These are insurmountable difficulties.

Every decision they make affects the lives of thousands of people below them.

I've actually been wondering why you didn't just use your strategic-level nuclear weapons to raze the research institute to the ground?

The fire prevention girl raised a question. She didn't know much about the strategic deployment of the interstellar era, but she also understood the principle of fire coverage. Anyway, the institute had no friendly forces, so why not just blow it up?

It's not that simple, Miss Soule.

Expressing a little surprise that the fire-proof woman knew these modern terms, Renault shook his head and explained: Let's not talk about whether we have enough apocalypse-level nuclear weapons, but we do have the dense defense and control arrays outside the Mobius Foundation. It’s not a decoration either.”

Nuclear weapons are not effective against humans.

In the past, after an extremely important planet was razed to the ground by thousands of strategic nuclear weapons, many human forces were shocked by this terrifying strategic strike force and developed various interception methods.

But the fire prevention girl felt that if she couldn't blow up the research institute, it must be because she didn't have enough power. As long as the explosion radius was outside the opponent's detection means, she could naturally achieve the goal of destroying her opponent.

A miniature version of the star core appeared in her hand, and the fireproof woman asked.

Do you need me to detonate the star here?

Yes, in this world, fire-proof women can indeed blow up stars.



Renault frowned, thinking that the fire prevention girl was joking.

Here, look outside.

Is there something out there? Oh my God.

When Renault followed the fire prevention girl's guidance, he turned his head and looked out the window unbelievingly, and saw the surface of the star very close at hand, and then he understood.

My previous understanding of the fireproof girl through those videos was still too superficial.

This is incomprehensibly powerful.

Previously, they were in orbit 150 million kilometers from the star.

Now, in the asteroid belt, 30 million kilometers away from the Hyperion is the surface of the star.

The stars lost their color, and the window filtered the dazzling rays. At this time, the stars were as big as a millstone in his eyes. Endless light and heat emanated from them, and Renault could even clearly see the tongues of fire spurting from their surfaces.

As long as you give the order to let Hyperion leave the star system, I will immediately let the red giant engulf the entire galaxy.

The mass of this main sequence star is not large enough, and Fireproof Woman does not intend to expend her power to turn it into a supernova. Just by letting it reach the end of its life, the rapid expansion of its size will engulf the planet, which is enough to destroy the institute. .

Deep-dip-warning, the surface temperature of the battleship has risen sharply, and it is not suitable for the ship to be docked for a long time. Please move immediately.

That's enough, that's enough, Miss Suer, stop now.

The mechanical adjutant's alarm brought back Renault's thoughts, and he quickly stopped the fire-proof woman. Although this was an efficient method and could be used as a final trump card, the current situation was not worth using such a method.


Aware of Renault's thoughts, the fireproof girl began to restore everything.

Time reversed, and the originally expanded stars began to shrink, and the star area quickly returned to its original state. Even the planets that had just been in the near-solar region and were engulfed returned to their own orbits safely and continued to move along their original paths.

It was as if everything just now was an illusion.

‘Ah, what a fascinating power. ’

The fireproof girl stared at the starry sky, and her intuition told her that the lives of these stars would be controlled at will according to her thoughts, and the originally long life cycle would only last a moment under the influence of time.

If she had this ability in the soul world, she could defeat ten Gwen with one hand.

It would be great if the chat group could have a function to bring enemies to other worlds. When encountering a difficult enemy in the future, just pull them over here and give him a face-to-face supernova burst.

Miss Soule.

Matt Horner, the captain of the Hyperion, looked at the clear record just left in the database, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in embarrassment, and asked in disbelief.

Are you really human?

The fireproof girl blinked and tilted her head cutely.

Why do you curse people when you open your mouth?

Oh, wait, it seems like she is not really human.

Chapter 115 The Fireproof Girl is about to join the attack

At least we know the mission won't fail.

As the ghost commander of the Ranger team, Tosh shrugged and was grateful for his decision to restrain his men and ask Renault to send a message instead of letting these grumpy guys go directly to find trouble.

So why are you thinking about landing troops? Are you planning to take over this planet?

The fireproof girl still didn't quite understand.

Ahem~ Because the Rangers are short of money recently.

After coughing twice in embarrassment, Renault replied that the Rangers were caught off guard by Mengsk's sudden attack, and many equipment and resources were destroyed.

It wasn't until after the rewards to the group members were delivered and Captain Matt placed the latest financial report in front of Renault that he realized that the current situation of the Rangers was a bit tense.

He was about to run out of wages.

These members of his staff all joined the Rangers with lofty ideals. They may not care about how much income they have when they devote themselves to the revolutionary cause, but it is impossible for Renault to really stop paying wages. These people are more or less Most of them have family members who need to be taken care of, unlike him who is alone.

Back then, after rebelling against Mengsk, they all relied on accepting commissions to assist in the defense of border planets to earn an income that was barely enough for the Rangers to operate. However, these border planets were all poor due to exploitation by the empire. Raynor Naturally, I won't charge too high a price to these guys who share the same problem.

Until Renault's old friend Tychus arrived with a commission from the Mobius Foundation, he continued to provide the Mobius Foundation with xel'naga artifacts, as well as samples of protoss and zerg.

The Rangers received a large amount of commissions, which enabled them to achieve financial freedom and better development. The revolution that originally had no hope could be regarded as getting better.

The area where the Xel'Naga Temple is located must be accompanied by rich energy crystal deposits. If we can control this planet, we can solve our urgent need. Even if we can't stay here for too long, we can resell it to Other forces are also good choices.”

Explaining to the fireproof girl, Renault learned about this information when he was cooperating with the imperial prince Valerian. This prince who loves archeology holds many secrets of the Koprulu sector.

He could also seek help from the little prince, but that would be a bad idea.

I see.

The fireproof girl understood that this was a good example of a hero being stumped by a penny, and it was understandable that Renault had accepted Mobius's commission.

What I didn't expect was that the Mobius Foundation was actually the mastermind behind everything.

Hey, it would be great if I didn't covet this little money.

Thinking of the pile of things he had sold to the Mobius Foundation, Renault felt a headache and couldn't help but rub his eyebrows. He must have had a share of the hybrids being continuously produced in the laboratory below.

Renault cannot tolerate himself becoming the promoter of evil forces. Destroying this laboratory is also what he should do.

Moreover, according to the known information, Narud has established an unknown number of hybrid bases in the starry sky. Maybe this research institute under his personal supervision will have hybrid information.

If we can find these, even if Raynor can't handle it himself, we can share this information and let the more powerful Protoss and Zerg deal with these troublesome guys. Then we can weaken the opponent before the final darkness comes. Use the power you possess to improve your side's chances of winning.

Through the investigation of the ghost, we learned that there are biological signals of a large number of zerg. A batch of Hercules transport ships arriving from Char carried a large number of zerg. They should be one of the materials for making the hybrid.

Well, this is important news. Maybe we can control these zerg through Hyperion's control tower and assist us in our attack.

Renault thought of the psychic control tower that he had used in Char to control the zerg.

Tosh told the intelligence brought back by the ghost.

We don't know the more internal information. Ghost, if you face the hybrid, you will die. If you can, please leave it to Suer and the others.

Although this man has always had a dark face, it is undeniable that he is also a man who values ​​​​love and justice. He will not let his subordinates make meaningless sacrifices just for some information. The appearance of the fire-proof woman is a slap in the face for them. Needle tonic.

Then let's try this. At least, we have to control the periphery of the laboratory first. Tosh, let your wandering soul send the psychic controller there. We need to control these zerg when they hand over.

In the games provided by group friends, in order to pursue the game experience, concessions have been made in the processing of the map. There is basically no reference value, so we can only take it one step at a time.

Leaning on the star chart table, Renault took out a low-quality cigar with an unknown name. Thinking of the presence of a lady, he held it in his mouth without choosing to light it.

Not all women are as tough as the mercenary leader who had an affair with their captain.

Sir, we received a psychic signal. This signal does not belong to humans or protoss. It was sent by a Zerg individual.

After Matt issued a series of instructions, he discovered that there was an external psychic signal on the communication channel. He set his sights on Renault, waiting for his orders.

Accessing the signal, it should be an old friend.

Renault, who knew the future well, guessed the identity of the visitor and ordered.

Order received, sir.

Matt connected to the psychic communication, the screen flashed, and a soldier appeared in front of everyone.

If he were still human.

His complexion is as pale as a dead man's, and his alienated insect limbs on the left side. His face is obscured by the orange psychic energy that is constantly bursting out from his eyes, making it hard to see clearly. Perhaps only the Lieutenant General of the United Earth Directorate (UED) on his body. Only his clothing can tell his identity.

Long time no see, Lieutenant General Stukov.

Raising his hand to stop the commotion of his companions, Renault took the lead in saying hello.

This is an old friend too.

The earth's peripheral vision has been paying attention to the Koprulu star sector where Renault and the others are located.

After a long period of observation of Koprulu's colony, the protoss and zerg races were also discovered by the United Earth Council.

The UED, which is deeply influenced by militaristic policies, has adopted a consistent preemptive strategy. After months of research on aliens and the current chaotic situation in the Koprulu sector, the Council believes that they can launch an attack on aliens.

And he was determined to end the war in the Koprulu sector by any means necessary and bring this sector back under the management of UED.

An expeditionary force was therefore formed.

After the UED expeditionary force entered the Koprulu sector, it quickly formulated combat missions based on the fighting situation here.

First, conquer all human colonies that do not submit to the rule of the United Earth Council to obtain enough resources to maintain their fighting power, and arrest Arcturus Mengsk, Emperor of the new Tyranid Empire.

Then, by using spiritual power and powerful potions to capture the new Overlord, he can control all the zerg groups raging in the sector.

Then use the controlled zerg swarm to fight against the protoss, thereby wiping out all the protoss forces in the sector.

Efficient and deadly, this is the image of the UED expeditionary force to the three major races in the Koprulu sector.

The expedition was led by the respected and talented military leader Admiral Gerard Dugar, and Stukov also accompanied the expedition as Vice Admiral.

They did everything they could, but they still failed.

The expeditionary force had gained huge advantages in terms of decision-making and combat effectiveness, but it was still unable to defeat the conspiracy of the higher-ups and the joint attack of the three tribes.

As for Stukov, after he was framed and killed by Narud under the pseudonym Duran, he had psychic powers and was subjected to inhumane experiments, but as a result, he gained the power to escape from the laboratory.

James Raynor, you look a lot older.

Stukov knew this human commander, and Renault's excellent ability to adapt to changes in combat had brought a lot of trouble to the expeditionary force.

You look a lot different too. It looks like you haven't had a good life these past few years.

Renault replied with a smile.

Yeah, this lab is hell.

However, he also expressed surprise at Renault's arrival. He had always thought that those who came here were the stars or insects. He pondered for a while before continuing to speak.

I have something I want to talk to you about. Maybe you, or your protoss friends, will be interested.

By observing the facilities behind Renault, Stukov quickly judged that it was in a large battleship and should have a certain combat effectiveness.

The laboratory is heavily guarded and even involves the participation of protoss. Since escaping from the laboratory, Stukov has never had a chance to escape from the planet, so he has been waiting, waiting for the enemies of the empire to find this facility one day.

All ears, Lieutenant General.

‘Lieutenant General’

Stukov was stunned. He could feel that Renault did not treat him as an insect, but as a human being. After a moment, he said this.

“The laboratory on this planet is cultivating a hybrid and providing it to Mengsk. It is a monster formed by the fusion of zerg and protoss, and as the leader of all this, Dr. Narud is also hiding here.

That's exactly why we're here, Lieutenant General.

That would be perfect.

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