Ashes' ability to go to that world after sleeping and return safely can only be attributed to fate.

From this moment on, Ashes will also be part of the rules of operation in Lordland.

This is the legend. Ashes truly depicts the existence of the starry sky, and as long as the starry sky is mentioned in the future, it will be impossible to get rid of her.

And the stronger the ashes are, the happier the fire prevention girl will naturally be, and the future will be more secure.


The stars fell. This was the first time Ashes saw the world from the perspective of a god. He also understood that the so-called miracles were steps designed to allow mortals to use this ability, and that the power exerted by the gods was actually The result of the Gods themselves using their will to exercise the authority of the law.


The curtain of stars dispersed, and the incarnation was gone. The ashes fell to the ground, and the wounds left by the spiral sword still remained in the abdomen, causing a dull pain.

Standing in a crater with a diameter of tens of meters, Ashes finally lost his strength, bent his knees, and was about to fall to the ground.


A pair of hands hugged Ashes and held her up.

I won.


I will win in the future too.


Wiping her face that was stained with ashes, the fireproof girl smiled and nodded.

Just leave the rest to me.

With that said, the Fireproof Girl handed the ashes to the Faded One on one side, and then the Nameless King took the two of them out of the battlefield.

Everyone is exhausted and should take a good rest now.


Ashes understood that their battle was over, and the next step was the battle of the Fireproof Girl.

Don't be willful.

Ashes is naturally full of confidence as to whether the fire-proof girl can pass the test of the last incarnation. The power of countless king souls cannot be shaken by the original salary king, but she does not worry about the fire-proof girl.

If you throw yourself into the First Fire, then I will definitely take away the flame before that happens.

‘What an overbearing request. ’

Behind her was a warning from the ashes. The fireproof girl showed a helpless smile, checked her head slightly, and made a fist gesture.

Believe me.

Then, the Fireproof Girl stepped forward and faced the incarnation of King Xin who stood up again.

Just like the warriors before.

Thunder, falling straight down.

[In the past, in the ancient era when flames were just born, there was a creature that dominated the world. They were called immortal ancient dragons. 】

[They have four wings and four legs, and their bodies are as vast as mountains, wrapped in immortal scales. They are immortal, and their power is so strong that they can move mountains and fill seas, just like the eternal rulers of the world. 】

[But in ancient legends, they were defeated and their era was over. 】

Completely put to an end by the gods and the warriors who fought alongside them.

And now, the scene that existed thousands of years ago and will no longer remain in the future has reappeared in the world again.

The incarnation of King Xin stood on the earth, and the metal melted by the fire was cast on the head, forming a strange and majestic appearance - that was His crown.

The sky that should have been dark was instead covered with bright light, paving the way for the resurrected King. The sun's disc shed brilliant golden light - a derivative of His power.

Lightning flash, the eye-scorching lightning lightning fell from the sky, and transformed into a palm showing a grasping gesture. The beam of lightning actually turned into an entity and was held in his palm.

That was the first light born in the age of darkness and chaos. It was the Age of Fire and the beginning of all legends.

It’s really unbelievable. Did the heroes who passed the fire in the past face the legend itself?

Even if the Xin Kings did not bear the weakening of the life of the fire caused by the decline of the first fire, they had to face the legend itself every time they passed the fire, which was also a great epic.

‘But I’m no worse than you. ’

The fireproof girl murmured softly, the light gathered, and the spear of sunshine appeared in her hand.

Attack the legend itself, and then—defeat it!

Looking down from the sky, the dazzling light seems to be divided into two parts, each serving its own god.

King Xin's incarnation took a step back, arched his body, and bright thunder and lightning flashed on the gun. It was the overflowing light that was solidified by the extremely powerful power and turned into thunder-like branches.

The fireproof girl stared at the incarnation of King Xin seriously. A strong wind blew around her, lifting her body that was too petite compared to the incarnation. The terrifying power spread outwards. The arm holding the light gun trembled slightly, and her body was like A bow stretched to its limit.

The two thunder guns were thrown at the same moment, dragging a very long stream of light in the atmosphere, and then collided with each other, each trying to overwhelm the other and fight for the authority of the light.

The two finally bloomed, and the resulting light even overwhelmed the brilliance of the sun.

It's just too dazzling.

In the light, neither of them could dodge. The fire-proof girl knew that she could not get into a tug of war with King Xin, and would have to rely on overwhelming power to overwhelm him. The light turned into a spear, dragging the fire-proof girl straight towards the incarnation. The thorn goes away.

The king sensed the danger and lowered the lightning, but the light turned into the fireproof girl's power the moment it came into contact with her.

'Now, I take over the sun! ’

After knocking away the spiral sword that was being swung, the fire-proof girl broke through the obstacles of light and thunder with an indomitable momentum, came to the front of King Xin, raised the tip of the light spear, and pierced the body of the incarnation.

The light was frozen, and even the thunder rushing in it fell into a still silence.


The faded person raised his neck, trying to figure out the reason from the dazzling light.

it's over.

The unknown king nodded, stepped forward and used his tall body to protect the two behind him. As if to confirm his response, the solidified light lit up and then spread, spreading like a loose fishing net, covering the entire furnace. .


Until the light dissipated, there was no cloud in the sky, and the dark sun cast its dim light on the final winner.

The Fireproof Girl pierced the Avatar's chest, leaving a hideous gash.

King Xin transformed into a sword and pointed it at the descendant's head, but it did not fall.

The two looked at each other in silence, and between them was a bonfire like a candle in the wind.

Dang lang~

The arm dropped, the weapon fell to the ground, and the avatar stretched out his palm, as if wanting to touch it.

The fireproof girl wordlessly stretched out her hand and held the mottled palm.

The wind blew up the gravel, which collided with the dim armor, playing a sad song.

The remaining warmth came from her hands, and there were ashes flying in the wind. Through the gaps in the mask, the fire-proof woman blinked her eyes and suddenly felt like crying.

Behind this heroic myth is just a being who is unwilling to accept his fate and struggles fearlessly.

Holding this hand that seems to disappear at any time, there is only sadness left at this moment. Behind the fire, it is just people who are unwilling to give up hope and walk into darkness on the road of despair.

And will people think of the original Salary King, the Sun King Gwen?

Sleep peacefully, great king.

Gwen's body slowly fell down, turning into flying sparks and disappearing into smoke, leaving only a bright flame.

Those warriors who stepped into the Fire Sacrifice without hesitation, their sacrifices were not in vain.

Saluting the dissipated king and the flames turned into by countless heroic souls, the fire-prevention woman stepped forward, picked it up, and then pressed it into her chest.

The souls flowing out of each body are gathered in the incarnation, waiting for the arrival of the destined person who can pass the test. This is the last gift left in the world for the brave.

It's the last minute.

Slowly arriving in front of the bonfire, the fire-prevention woman knelt down, reached into the fire with her hands, and held up the flames.

The flames, like candles in the wind, surged up at this moment, spread along the arms, and finally covered the fireproof woman's body.

The age of fire will never pass away.

Chapter 144: Turn an imperfect story into what you expect

There are always some unforgettable things in a person's life.

Maybe it's a bond between family, maybe it's a bond between friends, maybe it's a virtual spiritual sustenance?

The life of the fireproof girl was quite fulfilling in her previous life, and her work was not tiring. She not only had time to play games every day, but also had time to read anime novels that interested her.

Therefore, the fireproof girl really liked watching plots at the time. As she got older, she couldn’t play operational games, so she focused more on the plot. Many times, a good story attracted her more than the gameplay.

Sometimes I would be entertained for a long time because of a cheerful plot, and I would feel uncomfortable for a long time because of a sad story. At that time, I could say that I was bored, and I even took some time off to write novels.

Reality and fantasy are like two parallel lines, although they do not intersect with each other. Apart from calling my family every day to report that I am safe, I just soak in novels after work. Although I am still a little tired, at least my life is fulfilling.

Occasionally, I would lie in bed in a daze, studying various plots with the mentality that I might one day travel to the second dimension.

Maybe it will be used by then?

Even if you don’t protect everything, you can still gain the ability to predict the future, right?

However, time travel is indeed time travel, and the fireproof girl is unlucky. When she went downstairs to show off her fans, she was taken away by a transforming truck with [Rampage] and [Death Hammer], and she was sent to the world of dark souls.

Absolutely, it is impossible to predict the future, but it seems that there is no other use than this. The world is completely hopeless.

When faced with comedies, we always laugh it off. Only the sad stories can be remembered, because we really can't let go, let go, and be reconciled.

And the story of Black Soul happens to be the story that the Fireproof Girl remembers the most.

Nothing has been achieved in the past hundred years, and there is no golden finger. The learning ability is very different from that in the previous life. On the contrary, they have to face the pressure of survival that they would not have encountered in the previous life. Moreover, the social development is also very backward, and there is no spiritual food to supplement it.

The result is like a duckweed drifting with the tide, unable to do anything except being a witness to tragedy, and even becoming a tragedy himself.

If I had known that time traveling would be blocked by reality, I might as well not have time traveled.

After suffering for decades, the fire-proof girl has corrected her mentality. It doesn’t matter whether she can save the tragedy, but she must at least take action. At least in this way, even if she can’t do anything in the end, then it’s okay. Be able to accept the end of the world calmly.

I don’t think about whether these tragedies wouldn’t have happened if I had worked harder in the past, because at least I had tried my best to fight against fate.

Life is as prosperous as clouds.

Don't long for anything, it will come when it comes, don't worry about everything, it will be over when it is over.

Don't frown when something happens, just laugh when you smile. There is no need to force the ending, just do it.

In this way, even in the end, even if the body turns into ashes and the soul turns into Chai Xin, there will be no regrets left.



The heavy rain fell, and the raindrops moistened the suffering land. There was a painful muffled thunder from the sky. The magnificent bridge was derived from the undead settlement and connected to Lothric on the upper level.

Rainwater flows down the waterways on both sides of the bridge and into the moat surrounding the undead settlement. The two cities merge into one, new and ancient.

In Lothrik's palace, the fire-prevention girl naturally wouldn't want to stay here for a long time and be sad.

Therefore, under the discussion of the senior leaders of the Sun Cult, this place will be converted into a temple in the future for future generations to pay homage to. Therefore, many of the buildings have been preserved and have not been rebuilt.

In the meantime, in a broken courtyard, a knight stood quietly.

How long has it been raining?

Looking at the sky, there are still thick clouds, making people forget where time has flown.

It has been a long time since His Majesty left, and the rain has hardly stopped since then.

The only thing that can be intuitively felt is that the world is recovering.

The knight stood in front of the white tree and stretched out his palm. Big drops of rain fell on the iron armor, causing splashes. The flower stand that had been abandoned for an unknown period of time was now dyed with a green color, and the grass blades were broken. The cracks in the bricks were broken, stubbornly and greedily absorbing the long-lost rain.


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