First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 105


Chapter 105 Seven Mysteries Sect (two in one chapter)

Someone on the roof? !
Yang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

His five senses are far superior to ordinary people, and even when he changed blood, he never relaxed his perception of the outside world, and even became more alert.

In addition, even when his blood was broken and his five senses were at their sharpest, he could only hear the slightest sound of breathing.

And imperceptible to his blood, heartbeat.

"The turtle and snake are hidden in winter, and the horse is hidden in the shadows. If he can control himself to such a degree, this person has far more control over his body than me. He is a great expert!"

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Yang Yu put on his clothes one by one, pretending that nothing happened.

And at the moment when he held the waist knife, a gust of wind suddenly broke out outside the house, and the turbulent air smashed the window bolt and poured in.

Yang Yu held the knife in his backhand, bowed slightly, shocked but not confused, blood surged, murderous intention hidden:
"Who are you?"

The night outside the house The wind is high.

On a dead branch of an old tree, a silhouette in a gray robe, with no purpose in sight, moved with the wind. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Yang Yu still couldn't detect the person's blood and heartbeat.

He couldn't help but feel tight.

martial arts cultivation to a certain extent, can control oneself, slow down the heartbeat breathing, but the breathing of the person in front of him is almost inaudible.

It's just a weird martial arts like Turtle Breath Art.

This is simply the best assassin.

"Good boy."

On the top of the tree, the silhouette didn't move, and an old, low voice sounded in Yang Yu's ear:
"Such a bone, so Innate talent. The huge Qing State is no more than the number of palms."

"Your martial arts is so high, why is it so hidden? Yu's mind is dignified, as if facing a great enemy.

Surprised but not confused.

The Inn he chose was exquisite. It was only two streets away from the Six Doors' resident. Just a long whistle would surely alert Six Doors.

"What is tolerance?"

The gray robe man shook his head and laughed:
"Boy, you need everything, just these two words, don't ask for it."

Yang Yu looked back coldly and said no more, but his hand holding the knife was a little tighter.

"You're so alert, it's no wonder that the Lord values it so much. You do have this capital."

The gray robe person sighed slightly:
"Boy, you don't have to. The innate talent is excellent, but you have only practiced martial arts for a few years? If the old man is against you, even if you have ten steel knives, it will not help you."

"That's not necessarily true."

Yang Yu turned a deaf ear, but was alert.

The Old Guy's voice is not too small, but no one in this Inn seems to hear it.

This is very similar to 'secret voice transmission'.

"You don't believe it?"

The gray robe was invisible, but Yang Yu seemed to see a playful old face.

It seemed like a blink of an eye.

The wind whistled as soon as I heard the sound of a crane ringing in my ears.

At this moment, Yang Yu only felt that the air all around seemed to have turned into a substantive flowing water covering his whole body, and the whole person's movements suddenly stopped.

And a yellow and dry palm like chicken feet has fluttered over a distance of ten feet and appeared three feet in front of him!

Fast, light, and heavy as a mountain!

"So fast!"

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed, but his movements were extremely fast.

I saw that his feet were a little heavier, his mighty strength was already pouring over his shoulders like a stormy sea, and his whole body shrank.

Breaking the airflow that bound the whole body.

At the same time, the long knife has set off a waterfall of forest cold knives, slashing from the bottom to the top of the old man's dry palm like chicken feet.


In a slightly surprised voice, Yang Yu saw the hand of the person who came to suddenly soften, and it was like a cloth belt on his extremely fast beheading knife. superior.

When the force swayed, the air flow rolled, and in an instant, many furnishings in the room swayed and swayed.

"Not good!"

Yang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

I only felt the surging inner breath shot out from the arm, wrapping around the blade like a tornado to his arm and whole body.

As if to lift him up!

The warning sign suddenly appeared, Yang Yu let out a low growl without thinking, and the scarlet of fire spread to the whole body immediately.

ka ka ka ~
His whole body was roaring like a horned dragon, his whole body seemed to swell up, his feet seemed to take root, resisting the spiral force.

At the same time, his left arm suddenly lifted, his five fingers squeezed together, and he handed it forward, like a battering ram being pushed by dozens of people on the battlefield.

Smashing at the gray robe man!
A dull, low sound.

Yang Yu's expression changed, and he stepped into the air. For the first time, during the wrestling, he fell downwind and was knocked out of the window.

Landing hard.

He was about to have a seizure, and the gray robe man had already jumped back to the top of the tree and waved his hand:
"old man's old bones can't stand the toss, stop."

Thorn La~
When he waved his hand, the gray robe was torn apart in a spiral, revealing a thin, yellowish, lean arm without any fat.

"Do you fight if you want to, or stop if you want to stop?"

Yang Yu's tone was bad, but he didn't attack again.

In my heart it is certain.

This Old Guy's martial arts is very high, but it seems to have been hit hard. There is a weak spot in the internal breathing room, so that he can't fight back.

"He's not forgiving."

The gray robe man called the head:
"Boy, do you mind talking in another place?"

"A different place?"

Yang Yu frowned.

After fighting several times, he has determined that the Old Guy is not irresistible, but his martial arts is too high. When the night is dark and windy, the ghost wants to communicate with him in another place.

"The old man looked down on you, and it was too quiet this time. The Six Doors people have already noticed it. If they don't change their place, the old man will have to come again next time."

gray robe said lightly.

Although the fight between the two was short-lived, the movement was not small. The entire Inn was lit up, and there was a foul-mouthed voice.

Someone seems to have gotten up.

"That's up to you."

Yang Yu didn't bother to talk to him, he stepped a little and leaned on the wall, and he had already turned back to his room.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, this Old Guy martial arts is ruthless and sneaky, and he will go out with him only if he loses his mind.

"You kid..."

The gray robe is so popular that he gnash the teeth.

But he couldn't. Hearing the strong wind coming from outside the long street, he shook his hand and threw away a note, and the whole person disappeared into the treetops without a sound.

come and go without a shadow or trace, like a ghost.

"This Old Guy..."

Yang Yu's eyelids twitched.

He didn't suffer in this fight, but the Old Guy obviously had spare energy, and his inner Qi burst into flames and his blood energy was on his face.

But he just grabbed with one arm, rolled, hit, and knocked himself out of the room.

This martial arts can be said to be the highest he has ever seen in his life.

Especially this Lightweight Art, it's outrageous, he can see the night like day, and see clearly, this Old Guy is only a few steps, and has already crossed two streets.

Extremely fast and silent.

The Inn was foul-mouthed. The shopkeeper and Xiao Er approached the room to ask questions. Yang Yu responded casually and took down the piece of paper that was nailed to the wall.

This piece of paper fluttered gently, but it penetrated into the wall for three points, and the bluestone was split, showing a very brilliant hidden weapon skill.

Claw Art, inner Qi, Lightweight Art, hidden weapon.

In a short period of time, this Old Guy has already shown four proven martial arts, especially this Lightweight Art, I am afraid it is already a superior martial arts.

You can resist one or two with your own strength, but if you use your full strength, it is really dangerous.

Thinking in my heart, Yang Yu looked towards the note, and when he saw it, he was a little fascinated.

"ghost shadow?"

After a long time, Yang Yu just came back to his senses, and with a flick of his wrist, the note was shaken into powder, and his face was somewhat gloomy.

There are more than 300 words on a thin piece of paper.

This is the beginning of an excellent martial arts called 'ghost shadow'.

Obviously, this is the gray robe man's martial arts.

"Who is this Old Guy? Four Great Families, or came for this fine golden armor?"

Kneading his temples, Yang Yu had a headache.

When he first entered Qing State, he would have trouble coming, and he didn't expect it.

Although high-quality martial arts are extremely precious, but backed by Six Doors and Bright Gown Guard, he is not worried about not being able to learn them. After all, according to Wei He, that dao fruit can be exchanged for another. Superior martial arts are more than enough.

The 'fine golden armor' worn by myself is no accident, and it can also be replaced by a superior martial arts.

Although this Lightweight Art is a bit greedy, he knows very well that this is probably not a good thing.

This Qing State seems to be prosperous and peaceful, but secretly, I am afraid it is also a turbulent undercurrent.

After standing for a long time, Yang Yu came back to his senses.

"With the backs of Six Doors and Bright Gown Guard, the two largest intelligence organizations in the world, what am I thinking?"

Shaking his hands to raise the ashes, Yang Yu also Too lazy to clean up the messy room, he sits cross-legged with his clothes in his arms.

After this incident, the joy of breakthrough disappeared, and urgency was born in my heart.

Even with Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, his foundation is still too weak to be relieved.



hu hu!

In the night wind, the gray robe people are like ghost-like shuttles in the streets. lane.

He is extremely fast.

As the stature changes, even if they pass by, the night watchers will not be able to find them.

Soon, he wandered around the city for a few moments, came to an alley in the south of the city, knocked lightly on the door, got a response and pushed the door in.

This is a small yard with three rooms and a tree.

It was getting dark at this time, and there were still lights flickering in the study.

"Come in!"

In the study, there was a sound.

A gray robe person pushed the door and entered. In the small room, a refined young man in a scribe's uniform was sitting upright, as if he was reading a file.

In front of the desk in front of him, a burly man shrank and trembled.

"Jiang Ba!"

The elegant young man spoke softly, and the big man shivered in fright, and responded with trembling: "I have a heavy trust from the Lord, Jiang Ba crime deserving ten thousand deaths!"

If Yang Yu is here, you can recognize that the trembling big man is the Golden Blade Sect Jiang Ba he captured earlier.

"In order to save you, the mad dog of Six Doors is searching for this Young Master all over the city at the moment."

The elegant young man said lightly.

"Your Highness..."

Jiang Ba's eyes were full of despair.

"My lord."

The gray robe person bowed and said:

"That kid is extremely alert, even when he changes blood, he hides his guard, old slave. He was defeated by 'Qin Jinfeng', and he was not fully sure to take him down...

This kid has excellent roots and is a top martial arts seed. I am afraid that his innate talent is only inferior to that of Wei Zhengxian back then. , are we trying to absorb him?"

"A big toad crawled out of the ant's nest, who would have thought? The matter of absorption, let's talk about it, the most important thing at the moment is only the golden armor. "

The elegant youth sighed:

"For this fine golden armor, three elders died in the door, and only two of the seven guest officials were left, almost killed by the Bright Gown Guard Absolutely. I thought the overall situation had been settled, but didn't expect it to be planted in the hands of such a small thing."

Among the many taboos of Great Ming, fine gold and armor are at the forefront. The armor is strictly prohibited from being cast by outsiders. In fact, many powers have fine gold refining art.

The method of refining pure gold into armor can only be found in the Great Ming Tiangongyuan.

For this armor, he has been plotting for several years, who knows...

“Jiang Ba crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

gray robe The person said in a low voice: "Gold Blade Sect should be damned!"

He couldn't help but be angry.

For the sake of this armor, he was almost beaten to death by Qin Jinfeng, and he could not be sent to the old Qing State by the Ping An Security Bureau, but how did he know that this idiot couldn't even handle this trivial matter.

"Jiang Ba crime deserving ten thousand deaths, I just ask the Lord to spare me Jin Blade Sect..."

Jiang Ba shuddered, seeing the two remain unmoved, growling He slapped himself with a palm, spit out his breath, and died on the spot.

"It's cheap to die."

The gray robe's anger still lingers.

"Six Doors and Bright Gown Guard have all been eyeing us, you haven't been discovered during your trip, have you?"

The elegant young man didn't even look at Jiang Ba, and asked lightly.

"Naturally not. Although the old slave hurt Dantian, few people can track me without being discovered by me in this Qing State land."

gray robe man Humble tone:
"It's just that the golden armor is very important, and the old slave does not dare to force himself, so he can only make a bait. And the innate talent of the boy is so good, the old slave also wants to accept him... "

"If you can get back the golden armor, it's up to you whether you accept an apprentice or not."

The elegant young man sighed:

" I just hope that the 'armor and armor psychic' is really in this elite golden armor, if not, my Seven Mysteries Sect is really laughable."

"The Lord will definitely get that. 'Swordsmanship', and then refine my hundred-step Flying Sword of Seven Mysteries Sect name shakes the whole world!"

The gray robe man's tone was frenzied.

"How can it be that easy?"

The elegant young man, however, was not in the mood, and waved his hand to let him back down:
"Go get some medicine pills to heal your wounds."

The gray robe man closed the door, faintly I could hear his sigh:
"The tide ebbs and flows for three thousand years. If it doesn't happen again, I really don't have any chance..."




Six Doors, located in the outer city of Qing State, south of the city, occupies a large area, and has its own solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Yang Yu got up from the Inn at dawn and came to the Six Doors station to report.

Tie Feng obviously knew that he was coming, waited early, took him to report, got his clothes and saber, as well as the salary promised to him.

“My Six Doors catcher, three taels of silver per month, one Blood Replenishment Pill each, 12 Constable per month, and eleven Blood Replenishment Pills each.

Bronze medal Constable is the best, with 32 pieces of silver per month, 20 pieces of Blood Replenishment Pill each, and some like Golden Skin Medicine.

But you were in other As for the perpetrators you captured, the specific value will have to be assessed by the documents.

But not to mention great merits, but there are small merits.”


Leading Yang Yu to fetch the ten-year salary promised by Six Doors before, this steady man's hands were trembling, and he couldn't stop his eyes from turning red.

The money is nothing, and no one who can join Six Doors lacks that kind of salary, but the Blood Replenishment Pill is a really precious thing.

In Qing State, it is a more popular hard currency than gold.

What made him even more jealous was the dozens of gangsters that Yang Yu captured. No matter how great or small they were, they could all be exchanged for the more cherished medicine pills and martial arts.

These gangsters, together with his previous achievements in quelling the rebellion of Lianshengjiao alone, I am afraid that even the great achievements will be enough.

Great work...

"Six Doors is really rich and imposing."

Yang Yu's heart smacked.

The treatment of Six Doors is more than ten times faster than the usual catcher and officer.

Of course, along the way, his net worth is huge and his salary is average. What really works for him is the medicine pill.

Blood Replenishment Pill is more than ten times better than the medicine ingredient.

With the Cauldron of Gluttony, the gold and iron residues in the medicine pill will hardly affect him. He swallows the medicine pill much more smoothly than the common martial artist.

“Our Six Doors has various places such as 'garbage room', 'armor room', 'scroll room' and 'killing room'. The place where the armor is exchanged.

The martial arts promised to you in the door are in the utility room, the scroll room is the place where merit is assessed, and there is the most detailed wanted information in the whole world... "

In one breath, he told Yang Yu what he knew, and Tie Feng handed it over: "The rest is nothing, I'm leaving now for my brother."

"Thank you." Introducing Brother Tie.”

Thanks to Yang Yu.

Though he would know about these chores sooner or later, knowing it sooner would save him a lot of trouble.

At least, know where to find information about the Old Guy from last night.

"cough cough, then, we'll meet again."

Tie Feng turned around reluctantly.

Yang Yu was thinking about things in his mind, and when Tie Feng was about to leave, he remembered something, and he just stuffed a bottle of medicine pill over there.

"How embarrassing is this?"

Tie Feng turned around quickly, holding the porcelain bottle, his face flushed, and he was a little ashamed:

"I have suffered for my brother a few years ago. Heavy trauma, lack of energy and blood, the plot has fallen, and I need a medicine pill to supplement, I'm really ashamed..."

"It's human nature, why should I be ashamed."

Yang Yu shook his head slightly.

No one should be nice to you for no reason. It is normal to ask for something.

"many thanks."

Tie Feng took a deep breath, seeing that Yang Yu was leaving, he hurriedly called him and whispered:
"Brother Yang, you After getting so many medicine pills this time, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous, so be careful..."

"Many thanks for reminding."

Yang Yu nods, two generations are human, he is nothing do not understand.

After collecting the medicine pill, Yang Yu didn't rush to collect the martial arts. He turned around and walked to the scroll room.

The scroll room was bigger and more lively than Yang Yu had imagined.

It was just dawn, and there were more than a dozen people in the filing room collecting files.

Yang Yu watched for a while and came to the old man guarding the place.

"Take it yourself."

Before Yang Yu could speak, the old man responded coldly, pointing to the hundreds of bookshelves in the scroll room.

Yang Yu shook his head, following Tie Feng's warning, and handed him a piece of silver.

The old man glanced, and a daisy suddenly appeared on the old face:

"Does Little Brother know how to find people or trouble?"

"Look for people. ."

Yang Yu described the figure, voice, and martial arts of last night's gray robe.

"Accompanied by the sound of cranes during the shot? Spirited cranes with a hundred claws? People are like ghosts, they are practicing Lightweight Art with ghost shadow phantoms, wearing gray robes, and their voices are like old crows?"

The old man muttered to himself.

After a while, I turned around and looked around.

Yang Yu was not in a hurry, he picked up a file from the bookshelf and read it.

This wait is more than an hour.

The old man guarding the case room was very dedicated, and he was sweating all over his body. Yang Yu had read a lot of files before handing it to Yang Yu with a rolled ancient scroll:


"Ghost shadow phantom body art is an evil martial arts hundreds of years ago. There are not many people practicing it in the world. Here are some records about this martial arts. Let's take a look."

The old man wiped his sweat, somewhat guilty:

"What you said is too vague, if you can't find it, old fogey can't do anything about it..."

"Sure enough Is it an evil martial arts?"

Thinking back on the movement method of the gray robe man yesterday, Yang Yu agreed with it, and when he opened the ancient scroll, he realized why this martial arts was called the name Evil door martial arts.

The ghost shadow was created by the Ghost Spirit loose people three hundred years ago.

It is said that this martial arts is extremely cruel. The practitioners must wash their bodies with venom from a young age to stimulate the internal organs, muscles and bones. Once they are trained, they are all ugly and ghostly.

In addition to taking poison since childhood, many people who practice this practice are paranoid and crazy, and often like to kill others for fun, and then it is called evil martial arts.

Seeing this introduction, Yang Yu suddenly put out some thoughts, and read one after another, but his heart sank:

ghost shadow It is said that the step has long been lost. The last person who knew this cultivation technique was an abandoned disciple of Seven Mysteries Sect more than 100 years ago.

"I want the file of Seven Mysteries Sect."

Yang Yu took out another twenty taels of silver.

The old man's eyes lit up, he hurriedly turned around to look for it, but he turned back after a while, his face full of embarrassment:
"The file of the Seven Mysteries Sect has been locked by the adults, only the bronze medal Constable or above can be accessed. ..."

The files in the case room are not without thresholds.

It's just normal information, but anything important has a threshold.

“Bronze stamp Constable?”

Yang Yu laughed and took out a bronze stamp from his arms.


The old man was stunned. Of course, he didn't believe that someone would dare to forge bronze medals at the Six Doors stronghold, but this little boy was only seventeen or eighteen, and it was actually bronze. Chapter Constable?
"You, are you Yang Yu?"

The old man cried out in a voiceless voice
More than a dozen people who were still reading the files in the previous moment turned their heads in unison, all looking towards Yang Yu.

It is either amazed, curious, or indifferent, and there is also disobedience and scrutiny.

Naturally, Yang Yu didn't know, he hasn't arrived in Qing State yet, and things about him have been circulating in Six Doors for a long time.

Little Yu's pawn in a remote place, he just settled a small rebellion by chance, and actually became a bronze medal Constable.

How can this convince them?

In addition to the fact that one of them overturned the Poison Dragon village and escorted hundreds of thieves to Qing State, it is even more rumored.

"Why, there are still people pretending to be me?"

Yang Yu took back the bronze medal and stretched out his hand:

"Now, the dossier of the Seven Mysteries Sect can be Did you give it to me?"

"Yes, yes."

The old man rummaged, and handed him the Seven Mysteries Sect file.

Yang Yu opened it, his eyes suddenly froze, and he knew that he had found the true master:
In the spring of the seventh year of Qianyuan, Lu Gang entered the Longyuan Palace at night and stole the treasures of the Longyuan King Fine golden armor armor...

The two-in-one chapter, good night everyone.

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