Nameless faded one, if you encounter obstacles on the way forward, please call me.

Looking at the palm with burning lines that stopped in front of him, recalling the vague etiquette in his head, the faded man clumsily held the hand that, although covered with scars, was extremely warm, lowered his head, and kissed it gently. .

The oath is established.

This is……

The fire lit up and spread from the fire-proof woman's hand to the faded one. The faded one curiously looked at the wolf knight armor that became dotted with flames. She clearly felt that her strength and vitality had increased to a certain extent.

This is a pledge, a proof of our friendship.

The fireproof girl looked at the faded man and was surprised that this idiot had such a firm belief, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was reasonable.

After all, he is a stubborn guy.

What is always imprinted in the soul of the faded person is the oath called Embrace of the First Fire.

The remaining fire in a warrior’s soul is proof of fire-proof female friendship.

Because of the favor of the fire-proof girl, she has gained the power of fire and can use flames to strengthen weapons and increase her strength and vitality until death.

‘It turns out that the medium of the oath can be the soul. ’

The fate was so wonderful that even the fire-proof woman did not expect that a simple ceremony would produce an oath. She raised her left hand and a delicate vial appeared in her hand. This was the Holy Grail bottle she made while fighting the Faded One.

This is the Holy Grail bottle. It is made from the golden tree seeds you gave me. The droplets in it can restore vitality and restore the magic power in the body.

This is simply made by the fire-proof girl through the analysis of primary fire. The golden tree species can convert blessings into physical droplets, which can heal injuries or replenish magic power. And as long as they are in a place where high-concentration blessings gather, the droplets in them will Can be refilled quickly.

The Faded One took the bottle, uncorked it and took a sip.


The cold feeling penetrated deep into the body from the throat. The muscles strained by the battle were quickly healed, and the faded man couldn't help but squint his eyes in comfort.

It can be quickly replenished when you are in a blessing gathering place. That kind of place should be a gathering place of golden light in your eyes.

The fireproof girl said, and then remembered that she had to do something important.

By the way, how many runes did you get just now? Let me help you strengthen it. Tell me what aspects need to be strengthened.

Hey, can you also use Rune to make me stronger?

The fader was quite surprised.

Of course, this is the deal I just wanted to discuss with you. Why did you suddenly want me to be your witch?

After knocking the faded man on the head, the fireproof woman replied naturally that not only could she let the runes strengthen the faded man, but she could also use her soul to strengthen him.

Although the fireproof girl cannot communicate with the golden tree, she has the first fire. When she first analyzed the golden leaves, she discovered that the first fire can replace the role of the golden tree. She strengthened the runes through the first fire process, and the effect was the same. of.

I just got 3,200 runes. If I want to strengthen them, just strengthen my strength and endurance.

The faded man held his chin, thought about his disadvantage in the battle just now, and then said to the fireproof girl.


The fireproof girl stretched out her hand and said.

Please touch the darkness within me.

To be honest, hearing these extremely familiar words again made the fire-proof girl feel quite mixed. She had listened to them every day through the screen, and even dreamed of seeing them face to face. Now it was her turn to read them to others.


It was my hand I let you touch.

In mid-air, she knocked off the Faded One's locked position and its unruly claws, and the Fireproof Girl rolled her eyes at the guy angrily.

oh oh……

The faded person who reacted responded awkwardly, lowered his head, and quickly held the small hand of the fireproof girl.

‘Is the heart of the fireproof girl in your hand? ’

The Faded One made a mental note of this.

The gift of Liqi is inexhaustible.

Pure from the first fire, enter my body.

Because of my darkness, I am protected from the fire.

Inhabit the embers and then shape them.

That shining rune will be attributed to you.

In addition to rune enhancement, the fireproof woman can also wash the monster's soul with the first fire to strengthen the faded one.

The strengthening of the soul is by strengthening the target's soul. The powerful soul will nourish the body, thereby achieving the effect of strengthening the body.

As for the strengthening of runes, the fire-proof woman uses the first fire to induce the runes in the faded person's body, and strengthens his body or spirit in a specific direction, which is very different from strengthening ashes.

Moreover, this rune does not contain personal will like the soul, and it is even simpler than using the soul to strengthen it. The initial fire only needs to be passed through briefly to complete the transformation.

The two sets of strengthening methods do not interfere with each other, and both provide strength enhancement.

Fireproof Woman can already imagine how terrifying the Faded Ones will be in the future.

After strengthening it four times, the fireproof girl found that the runes were not enough.

Okay, can you adapt to it? Are there any adverse reactions?

Although she had tested it on herself before, the fire-proof woman was still a little worried about the problems of using the first fire as a strengthening tool to strengthen the faded ones. She used the soul vision to scan back and forth a few times. If there were any problems, she used the first fire to wash it again. By the way, he asked the faded person to move around.

I feel better than I've ever felt right now.

The faded man picked up the sword and performed a beautiful sword dance before adapting to his strengthened body. After careful observation, the fireproof girl found that there was indeed nothing wrong with him and breathed a sigh of relief.

A'mai, you faded ones, as those who have regained blessings, are the vessels of runes, so you can store the ownerless runes. If you have stored enough runes, please contact me and I will send them to you. Become your strength...

And because of being contaminated by the First Fire, the Faded One is still a black hole in the soul, and the ownerless souls around her will also be absorbed and stored by his body.

The fire-proof girl wanted to say something else, but the first fire throbbed, and the bell of the soul world rang.

——It's time for me to leave.


It was a pity for the faded person, but there was still no retention. The two could contact each other through the chat group at any time, and distance could not trap them.

Remember, A'mai, when you are alone, you must not be aggressive in everything. You can take your time in everything. You must observe more, analyze more, and be careful and careful again.

This is summarized by countless Ashes who have died countless times, including but not limited to treasure chests with long mouths, dogs hidden by the chests, and people on the beams. Danger always comes from the places least likely to be noticed.

You must be prepared before the battle. Don't be stingy with life-saving items. First of all, ensure your own life. You must last a last hit on the enemy. Now that you have the power of fire, you must kill them all until the enemy's Blessings and souls enter your body, for no one knows if the enemy will rise again.

We are never short of time. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me and everyone in the group. They are all good people. You have a lot of room for growth. There is no need to rush.

Also, be careful of calling Patch Bald, this kind of person is the best at lying.

The fire-prevention woman gave some instructions to the faded one. The King Soul of Poseidon can already keep her world going for a long time. As a god, she and the faded ones blessed by the First Fire basically have unlimited lifespans. She is actually not in a hurry. of.

On the contrary, it is the faded one. She does not have the ability to be infinitely resurrected like Ashes. If something happens to her due to her own fault, the result will be unacceptable to the fireproof girl.


The fire-prevention woman's instructions were carefully remembered by the faded person. Compared to her who was empty-headed, the fire-prevention woman definitely knew more than her.

Goodbye then, Adie.

The fireproof female flusher waved her hand, clicked the task settlement button, and gained five points.

May the fire guide you.

Chapter 9 I’m back, bringing hope


The fireproof girl's closed eyelashes trembled twice, and then slowly opened.

Ah owe~

It was hard to get some rest time, but in the end, she didn't sleep much. She only went to fight and find faded people. She yawned and stretched, showing off her perfect curves. The fireproof girl rubbed her eyes. Only then did he put the crooked blindfold back on.

Elton, was there nothing going on while I was asleep?

The fireproof girl stood up holding on to the ground and asked Elton, who was standing at the door like a statue. The remaining four black knights were sitting in front of a tombstone in a commemorative ceremony in the newly opened cemetery. As for their relationship, it was probably rumored together?

Everything is normal, nothing happened, Your Highness.

The fireproof woman's voice came from behind, and Elton, who was overlooking the battle in Guda, quickly turned around and saluted.

Originally, he was worried that without weapons, Guda would not be able to defend the sacrificial ground and would let someone slip through the net, so he would be on duty here. Unexpectedly, Guda, who had lost his halberd, had extremely terrifying combat power. The wind carried away seventeen or eight large non-burnable garbage in one night.

The ashes buried in such a small amount of ground in the ashes cemetery may not be enough for people to dig up.

Let me see.

The fireproof girl came over and happened to see Guda beating the ashes.

Guda took a lunge and punched Ashes away, then immediately used a throat-piercing kick to destroy Ashes' mobility, then stepped forward and smashed his elbow to hammer Ashes into the coffin, and finally used the Heavenly King to cover the Earth Tiger to close the coffin.

The whole process took three seconds.

Well done!

Action: Applaud.

If there is really ashes that can break through Guda's blockade, then he is destiny.

Hey, this damn guy is just a prisoner. He dares to openly stop the fire transmission. He is really desperate.

The old maid who was making a flame pot also came over to take a look, then walked back cursing.

Lothric destroyed his country and burned him as a salary king. This is an evil act in itself. Shouldn't people be allowed to resist? Look, this is another case of spreading fire. A tragedy, the hero of Borretania lost the country he protected and was trapped in a prison called revenge.

Ludos on the throne rarely made a sound, and the fire girl looked like, You, the King of Fire, who answered the bell and sat on it with his legs burned off, told me that you support putting out fires. ’ expression.

Look at what I do. Although I sit on the throne because I miss the bright world, it does not conflict with my intention to oppose the spread of fire.

Ludos crossed his fingers and said with a smile.

And now the royal family has been divided. The civil war has caused the entire Lothrik to be filled with living corpses. You have to thank His Highness for confining Guda to the cemetery so that you will not go to Lothrik and make your dream of spreading the fire worse.

Elton turned his head and said sarcastically that as a hero who spread the fire with King Gwen, although he failed to become the salary king, he was also proud of his deeds.

He has never been against Chuanhuo, but Chuanhuo can no longer see the future.

After discovering Eldridge's cannibalism, Lothric not only refused to execute him, but even coaxed the undead to come to his door to feed him, raising a monster, and then this monster actually became the Salary King.

The demon king Osroais studied the taboo white dragon science and caused a flood of human pus. The young prince Lothrik, fearing the spread of fire, finally contacted his elder brother to start a civil war. Even the gods, as the royal family, were no longer united.

In his opinion, it cannot be said that Lothric has reached this point because of his own fault, but only because of himself.

You two...

She only complained a few words and was scolded, and the old maid looked livid.

Actually, I think there is hope for Chuanhuo.

The fire prevention girl said coldly, and all eyes at the fire festival focused on her.

Look what this is.

The fireproof woman took out Poseidon's king soul, and the aqua blue crown was suspended in mid-air. Everyone forgot to breathe when they looked at it.

This is, this is not the king's soul differentiated by the First Fire. Your Highness, where did you find it?

After all, they were warriors who had survived from the Ancient Dragon War. Even the King Soul had been shared with them. Elton was well-informed and immediately discovered that this thing was different from the King Soul born from the First Fire.

I had a dream last night. I went to another world. There are gods in that world, and most of them represent some of the rules there. You can get it by killing one.

Jane, the fireproof girl, came up with an explanation that was more acceptable to people in the soul world. She hooked the crown with her index finger and turned it around in her hand.

Your Highness, you mean that there are many king souls in your dream world?

Even though Elton had gone through a long period of time and lost a lot of emotions, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and asked in disbelief.

Conservative estimate——

The fireproof woman counted her fingers. As long as Kratos is willing, Kratos should be able to defeat the remaining gods except Zeus. If Poseidon can be defeated in seconds, he will not be able to defeat Hades in a two-on-one fight. Bar.

And it doesn’t have to be two against one. Maybe other group members will come by then. This world of Kratos is hard to come by. If Chu Huo’s analysis is correct, the gods are weak because of the curse of Pandora’s Box. Quite a few, that's why they appear so weak, but their level is there, all of them are high-quality Chai Xin.

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