In the Castle of the Alliance of Pharmacists, in a quiet room, here is located high above the castle, you can see everything inside the castle at a glance.

There is a dull old man with a small braid, his forehead is bright, his eyes are like falcons, he is very forceful, and he is wearing a simple vest with black muscles. One piece is as hard as iron, and it seems that even Holy Weapon is hard to shake. This is a strong old man.

The old man’s eagle eyes fell through the window to the Pill Recipe pavilion in the distance, wiping out the muttered goblin mans: “Pill Dao becomes a spirit, Pill Recipe chooses the master, the new little baby The innate talent is good.”

The old man who was still in a drunk dream suddenly bounced off the bed and turned into a flash of lightning moved towards Pill Recipe. The pavilion skimmed over, there was no sign of drunkenness.

Soon he appeared in front of the Pill Recipe Pavilion, staring at the glyph rays of light, his old eyes flashed with envy: “Does this kid want to live.”

Many people in other directions also noticed the movement here, and quickly moved towards here.

Suddenly, a voice rang from the sky: “Don’t bother to comprehend Pill Dao.”

This voice fell in everyone’s ears, and instantly made them afraid to move. .

The people in the Pill Recipe Pavilion were quickly removed by Weili, and only Yang Wu was still in a state of understanding and deepening Pill Dao.

He seems to have isolated everything from the outside world, one after another Pill Recipe is in his mind, the battle spirit is completing the pill concocting time and time again, he is in an extremely mysterious and abstruse state In, time was passing by, he didn’t notice it at all.

Every medicine pill refinement method recorded in the Pill Recipe, he is quickly comprehending, and he is also able to identify the loopholes, and quickly make up for them. The content of the Pill Recipe is also quietly happening Changes, each one is becoming extremely perfect, which has a lot to do with the massive Pill Recipe passed to him by Xiao Hei. The two Pill Recipes are mutually confirmed, and he can quickly clear the comprehension of the advantages and disadvantages.

When Yang Wu realized Pill Dao, Divine Court Dao flower was also nourished and strengthened. The petal that branded Pill Dao appeared more and more shining, moving towards Great Success Realm improved.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed.

The text rays of light in the Pill Recipe cabinet gradually faded.

In the past two months, no one has been able to approach the Pill Recipe Pavilion and it has become one of the forbidden places in the general altar.

The drunk old man also guarded the Pill Recipe pavilion for two months. At first, he was still paying attention to the situation in the Pill Recipe pavilion. Later, he drank himself and lay down when he was drunk. I went to bed and when I woke up, I looked at the Pill Recipe Pavilion. It was really boring.

The Medicine Refining Master in the general forum has long been discussing the natural phenomenon here.

The situation about Yang Wu is clearly understood by them. It is really hard to believe that a youngster who is only 23 years old will cause such a big disturbance. The entire Pill Recipe is blocked because of him. This is absolutely It was the first thing in a thousand years.

Xing Yashang knew that the movement in the Pill Recipe was caused by Yang Wu, and several Heavenly God looks ugly. Later, he didn’t know what crafty plots and machinations he thought of, and it was no longer cold. With a face, she looked forward to Yang Wu’s appearance soon.

When the rays of light in the Pill Recipe Pavilion disappeared, many people quickly moved towards the Pill Recipe Pavilion. They all wanted to witness how young and handsome the holy pharmacist who caused such a movement was. What is it like again.

A young man walked out of the Pill Recipe cabinet. He looked at the people all around blankly and said, “Uh…what are you doing looking at me like this? Could it be that I’m handsome again? “

The drunk old man took the lead. Yang Wu couldn’t react, so he pinched his shoulders. Yang Wu rebelled, “What are you going to do with the drunk old man? I’m not going to die.”

“Good boy, how can you do Pill Recipe’s choice? Come on!” said the drunk old man jealously.

Drunk old man pill concocting for many years, even with Pill Dao, but never had such a good opportunity like Yang Wu.

It’s not just him, no one in Medicine Refining Master here can do such an amazing thing.

Perhaps only the Alliance Leader has this ability.

“He is Yang Wu. He is so young and he looks like eighteen years old. It’s incredible.”

“He is so handsome, just like The Alliance Leader is a little bit short, and it looks so likable.”

“How did he manage to choose Pill Recipe? Can he give us some experience?”

“Did he use the blindfold method to deceive us? It seems that there is no such thing as a holy pharmacist.”


The onlooker Medicine Refining Master voted for Yang Wu After the eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred, more of them were still in a state of shock. They remembered the name of Yang Wu today.

Yang Wu got rid of the drunk old man and said: “How the drunk old man is in the public, I just looked at the Pill Recipe, but I didn’t do anything bad.”

Yang Wu has never been aware of what is happening outside, and thought it was only a day or two.

“Looking at the Pill Recipe caused such a big movement, you are a godless evildoer.”

“What is the movement, I am just curious about the configuration of those Pill Recipe, and I looked at it. It’s just a few days. What’s your reaction, as if I owe you something.”

“Boy, you don’t know that you have been in the Pill Recipe for more than two months.”




Yang Wu is really confused.

He really didn’t know that Qingfeng and the silver-striped tortoise were in a hurry after so long?

“Cultivation with great concentration, time is like water, it is normal to not know, Yang Wu Shengyao Master is really a good temperament, a good opportunity.” An old Shengyao Master couldn’t help but praise.

“Are you?” Yang Wu looked towards the person.

“The old man is Yu Yanguang, you can call me old.” The saint pharmacist said, his chest was wearing a badge of the same level as Yang Wu.

Yang Wu cupped the hands to the other party: “Yu Laohao.”

“Well, I have a chance to discuss Dan together.” Yu Yanguang said with a smile.

“I like this. If we can, let’s discuss it.” Another saint pharmacist provoked Yang Wu.

“Well, wait until I have time to talk.” Yang Wu complied, looking towards the drunk old man and said: “Drunk old man, I will go back first and take a look at Feng Sister and Xiao Yinzi.”

“Don’t worry, they are all well.” The drunk old man replied, next moment, he took Yang Wu’s hand and prepared to leave here quickly, and murmured: “Wait, you will tell me quietly. How did Pill Recipe choose the master?”

The other Medicine Refining Masters all heard the words behind the old drunk, and their eyes were envious, and they wanted to know the answer.

However, before the drunk veteran Yang Wu was taken away, a voice rang: “Bring Yang Wu to the great hall and prepare for the gift ceremony.”

The voice was full With the strong majesty, everyone in the general altar heard clearly, quickly returned to their positions, and began to prepare for the ceremony.

“Lao Miao has spoken, your position as Saint Elder has not gone away.” The drunk old man said happily for Yang Wu.

“Who is Lao Miao?” Yang Wu asked.

“Vice Alliance Lord Miao Xiangqi” drunk old man responded.

Yang Wu instantly wiped the surprised look, the legendary divine medicine master of the Miao ethnic group. He has read relevant records in some books and is an old monster at the level of a living fossil.

The drunk old man did not immediately take Yang Wu to the great hall of the castle, but took him back to the yard to bathe and change clothes. This was a grand event.

It is a shame that Yang Family did not send anyone to watch the ceremony.

The award ceremony of St. Elder of the Pharmacist Alliance is very grand. Only those who can become a holy pharmacist have such qualifications. It is presided over by a Vice Alliance Lord, and there are at least nine holy pharmacists and 100 little saints. The pharmacist will be there to witness together, and will give Yang Wu Saint Elder tokens to reward the holy things.

Yang Wu put on a new set of clothes under the service of Weiwei, his whole face is radiant, handsome, and has outstanding temperament, just like an immortal descending to the world, Weiwei on the side bears watching She touched her face without living in Yang Wu, her charming blush was red and her ears whispered: “I can stay for you tonight.”

After that, she flies Leaving Yang Wu’s room.

Yang Wu touched his face and muttered to himself: “If the handsome soldier is here, he will definitely say the last sentence,’Being handsome is also a sin’.”

Yang When Wu went out, he saw Qingfeng and the silver-striped turtle standing outside.

Qingfeng is always a lithe and graceful carcass wrapped in a qingyu suit, those phoenix eyes are flowing with moving rays of light, looking at Yang Wu, she feels a little uncomfortable. He forced a smile and said: “Sister Feng, don’t look at people like this, they will be shy.”

Qingfeng lightly said with a smile: “Will you be shy? Didn’t you just now? I want to eat that young woman?”

Yang Wu waved his hand again and again and said, “Nothing, I can’t sit still and be a real gentleman.”, then looked towards Yinwengui and said: “Is it a little silver? “

The silver-striped tortoise hurriedly shook the head. After being glared at by Yang Wu, he quickly nodded and said: “Yes, yes, the owner is not an obscene stick.”

“You only It’s an obscene tortoise. Get out of here.” Yang Wu swore and kicked the silver-striped tortoise.

Suddenly, Qingfeng walked to Yang Wu’s side, took Yang Wu’s arm and said, “Let’s go, can you look down on the people of Yang Family.”

She is plump The soft part squeezed on Yang Wu’s arm, and he couldn’t recover for a while.

Qingfeng has always been extremely calm and cold, giving him a feeling of not being close to others, and he has also suffered from her losses, so he has always kept a distance from her. She changed her abnormality, really let him He wasn’t sure what she meant.

“Don’t think about it, I just don’t want you to lose the face of Yang Family.” Qingfeng said lightly, putting her face away.

“Uh…I didn’t think about it.” Yang Wu stupidly complied and moved towards the outside with Qingfeng step by step. The male is handsome and the female monster qi is charming and made. in Heaven and arranged by Earth a pair.

Silver-striped tortoise got up from not far away, followed from behind, he looked at the pair of silhouettes in front of him and praised: “Dragon Phoenix is ​​in harmony!”

Suddenly , Drunk old man dropping from the sky, sitting on the silver-striped tortoise, nodded and said: “This is a human word, a great reward.”

Who said that the spirit monster can’t be with the Human Race?


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