Legend has it that the ancient dragon is an immortal creature. Its personality is the same as that of the king's soul, that is, it is ancient eternity. It also does not associate with the abyss, making it the best choice to fight against the abyss. It devours the abyss of Ring Seal City to prolong its engulfment of the world. time.

But this is not a long-term solution.

The long-term swallowing of the abyss has caused the color of Midiel's body to change. If it were not for the protection left by the fire-proof girl back then, and constantly looking back on its time, I am afraid that the current body would be eroded beyond recognition.


He rubbed against the fire-proof girl like a puppy, and the cold and smooth touch touched her body, making the fire-proof girl giggle.

How come you've grown so big and still look like a baby?

Holding Midiel's protruding scales, the fireproof girl couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It has been so long, so long. The little cologne that he could still hold in his arms has grown so big.

Midiel, what happened?

Sheila walked out of the sacrificial hall. The shock that Midiel had just landed was quite big, which made her a little worried and came out to see what happened.


Sheila, a knight of Felianor and also a descendant of the Gods, immediately noticed the girl Midiel was getting close to and couldn't help but uttered a surprise. Then she quickly picked up her sword and knelt down, showing the etiquette that a minister should have.

As a royal servant, Sheila overheard the conversation between the unknown king and His Highness Felianor on the way here. If nothing else goes wrong, this person will soon be the new God King of Rodran.

Long time no see, Sheila.

He said hello, let go of Midiel, and indicated with its reluctant eyes that he wanted to go to the sacrificial site first.

Holding up Silla with one hand, the fireproof girl stepped forward and asked another old friend of hers.

how is it going?

Hey, Ring Seal City will always look like a place filled with abyss. It's nothing more than a flood of gaps. Our mission is nothing more than to protect the goddess and clean up those abyssal creatures regularly.

She came to the door and signaled the fire prevention girl to go in first. Sheila noticed the burn marks on the palms exposed under the black robe that could not be concealed, and couldn't help but ask: You have suffered a lot in these years, haven't you?

Nothing. After becoming a fire-proof girl, I went to hunt for the king's soul. Then the believers and knights joined me. They were basically the ones doing a lot of things. I'm living a much better life than them. .”

The firebender shrugged, putting on a relaxed look.

Sheila didn't say anything. She knew the temperament of the fire prevention girl very well. She always reported good things but not bad things, and was unwilling to let others worry.

I am living well and can still take care of you. That is enough.

Telling Sheila not to think too much, the fireproof girl walked into the sacrificial site and came to one of the thrones.

The head containing the soul of King Warnir was placed on top of it, but it was made into a container for some unknown reason, so the Fireproof Girl just happened to put Eldridge's soul, which appeared as a puddle of mud, into it.

Now that Sullivan has been killed, Sullivan's soul has also been thrown in.

Just put three scum together, and the only value they can contribute to this world is to burn so that the world can continue.

Okay, now we should—

After clapping her hands and finishing the last thing, just as the fireproof girl was about to go see her mother, time suddenly stopped.

A pair of warm jade hands suddenly covered the fireproof girl's face.

Guess who I am?


Chapter 128 Ashes: Felenor is the woman who can become my mother

The surrounding light dimmed in an instant, as if everyone was trying to avoid the light for the sudden arrival of the goddess.

Her long gray hair, slightly rolled up, was scattered like a silver waterfall. Her eyes were not opened. Black lines flowed down her delicate and beautiful cheeks, like tear-shaped patterns. A long skirt made of white gauze was like a floating cloud in the sky, setting off the Looking at her graceful figure.

The silver tiara is quite similar in style to the Fireproof Girl's eyepatch, which just highlights the kinship between the two.

This is Felianor.

Quiet and elegant, but hiding the liveliness of a fireproof girl.


‘I’m still wearing a blindfold. ’

She grabbed the hand that covered her face. The warmth in it was so familiar that she wanted to say that she was no longer a child. The fireproof girl was quite helpless.

Since becoming a fireproof girl, she has gained a panoramic perspective. Even if her eyes are gone, she can still observe the surrounding things.

There was no thought of breaking away, and he simply leaned back into Felenor's arms. The rather soft touch was like leaning on the most expensive velvet, so soft that one couldn't help but want to fall asleep.

What could be more reassuring than lying in the arms of a mother who has been away for a long time?

In order to take care of his daughter, Felenor naturally shrank in size, but was only half a head taller than the fireproof girl. With his head slightly lowered, he could naturally hold his daughter in his arms.

Everything was said without saying anything, and Felenor did not need to express his longing, while the fireproof girl felt that the paper boat drifting outside had come to a harbor, and she felt quite at ease in her heart.

Thousands of years have passed, the ancient country has perished, and the fire has been ignited. Rhodeland is about to usher in a new era, but the bonds of family love will never change.

Is there anything you want to tell me?

Caressing the fire-proof woman's rough palms due to the burn, Felenor took a deep breath, as if to calm down her emotions.

You must have suffered a lot in these years. Mom can't be with you because of her responsibilities. I'm really unqualified as a mother. In the end, I had to rely on my daughter's strength to be liberated. Osroais has no credibility. It can be said that I really regret my decision to entrust you to him.

When Gwen sent Felenor to Ring Seal City, she never considered the day she would leave. Even though Gwen had promised to pick her back after the abyss receded, how could this be possible?

Even Gwen himself had no choice but to face the weakness of the First Fire and had to devote himself to the First Fire to continue the world. Felenor also realized that he might not be able to wait for the day to leave.

Until the fire-preventing woman asked the unknown king to send the king's soul with the power of time, Felianor injected it into the dragon egg and cast a time spell to maintain the seal on time in the Ring Seal City.

Afterwards, he handed it over to the care of the giant dragon left by the unknown king, and then he could leave Huanyin City with peace of mind.

it's nothing.

The fireproof girl shook her head. She naturally knew the reason why Felenol sent her out of Ring Seal City.

The abyss has been peeping at Ring Seal City. As the flames begin to dim, the abyss will surge, and the creatures that appear will confuse the knights and dark kings in the city, making them resist the rule of the gods.

At that time, we can only rely on the eggshell of the ancient dragon, supplemented by time magic, to seal the time of the Ring Seal City and maintain it in the original appearance of the Age of Fire.

If the First Fire cannot be maintained, Huanyin City will be the first to collapse. Naturally, Felenor does not want his daughter to be put in such a dangerous situation.

Coupled with the closed environment of Huanyin City, almost all immortal species can accept it, but this is difficult for the fire-prevention girl who has an active mind and is full of longing for everything because of her limited life like a mortal.

It was with these considerations in mind that Felenor entrusted the fire-prevention girl to Lothric, whom her sister married far away. She thought she could have a stable and beautiful life there, but she didn't expect that the Ring Seal City she was guarding had not yet collapsed. , the outside world collapsed first.

But I can't do it alone to bring about the current situation.

The fireproof girl raised her chin and put on an I'm awesome expression.

There are many more people who love me than those who hurt me. Your daughter is the most popular wherever she goes.

Felenor didn't make a sound, just touched the fireproof girl's hair lovingly.

The two goddesses, who didn't show their eyes, just looked at each other in a high and low manner, which seemed quite interesting.

Gwen and Avril's family like to show off their hearts, and when it comes to the Fireproof Girl, both mother and daughter don't look at people with their eyes, which can be considered a special inheritance.

What an enviable family relationship.

He imported another world and turned off the sound on the tablet he used to watch videos and relax. After comparing it with the fireproof girl's family, Rudolf touched his empty legs and felt a toothache just thinking about his brothers.

As for Sheila, she wiped her tears with her handkerchief in both hands and lamented that the princess was finally reunited with her daughter. Her legs rubbed back and forth, twisting like a snake.

Hui Jin, on the other hand, felt that the mother and daughter were reunited, and he couldn't get in the middle of the conversation, so he simply lowered his presence and huddled aside.

Are you busy now?

This is the area where the throne is located. Felenor also found that it was not suitable for the two of them to stand here and asked, If you are not busy, can you go to my room?

It's the same with or without me on the front line. I won't go over until we get to the palace.

How could the fireproof girl refuse her mother's invitation? Besides, the soldiers fighting on the front line all had bonfires that could resurrect their lives. They just had to wait until they faced the two princes before taking them with them.

That would be perfect.

Felenor nodded, pulled the fire prevention girl, and walked along the spiral staircase towards the second floor of the building.


Behind the fireproof girl, Ashes did not follow. It was not until the unforgettable figure disappeared at the end of the stairs that she reached forward and called softly.

Since the moment they met, Ashes, who has been inseparable from the Fireproof Girl, has never felt so alienated.

‘Is the time we spent together too short? ’

Although there was no flaw on his face, Hui Jin was still quite distressed.

‘But that’s right, that’s Sur’s mother. ’

‘Maybe I’m thinking too much. ’

This is a very subtle emotion.

Ideal tells Ashes that this is the fire-prevention girl's mother and should be respected, but emotionally she hopes that the fire-prevention girl can pay attention to her as much as she pays attention to her mother and put her in the position of a relative.

As the thoughts in his heart drifted away, Ashes' mood inevitably became more and more depressed. Low pressure continued to emit and enveloped the sacrificial site, scaring Ludos so much that he did not dare to speak.

‘Sure enough, I’m still unwilling to accept it. ’

What are you doing? Ashes.

A voice like the sounds of nature sounded, and Hui Jin quickly raised his head.

At the edge of the second floor of the sacrificial site, the fireproof girl stuck her head out and greeted the ashes.

Come up quickly.

She thought Ashes was always around.

Chapter 129: Felenor: I agree to this marriage

Being dragged into the room by the fireproof girl, a soft laugh came, and Hui Xunxun passed by.

Light spilled onto the balcony, illuminating both the inside and outside of the room.

There are birds clinging to the vines on the wall, playing ethereal and sweet music.

On the outer balcony, Felianor was sitting dignifiedly at a table with two chairs, overlooking Losric directly from here.

sit down.

Seeing Hui Jin and his daughter being so close, Feliannuoer smiled happily, picked up two empty teacups and placed them on the opposite side.

As she retracted her hand, the originally empty glass was half full.

Won't you introduce me?

Felianor asked, unable to hide the smile on his lips.

At first, he thought Hui Jing was just an ordinary guard, so he didn't pay much attention and focused more on his daughter.

But looking at it now, the relationship between the two seems not to be simple.

This is Ashes, my knight.

The chair itself was designed to be relatively wide, just enough for two people to squeeze in. The fire prevention girl pulled the ashes.

Your Majesty the Goddess, uh... hello, Auntie!

Holding the water glass, Ashes saluted as he did when facing Gwendelin in the past. He was stabbed in the waist by the fireproof girl, and then he quickly changed his tune.


I don't have a specific name. Before I was awakened by the First Fire, I was just a nameless immortal. If I insist on a name, my aunt can call me Maria.

The etiquette learned from dreams and engraved in the bones finally played its due role at this moment. Holding the cup, Hui Jin had a sullen face, trying not to show any expression, answered, and even brought out what he had seen in the dream world. name in.

‘Am I that terrible? ’

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