First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 156


Chapter 156 Feng Qiwu Tong
Sounds like Thunder explosion, this is the sound made by the collision of Gangfeng, vigorous and harsh.

"Qi Longsheng?!"

The expressions of all the Bright Gown Guards in the lobby changed, and without further ado, they all jumped out of the house and climbed the eaves.

Yang Yu looked into the distance, and saw two silhouettes moving around on the eaves and roofs, sometimes colliding, sometimes chasing, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Wherever they passed, the pedestrians below fled one after another, terrified.

"This person is the Branch Lord of Qing State's Qifu of Liansheng Sect. His status is only under Qing State Branch Lord Yu Lingxian, and his martial arts is extremely high. I'm afraid he is not under Qi's head..."


Lin An pressed the long knife in his hand, looked around, and looked alert.

After another collision, the two were separated on the eaves of high-rise buildings and looked at each other from a distance.

At this time, Yang Yu saw the great character taught by Liansheng.

His body is extremely tall, no less than eight feet. Under his black suit, he is a lean and angular body like cast iron.

At first glance, the horizontal practice has reached a very high realm.

"Big Demon Subduing Fist?!"

Qi Longsheng carried a black sword and the others tall on his shoulders and laughed loudly:
"Who am I, it turned out to be Qi Deputy Commander. Why are you not serving your Eldest Young Lady in Qing State, but instead came to the territory of this Qi people?"

"The sun and the moon are all bright soil!"

Qi Gang stood on the roof of the 9th layer, his flying fish suit was screeching, his expression was cold, he glanced at Lin An and Yang Yu, and with one step, he was about to go out:

“ How dare you talk about your territory?!"

A long howl so loud that it doesn't sound like a human voice resounds through the sky.

Stepping out this step, it was like cooking oil on fire, Qi Gang's imposing manner instantly climbed to an extremely terrifying height, and his clothes were moving like a big roc spreading his wings.

Between the lines, there are goshawks slaughtering and rocs flying like a mountain.

Ferocious and violent.

Totally domineering!

Yang Yu couldn't help swaying in his mind. With the same achievement, Qi Gang's imposing manner was ten times higher than Liu Changfeng's?
"Pengmo True Aura?!"

Seeing this scene, Qi Longsheng's eyes narrowed, and then he laughed louder, deafening:
"Deputy Commander Qi is really domineering and ferocious, This Qi can't reach it either, but, you think you can kill me, you can't!"

Qi Longsheng stepped down a little, swept dozens of feet across, and a few ups and downs were already far away.

Seeing this, Qi Gang ran away without the slightest hesitation.

"Qi Tou!"

Lin An and the others looked tight, but where they could stop it, they could only watch the two chase away.


Lin An called out all the colleagues who wanted to follow, and helplessly sighed then said:

"Boss Qi is not the commander. My lord, don't do things by force, let's not make troubles..."

The blood energy is like a dragon, whose inner breath is so long that it is almost endless, and it can travel eight hundred miles in one breath. If you really want them to chase, it is absolutely impossible.

"Not good!"

Yang Yu was thinking about it, and his heart was suddenly shocked. He stepped on it, smashed the eaves, stretched his five fingers, and grabbed from the coma. Yan Jingcheng woke up.

This person, as soon as he opened his eyes, slapped himself with the backhand, and even committed suicide.


Yang Yu's speed was extremely fast, and his arm and mandible were all removed in an instant, but Yan Jingcheng laughed miserably and slammed his head into the ground.

"You just want to die like that?"

Yang Yu eyelids twitched, grabbed the back of his neck with his backhand, and jerked up.

Lin An jumped down and knocked him unconscious, with a solemn expression:

"He fell into the Heart Demon voice of Liansheng Sect, and upon hearing Qi Longsheng's order, As long as you have any more strength, you will commit suicide!"

"The sound of the Heart Demon..."

Yang Yu put it on the ground, his eyes twinkling.

It is not uncommon to confuse the Heart Demon sound, most of the Scripture Lecture Taoists taught by Liansheng know this technique.

In the battle of Black Mountain City, the Liansheng Sect used this method to deceive those believers into offering sacrifices.

But what is the status of Qi Longsheng?

To actually perform this technique on a Martial Artist who has only exchanged blood once or twice...

"This Qi Longsheng suddenly appeared in Mulin Mansion, is it possible that the back of the Dajiao Gang , is it Lianshengjiao?"

There is a Bright Gown Guard with an ugly face.

"Not good!"

Lin An suddenly remembered something and looked at Yang Yu, whose face was also ugly.

Before the two of them could act, several Bright Gown Guards who had escorted Xu Dajiao rushed in.

"Xu Dajiao, committed suicide."

These Bright Gown Guards gritted their teeth with hatred. To be careful, they had already removed Xu Dajiao's limbs and amputated his blood.

How could he have thought that he actually hit the wall and broke his spine.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Lin An's face was frighteningly cold:

"Don't think about it, the Dajiao Gang is helping the Liansheng Sect! The squire really deserves to die, he has lived and disappeared for a hundred years! How many secrets of the Mulin Mansion? Is it possible that they are all dead?!"

On the surface, there are not many people in the Bright Gown Guard, not even enough One percent of Six Doors, but in fact, dark sons like Wei He are all over the world.

Father died and son replaced, brother and brother lived together, rarely cut off in four hundred years.

But their concealment is too strong, so strong that no one knows their identities except themselves and a list in the hands of the emperor.

So much so that Lin An couldn't contact the dark son of Mu Lin Mansion.

The poor students have been refining medicine here for hundreds of years and haven't reported it. I don't know, the dark child of the Bright Gown Guard in Mulin Mansion is afraid that they will all be removed...

the thoughts got to this point, Lin An hurried away with someone.

Only Yang Yu was left to guard Yan Jingcheng.

"It's the Liansheng Teaching again..."

Yang Yu's mind was heavy, and he deeply felt the power of the Liansheng Teaching.

The Dajiao Gang consists of tens of thousands of gang members, and they are always under the supervision of Bright Gown Guard and Six Doors, but no one knows that they are actually Lianshengjiao behind them.

The Qing State prefectures, the Longyuan prefectures, the Great Ming Dao, how many forces like the Great Jiao Gang?

"Yang Ye..."

At this time, Xiao Wu, Tie Kaishan and the others walked in again, seeing his face solemn, they only said that he was in front of Bright Gown Guard At a loss, I didn't dare to say much for a while.

"Take care of this person, don't leave for a moment, be careful of him committing suicide."

Yang Yu gave a few words, handed the person over to Tie Kaishan, and left.

However, instead of looking for Lin An and the others, he turned around and came to Qiufenglou again.

At this time, the Qiufeng Building has long since lost its previous grand occasion. After Su Tan was also rectified, most of the miserable people who were brought into the building by various means were scattered.

It's just that there are some that really have nowhere to go and stay.

However, the signboard of the Qiufeng Tower has been smashed, and the scenery in it has also been eradicated. Some girls are loosening the soil and planting seeds.

This place is underground, with geothermal heat drawn from other places, the plants are evergreen, and melons and fruits can be grown at any time.

"How come you have time to come to your servant here? Those two had a big fight just now, won't you clean up the mess?"

In Peony Xiaozhu, Qin Si poured two cups of tea, Looking at Yang Yu with interest.

The movement was so loud before, she naturally couldn't see it.

"I'm not going, naturally someone will go."

Yang Yu had no intention of joking with her, his expression was serious, and he asked about Xuan Yingzhu:

"Do you know where this thing originated from?"

"Xuan Yingzhu? The adults are really interested in this thing!"

Qin Si looked at it deeply Glancing at him, he shook his head:
"How did your servant know about this?"

"Even you don't know?"

Yang Yu was a little surprised.

In his opinion, Yulongguan's power is not small, at least there should be some power in this wood forest mansion.

If not, how dare you show up in front of people?

But even they don't know, Dajiao Gang's confidentiality measures must be very good.

"your servant is a weak woman who doesn't walk outside the door. I don't know if it's normal?"

Qin Si's eyes flashed, and she gave him advice:
" If the Yamen and Six Doors don't even know about it, then only one person can know about the Mulin Mansion."

"Big Boss?"

Yang Yu knew what she was talking about. who is.

The Mysterious Big Boss of Mulin Mansion is equally powerful and touches all walks of life, like an old tree rooted in Mulin Mansion.

"Well, that's the Big Boss."

Qin Si wrapped her long hair with her fingertips, pursed her lips and chuckled:
"If he doesn't know, then No one will know."

"So, many thanks to everyone!"

Yang Yu was sure, he didn't stop, turned around and left Qiufenglou.

After he left, Zhao Kun just appeared and came to Peony Xiaozhu.

"Qi Gang and Qi Longsheng. A Bright Gown Guard deputy commander, a Liansheng Jiao Branch Lord, these two people came to Mulin Mansion, it's really weird..."

Zhao Kun stroked his long beard and thought.

"What do you want to do with so much? At most, it's just another dao fruit. Are there still few dao fruits in the world over the years?"

Qin Si didn't care. .


The corners of Zhao Kun's eyes twitched.

“dao fruit just opened a door for you. Where you can go depends on the individual. Do you really think that if you get dao fruit, you can achieve Martial Saint?”

Qin Si yawned and started chasing people.

"Why do you have to be careful when the boy comes, and you can't wait to chase him away when the old man comes?"

Zhao Kun was so angry, but he heard Qin Si. The meaning of the words still suppressed his anger:
"What exactly is in dao fruit?"

He was very curious.

Although Qin Si had a dao fruit, she never revealed any information to him.

"Rank map."

Zhao Kun was startled, he just asked casually, and he didn't expect an answer. Rank map, what is it?"

"You don't have dao fruit, so what are you doing with so many questions?"

Qin Si wanted to chase people away again, but Zhao Kun didn't this time. Go, have to make her clear.

She pretended to be helpless, and said a few words casually:

"In words that you can understand, the rank map is like a secret book, you get the secret book It's nothing, because you still have to practice..."


Zhao Kun was confused: "What do you mean?"

"You're too stupid..."

Qin Si was a little speechless, but she couldn't say it herself. After pondering for a long time, she said:
"The rank map is like an identity. With this status, you can become an official, and ceremony is like an imperial examination... so, do you understand?"

"Is that so?"

Zhao Kun looked thoughtful, a sudden shivered, full of suspicion, looked towards Qin Si:
"You said so much today, could it be..."

"Watching Qiufenglou go from being in the street to no one cares, I I understand something in my heart, and I have seen my own path..."

Qin Si looked out the window, somewhat absent-minded:
"But who is my parasol?"

Good night, everyone.

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