Yang Wu has improved too quickly in the Medicine Refining Master level.

On this road, he has not had time to appreciate the market between the medicine pill levels, and he directly set foot on the highest point. This also led to his lack of awareness of the value of medicine pill. When I heard Yan Laoshi After the offer, he himself was stunned.

“The price is relatively higher than the outside, but it is a bit cheaper than in Auction House. If you think it is suitable, I will accept it, or you are optimistic about what medicine pill or sacred Relic, then deduction is fine.” Yan Laoshi explained to Yang Wu honestly.

Yang Wu came back to his senses and replied: “It is suitable, very suitable, much higher than I thought.”

Cao Jifei looked at Yang Wu in a hurry. said with a smile: “It seems that you have just entered the realm of the saint pharmacist.”

Today is definitely the day she laughed the most in recent years.

Zhu Guanzhou and Chen Zhiying think so.

“haha, it seems that you are also an honest person.” Yan honestly said with a smile.

Yang Wu laughed himself, he felt like an idiot, dignified the top holy pharmacist, for a few medicine pill lost self-control.

After Yang Wu changed the sacred stone, he turned around and found a “demon phoenix sacred pill”, which was a monster pill, and this sacred phoenix pill was extremely valuable Because of his Three Tribulations Star Pattern Pill.

Qing Feng saw it too, and could hardly look away.

She belongs to the Azure Phoenix family, and within the body has Phoenix Race Bloodline. If she gets this demon phoenix sacred pill, it will undoubtedly provide timely help for her, which can help her quickly improve her realm.

Apart from anything else, Yang Wu took out a star-patterned pill and replaced it with this demon phoenix holy pill, and then handed it to Qingfeng: “Sister Feng, it belongs to you. It has been a hard time. You are here.”

Qingfeng was so touched that she had enough sacred stones to buy, but Yang Wu took it first and gave it to her, except for the grandmother’s Besides, he is the second person to treat her so well.

Without waiting for Qingfeng’s words of gratitude, Yang Wu asked Cao Jifei sideways: “It’s just a medicine pill, why is it worth the same as the medicine pill?”

Explained: “The refining method of this demon-level holy pill is not brilliant, but its materials are more precious. It must have Phoenix Clan’s holy demon core to make such a medicine pill. Can it be expensive?”

“so that’s how it is.” Yang Wu suddenly realized.

“Look at what else is needed, if not, let’s continue walking in?” Cao Jifei asked.

“Yes, thanks to you, after I go out, I will invite you to dinner.” Yang Wu thanked him.

“Okay, today you earned so many sacred stones, we can go directly to the’Ding Shifu’ to shouted.” Cao Jifei gently waved Jiaoquan in response.

When Zhu Guanzhou and Chen Zhiying saw her like this, they didn’t know how to describe her. They agreed that their Young Lady had a good impression of Yang Wu, otherwise how could they be so easy to talk.

At this moment, a voice rang outside: “Ji Concubine, why don’t you let me take this meal.”

A sloppy, sloppy man came from the door. When he walked in, he was full of a strong medicinal smell, just like someone who had just walked out of the medicine tank, the smell was particularly pungent.

Everyone’s eyes moved towards him, and he saw a dazzling patina badge hanging on his chest, apparently a holy pharmacist.

Yang Wu thinks this place is really a holy pharmacist many as dogs, no matter how anyone walks out of it, he is a holy pharmacist, and his pride is almost gone.

After Cao Jifei frowned when she saw the visitor, a trace of disgust was smeared in her beautiful eyes. Everyone is a holy pharmacist. The smell of medicine from others can make people feel close, but before her eyes The smell of this guy’s medicine is pungent and unpleasant, which is really unbearable.

Cao Jifei is not an ugly or handsome person, but she loves cleanliness and doesn’t like such a sloppy man. Even if he looks good and has excellent conditions, she just doesn’t like it.

From the very beginning, the first day she saw Dan Liyi, she didn’t have a good impression of him. A person who couldn’t even clean up herself would live with him in the future. Wouldn’t it be her care? He, this is obviously impossible, so she said that she waited until he came to the divine medicine teacher to chase her. She didn’t really demand such a high level, but just set a threshold for some suitors. Her goal was to Become a person like her Master, and her man must be at least half as good as her Master in order to be able to impress her.

Since she followed her Master, her vision has become critical. From time to time, she compares those men who pursue her with her Master. It is as different as heaven and earth. She simply no longer thinks about feelings. To improve the strength and level of pill concocting.

She made an exception to visit the medicine pill hospital with Yang Wu, just simply admiring Yang Wu’s abilities. He is similar to her Master’s. Not only is the pill concocting great, but she can also resist the thunder by her own ability. This is something that many Medicine Refining Masters can’t do, especially the more advanced Medicine Refining Master, the less dare to do it, it is an act of bringing about one’s own destruction.

Her Master has the secret technique to resist the thunder, and also taught it to her, but the perverted body tempering method is very difficult for her to endure as a woman. Over the years, she has been desperately in cultivation, most You can only resist the first wave of sky thunder with your own fleshy body. When it comes to the second wave, you must use a foreign object to do it. Yang Wu can resist three waves of sky thunder with his own strength, enough to compete with her First Senior Brother is comparable. Her First Senior Brother is regarded as the man closest to her Master.

Cao Jifei admires Yang Wu, but it doesn’t mean that she likes him, but others think more.

“No need, Yang Wu just ask me.” Cao Jifei said lightly in response to Dan Liyi.

“Do you like him?” Dan Liyi glanced at Yang Wu and asked bluntly.

The dispute between Yang Wu and Xing Yashang, Dan Liyi is not clear at all. He is currently wearing a bronze and silver badge, and that golden and green badge will be given to Yang Wu at the ceremony. .

Dan Liyi narrowed his eyes when he saw Yang Wu’s patina badge, his face was not at all, and his face was not at all. It was also classified as Level 1 Medicine Refining Master.

Cao Jifei responded: “Who I like has something to do with you, can you stop pestering me?”

Cao Jifei spoke very directly to Dan Liyi, she was sincere. She didn’t like Dan Liyi, she had rejected him many times, but he was still persevering, which really gave her a headache.

“Ji Fei, I don’t care who you like now, I don’t mind. When I become a divine medicine teacher, you will understand my intentions for you.” Dan Liyi greeted Cao Jifei very much. Seriously, then he looked sideways at Yang Wu and asked: “I am Dan Liyi of the Dan clan and one of the Alliance Saint Elder. I just heard Ji Fei say that your name is Yang Wu. I think you are still very young. Becoming a patina-level saint pharmacist must be a new Saint Elder who joined the alliance. You set a condition on how to leave Cao Jifei and stop pestering her. She is not something you can get involved.”

Dan Li Yi speaks very directly, just like his pill concocting, trying to get in one go as much as possible, and will not be muddled. The condescending breath is quite bluffing.

If it is an ordinary saint pharmacist, he is shocked by his imposing manner.

Yang Wu was not scared, and after hearing the Dan clan’s name, he became even more afraid.

Yang Wu just wanted to answer, and there was another voice outside the door: “Li Yi said well, Ji Fei is not something you can get involved. It’s better to come from and go back.”

Another young-looking man appeared in the 33 Medicine Pavilion. He was like the rising sun, illuminating the entire Medicine Pavilion instantly.

Just after he stepped in, a handsome young man with blond hair also stepped in. He sketched a faint smile and said, “I’ll join in the fun too.”

Two handsome youngsters with their own strengths and weaknesses appeared. The few Medicine Refining Masters in the Medicine Pavilion were all affected, and they couldn’t help but look over.

One of the guards in the Medicine Pavilion moved towards Yan Honestly, and he is asking the Pavilion Lord if he wants to stop it.

Yan Laoshi lightly shook the head and said: “The youngster’s problem will be solved by the youngster.”

After speaking, he quietly sat on a rocking chair and adjusted it. After being ready to watch the show, I don’t seem to worry about these youngsters making things big.

After Cao Jifei saw the two, her Jiao face expression became unsightly, and she was in a mess by them.

“I didn’t think you were so popular.” Yang Wu moved towards Cao Jifei said with a smile, he did not wait for Cao Jifei to reply, immediately loudly said: “Don’t be impulsive, I and she are innocent. We only communicated for the first time. Fortunately, Young Lady Cao took me to the medicine pill hospital.”

As soon as Yang Wu finished speaking, both Zhu Guanzhou and Chen Zhiying couldn’t help showing contempt. I thought to myself: “It turned out to be a counseling bag and wasted most of Young Lady’s time.”

Cao Jifei froze for a moment, and then her affection for Yang Wu quickly disappeared. She was so anxious to leave the relationship with her, she was so courageous. too small.

“Let’s go.” Cao Jifei said lightly to Zhu Guanzhou and Chen Zhiying beside her.

She didn’t want to stay here for a moment.

Each of these people in front of me is very good, but is she rare?

She is not in the mood to talk about love.

“Don’t be like that, Concubine Ji, we rarely meet once. I plan to purchase a batch of medicine pills here. You can show me.” Jing Qian, the son of light, came to Cao Jifei and said.

“If you want to buy a medicine pill, just find the old man here, I’m not in the mood to accompany you.” Cao Jifei said coldly.

“Ji Fei, why do you refuse to be beyond a thousand li? I have a bad idea, but I didn’t offend you. Let’s start with friends first. I believe you will one day be by me. Moved.” Jing Qian shook the White Folding Fan lightly and said modestly. His charming smile was almost comparable to Lu Zhi.

Yang Wu admits that Jing Qian is a very handsome and elegant man. He is more likeable to women than Dan Liyi.

The blond youngster beside him kept smiling and said nothing, but no one dared to ignore his existence. Yang Wu saw the same temperament as Yang Ba from the blond youngster. All are domineering and undisguised character.

“You’re so fucking!” The blond youngster felt the gaze cast by Yang Wu and said with contempt.


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