First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 192


Chapter 192 finally comes out!
The crane shudders in the sky, echoing endlessly.

On the square in the refugee town, everyone was startled. When they looked up, they saw a giant bird coming from the sky, shadows flowing down, and the distance was very far, and they felt their eardrums tingling.

"Master Commander?"

The Bright Gown Guards were delighted when they heard the news, but the bandits in Changliu Mountain were surprised.

"That mad woman?!"

Even a big bandit like Jia Qing who ran rampant in the state could not help but tremble in his heart, but soon after, he realized something was wrong.

The giant bird that came across the sky was clearly not the legendary big cloud eagle, but a red-eyed white crane.


Some gangsters saw something wrong and couldn't help grinning:
"Falcons, see clearly, that's not your crazy woman. The big cloud eagle, but the red-eyed white crane taught by Liansheng to Saintess!"

Qing State, and even Longyuan Dao, there are very few spiritual birds that can carry people and fly, which is considered by most people. I know, there are only a few.

Among them, the most famous ones are naturally the Great Cloud Eagle and the Red-eyed White Crane.

The former comes from the Longyuan Palace, and the latter comes from the Liansheng Sect, a sect vaguely known as the first under the heavens sect.

"Red, red-eyed white cranes?!"

As if a basin of cold water was poured down, all the Bright Gown Guards changed their faces.

I saw the crane move again, roaring down with a rapid airflow, flapping its wings, isn't it a huge white crane? !
You can even see a white dress moving with the wind on the back of the crane.

"Liansheng Jiao is here too..."

Mixed in the crowd, Yu Changjing and other sects, who were not working hard, saw this scene, and their hearts were all shocked, and they said again. Some comfort.

Compared to Changliu Mountain, it is natural that Lianshengjiao's reputation is countless.

If Liansheng Jiao also joined in, wouldn't it be more stable this time?

"en?! This is..."

Above the city head, he was patrolling back and forth, dispatching troops and armor. shock.

Liansheng to teach? !

He looked up and saw more clearly. The giant bird that spread its wings was not the big cloud eagle of the commander, but the red-eyed white crane that Liansheng taught Saintess Yu Lingxian!
ka ka ka ka~
Seeing the giant bird in the sky, all the soldiers who were waiting on the top of the city were all carrying their knives and swords, twisting their bowstrings, and their divine arms and crossbows were ready to go.


Qiu Zhanyu suddenly made a sound, stopping the movements of the soldiers, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.


Seeing red eyes and white cranes, Jia Qing stroked his palms and smiled, with certainty in his heart, shouted:

"Is it Saintess Yu?! "

As the voices echoed, the morale of the bandits was greatly boosted, but before the voices landed, their expressions changed.

"Save me!"

The cry for help, so shrill that even the roar of the cranes could not be suppressed, resounded through the sky.

What? !

As soon as Jia Qing's eyes narrowed, he could hear the sound of thunder rushing through the night, like a thunderbolt, thunder out of the mountains.

As the rumbling sounds resonated, the long chirping sound of the red-eyed white crane became shrill and anxious.

At this time, everyone saw that behind the red eyes and white cranes, several li did not know that in the night beyond ten several li, there was actually a flowing light following, with a sharp splitting the air. sound .

"That's it?!"

The rebooting monk looked away and couldn't help but jump in his heart.

As the dark clouds covering the moon dissipated, the experts could see clearly, a stream of light chasing and beating, but it was like a living bird, circling and dancing incessantly.

In the night, there is a silhouette of one!
The silhouette carried a sword on his back, a big bow in his palm, and came to the night, one step and one arrow, moving like thunder, hair like thunderbolts, and extremely fast.

At first glance, it looks like an immortal, flying through air!

“Flying through air?! How is that possible?!”

Seeing this scene, the square was in an uproar.

Not only rebooting and the others, Jia Qing, Yu Changjing, but also Qiu Zhanyu at the top of the city and the experts of the four masters, all changed their colors.

There are thousands of Lightweight Art in the world, and there are many excellent methods such as A Reed Crossing the River and Hundred Zhang, but no matter how good the weightless art method is, it must not be in vain.

Gangfeng itself is the interaction between inner Qi and external Heaven and Earth airflow. This process is inherently vigorous exercise, and it can be used for combat, and it is not impossible to vacate for a short time.

But it is absolutely impossible to walk across the sky like a Tathagata!

This requires inner Qi and mental effort, which even a powerhouse with blood energy like a furnace cannot match.

"This is not flying through air!"

Yu Changjing's heart was shocked, he took a few steps forward and looked into the distance, only to see the difference.

This is indeed not a volley.

But in his eyes, it is also an incredible thing.

The people who came swept across the sky, each step, never stepping on the sky, but stepping on the arrows!

Every time he took a step, he would fire an arrow, and the arrow seemed to be alive.

When he steps on it, he will jump into its palm and let it go out again.

As a result, it looks like walking on air!

"This kid..."

Farther away, on the big cloud eagle soaring in the night, Yu Feng was dressed in red-clothed, but there was no blood on his face. Seeing this scene, Xian was also surprised.

Of course she knew how difficult it was to do this.



Sweeping a glance, her eyes suddenly became sharp, urging the big cloud eagle, and she was extremely high. Soaring down, flying silently towards Qingzhou City.

The mournful airflow swept across his face like a wind knife, and the voice of the side ear became the only sound that could be heard.

In the strong wind, the hair is thrown back, and the clothes are hunting.

Yang Yu took one step at a time, drew bows and arrows, and while the powerful energy was vented, the five senses also climbed to the extreme.

Even though in the heart replayed many times, once it started, he still felt the difficulty.

At his current speed, it may not be impossible to catch up with the arrow after the force has been vented in a short period of time, but it is absolutely impossible to take one step at a time like this.

The reason why he could do it, apart from the 'Wandering around the Six Immortals' that moved with the wind, was because he made the arrows himself.

And mixed his blood with the special Breathing Technique on 'Bing Jia Ling Tong Shu', a batch of 'Flying Arrows'!
The unity of many aspects has just created this seemingly incredible side.

Does this work too? !

Yu Changjing could hardly believe his eyes.

An expert with superior Lightweight Art may catch up with the arrow, but how can he walk on the arrow, and it is still his own arrow? !

"Walking on an arrow? Which way is this expert?"

Jia Qing was surprised.

It's not that he doesn't know archer.

In fact, Ren Xia of 'Fate Chaser' has been friends with him for many years. He knows very well that a brilliant archer can control the speed and angle of arrows to a certain extent.

There are even special arrows that redirect arrows.

However, this scene is still too amazing.

Arrow technique brilliant How far can you control the arrows to such a subtle level, and even if you can, you want to grasp it all in mid-air.

How much energy is needed?
How sharp should the perception be?
At a glance, all the bandits in Changliu Mountain and even the many sect experts who were mixed in them were all apprehensive, and the actions of their subordinates suddenly stagnated.

Only the shrill cry for help still echoed in the air.

The sound of the crane roared with panic and terror, evading the pursuit of arrows, feathers flying, and a large area of blood.

The beast was terrified.

"Where is the head of the dragon? Hurry up and save me!"

The turbulent airflow was still whistling, and she heard the arrows breaking through the air behind her. The woman in white skirt was equally frightened. While seeing the refugee town.

He jumped up, not caring that he was in the mid-air of a hundred zhang highs, and fell towards the refugee town at a high speed.

At the same time, the sound of arrows exploding like thunder also came from the chase.

"Evil creature, where to run!"

'My life is over! '

The white skirt woman's mind was blank, and she didn't even have the will to resist.

The chase along the way made her no longer have any thoughts of resistance.

However, contrary to her expectations, and to everyone else's expectations, this arrow did not shoot at the white skirt woman.

Instead, it pierced through the plume like the steel essence of the red-eyed white crane with a sharp roar of airflow, and opened a big hole through its huge left wing.

Accompanied by an unwilling scream, the red-eyed white crane finally couldn't bear it, fluttered its wings in vain, and fell heavily, in the horrified eyes of the white skirt woman.

Together, they hit the ground heavily.

The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

The whole street seemed to sink a few inches, the surrounding houses collapsed, and large swathes of smoke and dust flew in all directions with soil and gravel.

The red-eyed white crane let out a long cry of terror and terror, and its wings danced wildly, smashing the houses one after another.

The white skirt woman crawled up in embarrassment, and it was not bad for a while, and she was shot and flew out.

Run away quickly.

However, once again beyond her expectations, the person who came here did not pay attention to her thoughts at all. With an arrow, the person had already fallen from the sky, and fell towards the refugee town at a high speed.

The arrows came with a stream of light, and they landed in the arrow basket behind him like a swallow returning to their nest, which made the crowd even more horrified.

The house collapsed and the long street was shaken again.

The hearts of everyone in the square also trembled, and they all looked at the long street not far away, and they could see that the people who came with the wind and thunder exploded and stepped on it.

He stepped on the furious red-eyed white crane under his feet.

Affected by this heavy blow, the red-eyed white crane screamed repeatedly, but it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to struggle, and fell into the dust and sand in horror.

"He, he..."

The square was dead silent.

Seeing this scene, even experts like Jia Qing, Yu Changjing, and Luo Lie felt chills in their hearts and couldn't help clenching their swords.

It's like a big enemy.

It was still Jia Qing, who suppressed the fear in his heart and asked aloud:

"who is the newcomer!"

"What a beast, he can run! ”

The raging airflow blew away the pervasive dust, and under everyone’s attention, a young man with messy hair and ragged clothes walked out slowly.

The eyes that were burning like torches, one after another, swept through everyone inside and outside the square, and finally fell on Jia Qing:

“Qing State, Yang Yu!”

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