Hum hum hum, mere ashes, I have already defeated you too much.

Hui Jin was speechless. She couldn't afford to be angry with a child, so her slightly dangerous gaze shifted and fell vaguely on the fire prevention girl.

You like making fire, right?

How can this be?

The captain looked at all this horror through the surveillance camera. A team that could withstand an invasion of dozens of times his own was wiped out in just a few minutes, and was now approaching his position.

The captain sat down on the chair with some dejection.

Whether the ship broke away.

asked the captain, lighting his own pipe.

The application is still under review.

Oh, yes, he forgot to pay. Non-military ports are managed by local officials. Everyone knows the virtues of the old aristocrats left behind.

The captain quickly handed over the money, but it was still under review.

Damn it, these bloated bureaucrats, why don't they just hand over management power directly to AI?

Slamming the table angrily, the captain cursed angrily. He would just put the money on his head, and he would not let him go even if he gave the money now.

Force start the crossing engine.

Command received - overrun engine, unable to retrieve.

Transfer line, linking, link failed.

The Oritsu engine was dismantled by Otto. Although the core of the battleship was not found due to the short time, the exposed Oritsu engine was easy to deal with.

Okay, okay, another extremely disappointing news.

Taking a deep breath of cigarette, the captain opened the military communication channel and passed on everything that happened here. Perhaps this was the only thing he could do. After completing this, he opened the battleship's public channel.

This group of enemies who invaded the prison did not attack the unarmed staff, so the captain shouted on the public screen.

All members disarm and quickly enter the escape ship and transfer. Repeat, all members disarm and quickly enter the escape ship and transfer.

This is an order.

The long-term accumulated prestige came into play at this moment. The crew trusted the captain, and the marines threw away their electromagnetic rifles. As expected, those terrifying enemies no longer paid attention to them. So after disarming, they organized a slightly The chaotic staff left and began to rush towards the hangar of the escape ship.

Huh~ At least someone can survive.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief, congratulating himself for making the right judgment once again.

At this moment, the door to the command room was torn open.

Jim Raynor? I didn't expect you to be caught in this ship.

The captain passed by those strangely dressed 'human beings' and his eyes fell on the face that he was quite familiar with.

They had worked together.

Give us the port authority and we'll just leave.

The captain's gun was thrown on the table. He seemed not to resist. Renault stepped forward and said to him.

Let the empire's felons go, Renault, you know how severe the punishment will be.

You can choose to leave with us. Whether it is the Nationalist Army or the Rangers, they will accept you.

Renault argued that this was an excellent soldier who should be wooed no matter where he was.

I have reported all this to the Imperial Headquarters, and heavy troops will be gathered at the port to stop you.

With his pipe in his mouth, the captain tried his best to remain calm in the face of a threat far stronger than his own.

You will only make more people die.

Renault didn't believe that the captain who had observed the entire battle would not know how terrifying the people around him were.

That's not something I need to consider. It's the Empire's decision.

The captain shook his head and glanced at the picture frame hanging on the wall with nostalgia.

I will detonate this battleship. This is my last struggle. You can try to escape. Even if you can survive, I have fulfilled my duty now.

The number scrolling on the table turned to zero, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He puffed out the smoke, and the captain sucked greedily. He sat solemnly on the captain's chair, with his back straight, just like when he sat down for the first time. This chair is average.

This will allow a Tyran Empire captain to gain the honor of sacrificing his life for his country, and his family will still be able to live safely under the protection of the head of state.

The core of the battleship began to overload, and a tactical nuclear bomb stored on the ship was detonated and used as the ignition device of the core reactor. In the vacuum, as the escape capsule was ejected, a heavy merchant ship began to silently disintegrate. There was an explosion, and the entire port heard the loud noise transmitted from the connection point into the interior of the port.

The steel plates under his feet were transmitting high-temperature heat. Through the shield, the captain's majestic figure had disappeared into a sea of ​​fire. Renault sighed dejectedly.

It's a fucking reality.

Chapter 111 Who allows you to look directly at me as the sun?


In the star port, light shines, and a burning light core is gradually formed.

The plasma that was supposed to spread with the explosion of the ship now gathered into a ball, and the edge touched the outer wall of the star port. The metal quickly turned red under the high temperature, and then began to melt like wax close to a candle flame.

The ships in the star port and the staff on the periphery all realized that something was wrong at this moment. The light core was still expanding.

Chaos swept here. When something terrible comes, it will only bring chaos. The staff walked through the passages, nervously reporting the accidents in the star port to their superiors. They did not intend to care about the leaks and looked inside. Run.

The ships docked here fled one after another. The ships that could not bear the long departure procedures even dispatched the SCV engineering machinery on board to use their cutting guns to cut off the link hub of the star port.

Now how to do?

Everyone was surrounded in the core of the fusion, surrounded by hot fluid. The invisible membrane filtered out the too dazzling rays. The Faded One asked Renault, who was in charge: Continue to penetrate?

This is very much in line with Mangzi's thoughts. If Tychus was still here, he might get along well with this young lady.

The rather melancholy Renault sighed and couldn't help but think of another old friend who died in his own hands.

I kept his belongings.

The fireproof woman opened her hand, and a dim ball of light appeared in her hand. Around it, the captain's belongings were rotating around the ball of light.

A dog tag, a pen with a recording function, and a photo.

When they were playing cards together before, Renault mentioned that the federal identity authentication was linked to the identity card. Naturally, the fireproof girl did not forget it and kept it.

You know this person, right? These things are also given to you.

Put the soul into the dog tag and give all these to Renault. Maybe Renault knows where to send these things.

Thank you, Miss Soul--don't you plan to leave?

I saw the fire-proof woman wave her hand, and the squeezed plasma was squeezed out of a channel. The fire-proof woman motioned to Ashes to take people away, but she had no intention of leaving.

I found something interesting that I need to put into practice. It can just help attract your attention.

The plasma that should have required a strong magnetic field to be restrained was flowing docilely in the hands of the fire-proof woman, completely violating the laws of physics. She seemed to know how her authority should be used in this world.

When you're done, just call me and I'll come to you.


With the faded person pushing away the air that was constantly spraying out from the crack, the ashes led everyone into the inner wall with the help of the molten cavity. White branches appeared in their hands, and with a slight wave, they disguised everyone as similar to ordinary people in this world. appearance.

They reached the emergency evacuation point along the passage and pushed open the isolation room. As the disinfection process progressed, everyone also came to the inside of the passage. After asking the staff for a map, they hurried to the upper level.

The multi-layer isolation structure and modular design did not cause the damage that occurred here to affect this place. However, if the sun that continues to expand in the star port does not stop, everything here will be swallowed up.


Oh, my friend, look at how prosperous this star port is. Since there are no swarms of insects and those annoying star spirits, this place is completely different from the past.

Passing through the banquet hall to the sound of melodious music, the fat governor opened the red curtain inlaid with golden threads, and took the colonel who had just arrived from the nearby fleet to admire the prosperous scene of the star port.

Your Majesty the Governor, we are here to participate in the protection of the battleship.

Following the Governor, this man's fat belly was wider than the colonel's shoulders that had undergone long-term training. This man's carefree appearance made people have the urge to punch this guy's fat face. The colonel was unhappy. said.

Mr. Colonel, the garrison at Starport will take care of everything.

The governor turned away his head and responded in a very unhappy manner. What he meant was that this was his star port, and outsiders like them should not meddle in it on the basis of military orders.

Then it's up to you.

The colonel also has a relatively gentle personality, so he can't fight with his own people first before arresting someone. He quietly made a gesture with his hand behind his back, and a mass of transparent air left the place silently.

He was also ordered to come to support, but the situation of the prison ship is unknown now, and it would be fine if the governor's subordinates went to investigate.

Although this man was corrupt and broke the law, his ability to make a star port prosper in a short period of time also proved the governor's ability. Even if the imperial capital did not say anything, he, a small colonel, could do nothing. That’s it.

That's right. Let me tell you, friend, you came at the right time. Today happens to be my engagement party. She is such a beautiful little girl.

Seeing that the colonel finally stopped talking about work during recreation time, his expression immediately softened. The governor turned his attention back and pointed at the beautiful girl sitting quietly on the high platform like a doll.

Oh, look at how happy this fat pig looks.

Ah, that's really congratulations.

With his ears perked up, he heard from the young couple who were chatting quietly next to him that this was the fourth time the governor had held a banquet for engagement this year. The colonel rubbed his brows. The dazzling array of food in front of him could not arouse his appetite. The Empire It seems as if the laws of the country never came into force against these old aristocrats.

Thank you for your blessing. I will personally deliver the invitation letter to you for the next banquet. How about we have a drink today and wait for the task assigned by the head of state to be completed?

Just when the governor was about to win over the colonel, something unexpected happened.


A violent earthquake hit. Many solid wood tables fell down, food was scattered on the floor, and metal was squeezed and deformed. It was accompanied by violent and harsh friction sounds, and alarms sounded, warning the entire starport. This place has entered the most urgent state.

What's going on? Let them see a ship and they can't even see it?

The banquet was already over, and the governor took the communicator sent by the waiter and shouted to the person in charge of the star port.

Your Majesty the Governor, you'd better look outside.

Although he was covered in fat, the governor seemed to have good athletic ability. He moved his two fleshy legs and quickly reached the window sill where the glass was cracked due to structural distortion.

Not far away, in front of a heavily guarded signal transmitting base station, red fluid erupted and turned into a blade more than ten meters long, cutting the Wolf Warrior mecha developed by the Empire into several pieces to replace the Goliath robot. , among the mechanical debris, stood a humanoid creature?

The man had long white hair and was holding an ordinary long knife in his hand. He had no alien features on his body and was even wearing rather retro aristocratic clothes.

It's the ashes.

With the captain's identity card, they were able to pass through civilian passages unimpeded. However, something happened when they entered the signal transmission tower directly under the jurisdiction of the military. The captain's identity had been recorded as killed, and they had no choice but to get up again. During the conflict, Doom escorted Raynor to the communications room, while Ashes and Faded Ones guarded various intersections.

The soldiers stationed here did not react quickly. Many of them were dismantled by Ashes before they even entered the vehicle. They had to dismantle these highly destructive machines and could only flee in a hurry.

Is it a psyker?

At least not the Queen of Blades.

After confirming that the person in the center of the battlefield was a person, at least it seemed that he was, the Governor breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked angry, what the hell, dare to cause trouble on his territory.

Don't get too close to her, use a siege tank to send her to the sky.

Are you a dummy.

The colonel seized the communication. If the siege tanks were to fire here, the shock wave would cause a large number of casualties to the ordinary people who had no protective measures in this enclosed space.

Then what do you think we should do?

The governor had to admit what the professionals said, canceled the order, and asked the colonel.

The man also stood there and did not take the initiative to attack.

It seems strange, why are most of the powerful psychics among humans women?

Let them in.

It seems that the armed forces that can be used in the star port can't do anything to the opponent. The ghost agent was sent by him to the outer layer to investigate the missing prison ship. The colonel replied, deep in thought, thinking about another thing. The shock just now was gone. It may have been triggered by this battle,

Your Majesty the Governor, you may want to pay attention to the external affairs. A nuclear explosion occurred on a ship, but the energy did not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger.

On the other side of the communication, the man hesitated for a while, and finally spoke, sending over the scene outside at the moment.

There, a miniature sun radiated light, constantly absorbing the surrounding material. The main structure of the star port was melted by it, and the scope of influence of this sun continued to spread.

Why didn't you say something like this earlier?

The Governor held up the communicator and cursed angrily.

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