First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 142


Chapter 142 The Big Boss's Gossip

Under the night, the Thunder Snake rolled away, crushing the dark clouds, and a heavy rain came suddenly, bathing the entire Wood Forest City.

I hurried out with an oil-paper umbrella and a small round hat.

After wandering around the hard-to-go alleys in the city, I came to a deserted, quite quiet place in the east of the city.

The terrain of Mulin Fucheng is very good. I don't know the inside of the house, even people from outside the house have come to settle there. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely expensive land.

Except for the 'Tingchao Pavilion' in the east of the city.

Tingchao Pavilion is not big, but the environment is very quiet. With this house as the center, no one else lives in the Hundred zhang or so. Some of them are followers of Big Boss.

Big Boss, whose real name can no longer be tested, is said to have been in Mu Lin City for decades.

But many people know that this Big Boss is the richest person in Mulin Mansion.

Money can pass the power, and it can also attract customers.

Big Boss is rich, and naturally powerful. If he has many people he depends on, he will naturally become a rich, powerful, powerful and powerful person.


The servant came in a hurry, and was stopped by someone who was hundreds of miles away from Tingchao Pavilion.

It was raining heavily at this time, but the man was squatting on the eaves, wearing hats and hats, gaze as if a torch:

"From the Autumn Wind Tower?"

"Say hello to the seventh master, it was my mother who asked me to come here, saying that there was a Constable from Qing State Six Doors, who ordered a feast of flowers, but seemed to want free food..."

The little servant breathes A stagnation, as if being eyed by a fierce beast, Daoming's intentions in a hurry.

He knew the man.

His name is Xie Qi, who is good at wielding a gust of wind and a fast sword.

"Six Doors? I'm afraid it's not a black-hearted maggot! The girls have to pay the hard money to sell themselves?"

Xie Qi shook the rain off his body:
" Go back, I'll go ask the Big Boss!"

Xiao Yuan hat scratched his head and dared not go back, and he didn't dare to go in, so he could only watch Xie Qi tap his toes, ghost-like entered Tingchao Pavilion .

The Da Tao River flows all the way to the east, in the east of Mulin House, you can hear the surging sound, and when the water is strong enough, you can even feel the water vapor when the waves hit the shore.

Xie Qi was undulating between the eaves, and he felt the dampness was overwhelming. When he walked forward, he could see the lights in the Ting Chao Pavilion, and Big Boss didn't seem to fall asleep.

He stepped forward quickly, opened the door, and entered Tingchao Pavilion.

On the Tingchao Pavilion with a high Twelfth Layer, there are no windows on all sides, and the rain is pouring and the water vapor is extremely heavy.

When Xie Qi got here, he saw a wealthy old man in yellow cloth who seemed to be looking at the Datao River before putting his hands on the railing.

“Big Boss.”

Xie Qi bowed slightly and glanced slightly from the corner of his eye. Big Boss carried a few old copper plates in his hands behind his back.

Big Boss is divination again?

Xie Qi's heart slandered.

Big Boss likes food, wine, beauty, money, and martial arts, but his favorite is fortune-telling.

Although the ten divinations have never been effective once, but he himself is not tired of it.

"Is this the first stage thunderstorm in Mulin Mansion this year? It's threatening."

The Big Boss turned around.

His face is rich, square-shaped, with a golden crown, and his appearance is extraordinary. In terms of face, it is the Celestial Court that is full and square.

"It's the First Stage Spring Rain."

Xie Qi nodded, talking about Qiufenglou.

The nature of Big Boss seems to be in this spring rain: "Seventh, it's pouring rain, do you think it's better to take shelter from the rain, or to walk in the rain?"

Thanks Seven lightly startled, not sure what Big Boss wants to say, he answered honestly:

"If there is nothing important, it is better to take shelter from the rain."

"You are right, That's exactly the reason."

Big Boss nodded:

"Traveling on a rainy day is clearly not a good deal."

"Big Boss said that Xu Wenji?"

Thanks to Grade 7 for the taste.

The Big Boss clearly means rain, but it actually refers to the Qing State...

"Yes and no."

Big Boss paced slowly, his tone Gentle and gentle:
"When doing business, some people walk around the streets, some people walk in the streets to communicate with each other, some people show up and open a shop...Which type do you think we belong to?"

"You belong to... "

Xie Qi slightly paused:
"You don't belong to any of the above."

"In these years, it is easy to do business, but difficult to stand up. It is more dangerous. Those who walk in the streets and alleys will be disturbed, those who communicate with each other, and the thieves will block the way.

Those who show their faces are easy to be targeted, and those who rely on large ships are easy to be liquidated... ..."

Big Boss sighed slightly:

"We just put in some money, it's not appropriate for us to get ahead in everything, isn't it?"

" Not suitable."

Thanks to Grade 7 for the taste.

Big Boss doesn't want to care about Qiufenglou at all.

Why is Big Boss Big Boss, not Boss?

None of the shops in the Wood Forest House belonged to him, but they all had his share, and every month and every month had money in.

"Su Tanyi is a man with a brain and a heart that hates it. He has a very good way of doing business. It's just that sometimes he can't quite grasp it..."

Big The Boss looked into the distance with his hands behind his back:

"Only the servants who show their faces, how can there be a Big Boss who is personally involved in everything? If this goes on like this, I'm afraid others will think that we are the owner of Qiufenglou!"

"Su Tan also can't afford to offend Six Doors, so I will push you to come forward. It is indeed a bit unclear..."

Xie Qixin understood.

Big Boss has indeed involved in all walks of life these years, but he is very taboo to show his face, and he does not want to be the master of a certain industry.

He just wants money, not trouble.

"What about you?"

Xie Qi asked.

"Bring a few people to find him and get our share back. We don't care about the rest!"

Big Boss said warmly, but his meaning was decisive.


Xie Qi nodded, took a few steps back, but couldn't help but look back:
"Big Boss, what did you predict before?"

"Tsk, speaking of this, we have never read such a good divination..."

A smile appeared on Big Boss' face:
"Six All good luck, good luck!"

Big Boss' good luck...

Xie Qi shuddered suddenly, feeling that this spring rain is really a bit cold.

The wind and rain are great.

In the Autumn Wind Building, Qin Si was dressing in the mirror, the copper mirror was blurry, but it was vaguely visible that she was moving with her frown and smile.

"In the past, the young lady was going to sleep, so why did you put on makeup today?"

The maids couldn't help it.

Qiufenglou is open at night, but Qin Si always doesn't care about it. Except for her interest, she is too lazy to go out at other times.

It's a little weird to wear makeup at night.

"Yeah, I see! Miss is waiting for that little Constable? But after he left for several hours, it was late at night, and the wind and rain were heavy. I'm afraid he won't come back, right?"

The other girl guessed something.

The jade bead flower was inserted horizontally, Qin Si smiled: "You know the best?"

"Isn't it?"

"Miss, don't you know?"


The two maids laughed and avoided Qin Si's slap.

peng peng ~
At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The two maids stopped teasing, and stepped forward to open the door. Outside, there was a sad-faced maid, and her smile was a little stiff when she walked into the house.

"Mother is downcast, but Big Boss ignores it?"

Qin Si pretended to be surprised.

"You little girl, don't make fun of your mother."

The half-old Xu Niang looked sad and puzzled:
"How could you guess that? ?"

"Big Boss is a low-key person. If you want him to come forward, he doesn't care about trivial matters, let alone matters related to the government."

Qin Si smiled:

"Mother think about it carefully, besides being killed, this Big Boss has been out of Tingchao Pavilion again?"

"This ..."

The old bustard looked bitter.

"Mother is worried that Mr. Yang will never return, so it is better to worry about whether he will be angered by Boss Su."

Qin Si shook her head slightly.

The boss of Qiufenglou, surnamed Su, is different from the low-key Big Boss. He inherits his father's business and is ruthless. He is a very fierce character.

This Lin mother just looked for the Big Boss because of the accident, because she didn't dare to inform the Boss Su at all.

“Boss Su is angry with me?”

The old lady was a little stunned, where did this come from?
"mother, mother! Come down quickly, Boss Su, Boss Su is here!"

At this moment, bursts of anxious shouts came from outside the house.

"Su, Boss Su is really here..."

The old prostitute's face turned pale and her body was swaying. She wanted to grab Qin Si's hand, but was avoided by the latter :

"little girl, me, what should I do?"

"Now, I can only talk less."

Qin Si gently Pushed and pushed the prostitute out of the door. The latter stomped his feet again and again, but didn't dare to leave, trembling in fear.

"Miss, you really hold grudges!"

In the house, the little maid fell down with a smile.

"What nonsense, the young lady warned her that she didn't listen, so who is to blame?"

Another maid leaned on her waist:
"If it wasn't The young lady has great ability. If it was us, I was afraid that the old goddess would send it to the 'Su Heixin' last time!"

"However, how did the young lady know?"

After laughing, the maid was a little puzzled.

"You guys, you know what to eat every day, and you don't know how to read more books."

Qin Si closed the door and asked the two little girls to set the food and drink, while saying:

"The origin of this Big Boss is unpredictable. Back then, Su Heizi came to him to offer his share. Big Boss may not want to see him. Maybe he will find a way to get his share back and leave."



"Ah! Boss spare me, spare me, ah!"

In front of Autumn Wind Building Hall, the screams kept ringing.

The old prostitute was hung on the beam and screamed again and again after being beaten. After a while, it seemed that she had been beaten and fainted and had no response.


The thug signaled.

On the big chair in the front hall, a middle-aged man with a femininity was half-sitting and half-recumbent, coldly snorted:
"I wanted to serve your mother and daughter well, but I mentioned you as a mother, but Cause trouble for me! If you don't want to be whipped, then drag it out to feed the dog!"

"No, Boss forgive me!"

The old lady was woken up, begging for mercy and crying. Crossflow.

Su Tan was also sneered, motioned for the thugs to continue, then slowly got up and paced:
"Six Doors' bronze medal Constable prostitutes for free, isn't this a good thing? You bitch Do something bad for me, Big Boss has withdrawn, do you know how many families want to eat Lao Tzu?!"

"Fight, fight hard!"

The more said, Su Tan The more angry he became, in the end, he grabbed the whip, and with just one whip, the old bustard was pulled off the beam, and his face turned black and purple.

Almost killed by a whip!


Su Tan also lost the whip, and his anger still lingered. He wanted to add another whip to kill her, but seeing her disgusting appearance, he waved his hand. Let people drag her down.

"Boss, the Six Doors Constable..."

Several thugs came together.

"This bitch is stupid, so are you stupid? That Constable prostitutes this group of sluts, but the favor is from Lao Tzu. You don't understand the truth?"

Su Tan Yi cursed a few times and suddenly stopped.

In the night rain, the entire group came slowly, some people were holding umbrellas, some people were carrying boxes, and some people were walking slowly.

"That's right, it's him!"

The frightened shiver coldly's little round hat pointed at the person who came.


Su Tan’s eyes also brightened, and regardless of the pouring rain, he went up to meet him, glanced at the iron box, and handed over with a smile:

"Mr. Yang is too polite! With your dignity, these lowly maids have been able to serve you because they have cultivated for eight lifetimes. How dare they ask you to be a silver tael?"

Glancing at the man before him. The middle-aged femininity man with a feminine face but a complimenting smile, Yang Yu didn't answer and walked straight into the lobby.

Su Tan's smile froze, and something unexpected happened in her heart.

Because he smelled a very strong blood-reeking qi, and also smelled a very dangerous smell...

Didn't he come to send money? !

Good night everyone.

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