First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 133


Chapter 133 Brothel Alone
As the New Year is approaching, there are already some places Ice melts.

Above the Nanshan Mountain, the snow melted, and although the blue and green color was not seen, it seemed to have a little more vitality.

There are more and more people on the Nanshan Plank Road.

The Nanshan group of bandits, who were swept away not long ago, are showing signs of returning in a swirl of dust.

gu lu lu ~
On the muddy plank road, a chariot came slowly, pressing the muddy water, and went to the town of Poison Dragon.

Here, it is located on the main road. Although the who smoked was gone a few months ago, it was only a few months ago, and it became lively again.

Brigands, refugees, and even some robbers and horse thieves from other places came here again. After several fierce fights, the town has a master again.

The town of Poison Dragon also changed its name to 'azure snake off'.

Also, the Dazhai in the Nanshan Mountain has also changed its owner, and now it is called 'Green Snake Mountain'.

But the existence of this green Snake Mountain is much shorter than that of Poison Dragon Village, and it was uprooted in less than a month.


The slightly thin groom pulled the reins.

A tall and straight young man with a handsome face lifted the curtain of the car and walked out. He didn't care about the scattered pedestrians gathered around, and looked around indifferently:

“Old Guy, Is it planted in such a small place?"

"Elder Lu is planted here, causing a lot of trouble for the door, if it is not for the feet of the money, a hat to make friends with bandits, I am afraid It's fixed."

The thin groom shook his head slightly:

"There is also a trick in the door, but Elder Lu is in the hands of the Bright Gown Guard, it is difficult to operate... "

"My stupid big brother, it is said that he died downstairs?"

The young man looked indifferent and said suddenly:
"The person in charge here, get out of here." Come out and meet me!"

It was like a thunderstorm on dry land, and the few pedestrians who were watching from a distance were taken aback.

From the town, which was damaged a lot, there was an embarrassed exclamation: "Again, someone is here again..."


The young brows slightly wrinkle, I noticed something.

He didn't know what this town was like. At this moment, he felt a sense of meditation, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The blood-reeking qi in this place was full of outrageous.

I don't know how many days have passed, but it still lingers. Upon closer inspection, bloodstains are still visible.

"This lord..."

Before the young man's voice could be heard, a embarrassed silhouette appeared, staggering to his knees, trembling:

"Little Luo Cao is also a last resort. At home, really, there is really no way to survive. Please treat me as a fart, let me go..."

The middle-aged man burst into tears, like preparing For there funeral, while speaking, his body was still shaking, which made the young man disgusted for a while.

It was the groom who spoke:
"I'm from White Dragon, not what you call an adult!"

"You are a Martial Artist who has changed blood, after all. How can you be so stubborn?"

The youth looked bad.

"White Dragon Xuan? are the little White Dragon Lu Wanliu?"

Hearing the three words White Dragon Xuan, the man immediately sighed in relief before he dared to raise his head, Recognizing the identity of the young man, he began to cry again.

"You said, a few days ago, an expert from Six Doors came to encircle and destroy your Azure Dragon Mountain? How many of you escaped after hundreds of people?"

Lu Wanliu My heart was surprised, but my eyes sank:
"How many people came to Six Doors? Where are they now?"

"One person, no, two people."

The man's teeth began to chatter, and seeing Lu Wanliu's impatient expression, he stammered: "Two people came, one looks like a groom, and only one shot, he, he One blade one sword is a bow, and during the day it does not move, but suddenly sneak attack at night...

When it's dawn, except for the few of us, the huge green Snake Mountain has no more alive...


"All alone?!"

Both Lu Wanliu's pupils shrank.

Band thieves Qiangliang, horse bandits, these rateless green forest people, they are not in the eye of the two.

How complicated is the terrain of Nanshan Mountain?

Such a large cottage can be wiped out overnight, such a method...

"This person..."

Listening to the man's description, Lu Wanliu was heartbroken. With a shock, he suddenly lifted it up:
"Where did that person go?!"

"Mu, Mu Lin Mansion..."



The grandiose of the Da Tao River flows out of Qingzhou City, rolling in, passing through Delin House and Mulin House to the east of Yun and Baizhou.

The New Year has passed, the weather is getting warmer, and there is a rumbling sound.

Because of the fact that there are two states of Yun and Bai across the river, Mulin Mansion is one of the few prefectures in Qing State that has developed water transportation.

As a result, huge gangs that live on water transport have emerged.

The Giant Whale Gang is one of the two largest gangs. In order to occupy the interests of water transportation, they have fought with the Dajiao Gang many times.


Looking at the file, Yang Yu looked thoughtful.

Caoyun has always been the most lucrative place, and it is not uncommon to breed gangs that make a living from it, but it is a bit incredible that it can develop to such a scale.

According to Xu Wenji's dossier records.

The two major gangs in the water transport of Mulin Mansion are extremely powerful!

And if they can develop to such a height, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no one behind them.

"Starting from here, you can indeed find something..."

Yang Yu was convinced.

Everyone knows that the Four Great Families are powerful in Qing State, but there is no precise answer as to what forces have colluded with them.

Looking at this dossier, combined with the transaction Huang Sixiang made with him, he had some idea.

These two gangs are probably one of them.

Great Ming can't help but sell salt and iron. Private people can also sell salt and iron with the permission of the Imperial Court, but water transportation is not allowed.

If it's just some bitter hahas clinging to each other, the Gong Gong in the court may not care about it, but if it's a gang supported by the Aristocratic Family...

"Giant Whale Gang' Han Jing', Dajiao Gang 'Wei Jiao'... No wonder you say that the martial arts of Mu Lin Mansion is very strong, and there are many experts."

Muttering to himself, Yang Yu moved his index finger slightly, looking forward to it.

Qingzhou City also has many experts, but the Imperial Court is so powerful that few experts on the martial arts road will go to Qingzhou City.

Mulin Mansion, but it's different.

"Yang Ye, this Mu Lin Mansion is really lively!"

Outside the carriage, Xiao Wu's surprised voice came.

Yang Yu lifted the curtain and walked out, not far away, there was a roar of people, and the huge city passageway was handling a huge flow of people.

At this time, the Da Tao River has not been thawed for a long time, and no fleet has arrived yet, but the intensity of this land transportation is only under the Qing State.

"Enter the city, enter the city."

Xiao Wu was excited.

This journey is more than a month, dry food and cold water all day, the bird really fades out of his mouth, seeing the prosperity of the wood forest mansion, his heart is naturally happy.

Mulin Mansion, couldn't help but carry the carriage in and out. After paying the entrance fee, the two stepped into the Mulin Mansion.

Different from the richness of Qing State, although Mulin Mansion is much smaller and the streets are not so spacious, all kinds of buildings are very crowded and crowded, bustling and lively.

At this time, the New Year's Day has just passed, and there are still several points of the aftermath of the Chinese New Year on the street.

"The accent of Mu Lin Mansion is much more difficult than Qing State's."

Xiao Wu looked around, listening to the exchange of pedestrians, some of his heads were too big and he couldn't understand.

Yang Yu naturally does not have this burden.

In order to practice martial arts, he has learned a lot of local slang, and he naturally understands the accent of Mulin House.

I found an Inn at random and settled down. After washing up a little, the two went up to the second floor, ordered a table of wine and food, and gorge oneself.

"Mulin Mansion..."

Looking from the window, the street is full of traffic and people, Yang Yu whispered in his heart, but his eyes turned to the street corner.

A man with a sneaky whereabouts, after looking left and right, quietly left.

"Four people can't be underestimated."

Yang Yu's eyes moved slightly, knowing that he was being watched, but he didn't care much, and even a little be eager to have a try .

He has no free bills for more than a month.



“The yellow horse, the old carriage, the Qing State accent…”

cautiously Glancing at the restaurant behind him, he instructed his companions to keep watching, twisted his body, and rushed into the crowd.

He has some martial arts foundation, and he is very fast among the crowd. It didn't take long for him to bypass a few streets and go to another restaurant.

In the box on the sixth floor, more than ten people have been seated, imposing manner.

Some people are turning their wine glasses, some people are holding cups and chopsticks, some people are smoking cigarettes, and some people are sitting upright, waiting for something.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke the atmosphere of Shen Ning.

In the first place, a sturdy old man with a scar on his face condensed his eyes, and the man with drooping eyes had entered the box.

"Gang Lord, that Constable, has entered the city! At the moment in the 'Guest Building', Qing State accent, breath cold and severe, with a general martial arts groom, yes, it is He!"

The man with dangling eyes saluted respectfully:
"Decapitation knife, Yang Yu!"

In the box, everyone moved.

"Six Doors bronze medal Constable, decapitation knife Yang Yu. Hehe, what a big name!"

The old man who kneaded a pair of iron eggs sneered and looked up. The old man with the scar:
"Gang Lord, when will you do it? As long as you give an order, don't take one hour, and his head will be placed in front of the case!"

"Yan Laosan, you Why don't you go?"

A middle-aged man with a long beard sneered: "According to our information, Yuchilong, Sima Yang, and Qin's brother were all planted in his hands. How are you better than them?"

"Luo Lao Qi!"

Yan Lao San heard this coldly snorted:
"You can't defeat that Yuchi Long, do you think we can't defeat him? Even Heishan County can’t win, so a person with a false reputation can be considered an expert?”



The old man with scars Beat the table hard.

His name is 'Han Jing', the Gang Lord of the Giant Whale Gang, and he is famous for his 'Sea Splitting Palm', and even Qing State has a lot of fame.

As his cold eyes swept over, everyone shut their mouths, and the two noisy people all sat down, daring to speak.

"If this person doesn't have a lot of brushes, how dare he come to Mulin Mansion? I heard that this kid's goal is Liansheng to teach Qi Longsheng, the head of the Seven Mansion Branch Lord 'Qi Longsheng'!"

Han Jing With a gloomy expression:

"If it's easy, you might as well sell their favors. If it's nasty, we don't need to pay attention to those few!"

Han Jing glanced at it coldly, and the spy suddenly knelt down, unable to ask any questions, he had already bowed to respond:
"Gang Lord, that beheading knife, went to the Autumn Wind Tower..."

The whole place was silent, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay:

"Go to brotherel in broad daylight?"

It's hard to top, yesterday's three chapters didn't work弄上,今天,也够呛三更……只能后补了,羞愧

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