After interrupting Hui Jin's somewhat excited inquiry, the fireproof girl said to her.

If you fail, there will be nothing left. The country you finally rebuilt, your mother, and your friends from other worlds, no one will want to lose you.

Hui Jin persuaded, with a hesitant look on his face, and said unwillingly: And you still have me. Aren't you sad if you leave us behind?

Of course it will be uncomfortable, but it all started because of me, and I should be the one to end it.

And I won't necessarily die.

The ancient serpent once created the art of usurping flames, but it also entailed great risks. No one can guarantee the probability of its success, because no one has ever succeeded.

After handing over the skills of Orochi Cass to Ashes, the Fireproof Girl looked into the distance and said.

Everyone has their own responsibility. Soldiers defend the country, and craftsmen build cities. The value I can contribute to this world is to let everything I protect continue.

The incarnation of King Xin is too powerful. You must swallow the king's soul to fight against him. This is my duty.

The fireproof girl looked at Ashes solemnly. Anyway, the king's soul was already in her body now. Unless Ashes cut her down, it would be impossible to spit it out.

I don't want to lose any of you.

It's really too willful.

Ashes was helpless. Since she had the skill to usurp fire, she should be allowed to do it. As a fire-proof female knight, the risk should be borne by her.

You still want to see the world, don't you? You want to see the beautiful scenery in the world, you want to walk among the stars, and you want to know how prosperous Lordland will be in the future. There are still many things you haven't seen yet. There’s so much more you want to try.”

Remembering every detail of their trip to another world, the fireproof girl could never suppress her desires and was curious about all new things. Even though she retained her etiquette, her actions could not hide it.

If you were willing to die, you wouldn't have this desire.

Ashes persuaded, she knew that unless the fire-proof girl took the initiative to hand over the king's soul, there was nothing she could do against the fire-proof girl.

The fireproof girl was shocked and lowered her head. The throbbing in her chest made her unable to deceive herself, and she caressed her chest gently. He said a little disappointed.

Maybe you're right. I'm not as selfless as I thought. I like people's respectful gazes, and I like to experience different scenery in my spare time. I like to be accompanied by my relatives, and I like to have you in my side. Around...

I still have a lot of things I want to do that I haven't done yet, and a lot of things I want to see that I haven't seen yet. Maybe I don't want to die.

There was a little light in Ashes' eyes, but it was quickly suppressed by the fireproof girl's other words.

But I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die.

At the Fire Sacrifice, I was reading through the ancient books and the few words left by the Xinwang. I knew that sometimes, I had to die happily.

Do you believe their stupid words?

I didn't believe it at first. How could there be such a selfless person? But glorious deeds cannot be faked. Isn't that what you do, Lord Ashes?


Being with the fireproof girl for so long, Hui Jin almost forgot that he was the salary king before.

The fire-prevention girl replied slowly and firmly: From the time when Gwen gave up the right to rule the world and joined the First Fire without hesitation, to when you became an immortal and ended the kings, collected the king's soul and joined the First Fire, and countless others behind you. Heroes who come one after another.”

You can all do it, can't I?

The fire girl tilted her head, and the wind blew her long pale golden hair, telling the longing story of those fire kings who threw themselves into the fire without hesitation.

Ashes was speechless.

Why are you silent? Nothing has been determined yet, and the probability of success is not necessarily impossible.

After calming down for a while, the fireproof girl took Ashes' palm and walked out of the ruins.

The palace was almost completely destroyed, and there were still blackened rubble among the ruins, but the bridge on the outside was still magnificent. In front of it was the orderly army, and in the distance was Wuming sitting high in the sky.

The clouds covering the sky dispersed, dispelling the vague fog, and the bright light fell without any hindrance, spreading over this magnificent town. The fire girl looked at all this, and under the light, all the sadness in the world and pain will eventually be driven away.

You see, we have won the victory, and now everything in the world has become the palm of my hand.

My warriors, my subjects, they all respect me from the bottom of their hearts.

I have reached the most respected position in the world.

A new era will begin, and this time——

The world will never end again.

Leave your worries behind for now.

That's light, that's the sun.

The sun hanging over Lordland was so warm and bright.

It shines on the ancient kingdom that stands tall on this land, on the iron helmets of the solemn warriors, on the nameless body holding the dragon-turned-baby in his arms, on the busy residents of the undead settlement, it shines on In the Fire Sacrifice, Felenor, who was waiting for his family to return safely, shone on the ruins of the magnificent ancient country further away.

With a smile on her lips, the fireproof girl took Ashes' hand and opened her arms.

Now, it's time to enjoy the victory.

Chapter 136 Facing the black knight and the ring knight, this is how the church knights changed

On the first day of the first year of the solar calendar, the battle on this land finally ended.

When the chaos fire and thunder collide to create anomalies, the victor will stand among the ruins of the royal city of Lothric under the scorching sun.

Long may the sunshine!

Amidst the cheers, the Firekeeper held up the souls of the two princes, declaring that the rule of the old era was over.

But victory alone is still not enough. Lothric is still in chaos. Not to mention those who were subdued by the knights and sent to the location of the priesthood. Just purifying the human pus all over the city is enough for everyone. Have a drink.

Let the knights start to clean up the weaker periphery of the human pus, and the fire prevention woman went to the Demon King's Courtyard, the source of everything. Here are the most powerful ring seal knights and black knights responsible for cleaning up the human pus and the church knights, and The demon king had already been beheaded by the unknown king riding the storm dragon.

Damn it.

A ring-seal knight flew out from in front of the fire-proof woman. The speed was so fast that it was directly embedded in the masonry. He covered the hole in his chest, rubbed it, pulled out the limb, and hurriedly It rolled on the spot, and then a black knight was thrown out and hit the human-shaped hole.

But fortunately, the protective capabilities of both were not limited. After eating a moss ball that blocked the poison, he immediately rushed in again like a normal person.

Fireproof Girl and Ashes pulled at the door frame and stuck their heads out one by one. Between the slender grass blades stained with white human pus, a monster with a black snake head and sharp claws was trapped between them. During the siege.

Human pus is a terrible virus, and the most impressive thing about it is the extremely unreasonable fighting power it unleashes after being stimulated.

Are you ok?

Finally, after executing the human pus whose whole body was covered in fire, the Black Knight pulled up the Ring Seal Knight who was thrown to the floor. A miraculous flash of sunlight repaired his internal injuries.

Fortunately, these things are not much different from the monsters at the bottom of Huanyin City.

Pulling the hood that obscured his face, the ring-seal knight picked up the sword that fell on the ground. Then he raised his head and saw the fireproof woman who had walked into the courtyard. He touched the black knight's gauntlet and then saluted.

Your Highness!

Well, go ahead and ignore me.

Nodding slightly, after asking about their progress, the fire prevention girl smiled and said, the human pus here has not been completely cleaned up yet, and the Demon King's courtyard is still quite large, divided into several areas.

On the ground floor, poisonous mist filled the air, with a huge amount of human pus wandering in it, as well as seemingly motionless living corpses hidden among the grass and trees.

These things are all time bombs.

As if he felt threatened, the living corpse with the black mud behind his back stood up unsteadily, broke off the white branches, and then wailed while holding his chest.


The black mud behind suddenly erupted and instantly turned into a huge black snake more than three meters long. It directly wrapped the upper body of the living corpse, squeezing out the original human tissue, leaving only two withered calves exposed. Outside.

Roar, a soul-stirring roar!

It made an ominous cry. The black snake opened its scarlet eyes wide and stretched out a huge bone-like claw. The first thing it did after it appeared was to use its claws to grab the living thing next to it. The corpse was smashed into a pulp, then moved its body with funny proportions and ran towards the two of them.

After entangled with the human pus once, the two also had some experience in fighting this creature. The black knight narrowed his eyes, stepped forward, dragged the knife from top to bottom, and the huge force directly lifted the human pus. .

Then the Ring Seal Knight behind him was not to be outdone, and seized this opportunity. He held the sword with both hands and gathered strength, and the straight sword sprayed out fire. Then he took a step forward, and the sword blade slashed sharply with the movement of his body, in the air. Leaving behind a red afterimage.

After five consecutive strikes, the offensive came to an end, and the human pus was dismantled into several pieces, turning into flying white debris in the flames.


Looking at the ring-seal knight with cool and deadly moves, the fire-proof woman once suspected that the fifth company of the King of Xin that had killed countless Lothrik knights in the incarnation of the King of Fire was inherited from some fire-passing ring-seal knight.

Along the front line of the route cleared by the large force, the fire prevention woman successively bypassed multiple checkpoints. In the middle, she could see the Church Knights, the Ring Seal Knights and the Black Knights from the Losric side fighting together, all the way to the front of the courtyard.

The cooperation between the Ring Knight and the Black Knight also has the effect of one plus one greater than two, making many complicated things suddenly become much simpler.

The Black Knight's tenacity in the face of damage can create more attack opportunities for the Ring Knight, who is better at causing damage. If both parties cooperate, they will be invincible in killing people.

The two church knights with swords on their backs in front of the Demon King's Gate are the best proof.

They were now chopped into pieces and scattered on the marble slab, and the result of their extremely powerful battle was only two shallow scratches on Elton's shield.

But Elton and the others not only eliminated the papal knights outside the courtyard, they also brought the fireproof girl information about the inside of the Demon King's palace.

Osroais completely collapsed in the ruins. After seeing the miracles of the church knights, Wuming read the information he should know from them. The death was extremely tragic.

However, observing the traces of battle inside, it can be seen that Wuming has lost a lot of his hands and feet. Even if his tail is cut off, his skull is blown away, and his limbs are twisted, he still maintains strong vitality, leaving countless hideous and terrifying traces in the palace. Horrible scars.

It can be said to fully demonstrate the formidable immortality of the ancient dragon.

Among them, the direction of the transmission channel built by wedge-shaped stones that originally led to the Fire Sacrifice has been modified anonymously. There are also corpses of the same kind that were captured by Osroais and used for dragon transformation experiments by snakemen. , the unknown king should have said hello in advance, and no conflict broke out between the two parties.

Well, good job.

The fire prevention girl nodded and praised, now that the resistance in the Demon King's courtyard has been cleared, as long as Midiel comes to swallow up the darkness accumulated here, the source of human pus will be solved.

Your Highness, maybe you should go see Richard. Something has been wrong with him since he entered the palace.

After reporting the detailed information in the courtyard, Elton told the Fire Guard Girl that as the current military commander of Lothrik, Richard's mental state deserves the Fire Guard Girl's attention.

The human pus like snowflakes in the Demon King's courtyard gradually diluted in the fire. Faced with this request, the fire prevention girl had nothing to refuse, and it was also her duty to be considerate to her subordinates.

Where is he?

Chapter 137 I can do anything!

There is an elevator passage between the Demon King's Courtyard and the palace above, but it has been closed unilaterally from the inside and is heavily guarded.

However, considering that the army has already fully garrisoned, there is no doubt that the garrison composed of Osroais believers above will not be able to survive for long.

These dignitaries were dressed in pitch-black clothing and wore gold chains that symbolized their status. They once followed Othroais to govern the country. Now they have become living corpses, but they still firmly perform their duties.

Leaving the elevator, there is a slightly open staircase. The central area is a large number of similar uphill areas. They are all handed over to the Flan Undead Team who are good at fighting in open areas. The ground is already covered with enemies with their limbs cut off. The undead roam among them.


A church knight was knocked to the ground by Fran's soul arrow. He struggled to get up, but was slashed on the joints by two swords from the undead team that rushed forward. He lost his ability to move with a painful howl.

As the end of the world approaches, it is really difficult for Rodlan to kill people completely. The difference between everyone is basically the undead with thoughts and the zombies without thoughts. They can survive even if they are chopped into pieces, so both sides basically prioritize fighting. To incapacitate people.

If we really want to take his life, we usually wait until after the war to deal with it intensively.

Noticing someone approaching, the undead team members looked up and saw the fireproof girl. Their hearts suddenly trembled, and they wanted to show His Highness the best posture of the undead team.

Slaughtering forward like a wolf, the dagger on his left arm bites deeply into the ground, driving the undead team to lower their bodies. The broad blade sweeps across, setting off a string of sparks. The close cooperation between them directly takes out the enemies in front. Go down the third road.

The French Undead Team can not only deal with those things in the lowlands that are infected by the abyss, but can also effectively destroy the living forces of these highland elites, so that they will not wither when they encounter the Pope Knights.

Although enemies from the deep alleys continued to emerge one after another, they were unable to break through the defense line established by the undead team. Most of these people were living corpses with only minimal fighting skills left in their bodies, and there were only dozens of them after all. There are hundreds of people. It is simply unrealistic for this number to break through the undead team composed of mages and warriors.

It was not until the church knights completed their assembly that the difficult situation was slightly relieved.

Kevin, who was wearing light armor, was knocked out. The flaming sword fell out of his hand and was embedded deeply into the marble floor like pewter.

Oliver, brave warriors should not kill each other, Othroais has been killed!

Kevin held a large hole in his abdomen stabbed by a huge sword. With the golden miracle flowing on his body, the wound on it was slowly healing, and he stood up covered in dust and blood.

Her Highness Gwensul will be a generous monarch. As long as you surrender, she will not care about your past.

A knight dragging a giant sword with one hand walked out of the shadows. The knight named Oliver was in no better condition. His left arm was cut off. Now he could no longer bear the weight of the giant sword and could only do It dragged slowly, leaving a long red line on the ground.

No need to persuade.

The stinging pain came from the broken arm, stimulating the tired brain, calling his consciousness back. Oliver, whose helmet flew to an unknown place, shook his head, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

To be appreciated by the monarch and to serve the monarch is a matter of course.

My mission is to protect the king. Even if he turns into a monster, even if he dies, I will still fulfill my duty!

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