First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 117


Chapter 117 Yu Fengxian! (Second Update)

The early spring is not far away, and the weather is still cold, especially in the early morning.

Yang Yu carried the spills of war that he had cleaned up yesterday and walked slowly, while rumors about the Bright Gown Guard commander flashed in his heart.

The Qing State situation has only lasted for more than ten days, and Yang Yu can only draw a rough outline.

Among the nine and twenty-seven states of the Great Ming, Qing State is considered remote and almost borderline.

Because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, the situation in Qing State is extremely complicated.

The prefectural government forces headed by Nie Wendong, the clan forces headed by the Four Great Families, the Qing State army forces headed by Wei Zhengxian, and the extremely powerful Six Doors that are not affiliated with several parties...

Many forces are either related or hostile, tangled and complicated indescribably.

The Bright Gown Guard, the whip of the emperor, is feared by all parties, whether it is the state government, the Six Doors, or even several gate forces, all keep it away.

There is even a hint of hostility.

Of course, this does not affect Bright Gown Guard's aloof status.

As far as Yang Yu knew, this commander, the commander, once took a Crescent Blade into the prefecture, and the state master Nie Wendong, who forced him, came forward to apologize in person.

In the eyes of the overwhelming majority, the commander of the Bright Gown Guard is a real dangerous person.

Domineering and domineering.

In line with the world's perception of Bright Gown Guard.

"She still owes me a good martial arts..."

While muttering in his heart, Yang Yu was also somewhat guilty.

Only he himself knew that the dao fruit he handed in was just an empty shell with its own appearance, and no one could possibly comprehend anything in it.

However, this thing should be handed in level by level.

If you want to suffer, it must be the emperor who suffers. For this commander, it should be a good thing.

With thoughts in my heart, I kept walking, took the hidden golden armor, walked through a few streets, and turned a few alleys, the environment gradually became remote.

After another turn, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly opened up.

Behind the narrow alley, there is actually a very large mansion. Although it occupies a small area, it has its own quiet and extravagance, which is incompatible with the all around alleys.

But when he walked into the house, which didn't even close the door, Yang Yu could see the real 'special' of this yard.

After the courtyard gate, the first thing that catches your eye is a Martial Training Stage with several hundred zhangs and a large amount of yellow mud!
At a glance, blade, spear, sword, halberd, all eighteen weapons.

In the middle of the Martial Training Stage, there is a room that is neither too big nor too small. On the eaves, there is a cloud eagle that is about one zhang high and looks huge when its wings are closed. Grooming the wings.

"This layout..."

Yang Yu eyelids twitched.

Everyone else has a Martial Training Stage at home. This guy built his home in a Martial Training Stage?
"Wu that boy, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you come forward?"

A crisp and pleasant female voice came, a young delicious and pretty girl in green clothes wave.

Yang Yu stepped forward.

This Huangnitai is full of pits and pits, and there are many new traces. It is estimated that Cao Jinlie just left it.

"Miss is waiting for you!"

The green-clothed girl with short hair, valiant and formidable looking.


Yang Yu's heart moved.

Approaching the house, through the door, I saw a red armored woman sitting unceremoniously on a chair, turning a cold light shining sword with her tender white fingers.

This woman has a petite stature, but she looks extremely beautiful without makeup.

The only thing that doesn't match the style of the picture is the Crescent Blade that is more than three feet taller than her.

"This knife..."

Yang Yu murmured in his mouth, a little heartbroken.

This is definitely a murder weapon. It is made of black iron. The handle of the knife with the thick arm is five feet high. The blade is not flat, but serrated like serrations.

Like a knife but not a knife, like a saw but not a saw.

At first glance, it is almost identical to the very famous 'Leng Yansaw' that Yang Yu remembered in his previous life.

Expert in exchange for blood will take this knife and chop down, I am afraid that it will be cut into two pieces if it is not an iron man.

The Crescent Blade is a heavy-armored weapon.

On this piece of black iron Hundred Refinements, once it is swung, I am afraid of killing people like mowing the grass...

"Like this knife?"

See Yang Yu stared at his knife without blinking, Yu Fengxian smiled.

She was originally beautiful, but this smile was more like melting icebergs.

The whole room lights up.

"How could anyone not like such a treasured sword?"

Yang Yu nodded.

He is a swordsman, and he is naturally a little overjoyed to see the treasured sword, but what makes him even more excited is the restlessness of the Cauldron of Gluttony.

If you don't look at it, you can see that this treasured knife must be a good ingredient.

"Unfortunately, the knife and the lady cannot be borrowed, otherwise, you can touch it."

Yu Fengxian was in a good mood.

She is very martial, especially fond of knives. It is rare to see someone who is willing to appreciate her knife instead of showing weird eyes. Naturally, she has several points of joy.

Woman, can't use a sword?

"It's great to be able to touch it."

Yang Yu is also a little regretful.

With the advancement of the martial arts, the decapitation knife gradually couldn't keep up with his progress, and with his current martial arts attainments, he couldn't make further progress at all.

Deduce the decapitation knife to the middle, or even the best.

Of course, he was very eager for ingredients containing Blade Technique, but he also knew that this commander would never allow others to touch her knife.

Whoever touches it, I'm afraid it's not the arm that's gone.

"That can't be done."

Yu Fengxian's eyes flashed, and she saw the burden that Yang Yu was carrying:
"First, dao fruit, then my family's elite golden armor. Xie, you are really lucky!"

"en? ”

Yang Yu slightly startled , I felt a light on my hand, and I looked at it again, golden armor. It has been in the hands of Yu Fengxian.

"It's really a golden armor!"

The green-clothed girl beside her covered her mouth and criticized out in surprise: "It's no wonder that the lady gave up chasing 'Yu Lingxian'. This treasure armor, the Old Prince may..."

"I want you to talk more."

Yu Fengxian played with this armor, then threw it on the table, turned her wrist, then The sword with a cold glow in its mouth has already shot at Yang Yu:
"This sword is not bad, but it is useless to me, do you like this sword?"

"It's so fast!"

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed, only to feel that the sword jumped up and disappeared in front of him, just like the legendary Flying Sword.

Without thinking, he stomped his feet, leaned back three points, and raised his hand again, holding the long sword in his palm.


Shaking the long sword lightly, only to feel the cold light hitting my face and buzzing.

"Xuantie Hundred Refinements?!"

Yang Yu immediately cup one fist in the other hand:
"many thanks for the sword!"

This sword...

Feeling the violent beating of the Cauldron of Gluttony, Yang Yu's heart was beating like thunder.

Yu Fengxian only uses the Crescent Blade, this sword, could it be...


Yang Yu can easily hold the hilt of the sword , Yu Fengxian's index finger moved slightly:
"What a lot of strength!"

The green-clothed girl was a little surprised when she heard this sentence.

This is the second time she has heard a lady praise a person's strength. The last one was Wei Zhengxian, the Great General of Qing State, who is said to have the strength of four elephants in his arms.

This boy looks ordinary, how can he make the young lady praise him so much?
This kid is thin and weak, how can he be so strong?
"many thanks, sir."

Yang Yu thanked him, and he was unavoidable in his heart. If it weren't for his amazing physical strength, he would be embarrassed on the spot.

"You will be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and punished for failures. What are you thankful for? You can find this fine golden armor, this sword is not enough for commendation, so after half a year, the promise from above will come down.


You can choose two high-quality martial arts, or, you can choose to have ten 'exchange blood pills' now."

Yu Fengxian restrained her smile and said lightly.

"The Great Dan?"

Yang Yu slightly startled.

A file about medicine pills is taboo. With his current status, he cannot read it in the case room.

However, as she wishes.

Are these ten blood exchange great Dan comparable to a superior martial arts?
"Blood Replenishment Pill is just the dregs of 'Congealing Blood Pill', and the blood-replenishing pill is much more expensive."

The green-clothed girl covered her mouth and smiled:

"A blood-changing elixir is as good as your medicated bath for half a year!"


Yang Yu was immediately moved and answered without hesitation:
" I want to change the blood!"

"A wise choice! The superior martial arts is more precious, but it usually takes three years and five years to get started with the superior martial arts. One is enough."

Yu Fengxian flicked her fingers, and a red porcelain bottle had fallen into Yang Yu's hands:
"You can only take two a year, don't be greedy, if there is a setback, half a quarter of an hour, you The whole body of blood will turn into sweat and evaporate to dryness!”

“many thanks.”

Yang Yu cautiously held the porcelain bottle with satisfaction.

The most suitable martial arts for him still have to be obtained from ingredients, but medicine pills are what he lacks the most.

The Great Ming Imperial Court controls 99% of the medicine pills in the world.

Not to mention the Blood Replenishment Pill, Congealing Blood Pill, and even the Blood Replenishment Pill, they are all good things that are more expensive than gold.


Yu Fengxian didn't stay too much, just let him go.

Yang Yu's five senses are very sensitive. After walking a hundred feet, he could faintly hear annoyed muttering from the house.

"Isn't this bottle gourd fake? With my mother's peerless talent, it's been so long, and there's no movement at all? It shouldn't be..."

" Miss, you are swearing again!"

Hearing the muttering, Yang Yu's heart trembled, and his footsteps suddenly sped up.



"Although she concealed it very well, she was definitely injured, still very seriously! Those people are so courageous Great, even the commander of the Bright Gown Guard dares to surround and kill?"

"It's just that her blood is not smelly, but like musk? Is it a blood change level, or an extraordinary natural talent?"

"The old man in the Seven Mysteries Sect has a high level of blood exchange, but his blood is more foul-smelling than others. Is that the reason for soaking in poison? If there is no evidence, we will find out later..."

"Did the Six Doors not change the blood, or did someone target me and deliberately cover it up? I'm afraid that Mrs. Shi doesn't have the ability..."


Go On the street, Yang Yu's mind was rolling and he was thinking a lot.

Seeing that the sky was about to get brighter, Yang Yu packed up his mood, turned around and walked back to his own house. Like the mad dog, he didn't want to go to Six Doors anymore.

Walking neither fast nor slow, his mind moved slightly.

In a trance, it can be seen that in the dark Cauldron of Gluttony, there is a long sword shining brightly.

[Ingredients: Baibu Flying Sword]

Continue to code, everyone go to bed early.估摸得晚一点了,大家,明早看……

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