference in strength between the two is too great to compare.

“Domineering, you come to judge, this kid has just become a top saint pharmacist, he started supercilious.” The drunk old man said to the person.

Domineering, the name speaks for itself is as domineering, Yang Wu thinks so.

Xuanyuan Ba ​​has been staring at Yang Wu, and Yang Wu is a little hairy.

“Hey, overbearing, you stare at other children to see what you are doing. Don’t bully them just because they are not very strong. That’s not okay.” The drunk old man stood in front of Yang Wu and said.

“Like, really like!” Xuanyuan Ba ​​muttered, and then he converged the imposing manner and asked Yang Wu: “Are you from the Battle Clan Yang Family?”

Yang Wu Qing nodded said: “Yes.”

“You come with me.” Xuanyuan Ba ​​said to Yang Wu, then turned and walked upstairs.

Yang Wu looked dazed and looked at the drunk old man in confusion.

“Don’t look at the old man, the old man doesn’t know which of his tendons is cramping, you can go with him, maybe there is something to tell you.” The drunk old man shrugged.

“Will he be against me?” Yang Wu whispered sound transmission to the drunk old man.

Rather than waiting for the drunk old man to reply, Xuanyuan Ba, who has already arrived upstairs, said: “If I want to disadvantage you, I can pinch you to death now, and the drunk old man can’t stop it.”


“Go go, he’s right, he really wants to kill you, I can’t stop the dean.” The drunk old man waved his hand.

Yang Wu helplessly, walking upstairs with a cloud of fog.

Yang Wu went all the way to the 4th floor. It is not open to the public. Even St. Elder in the league is not qualified to set foot here. Yang Wu entered the Medicine Pill Pavilion for the first time. Here, if this spreads out, I don’t know how many people will be jealous with jealousy.

Yang Wu didn’t dare to look around at will, but wherever he looked, what he saw still made his heart beat wildly.

If the things under the first floor make him very heart-stricken, then the things here make him hallucinate, and the things here basically exist in the legendary divine object.

He saw a True Dragon bead, that is the core power of True Dragon, which is rare in the world. Any Jiao clan who gets such a True Dragon bead can immediately turn into True Dragon; he also saw one Phoenix feather feathers, such terrifying real fires are constantly burning. If it weren’t blocked by array restriction, this area of ​​a hundred li could be burned by this feather feather; there is also the Divine Pill of spirit transformation. He took the holy medicine there and gnawed at him from time to time, and smiled at him from time to time. It was crazy…

“My mother, this is the place of the peerless God’s Storehouse!” Yang Wu in the heart cry out in surprise.

“Sit down, don’t be cautious, you are the top saint pharmacist, qualified to sit on an equal footing with me.” Xuanyuan Ba ​​said lightly.

He fiddled with the tea set and began to make tea. His movements were light and his handwork was delicate, which formed a great contrast with his powerful appearance.

Yang Wu sat down and looked at the tea that the other party was boiling. His eyes were almost staring. He whispered, “Yang Xin Ye.”

Yang Xin Ye, It is the leaves of the heart-raising tree. The heart-raising tree is a kind of Holy Tree. Although it is the most common type, it is not so easy for ordinary people to find it. The old man in front of him uses its leaves to make tea. , And these leaves are more than one piece, but a small pile of them placed here, it is simply extremely luxurious.

Each leaf that nourishes the heart can nourish the heart, enhance vitality, prolong lifespan, clear the liver and clear the lungs, purify the spirit of the soul, purify the evil demonic energy, and the most important thing is to be able to “Clear comprehension of the heart”.

Clear comprehension is something that many martial artists want to pursue but cannot pursue. Only by recognizing themselves and knowing what the heart needs can they pursue their own path of cultivation.

This also means that Yangxin Ye can help people enlighten the Tao, even if it is not as magical as the leaves of the Divine Tree Enlightenment Tree, it can make many saints crazy about it.

Yang Wu calmed his mind and sat down in front of Xuanyuan Ba ​​Dao. He slightly lowered his head and watched the other party put three pieces of Yangxin tea into the tea stove, his heart twitched.

“In this backyard, there is a tree that nourishes the heart. You can pick some up every year. You come at the right time.” Xuanyuan Ba ​​said not at all. Look at Yang Wu, but you already know that Yang Wu is thinking what.

The fragrance of tea overflows, flowing into the heart, the spring is surging, relaxed and joyful.

Xuanyuan Ba ​​pours Yang Wu a cup, then pours himself a cup, and makes a request to let Yang Wu drink first.

Yang Wu is not polite, his mood is completely relaxed, and he is no longer afraid of the opponent because of the strength of the opponent. He picked up the teacup, gently savored it, and slowly poured the small cup of tea In his heart, the strong fragrance of tea swept through his body, and in an instant, he was in an elusive condition.

All the battle skills of cultivation over the years have appeared one after another, and there are three ways of comprehension, two kinds of artistic conceptions, all appear one after another.

He majored in water profound energy, but he possessed the three power innate talents of fire, thunder, and ice. The cultivation was very messy. After the Divine Pagoda was rebuilt for ten years, he realized that he belongs to My own boxing skills, but this is far from enough, many powerful battle skills still need to be improved.

For example, the attack of battle spirit, if it is the strongest, such as Nilong Spear Art, how can the most powerful battle strength erupt…

these all are need him to go To solve the problems, with the help of Yangxin Tea, he solved the confusion in his heart one by one. He clearly comprehensed his own advantages and disadvantages. For example, his battle soul is comparable to the holy soul, and he can fight in three points. It can cooperate with the shot, and it can definitely sweep the opponent; for example, the power of the bloodline can further integrate the gun intent, and may be able to condense its own gun way…

Unconsciously, Yang Wu woke up from the clear comprehension, Found that there was no tea in the cup, only Xuanyuan Ba ​​Dao was still sitting in front of him.

“Sorry, I lost my self-control.” Yang Wu put down his teacup and apologized.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, the harvest is not small,” Xuanyuan Ba ​​said flatly.

Yang Wu froze for a moment, took a look out of the window moved towards, and found that it was already dark, he was surprised: “Did I have been sitting for a long time?”

“Well, The first time I drank Yangxin tea, I got the effect and your perception is pretty good.” Xuanyuan Ba ​​praised.

If a drunk old man hears this, he will definitely give Yang Wu a big thumbs up. Xuanyuan Ba ​​says that he rarely praises people. It is definitely not easy for Yang Wu to get his praise.

“Tea is good.” Yang Wu quickly responded.

He obviously only felt that after a moment, who knew that it would be a long time in a blink of an eye, this was incredible.

If the other party just wanted to kill him, wouldn’t it be the case?

Fortunately, the other party has no evil intentions towards him, so I can’t help but rejoice.

However, the effect of Yangxin Tea is really great. It helps him clear comprehension of many cultivation problems, and the direction of cultivation becomes clearer and clearer.

“Do you know Yang Baiqiang?” Xuanyuan Ba ​​changed the subject and asked.

Yang Wu raised his brows lightly and said: “Do you know my ancestors?”

On the genealogy, Yang Wu knows which bloodline ancestors have, and he It comes from the lineage of Yang Baiqiang. This is the peerless arrogant of Yang Family 800 years ago. He is hailed as the strongest arrogant after Yang Taihe, but unfortunately die an untimely death.

During the Divine Pagoda battle, Yang Wu met this ancestor, and the opponent was shocking and stunning. Didn’t expect the Senior in front of him to know his ancestor.

“Sure enough, you two look very similar.” Xuanyuan Ba ​​sighed softly, and then he said: “He went too early. If he can live to the present, I can see you so good. The children and grandchildren will also be very pleased.”

“He… how did he pass away?” Yang Wu hesitated and asked.

Yang Baiqiang is such an outstanding talent, once he grows up, his life will be very long. It must be an accident that he will die early.

Xuanyuan Ba’s old eyes wiped out a few anger, and there was an extremely terrifying energy in him that seemed to be released, but fortunately, it was quickly suppressed, otherwise Yang Wu would be unbearable.

He drank a sip of nourishing tea and said, “He shouldn’t have died, but he was killed by others. I can’t repay this grudge, so it’s really hateful to stay here and drink tea every day. .”

Yang Wu was stunned.

He could not think that the old man and his ancestors not only knew each other, but also seemed to know what happened that year. He couldn’t help asking: “Who did it?”

Even if Yang Wu and Yang Baiqiang have not met, there is a long time gap between the two parties, but the bloodline connection cannot be erased, and I still want to know who the murderer of his ancestor was. If possible, he also wants to try Can’t avenge him.

When is the injustice reported? He doesn’t believe in such bullshit.

It is estimated that the enemy of his ancestors is also the enemy of the Yang Family.

However, when Yang Wu heard Xuanyuan Ba ​​talk about his ancestral enemy, he was shocked.


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