

After not chatting for long, the fire prevention girl raised her eyebrows slightly, someone was communicating with the flames.

At this time, that person is probably the only one with such ability.


She waved her hand and her figure instantly arrived at the center of the Fire Sacrifice. She saw Small and Hawkwood who were supposed to be on the road to meet the unknown king. They were looking at each other in confusion, not knowing how they came back.

Moving her gaze, the fire-prevention woman saw the words gradually disappearing in the flames.

I accept your request.


A smile appeared on the fireproof girl's lips.


The figure who had been by his side showed his figure.

I am here.

Give the order, gather the troops, and send out troops—


Chapter 121 Saliwan feels bad

The fire was gradually extinguished, but the king was nowhere to be seen.

In the church of Irushil, the moonlight shines through the huge stained glass, and Salivan is looking at the flames in front of him.

As if by design, the pattern on the papal cassock has been obscured, obscuring the story of the deity.

His tall body was covered with gold and silver pendants, and even on his exposed wrists, stacked gold bracelets could be seen, shining brightly in the moonlight.

Such a flamboyant image is extremely rare in Irushil, which advocates simplicity and elegance.


The bell rang outside the door. It was a burning witch asking for advice from Saliwan.


Salivan, who was interrupted from his thoughts, felt a little unhappy. He opened his mouth, and a hoarse sound like rough trees rubbing against each other came out, and he spoke to the witch outside the gate.

Since overthrowing the rule of the gods, Sullivan has not allowed anyone to enter the church, because only nobles like him can enjoy the right to live in this god's church.

The remnants of Netherworld have been wiped out, and we have lost three beasts...

The tone of the Burning Witch is cold, which is at two extremes from the weapons they hold that burn with eternal fire.

It's a routine report.

The papal knights who were Sullivan's loyal servants have long since turned into a group of living corpses, so that Sullivan can now only use these rebellious servants of the gods.

The witch told everything that happened in Irushil. This was what Sullivan asked, so he suppressed the discomfort in his chest and listened quietly until she told her story beyond Irushil.

There has been no news from the knights we sent out for a long time—

Sullivan, losing his patience, interrupted.

That's enough, I just need to know that Irushil is fine.

The outside world has nothing to do with Salivan. The knights he sent to disgust Lothrik and hinder the spread of fire are dead. He waved his hand to stop the witch's report.

You can quit.

...as you command.

The Burning Witch paused, obeyed Sullivan's order, and left holding up her long staff.

However, Sullivan in the church did not know that the light shining in the lantern she held high was a warm yellow that did not belong to the fire of sin.

Very few people know the specific identity of Dark Moon Pope Saliwan. Some say he is a tree man, some say he is a crow man. As time goes by, no one has seen the appearance of the mask for a long time.

People only vaguely knew that Saliwan had a rather humble origin and a not-so-good past.

And this also strengthened his determination to get ahead.

He walked out of the world in the painting, studied in the relatively enlightened Lothric, and gained appreciation. Gradually, as Sullivan's abilities became stronger and stronger, he finally came closer to the vision of the gods.

Gwendolen appointed him as the Pope of the Dark Moon and performed the duty of guarding the Fire of Sin. It was also his research on the Fire of Sin and discovered its characteristics.

As a result, the fire of ambition got out of control.

He finally waited until the end of the spread of fire, and took advantage of Lothric's civil war to rebel openly.

He imprisoned Youersika, gave Gwendolen to the Saint of the Deep, obtained the prophecy about the deep sea, and even turned the descendants of the gods into his own private property, and nonchalantly turned hundreds of thousands of residents of Irushil into My own test subject.

Eyes burning with flames stared intently at the brazier.

After some venting enjoyment, Saliwan no longer cares about everything in the outside world. It is just the residue left by the rule of the gods, which will be washed away when the deep sea comes.

There was a soul-stirring light shining in his eyes, and even the fire of sin lost color in front of it.

All Sullivan cares about is the future.

In that future where the deep sea spreads and darkness swallows everything.

Only he knows God.

The only God!

But why, Saliwan stroked his face, but was blocked by the cold mask.

Why does he feel inexplicably uneasy?


‘This man Shalivan must die. ’

In front of the central square of the Immortal Settlement, the fire prevention girl looked at Irushil with cold eyes. The Pope seemed to be addicted to lingering in the church, so she went to catch him and beat him up.

The troops under her command have been assembled. The Knights of Lothric, the Knights of Irushil, the Farlan Undead Legion, and her black knights have all gathered in the square, waiting for the fire prevention woman's order. .

The military appearance was neat and tidy, several legions were arranged in an orderly manner, and countless civilians gathered outside. Their eyes were all focused on their gods. At such a memorable moment, the fire prevention girl felt that she needed to say something.

My soldiers, today we are truly standing at the crossroads of destiny.

Among the black knight's bodyguards, the fireproof girl stood high up, not tall, and even looked petite compared to these battle-experienced warriors, but she was quite majestic at this moment.

What you have before you is what this country and this civilization has survived in the flames of war.

We can boast to the people, I, we have absolute guarantee that we can keep the world going.

The dark marble tiles are spotless. The sunlight falls on the warrior's armor, and the refracted light leaves a clear reflection on the remaining water-stained brick surface.

This city is brand new, built by the ashes left over from the Age of Fire.

I have complete confidence in myself.

As a leader, the first thing is to be confident enough. At least until these people give everything to her, the era of fireproof women who are confident in flames will continue forever.

This will be a brand new era, an era when the flames will flourish again. Countless ancient and famous countries have disappeared and been submerged in the long river of time. But today, we from all corners of the world will help each other like brothers and sisters.

A flash of pity flashed in the fireproof girl's eyes. It was not that she had never thought about establishing a brand new country, but who told her to declare Lothric in the first place.

But it doesn't matter, from now on, whenever Lothrik is mentioned, people will only think of her.

Just like King Gwen, we will reunite as a force to unify this chaotic era.

I will prove once again that under the leadership of the Sun Royal Family, the First Fire will burn again and the sun will never wither!

Today we will restore Lothric's glory.

Today we will regroup and restore our home.

Taking a deep breath, the fire-proof girl raised her right hand. The straight sword inlaid with sun patterns bloomed with light, and she was about to lead the warrior to the distance.

Long may the sun shine.

Long may the sun shine!

Chapter 122 My mission is completed, hahaha!


A flash of thunder flashed across the sky, and the huge black shadow hidden in the clouds paused for a moment, seeming to be struggling. After stagnating for a while, it flew towards Huanyin City.

In the large church, the flames seemed to be frightened by the lightning and began to sway hurriedly. Sullivan frowned.

Irushil is shrouded in white snow and bright moon all year round, so how could there be thunder coming?

Something must be wrong.

Sullivan would not leave anything to chance, otherwise he would not have been able to ascend to the position of pope and achieve what he has achieved today.

Now that you notice something is wrong, you have to go take a look.

After taking off the two swords that had been placed on the high platform, Sullivan looked at the big sword filled with deep purple light in his hands and calmed down slightly. In their position, the power they possess is the most reassuring thing.

Sullivan pushed open the closed door, and his attendants were stationed at the door.

The Pope Knights, this legion is his personal guard. Even if they lose their minds, their hollow bodies have long lost their souls and have become immortal monsters. Under the gaze of the Pope's eyes, they are still the most courageous warriors.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about these knights, Sullivan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his heart palpitations were not caused by them.

He raised his head and stared at the layers of dark clouds that had been deposited in the sky at an unknown time.

This is a miracle, even covering the power of the Dark Moon God.

Sullivan is not an ignorant guy, but he doesn't quite understand why the moon that symbolizes Gwendelin has faded.

He clearly remembered that after consulting countless classics, Gwendelin was the last god who could still demonstrate his divine power.

Don't get me wrong, Sullivan has never had any respect for the gods. If he could, he would die for these gods without hesitation.

He is just afraid of the power of the gods.

Is it possible?

Another guess popped into Sullivan's mind, and he looked in the direction of Anor Londo.

The Dark Moon God has been swallowed by Eldridge?

Also, there is only one explanation for the decline of divine power.

Eldridge foresaw what the Deep Sea Age would look like. In order to obtain information about the Deep Sea Age, Sullivan cooperated with Eldridge and gave the Dark Moon God to Eldridge to devour.

But the two only have a cooperative relationship.

When Eldridge began to devour the Dark Moon God and was unable to care about the outside world, Sullivan turned his back and left Eldridge in Irushil's hands to kill him.

Sullivan still remembers the mournful cry of the fat man who became bloated due to cannibalism after his skin and flesh were torn apart by wild beasts.

Out of pity for having worked together for a while, Sullivan reluctantly left him a whole body.

Huh, Eldridge.

Waving his hand, the Pope's left eye flashed, Sullivan summoned the Burning Witch and asked her.

How is Anor Londo doing?

Eldridge showed no signs of movement.

The burning witch in silver armor walked up the stairs. It was surprising why the Pope left the church at this moment. He bowed his head respectfully and his eyes flickered with fire.

The Silver Knights are still fulfilling the mission originally given to them by the Dark Moon God.

I'm going to take a look.

In order to confirm the speculation in his heart, Sullivan said this.

He is not afraid of Eldridge, so what if he swallows the gods? Sullivan, who fought all the way to the position of Pope, does not think that the Saint of the Deep will be his opponent.

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