The subjects trusted her and were willing to make changes along with the Fire Guard Girl. As expected, the undead settlement recovered very well, and no one was left without food due to the recovery of the undead curse.

However, the starry sky was temporarily paved by myself. There was no moon in the sky. After all, my senses were not very good, so I had to fish out my uncle quickly.


The fire prevention girl noticed the green grass sprouting from the cracks in the street bricks. It would be better to use less regionalized time acceleration.

The fireproof girl passed by a pastry shop, took a plate of pastries, and walked slowly towards the central cathedral located in the center of the undead settlement.

She paid.

Under the adoring sight of the guarding Lothric knights, they walked along the gold-rimmed red carpet and entered the central cathedral. This is naturally a temple dedicated to the fire-prevention woman, and there is also a statue of her in costume in the center.

Rosalia also lives in the cathedral and is placed to the side.

The fireproof girl is very generous. She doesn't care if she believes in and worships many gods at the same time. The premise is that the god is useful. If it is not useful, she doesn't mind having people carry the statue down.

If Otto had not expressed strong opposition, she would have wanted to give Otto a position as the God of All Opportunities to commemorate his help.

Moving her gaze to the side, behind the black curtain was a gorgeous bedroom, which was no different from the layout of the Deep Church. The fire prevention girl knew that the room had a special meaning for her, so she directly had it moved over.

At this time, the goddess was taking a nap with her head lowered, hugging a white maggot. Her black and white hair was spread out, covering most of her body. Her newly put on white palace dress was draped over her body, leaving only the exposed part. That impressive chest.

This is the angel's daughter, Ge Cide.

Are all the Gwen Avril girls so fond of showing their breasts?

The winged knights who had been guarding the goddess had disappeared. Carrying pastries, the fireproof girl stepped forward and opened the curtain. She felt disgusted with the squirming maggots, sat on the corner of the stone bed, and said hello.

Ge Cide, long time no see.

Rosalia is the pseudonym of Sunshine Princess Gwen Avril who founded the Angel Cult, and her current whereabouts are unknown. However, Ge Cide and Fireproof Girl have met before, and their relationship is not bad. Fireproof Girl cannot possibly admit the wrong person.

no respond.

The fireproof girl stretched out her hand and pushed Ge Cide's shoulder.

Ah, it's Soul.

After waking up from her dream, the goddess raised her head and saw that the relatives she had invited had arrived. She put her legs together, adjusted her sitting posture, and said embarrassedly: Sorry, I obviously wanted to see you but fell asleep. The rebirth ceremony was held today. A little too much.

The Fireproof Girl holds the attitude of using so-called heretical miracles like rebirth rituals as long as there are no problems, but the requirement is that they are not allowed to cut out other people's tongues to sacrifice. The church provides angel communion, and you can buy it for a small amount to sacrifice.

Sacrifice is simply a ritual. The ability to be reborn is essentially the power of the gods. When the Angel Religion was not classified as a heresy, there was no need to cut out tongues to sacrifice.

It doesn't matter.

The fireproof girl shook her head, then stepped forward very familiarly and poked the big bulging balloon on her chest.

Compared with when I first discovered Ge Cide in the church, her hair was dry and hung with spider silk, and her complexion was dull and malnourished for a long time, her appearance now was much more pleasing to the eye.

How is our life here? The food has been very good recently, and it seems that I am recovering well - oops.

While she was gushing and wanting to get close to this sister she hadn't seen for a long time, the fireproof girl got a hard bang on her head.

You're still the same as before.

After retracting his hand, Ge Cide breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Why, are you afraid that I will become like Osroais or the twin princes?

He reached out and wanted to fight back, but found that his little arms and legs couldn't reach Ge Cide's head. Once again, he was full of resentment towards his mother for adding too many black souls when she gave birth to him. The fireproof girl put her hands behind her back and said with a smile. .

She is a good young person in the 21st century, how could she turn into a scourge of revenge on society just because of a small setback.

……Thanks a lot.

Ge Cide felt guilty for the fire-prevention girl. In order to save her from being imprisoned in the iron cage of the big library, this sister fell into trouble. Unfortunately, when she retrieved the power of the Angel Cult and returned to the big library for rescue, the fire-prevention girl had already been taken away by the Bai Cult. .

She had always been worried about the safety of the fire girl, but she didn't expect that the fire girl actually walked out on her own and established her own power.

Hmph, it's good to know that I work hard, and you must support me and love me in the future.

The fireproof girl inserted her waist and said quite proudly.

That's natural. Everyone in the Angel Cult will obey your orders.

Ge Cide nodded. She had already made preparations long before the fire-prevention girl placed her here and expressed her willingness to accept her. She only hoped that she could provide the fire-prevention girl with a little strength.

Ge Cide herself just wants to fulfill the duties entrusted to her by her mother.

Chapter 82: Fireproof Girl Wants to Grow Taller

The age without fire will be the age of the deep sea. By observing the terrifying appearance of Ring Seal City, it is not difficult to deduce that the so-called deep sea is most likely an erupting abyss that floods the world.

In such a world, life in the Age of Fire would be almost impossible to survive.

Ever since, Osroais, who found that there was no hope of spreading the fire, turned his attention to the research of White Dragon Hiss, hoping to let humans transform into ancient dragons, leave the earth, and fly into the sky. As a result, there was a problem with the research, and the city was full of people. Lothrik even drank the pus from him.

But at the same time, Gwen Aviya developed another way out. Through the rebirth ceremony, the wingless people could grow wings and get off the ground, and it had been successful.

Those who were successfully transformed also joined Lothric's army as Winged Knights. Even if they were wearing extremely thick armor, they could fly short distances with their powerful wings, let alone after taking off their armor.

In other words, the so-called ability to repair physical wounds or modify body functions is a derivative of the rebirth ritual, but the number of rebirths cannot exceed five.

The fireproof girl half-squinted her eyes, thinking about whether this rebirth ritual could be used on her.

Yes, after too many rebirths, the body and soul of the person being cast will be forced into a state of transformation.

Ge Cide was holding a small notebook and writing and drawing. In her communication with the Fire Guard Girl, she continued to modify the teachings of the Angel Cult so that it could better integrate into the Fire Guard Girl's church.

Don't think about it. For some reason, your body has the immortality of the ancient dragon clan. I can't do anything to reshape it.

Glancing up at the fireproof girl who was still deep in thought, Ge Cide joked.

Hey, okay.

The fireproof girl sighed with some disappointment. It seemed that she was hopeless due to her height, so she could only consider making the gods look bigger, otherwise she would be too small and look funny.

anything else?

At the beginning of the rebirth ceremony, people will turn into larvae. They are very fragile at this stage. Then after obtaining enough nutrients, they will turn into pupae. From now on, they will gain the ability to protect themselves and can summon the projection of their souls. It performs beam attacks on enemies and has been able to sleep in the deep sea for long periods of time.”

Ge Cide introduced the path to rebirth that his mother learned from the process of growing as an insect.

The fire prevention girl listened carefully. This is the metamorphosis of insects, changing their life forms during the transformation process, so that they can gain the ability to survive in new environments.

The final stage is to break out of the cocoon and be reborn, turn into a winged person, and stay away from the sky. I know that Suer, you have found the king soul that can continue the world, but no matter how many king souls you have, they will eventually run out. While we still have enough, time, I still hope you can pay attention to the transformation of the people.

Ge Cide handed over a series of details of the rebirth ceremony to the fire prevention girl and persuaded him.

She didn't know where the fire prevention girl gave her so much trust. She directly dared to let her host the rebirth ceremony. She didn't dare to go too far. She just helped some people recover because it was too long ago and the miracle of time was difficult to repair. trauma.

Now in front of the fire-prevention girl in person, he found that he had no ill intentions towards her, and even planned to accept the Angel Cult. Ge Cide also thought that he should explain the pros and cons to the fire-prevention girl.

Are people who have been reborn still the same people as before?

The fire girl asked the question.

Of course it is. The rebirth ceremony is to give people a new form. The soul will only become more consistent with the body. Everything else remains basically unchanged.

Ge Cide explained.

Well, that's no problem. Remember to coordinate with the person in charge of the church and truthfully inform the people about the rebirth ceremony. You can negotiate the detailed regulations yourself. However, every person who has been reborn must be recorded in detail, including his rebirth. Information before and after.”

The rebirth ceremony will change the appearance, gender, and body, but the identity must be confirmed.

Although the inspiration makes the first fire burn forever, the fireproof girl doesn't mind the addition of a bunch of birdmen in Lothrik. Maybe she can go to another world to cosplay a wave of angels in the future.

There are even crow-men, giants, and grunts, and maybe there will be dragon-men, snake-men, and the like in the future. It doesn't matter if there are multiple bird-men.

Huh~ Thank you so much, Soul.

After receiving the consent of the fire prevention girl herself, Ge Cide breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her.

Little things.

The Fireproof Girl waved her hand. The rebirth ceremony can bring about quite powerful miracles. It is also a means to improve the level of national combat effectiveness. Many people who are unable to engage in the careers they expect can also gain new hope from now on.

The Angel Cult is of great benefit to Lothric.

But for some reason, it seems that since the two princes showed their willingness to rebel, and the eldest prince Lorian, who almost wiped out the demons, returned from the Nether Church to witness the rebirth ceremony, the Angel Cult was denounced as a heresy and gradually disappeared.

According to legend, the tongue of the goddess Rosalia was cut out. The followers with blood-red eyes defeated the host of fire and took away the tongue as proof of revenge. They would later sacrifice the tongue to the goddess who lost her voice.

Ge Cide was rescued after the rebellion started. She was definitely not the one who had her tongue cut off. It is self-evident who the person who had her tongue cut off was.

Wait a minute.

The fireproof girl suddenly remembered that Ge Cide shouldn't know the rebirth ceremony. When the two were in the big library, she would be nourished by the sunshine.

My aunt, could it be her?

Combining the conjectures put forward by some spiritual scientists in her previous life, the fireproof girl asked in disbelief as she pointed at the maggot baby on Rosalia's bed, which was much larger than the average maggot man.


Ge Cide was stunned for a moment, not expecting the Fire Protection Girl to be so keen. Then a bitter smile appeared on his face, and he nodded and said, Yes, this is my mother, the source of the power of the rebirth ritual.

How did she become like this?

The fireproof girl lowered her eyes and gently touched the squirming body, apologizing for the disgust she had expressed before.

My mother closed her heart and turned into this after giving me the rebirth ceremony. I, I'm sorry.

Ge Cide knew the inside story of the Lothric royal family's incestuous marriage to continue the bloodline. He also knew how unfairly Gwen Aviya, who was originally the Sunshine Princess, had been treated. He also knew that the little princess in front of him who was deceived from Huanyin City was in trouble. How many sins.

The Lothric lineage is really sorry for the Sun Royal Family.

Maybe this is destiny.

The fire girl sighed.

The unknown king was banished for his association with dragons.

Felenor was trapped in the endless time stasis of Ring Seal City in order to suppress the abyss.

After his father passed away, Gwendelin got out of his inferiority complex and stepped onto the stage to start running his own power. He wanted to maintain the last dignity of the Sun God Clan, but ended up being betrayed.

Today's Gwen Aviya has also become like this.

King Gwen ended the age of ancient dragons, divided the kings among themselves, and was the first to sacrifice his life when the flames were fading. As a result, the fate of his descendants was not very good.

Chapter 83 Let’s call it the Sun Cult

The sad atmosphere did not settle for long before it was pushed away by the two protagonists. Both of them were people who had experienced hardships. They knew that life should be lived but they were always miserable and useless.

After calming down, the two began to discuss matters related to Lothric's future.

The tip of the pen made a rustling sound across the paper. Holding the fireproof girl's newly written textbook for reference, Ge Cide asked: Is Irushil your next target?

You actually guessed it?

He dragged a chair over, but found it was too short. He picked up a pile of books from Ge Cide's bed and placed it on it. He jumped on it. Hearing her question, the fireproof girl's expression changed slightly.

This princess who was obsessed with giving favors to knights in the past and whose brain was basically occupied by the Angel Cult could still think about so many things.

What do you mean by that look in your eyes?

As soon as Ge Cide dropped the pen, she didn't just grow breasts, her brain also grew. She also learned a lot about the outside world during the days of hiding in the deep church, although it was all told to her by her knights.

After organizing his words, Ge Cide said to the fire prevention girl.

Saliwan is a man who has extensive knowledge and is proficient in magic. He is also very knowledgeable in the Sword of the Dark Moon and is deeply loved by his followers. He also took over the research work on the Fire of Sin before the rebellion. We really want to target him. Better be careful.

To be honest, Ge Cide himself didn't quite understand when he learned that the Dark Moon Pope had launched a rebellion. The gods gave him trust and dignity and didn't care about his lowly origin, so why would he raise a flag of rebellion against the gods.

Of course, Ge Cide, who didn't know the inside story, couldn't understand even more how Sullivan and Eldridge defeated Gwendelin and the executioner Simo and the silver knights who guarded him.

Hey, when my father and His Highness Gwendelin trusted him so much, he would actually do such a rebellious act.

You know him?

The fireproof girl was a little surprised. Sullivan was a celebrity in Lothric and Irushil. He had gained the favor of the gods with his humble background. Even the sages in the Great Library praised his wisdom and conduct.

However, the fire-prevention woman who had been looking at Salivan through colored glasses had never had any direct contact with him.

I stayed in Irushil for a while, and the person who served me was Sullivan. At that time, I thought he was a good man. Who knows.

Knowing people but not their hearts, Ge Cide showed a ring on his hand, a silver ring made in the image of a leaping cat, and shrugged.

No one knows what Sullivan has researched. Maybe Irushil is now filled with monsters from the City of Sin. You and I both know how terrible the fire of sin is, so we should pay attention. Bar.

The specific source of the Fire of Sin is unknown. It has the property of being inextinguishable and its lethality is extremely terrifying. Casas’ stronghold in Losric, the capital of Sin, was destroyed in two outbreaks of the Fire of Sin.

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