First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 140


Chapter 140 is too soon
A low and loud sound exploded in the square.

Under the gust of wind, tables and chairs were overturned, and tableware and tableware mixed with wine and vegetables flew around.

Centered on the two of them, the surrounding several feet were in a mess, and a large piece of sand and stone powder rose into the sky, as if two curtains had been pulled up from the ground.

The wind was surging.

"Good Blade Technique!"

A collision, Han Jing's body trembled, his arms as thick as someone else's waist appeared a hideous knife mark, and blood was dripping.

Han Jing was coldly snorted, just about to chase, when he saw a faint smile on the boy's face.

Yang Yu raised his head slowly, and saw a dark cloud rolling over, as if a spring rain was coming!
Well done!

I can't tell if it's a blade light flashed or a thunderbolt.

At this moment, the dark clouds covered the moon, the wind was raging, most of the torches around the square were blown out, and the rest were shaky.

A deeper ink color is coming!
In my ears, there was the violent cracking sound of sharp blades tearing through the gang wind, but what I saw in front of my eyes was a black that was deeper than the night!
this blade  …

What about people? !
Doubt and horror emerged in the hearts of Han Jing and Luo Laoqi and the others who came from besieged and killed at the same time.

The perception of the exchanged Martial Artist is amazing. They fight with people all the year round, and their perception is more acute, but at this moment, they can't capture Yang Yu's silhouette at all.

It's as if this blade smashed through the void, and its people hid in a different dimension.

After the thriller, it is a crisis of extreme intensity!

"What a fast movement method!!"

Han Jing's pupils contracted violently.

This blade can never cut off the light. The only possibility is that the person keenly captured the gap where the dark clouds were about to cover the moon, and cut off the square above the square with extremely fast movement method and Blade Technique. torch!

After the shock, a great crisis came.

He lost the trace of the enemy in front of him, but the pervading forest cold still existed, and even he could clearly feel the stinging pain caused by the approaching of the blade in the pores of his body!
what is this blade method? !

The turbulent crisis was surging in the heart, but Han Jing's heart suddenly fell silent, and the perception instantly climbed to the maximum. The experience of fighting all year round played a huge role at this time.

Unable to see, he turned around suddenly, and the majestic palm force surged out, hitting the blind spot of his perception!

After the low explosion, there was a sudden gust of wind.

The gust of wind was extremely abrupt, but it happened to blow out the remaining torches all around the square!
The night has come completely.


Under the dark night, some people exclaimed and wanted to light the torch, and some people screamed.

zhēng zhēng zhēng zhēng ~~~
Everyone is facing the enemy, the blade light waving becomes the only rays of light under the night, but it makes everyone more and more frightened.

"Light the torch!"

Someone yelled surprised and angry, which immediately turned into a scream, and the viscous blood rolled and fell with the head full of messy hair.


In the darkness of the night, roars came one after another.

Yang Yu stretched out his arms, his body undulating, his spine quivering, like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky, his speed was extremely fast, and he screamed again and again wherever he passed.

Han Jing and the others roared one after another and tried their best, but they still couldn't stop the ghost-like movement method.

Traveling around the Qi of Six Voids, he is also the 'Wind' of choice!
At this time, the thundercloud was rolling, and the strong wind was coming, his speed was a little faster, the knife in his palm was invisible, and even the blade light seemed to be disappeared!

Ten steps to kill is an extremely amazing Sword Art.

In a single day, Yang Yu couldn't possibly fight against it, but he completely grasped the essence of it.

That's fast!

It is only after refining the Hundred Refinements sword of Seven Mysteries Sect that he can clear comprehension. The essence of killing in ten steps is not Sword Art, but the unique strength emission skill!
If this method is applied to the sword, it will kill every ten steps; if applied to the body, it will be A Thousand Miles Without Stopping!

Superman's first-class five senses made him smell the coming thunderstorm in the daytime.

The night is dark and windy and thunderstorms are coming,
It is time to draw a knife to kill!


A thunderbolt pierced through the sky.

Han Jing's eyes suddenly narrowed, and under the night, a silhouette burst out from ten several feet away.



draw your sword!

Indescribably fast!

Han Jing's heart was beating wildly, and the fear that he had not tasted for a long time emerged in his heart.

He clearly saw this blade, but his body seemed to be restrained by the surrounding airflow, and there was no response.

He knew it wasn't that he was bound.

But this blade is so fast that he can see it, but he can't react!
Yang Yu put out all his strength, under the blessing of his inhuman strength, the knife in his hand seemed to disappear, and it was approaching the extreme.

Where the blade light goes, there seems to be an invisible aura, cutting through the airflow, cutting off the gust of wind, tables and chairs, and looking at it!
"Knife Gang?!"

Han Jing's scalp exploded!
Under the swinging of this blade, a blade gang visible to naked eyes was born!
Punch three feet, knife hair four inches!

How could such a shallow inner Qi be able to cut out the sword? !

This has subverted his cognition!


Han Jing growled, like an ominous beast on the brink of desperation, uttering a hysterical roar.

In an instant, scarlet put on his face, and his inner breath exploded!
Frightened to the extreme, it was an uncontrollable anger, just for a moment, Han Jing only felt blood seeping out of his skin, as if the blood of his internal organs was about to jump out of the shackles of the skin.

In a flash, I moved an inch away.

Blood splatters!
An arm as thick as a waist rose into the sky with a small shoulder, and the viscous blood sprayed like rain.

Under the thunderbolt, among the rays of light that flashed, all those who saw this scene stood there, shocked and stunned.

Have Han Jing fought a hundred times in his life?

The prestige of the Sea Splitting Palm is forged from countless corpses.

His reputation can even stop children from crying at night. Mulin Mansion and even the nearby prefectures and counties have a great reputation.

But at this time, his arm was cut off by a knife!

His eyes were red as if he was about to drip blood, Han Jing's face was twisted like a ghost, and under the severe pain, he even ignored the bloody broken arm.

Under the angry roar, another sea-splitting palm shot out:
"I want you to die!!!"

"Gang Lord! "

"big brother!"

Under the night, the roar exploded.

The top executives of the Giant Whale Gang, including Luo Laoqi, were all surprised and angry to the extreme. In the turbulent blood energy, they all killed Yang Yu, who was standing in blood!
At this moment, no one dared to have any reservations, all of which were internal breaths to induce vomiting, blood energy to flourish, and take out to kill.

They have been fighting for a long time, and they know what will happen to them if Gang Lord loses.

"Courage is commendable..."

Yang Yu glanced at him coldly, shook off the blood on the long knife, turned to avoid the fierce and surging sea-splitting palm, and stepped down. At one point, the blade light has been cut in a semicircle.

Britains and tendons, one is an instant burst, the other is a lasting endurance, the combination of the two is extremely fierce!

Not afraid of instant fights, more durable battles!
A battle, instantly reached the most white-hot level.

I don't know when, the torches lit up again, and the strong archers hiding in the dark were all ready to go, their bowstrings were loaded, and they could look at the battle.

No one dares to shoot arrows.

Amid the flickering lights, all the strong archers were sweating on their foreheads.

The huge square has become a killing field, blood is everywhere, and corpses are everywhere, which makes people horrible to see.

More than half of the hundreds of gang members were killed or injured, and even the brave gang members would not dare to approach again.

“Yang Yu!”

“You have the ability to face me head-on!”

“Liu Liu!”

The sound of fighting, roaring, and symphony of gold and iron rang out.

Han Jing and the others roared again and again and slaughtered desperately, but Yang Yu's body changed, people moved with the wind, knives moved with the heart, more relaxed and freehand.

Although he can't see the progress bar, he can feel his martial arts, especially Blade Technique and traveling around, making progress at a perceptible speed!

This feeling is so wonderful that for a while, Yang Yu was a little reluctant to attack.



"The screams of killing have disappeared..."

Gently wiped the blood on his hands, Xu Dajiao Speaking lightly.

Behind him are the elite gang members of the Dajiao Gang, all around, a pile of corpses, not far in front of them, is the resident of the Giant Whale Gang, with just one order from him, they can lead the crowd to attack the Giant Whale Gang. Whale gang hinterland.

But his brows were deeply wrinkled.

Without him, it was so smooth.

Now that the fight has come, let alone Gang Lord Han Jing, the Thirteen Branch Lords of the Giant Whale Gang, and even the Elite Blade Team and the Strong Crossbow Team of the Giant Whale Gang have not seen the silhouette.

The success made him uneasy.

Not only him, Xu Xilong, other senior officials of the Dajiao Gang, and even the experts who were invited to help the boxing, all frowned.

This is so wrong.

"This is the end of the matter, I have to go in and have a look."

After a brief silence, Xu Silong spoke first, and he cupped one fist in the other hand slightly and said, "I have a father. Wait a moment with your uncles, and my nephew will go in and find out!"

"Where is the Virtuous nephew? I'm waiting for the old bones to die, so how can you risk it."

An old man shook his head to stop him.

"Okay, let's go in together!"

Xu Dajiao waved his hand and took the lead towards the location of the Giant Whale Gang.

The closer they got to the giant whale gang, the more doubtful they became.

No more blocking.

Not even a sound.

It was only a few dozen feet apart, but the resident of the Giant Whale Gang was as quiet as a ghost, without the slightest sound.

"Dead corpse?!"

Suddenly, someone creded out in surprise.

Under the reflection of sporadic torches, the huge square is already in ruins, swords, corpses, mud, blood...

The messy scene after the war.

"Old Zhao Sixth, Wang Lao Er...they are all dead?"

Everyone turned pale with astonishment.

Suddenly, Xu Dajiao tightened his grip on the dragon head staff, and the rest of the group lost their voices.

In the middle of the square, the old man with a broken arm glared at him, his expression grim, but he had lost his breath.

That's Hankyung.

He's dead!

In the night sky, the thunderbolt reappears.

Everyone's heart became colder and colder, but on the square, on the side of the pile of corpses, on the only intact table, was a young man in blood-stained clothes.

Unceremoniously sitting, holding a wine glass, looking into the distance:

"Everyone, it's a coincidence!"

Yesterday's second update...

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