Zhongli and Gilgamesh are two extremes. Gilgamesh is too busy to leave his chair every day, but Zhongli drinks tea, walks, listens to plays, and teaches the group members how to enjoy old age.

Kratos no longer has the big stone weighing on his heart, and now he broadcasts the ashes live every day, letting everyone act as cloud supervisors.

Even after losing his divine power, the demigod's blood still gave him a long life. He and Hercules planned to travel around the world after rebuilding Greece.

The small group of ten people was almost turned into a TV station, and it seemed lively every day.

@Cowboy Bebop @Doom Slayer, welcome new members to join the group. Please also watch the group announcement. If you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask me. - Cancer of the World

With the addition of new members, Chika Fujiwara was the happiest person. After taking a photo with the fire-proof girl, she said goodbye to the fire-proof girl and several people present. While greeting the two new members, she ran back to her own world to get the The default names of group friends were searched for keywords.

Fujiwara Chika's world has now reached the end of 2016, and the information about some of the group friends' worlds is in her world, which is more or less represented in the form of anime games or novels.

However, the accuracy is questionable.

[Ding~ @All members, group announcement]

[It has been detected that there are more than ten group members, and the chat group has been upgraded. ]

[Upgrade content:

1. Optimize chat group sign-in rewards

2. The mall provides additional props

3. Chat group auxiliary module is partially unlocked

4. Reduce the points required for crossing

5. Fixed the bug that caused group members to be unable to complete tasks and return under the influence of time and space.

6. Fix the bug where group members use red envelopes to trade living animals]

Compared with the arrival of new group members, the fireproof girl paid more attention to this news, and her good friend Otto was also by her side, and the two of them studied these new functions together.

The first is the group sign-in reward. This is very intuitive. In order to ensure that subsequent group members can join the old group members after a certain period of time, a sign-in upper limit is set, which is refreshed every month. After one month, new and old members enjoy the same chat group benefits.

In fact, it is optional.

Bug optimization is a daily thing, and this time it is included in the upgrade. According to Otto, bug fixing is much faster than before.

Of course, no matter how repaired it is, the fireproof girl who couldn't come back last time in Kratos' world would have been dead if it had been someone else.

What people are most concerned about are the additional props added to the chat group and the new functions it opens.

A bunch of auxiliary cards were added to the chat group mall, and the fireproof girl noticed that the group members could bring summoning cards with characters from their own world who had not joined the chat group when they traveled across the world.

It is a one-time use, and you need to purchase a recall card when you return, or wait for the chat group to force repatriation and charge a fee.

The rest were cards with unknown meanings, which did not help her much. There were also blind boxes, which were used by group members to clear scattered points. The fireproof girl did not take a closer look.

Next is the newly unlocked dependent module. Each group member can bind a dependent. With the consent of the binder, the dependents can enjoy the same rights as the group members, but they cannot speak or access the chat interface.

It depends on the situation. Group members who lack a sense of security will basically not choose it. The fireproof girl plans to bring Ashes here so that she can take her with her when she goes out in the future.

Another simulated space module, which records all the people that the chat group members have come into contact with, including the group members themselves, can be regarded as a safe place to exercise themselves.

There is a challenge task every week. The group members challenge different enemies according to the proportion of their own combat power in the 0 gain state. The enemies will become stronger and stronger. The more they defeat, the more rewards they will receive. There is also a list, which may attract a lot of people in the future. Gather a group of people to climb the tower.

All in all, this chat group seems to encourage active communication among group members, and this communication is not only maintained at the level of personal communication.

This is the conclusion reached by the fire girl and Otto.

Speaking of which, what is the mechanism for inviting group members to this group? And can the unlocking of these modules only rely on more group members to unlock them?

The fireproof girl asked Otto, who was among the first to join the chat group, with doubts.

“In the beginning, it was the group leader’s responsibility to invite group members and unlock these modules.”

Otto explained.

Does this chat group still have a group leader?

The fire prevention girl was quite surprised.

Of course there is, but it's already dead.

Sensing the fireproof girl's curiosity, Otto smiled and explained.


The fireproof girl became even more curious.

A person with a very evil personality doesn't know where to get our information and wants to rely on this advantage to gain benefits.

At that time, Kratos asked, Can you predict whether he will chop off the head or the legs first when he cuts off a person?, and silenced him.

Recalling the guy who died a long time ago, Otto smiled and described this person to the fireproof girl.

This person placed himself in a very high position and was arrogant in a different way. However, his so-called prophecies were full of loopholes and mixed with a lot of personal desires. He always wanted to defraud the members of the group's points.

If you are willing to communicate well with them, you will not be willing to help.

When everyone was not familiar with the chat group, I got some things from the group friends, but the world of Fujiwara Chika also has similar information.

Although this little girl usually looks lively and cute, her brain is not ordinary. After realizing that there was something wrong with the so-called prophecy of the group leader, she quickly looked up the name at that time in her own world based on the default names of the group members. Information of the group members who joined.

I even found chat group novels similar to this routine on a Chinese website in a certain country.

The little girl told everyone in a private message that this group leader had a problem, and that Otto didn't mind playing with this person.

So the ending can be met. This group leader seems to be very concerned about the Honkai Impact of the world, and plans to keep catching Otto for profit. However, he does not get any benefits. Instead, he shakes off all the chat group information he has.

Later, Otto gave a Honkai energy crystal at the request of the group leader, and the group leader took it without hesitation.

Then there is no more.

Chapter 86 Brothers in distress

Since he asked for it, I have to give it to him. They are immortals who can predict the future. It would be easy to handle a Honkai Energy crystal.

Otto said with a smile.

It's really miserable.

The fireproof girl couldn't help but hold a moment of silence for this group of friends she had never met before. Who shouldn't be messed with? Otto, do you really think that he has lived for five hundred years in vain?

I deceived others and ended up falling into their trap. I sent it before I even started my take-off career.

After the death of the group leader, the chat group gave two options. One was to let one of us choose a group leader, and the other was to hand over the chat group permissions to the chat group for hosting.

After drinking a cup of tea to moisten his throat, Otto continued to talk.

Based on what the previous group leader did, no one wanted to elect a member with privileges, so Yu Kang always voted to hand it over to the chat group for management.

The chat group randomly invites group members, usually two, and the time is variable. As the number of group members increases, the chat group will unlock more features.

This is the story of the past. After Otto finished speaking, he also started to pay attention to the chat group, and the fireproof girl felt that it was good that everyone was on an equal footing now.

If there is a group leader in the group who loves to play tricks and relies on his privileges to cause trouble, it is estimated that everyone will not feel well.

With this idea in mind, the fire prevention woman sat sideways in front of the chair, also entered the chat group, and looked at the messages that kept passing through the chat box.

If her memory was correct, the two new members of the group could be sure of their identities this time.

In the darkness, the man with a resolute face regained his consciousness after being addicted to the darkness for an unknown period of time, and observed the chat group that suddenly appeared in his perception.

Mek Angel? - Doom Slayer

This is a character in the game in the modern world. He should be a Doom who went to hell after the fall of the earth, carrying the blessing of an unknown god, and has been chasing demons out of resentment against demons.

Since hell connects all dimensions, he kills and travels to an unknown dimension. In the end, he is sealed in a sarcophagus for unknown reasons, waiting for the devil to prosper again and erupt again to bring disaster to the universe. Then he wielded the butcher knife again.

His fighting style, if it were changed to Warhammer 40k, would be even worse than Khorne's Chosen, and Khorne would probably love him to death.

The other one is also an old acquaintance.

Fireproof Girl was a master of interstellar Korean server in her previous life.


Nova, this joke is not funny.

The mysterious space is distant and silent, vast and deep, and the story of twin twins, destruction and birth, is happening all the time.

A spaceship that was arresting felons from the Tyranid Empire was soaring among the asteroids. In the prison inside the spacecraft, Jim Raynor was shackled with his hands and feet bound, and helplessly stared at the blond beauty who was pouring water for him.

He thought that the thing that appeared in his mind was a prank by this ghost agent who had the ability to invade other people's brains at any time.

A joke, what kind of joke?

Not long ago, Nova, who had captured the largest 'terrorist' in the Tyran Empire and was transporting him to a secret prison, was stunned for a moment. She looked into Renault's serious eyes. She could sense Renault's emotions, which were inexplicable. Where do the opinions against you come from?

If you are worried about your own safety, you can rest assured that Mengsk will not do anything to you until he finds you as the girlfriend of the 'most powerful ghost agent in history'.

Nova, who has always been business-oriented, had a pleasant cooperation with Renault in the past, and had a good impression of this man who was full of a sense of justice. Naturally, he served him delicious food and drinks.

And her keen intuition as a ghost told Nova that if she didn't kill this man here, then this man would definitely be able to save the day.

So Nova also showed enough kindness to Renault.

Not you?

Renault, a middle-aged man with a strong build and slightly gray hair, frowned and turned his attention to the chat group in confusion.

Do you know what's going on in my head right now?


Placing the metal water cup on the table, it was the first time since she was a ghost that she heard such a strange request. Nova invaded Reno's mind and turned around, then said to him: You are confused now, but it makes you confused. I don’t know the source of it. You don’t have any mental problems, right? Does your girlfriend know?”

Nova is still a little worried that Renault will do something wrong in her hands. When the time comes, his terrifying girlfriend, who can crush heavy fighter jets with his psychic powers, comes to her door, and she won't be able to handle it.

The information seemed to escape Nova's perception.

‘Oh shit, what’s this thing in my head? ’

The blond beauty left space to the prisoner, and the door closed automatically. The wall that could isolate psychic interference to a certain extent did not make the voice in her head disappear.

Nova's expression didn't look fake, and Renault finally put away his guard against her and focused his attention on this chat group that was similar to social software.

@Cowboy Bebop @Doom Slayer, I believe you are still confused about the current situation. You can read the group announcement first, which contains a detailed introduction to this chat group. - Cancer of the World

Fujiwara Chika, who was checking the information, noticed the doubts in the speeches of the two newly joined people and explained again.

Ah, I see, I thought it was some psyker's prank. - Cowboy Bebop

After reading the group announcement, I still felt incredible that the friends in this chat group came from different worlds. However, adhering to the principle of being friendly to others, Renault still introduced himself to everyone: Hello, I am Jim Renault. I am from Thailand. The Federation of London is now—a prisoner.”

What about Mr. Doom?

Chika Fujiwara has collected plot information about the two of them and is sorting it out.


Doom used his limbs to sense the surroundings and found that he was locked in a sarcophagus. He struggled to free himself, and his hands and feet were also put on strong shackles. He turned around in shock.

It seems that we are here together for a reason.

Renault recognized this member who entered the group with him, but he didn't expect that both of them were locked up. They were almost brothers in trouble, and he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

Are you all locked up? - Tallulah

If you have any difficulties, I can help. - Archbishop Tianming

‘Is this the era of interstellar colonization? ’

Through the default ID of the group friends, Otto was very interested in Renault.

Fujiwara Chika is very principled and will not disclose information about other group members to group members without their consent. Therefore, group members usually rely on real-time communication to understand each other.

This is one of the reasons why Chika Fujiwara has become the favorite of the chat group.

There's no need for it now, I'm still floating in the universe.

Renault refused. He also noticed the delegation option of the group function. He could set a task for the group members to rescue him. But he was in a good situation now and there was no need to have a quarrel with Nova. There was no need to wait until he got to prison to prepare to run away. Late.


After packaging the information she had collected, Chika Fujiwara sent it privately to the two of them.

@Doom @Cowboy Bebop, you two uncles can refer to the information I sent to your world. In my world, your world uses games to show the historical trend surrounding you as the protagonist. Although it may not be correct, it can be used as a reference.”

I am just an ordinary person. I can only provide this little help. If you encounter difficulties, you can speak to the group members generously. Everyone is a good person and will be happy to help.

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