First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Fist of Martial Saint, Sword of Sword God!
The moment the sword glow stabbed straight, Yang Yu's mind seemed to be in a trance for a moment.

Martial arts, where do they come from?
According to ordinary people, martial arts comes from the army that has been fighting with people for countless years.

In all kinds of classics, Yang Yu saw another way of saying it.

It is said that martial arts originated from Buddhism and Taoism, and evolved from 'dao fruit ''Divine Ability' by ancient people.

Yang Yu believes that it is both.

Maybe there are experts in Buddhism and Taoism who realize the martial arts from the dao fruit Divine Ability, but there must also be ordinary people who have summed up the martial arts routines in the fight against others.

The distinction between upper and lower martial arts may originate from this.

Before, he was not sure, until he was beaten to death by Henry Zhang in the battle of Liujishan. That scene, like a red-hot branding iron, was deeply imprinted on him. heart.

In the many illusions that followed, he unconsciously recalled and concluded, until he got out of Earth Palace, he had already mastered the way the punch was delivered.

It's very rudimentary, even can't be called boxing.

However, this style of boxing is the best way to exert his power that is far beyond ordinary people.

Yang Yu's eyes brightened as his thoughts turned.

A mighty force came in layers, from shoulder to arm to palm of hand.

Immediately, his five fingers suddenly kneaded, turned into fist marks, and handed them straight out, hitting the sword glow that was piercing the several feet!
This is a very simple boxing technique.

Just swinging, pinching, and forwarding, such a simple boxing technique, not to mention Martial Artist, is much better than that performed by ordinary villagers.

However, with such a simple boxing technique, Duan Fei's hairs were closed at the moment he smashed, as if he had been greatly frightened.

In a trance, I only felt that Heaven and Earth turning upside down had changed in the person in front of me.

It is no longer an archer with a divine arrow in hand to kill their three people, but an unparalleled general who rides on a dragon steed.

This, this fist...

The Fist Sword intersects, and the gang wind bursts!
With the two at the center, the ten-zhang long street shook, as if the mud had been trampled by a giant elephant, and collapsed down more than a foot.

A large piece of earth and rock was squeezed by the gangrene wind and scattered like arrows.


Duan Fei was stunned by lightning, his body trembled a little, his eyes were unwilling, he was only one line away, as long as he made another line, he would be sure to stab the archer. die on the spot.

However, this line of separation is like a moat, no matter how it can be crossed.

Because of the power of this fist, it was beyond his imagination.

Who would have thought that an archer whose inner Qi was less than eleven would have such terrifying power?

Straight up the long sword he smashed, fingers numb, his eyes were a little black.

This fist, never pierced through his astral qi, but the long sword was delivered, and it moved his internal organs, which made him unable to resist.


In one collision, Yang Yu's hair and clothes were all thrown back, his long sleeves were all shredded, and there were sword marks all over his palms and arms. The sharp edge of that sword glow is incredible.

Slit the astral qi on his arm easily.

Even, his whole body was cut into countless fine wounds.

But he didn't hesitate in the slightest, stepping forward, not fighting, and slamming another punch!
Duan Fei returned to the sword to parry, and was smashed back a few steps, he was furious in his heart, but he couldn't resist the long sword and slammed it down again!
peng peng peng!
Yang Yu stepped on his feet, his fists were like a strong bow, and his punches were faster than a punch, and a punch was stronger than a punch. I only felt that the depression of the retreat in March was exhausted. came out.

The more you play, the more enjoyable, the more you play, the more hearty you are.

Until a muffled sound came, he just woke up like a dream, the blood-stained fist was withdrawn, and the smoke and dust dispersed in front of him, but there was still Duan Fei. silhouette?

Only a headless body, like a wooden stake, was hammered into the slate mud, and blood and brains 'gududu' emerged from the neck.

It seems that the wind blows and the dust disperses.

In and out of the long street, people hiding in secret everywhere, seeing this scene, all have one's hair stand on end.

The sun was hot at this time, but it was just a cold sweat.


Too brutal!

Not to mention the Six Doors Constable like Tie Kaishan, even the long-term slaughtered gangster Long Stay, all of them were stunned.

Among them, there are many tyrannical people, and killing people is worthless, but this is the first time I have seen such a brutal method of killing.

The man's head was punched into the chest...

Only Huang Sixiang, who had captured the lowly old man, looked better, but was shocked, but exhibited one's feelings in one's speech.

Yang Yu's standout, he has long seen it, otherwise, he would not recommend it in front of Xu Wenji.

However, this is too outrageous...

The flying martial arts may not be as good as him, but he asks himself to win this person, and it is not simple, especially when he reveals After that hand 'Innate Invisible Hollow Sword'.

But such a ferocious gangster was actually killed by a young man who was not as good as the weak crown this year, who met force with force...

Rao is Huang Sixiang , I couldn't believe it for a while.

The arrow technique may be advanced by leaps and bounds, but this is a frontal fight...

"Escape, escape!"

After a long time, it was a dry mountain The thieves let out a terrifying howl.

This group of gangsters who were selected and traveled thousands of miles to make a name for Changliu's siege, couldn't hold back.

In the mournful scream, he seemed to be running away when he was mad.

Even if the leader was killed one after another, he didn't have the slightest courage to go forward to fight that man.


Tie Kaishan and the others also came back to his senses, killing the bandits who were fleeing in a panic.

Yang Yu is also not stingy with the arrows in his hand.

bend bow and place arrow, arrows open a chain, and soon, have helped Tie Kaishan and the others to kill this group of bandits, and the martial arts are strong, Yang Yu naturally solved it.

"Yang, Yang Baihu, it's really a good trick."

As he approached the low-rise old man, Huang Sixiang's expression was still a little complicated.

Yang Yu's inner Qi is still thin, and it seems that he has only just entered the third test of the foundation building. However, even if he has no success, his strength is enough for him to face it.

If the bow and arrow are in hand...

"I thought Mr. Huang had a very high self-esteem, and there would be foreign enemies, and he would solve it with all his strength, didn't expect, and he would light the flames for help ..."

Yang Yu drew back his bow and smiled.

The Earth Palace where he retreated was about twenty miles away. If it weren't for the sound of drums and fire beacon, he would never have seen the woods coming from the city.

"pu! You..."

Before Huang Sixiang could speak, the short old man he was carrying was spitting out blood.

This defeat and loss, he was already heartbroken, thinking that he and the others were counted dead by Xu Wenji, this defeat was not a war crime, but after hearing these words, he couldn't bear it any longer. .

Under the rage, he fainted directly.


Looking at the strange yellow four elephants, Yang Yu’s eyes were also a little strange:

“This beacon fire, it should be Wouldn't this group of bandits set it on their own?"

"These bandits are used to being domineering, maybe they want to light the fire and lead everyone to solve it?"

Huang Sixiang looked strange, but he had to admit it.

If it wasn't for Xu Wenji's biography, and these stupid thieves believed oneself infallible to ignite the beacon tower to attract Yang Yu, the Mulinfucheng at this time would have turned into an Asura field.

"If Changliu Mountain has such a mind..."

Yang Yu was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Those who practice martial arts are brave but not resourceful, those who practice literature are resourceful but not courageous, and few dare to entangle the mountains and forests."

Huang Sixiang laughed:
"This group of bandits, I'm afraid they don't even know a few words. What kind of brains do they expect them to have?" Yes."

Yang Yu didn't care too much, took the package that Xiao Wu had packed, and didn't rush to open it, instead asked:
"Master Huang, you said 'Innate is invisible. Po Kong Jian', but what's the background?"

"Did you know that Sword Mountain was cast?"

Huang Sixiang swept all around, and the Six Doors' troopers were packing up Endgame.

"Great Ming Three Sects, naturally it is not clear. But isn't this the martial arts that made Sword Mountain Village's fame 'Seven Kills and Seven Seizures'? What kind of 'Innate invisible sword' 'Is it also the martial arts that cast Sword Mountain Village?"

Yang Yu slightly frowned.

As the Nine Kings of the Great Ming stepped on the rivers and lakes decades ago, the martial arts of the arena fell, and many Great Sects of the martial arts were killed, only the Three Sects were never liquidated.

Hanging Mountain, Lanke Temple, Cast Sword Mountain Village.

Among them, the former is hidden in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, deserted, and the second is the ancestral land of Buddhaism, the place where thousands of Myriad Buddha Sect believers revere, and this is also in the process of reckoning.

But as Henry Zhang was blocked by the Yulong Temple, he escaped.

Third, this is the Sword Mountain Village.

As the name suggests, it makes a living by casting soldiers. In the past 400 years, most of the Imperial Family, Aristocratic Family clansmen, and other sectors made a living by casting weapons, and rarely participated in the battles of the rivers and lakes.

"Yes and no."

Huang Sixiang hesitated slightly, then said:
"This Sword Art comes from 'Huanjiantai', it is 'Mu Qingliu' The Sword Art he created, this person was originally an abandoned disciple who cast Sword Mountain Village..."

"Mu Qingliu?"

Yang Yu chewed on the name, his eyes suddenly lighted up. Yi Ning:
"Sword God Mu Qingliu?!"

Yang Yu is really not impressed when it comes to this name, but when it comes to its title, it is known to everyone.

Sword God Mu Qingliu.

But it is one of the twelve Martial Saints in the world.

According to legend, he was just a handyman who made a fire in Sword Mountain Village at first. He was very talented. After he left the Sword Mountain Village, it took only a few decades to become Martial Saint.

But he doesn't even have a discipline, only the four sword-holding boys around him. Xuanjiantai is called Sect, rather than his own cultivation dojo.

"It's him."

Huang Sixiang nodded:

"Namu Qingliu is extremely proud and will not collude with bandits, but it is said that he sent In order to cast Sword Mountain Zhuangyi Sword Classic, there may be this 'Innate Invisible Hollow Sword' on it..."

"Casting Sword Mountain Zhuang Duo Aristocratic Family dísciple, if this person is really from the cast Sword Mountain Village, hehe..."

Huang Sixiang sneered.

"Casting Sword Mountain Village..."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered, keeping this matter in mind, and looking at the low-rise old man who didn't know the life or death at his feet.

Thinking about it.

"I always feel that Jilongshan sent these three rogues to come to Mulin Mansion with no purpose..."

Good night, everyone.

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