First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 378


Chapter 378 Go to Yellow Springs, hurry up!
Splashing ink and brushing, writing nine static characters in a row, the characters are flying, and the force penetrates the back of the paper.

Whenever a major event needs to calm down, Yang Yu takes a long breath, empties all the distracting thoughts, and resumes in the heart according to the information he knows.

"A person who has cut his roots is hard to be recognized! The royal family is no different from the Imperial Family. In a sense, the descendants are more important than talents. Zhang Spirit Peak must have a support, and it is big enough to It makes people ignore that he has no children.”

“Dragon Lake City, in addition to the Old Prince, the Great Grandmaster seems to have three, myriad forms the mountain man Wang Muzhi, and the dísciple, the scattered people Yujing, there seems to be one in the palace. Position.

Apart from this, the Great Commander of Longyuanwei Si is all well-versed, and only needs to penetrate the entrance hole to become a great expert of the Great Grandmaster.”

“Undefeated Tiangang is the direct descendant of the Great Ming Taizu, and has a very high status in the Imperial Family. If the commander has this ability, no one dares to move, unless that Spirit Peak is really crazy.”

“Great Ming's territory is too large, and it is even better than the previous dynasty. It was Zhang Yuanzhu, the ancestor of the Taizu, who entrusted the nine kings to guard the nine roads, except for the appointment and removal of the leaders of the road, state, and prefecture Level 3, which is almost equivalent to a country within a country, and its power is overwhelming!"

“Once the Earth God is planted, it is extremely difficult to give up...several hundred li Heaven and Earth backlash, the Old Master can’t afford it, neither can I…”

“ Zhang Spirit Peak, is he carrying dao fruit?"


As all the thoughts flowed in his heart, Yang Yu's expression also changed.

No solution!

With his martial arts today, it is impossible to compete with a quasi-king who controls most of the power.

Not to mention the possible reliance on the Spirit Peak, the two Great Grandmasters who must have stood in line, and the four Great Commanders of Longyuanwei alone, are not a match for him.

Not to mention, after his people occupy the general trend, he will inevitably get the surrender of the Great General of the three states within Wei Zhengxian.

For such a force, not to mention him, even when the Daoist Lin was in his prime, he would have to flee in embarrassment, and it was almost impossible to fight alone.


"Master Ma?"

The timid voice came, Lu Rui cautiously knocked on the door, and only after receiving permission Come in with a tray with tea and snacks.

Looking at Yang Yu, she was a little awed and a little shy.

She grew up with the young lady and has a very good relationship. In other words, once the princess married, she must be a maid.

"...Just call me Yang Yu."

Yang Yu wanted to correct her speech, but the words swirled around her lips and swallowed them.

At this time, when he said that he was not a 'Gun Ma', no matter how he looked at it, it seemed like a villain who deliberately distanced himself from the relationship. He really couldn't say it.

Lu Rui is very kind and changed her name:

"Yes, sir."

"cough cough cough ~"

Yang Yu didn't get choked, he coughed a few times and changed the subject:
"Your young lady insisted on replied the city, can you have someone to accompany her, or leave a message?"

"Miss she Hearing this, I was immediately furious, I couldn't stop it at all..."

this girl's face darkened:
"She, she only said that the maid should remain anonymous and not reveal her identity, find a A good family is married..."

Yang Yu thought about it, with Yu Fengxian's strong temperament, such a reckless thing is really possible.

"Too reckless."

Yang Yu shook his head inwardly.

Yu Fengxian may not realize her own advantages at all. She has penetrated the invincible Tiangang, whether in the Grandmaster, the old man of the palace, or even the military, her status is higher than Zhang. Spirit Peak.

As long as she is in the outside world, she just needs to raise her arm, and there will be countless people responding, and there will be hits, but who knows...

"Miss, she is thinking I've done it."

Lu Rui seemed to see Yang Yu's mind, and was a little resentful: "The maid also persuaded her at that time, but she couldn't bear it..."

" The lady said that she had setbacks and went to peace with her own, so she wouldn't have to drag thousands of families to be buried with her, and if the war broke out, she would have no way to see the Old Prince..."

Yang Yu was silent and didn't know what to say. She is kind, but she is stupid.

But if she really raised her arms and caused wars in all directions, it wasn't her anymore.

"Master, the county master, she is a good person."

Lu Rui's tearful eyes:

"You, you..."

As she spoke, she was a little speechless.

Growing up in the palace, how could she not know what kind of huge monster the palace was?

Jun Ma has a great reputation. I heard that he is a rising star who can keep pace with Chu Tianyi in Qing State. However, it is impossible to fight against a huge monster like Wangfu.

How could I ask for this...

The little maid said, and felt a little self-pity. Before Yang Yu could speak, she was already sighed and was about to leave.

Yang Yu's thoughts on her were clear as a flame, but asked an irrelevant question:
"How did you come to Montenegro to find me?"


Lu Rui was stunned.

She panicked at the time, and was chased and killed, and had nowhere to go. When she heard the news that Yang Yu was going back to Montenegro, she subconsciously came here.

"You also have some martial arts, but I'm afraid you don't even have the experience of fighting with others. What skills and abilities do you have to escape the pursuit of Long Yuanwei?"

Yang Yu gave her a deep look.

"Isn't it?!"

Her body trembled, almost fell to the ground, tears Shua' flowed down:
"Master, I, I am not, I am not Deliberately..."

"They are staring at me, what does it have to do with you?"

Yang Yu reached out and picked up the little maid, with a calm expression without any turbulence. .

People live between Heaven and Earth, you can't live in peace if you want, even if he leaves the prosperous place, but now his reputation is out, it is inevitable to be watched.

Wei Zhengxian couldn't escape, how could he be an exception?

Yang Yu walked out of the house slowly, his eyes lifted slightly, he saw a goshawk soaring in the sea of clouds in the sky, confronting the red-eyed white crane from a distance, calling each other intimidating.

Above the goshawk, a majestic middle age person in a wide sleeved robe stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking Montenegro, and looked at Yang Yu.

"Great swordmaster of the sea!"

Lu Rui criticized out in surprise, couldn't help grasping Yang Yu's clothes, and was full of horror:

" He, he is one of the nine Grandmasters of Daocheng, with a hundred steps Flying Sword and a single step in the Longyuan..."

"Old acquaintance."

Yang Yu shook his sleeves lightly, Pulling back the corner of his clothes, Lu Rui recognized it, but he naturally wouldn't recognize it.

Between the sea of clouds, the one who came by the eagle was the great swordmaster of the sea, and the Flying Sword in his hand came from this person.

And the Sword Dao Sect master, who has been tracking him for more than half a year, disappeared for a long time, but actually went to find a spiritual bird...

"Yang Yu..."


In the swift air current, the great swordmaster of the sea was hunting in his clothes, imposing manner, the rising and pressing goshawk fell to the cloud and looked at Yang Yu, his eyes were full of anger.

Amazing anger!
How has he suffered such a big loss in his life?
Flying Sword was taken away after the pursuit failed, which almost made him the laughing stock of the palace. This time, he took the initiative to ask Ying to be ashamed!
shout out loudly, the red-eyed white crane swept across from a low altitude, with its wings stretched, it was catching Yang Yu who was ten several feet in the air.

hu hu ~
The air is rolling, and the two spirit birds are giving tit for tat in the air.

Wei He, who was dozing off in the martial arts hall, and Wang Wu, who was somewhere outside the city, couldn't help but look up into the sky.

"Yang Yu!"

The great swordmaster loudly shouts from the sea, a brand new Flying Sword spun around and was about to shoot out, but was stopped.


Yang Yu said.

"What? Do you want to beg for mercy?"

Cang Hai paused with his fingers and smiled, "Everyone else can forgive, but you are the only one who cannot forgive!"

"Slow down, slow down."

After several months of recuperation, Yang Yu's edge became more and more restrained. He didn't get angry when he heard this, but turned his hand and took out the Flying Sword.

"My sword!"

Cang Hai exclaimed, and the Flying Sword, who was about to lasing, slammed again.

"Answer three questions, I can return this sword to you."

Yang Yu played with the Flying Sword, golden light overflowing in his palm:
"If not, I Just folded it."

"you dare!"

Cang Hai's sword brows stand upright, and his heart is surprised and angry.

Hundred-step Flying Sword is not easy to learn, and cultivation is even more difficult. This Flying Sword was swallowed by him day and night, and he has only achieved it after raising his blood essence and breathing secrets for most of his life.

Use it as you like, far from what he just picked up.

Hearing Yang Yu's words, even though he was furious in his heart, he was still suppressed:

"What's the benefit of asking a dying person?"

"Since he is a dying person, why not talk about it?"

Yang Yu's golden light is more powerful, and the sword edge of Qian Refinement is unparalleled, but he is full of energy, but he bends it with great pressure. like a bow.


The heartache of the sea was like a knife. To him, this scene was even more unbearable than his wife and daughter being played by others.

"You ask!"

A red light flashed in his eyes, and he swore in his heart that he would be smashed to pieces.

"The first question, why did you send you to kill me, the heir of your family?"

"Nie Wendong."

Cang Hai's answer was cold and unburdened.

“so that's how it is.”

Yang Yu is certain.

Zhang Spirit Peak colluded with Nie Wendong. He had a guess. After all, when Nie Wendong was killed that day, there were people from the palace present.

I knew something, and continued to ask:
"Your son suddenly launched a coup, why?"

"People who are dying are still curious. ."

The sea sneered, but the curved Flying Sword was gnashing teeth again:

"Because of you!"

"Because of me?"

This answer greatly exceeded Yang Yu's expectations, and he immediately reacted:

"A husband-in-law?"

"The prince has a gentle temperament. , even when faced with all kinds of calamities, he never had the intention to usurp. But who would have expected you to jump out!"

Cang Hai's expression darkened:
"The princess wants to recruit you The son-in-law must have the intention of making the county master the king, but then, it will definitely defile the bloodline of the palace, which is absolutely intolerable for the prince!"

"Defile the bloodline of the palace?"

This remark, he said it very smoothly, but Yang Yu was ironic.

Not to mention that this is just an expedient measure between him and Yu Fengxian. Even if the two really get together, he doesn't think his bloodline is inferior.


Cang Hai sneered.

"It's ridiculous."

Yang Yu flicks with the finger, the Flying Sword has been shot back into the air, and shot towards the sea.

'Really give it back to me? '

Cang Hai's face was full of astonishment, and when he looked up, he saw that on the back of the crane, the man was holding a bow and arrow, and his voice was thunderous:
"Run faster on Yellow Springs Road, chase after him. Old Ancestor Zhang Yuanzhu, ask him..."

"Is there a kind of prince and general Xiangning?!"

Good night, good night... two more until three o'clock , it's very awkward!

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