Although this little girl is a bit weak in person, her world has serialized novels, comics or games related to several group friends, and she is also very enthusiastic and unconditionally provides any help she can. Her personality is quite lively, but she is not annoying. Hate.

Why are you so careless?

She stretched out her finger and tapped Fujiwara Chika's head. The fireproof girl healed her injuries, and then turned her eyes to look at another visitor.

Hello, Tallulah.


Compared to the purely ordinary Chika Fujiwara, the girl with dragon-like characteristics attracted the attention of most knights as soon as she appeared.

The blood instinctively trembled, and the dragon's tail tightened unconsciously. Tallulah consciously avoided the oppressive sight of the black knight behind the fireproof girl, and whispered.

Hello fire girl.

First time we meet, I'm Tallulah.

Compared to Chika Fujiwara, who was familiar with the situation, Tallulah, who felt stressed under so many eyes, seemed a little more reserved. She politely performed aristocratic etiquette and then introduced herself.


The Fire Girl welcomed their arrival.

The two of them took advantage of Otto's visit to the fire prevention girl for a field trip, so they also came to have a look.

Chika Fujiwara wanted to complete her teacher's holiday research assignment, and planned to conduct research in the medieval magical city of Fire Prevention Girl. She just didn't know if her teacher would feel his world view collapse after seeing the photos she took.

Tallulah, on the other hand, couldn't stand the influence of the shadow in her heart, and wanted to find a place to rest. It happened that the fire prevention girl came and came with her, and she took the opportunity to study here.

The fireproof girl took a deep look at the little dragon girl who did not forget to improve herself at this moment, but her fiery soul was tightly entangled by a black snake.

It seems that because it has arrived in another world and left its operating range, the black snake no longer spits out venom, but has entered a strange dormant state.

After the Farland Fortress is solved, if Tallulah needs anything, the Fireproof Woman won't mind helping her solve her soul problem.

I'll leave these two to you.

Leaving them both in the care of Otto, the fire-prevention girl was not afraid that the two would go bad.

Even though Otto himself was extremely wealthy and had low moral standards, all of the children he brought up were pillars of society with excellent outlook on life, and the fire-proof girl felt at ease.

If you want to live broadcast, feel free to go around and have a look, but you have to stay with the church staff and don't run around.

By the way, I told them that although the fire girl didn't mind the two little guys playing here, they still had to be under the supervision of the church.

Even under the protection of the First Fire, the Undead Settlement is now considered one of the safest places in Lordland, but you still have to be careful of rats and poisonous insects in the sewers.

Although these things are not threatening to the locals, Otto has studied the rat carcasses sent by the fireproof girl before. In their world, these things are not much different from the advanced Honkai Beasts.

There was still some time before the troops were assembled, and the fire-proof woman discussed with Otto among the troops the relevant matters needed by Lothric.

Compared to the fire-prevention woman, Otto, as a person who entered modern society with a huge destiny from the feudal period, has more farming experience than she knows how much, and there is a lot worth learning.

As for technology, many of Honkai's technologies have merit, and because the materials science in the Soul World is very good, they can be used in the Soul World with a little modification.

The scholars here in the Soul World are not idiots. With the miracle of time accelerating learning, they can quickly master these technologies.

What the fire prevention girl wants to say is that this has been in the feudal Middle Ages for who knows how many years. Not to mention other things, technology should also progress.

She hopes that one day in the future she can play games developed by the Lothric people in the palace.


Your Highness, Hawkwood, the Immortal Team, come and report!

Hawkwood, wearing a brand new uniform of the Undead Team, finally came to the fireproof woman and bowed.

Where's the hat?

Firebender remembers preparing a complete Undead outfit for him.

I was thrown into the French Fortress.

Keeping away from it is never an option. Since you have to face it no matter what, why not choose a dignified way?

I'll pick it up myself.

His face was hidden under the crow's face, making it hard to see clearly, but those eyes that had added a touch of determination finally made Hui Jin look at this man for the first time.

Return to the team.

Compared with the silly look of the chainmail hood, this outfit with a crow face and broken hair is more in line with the aesthetics of a fireproof woman. She raised her hand and motioned for Hawkwood to join the team heading to Fran Fortress.

Yes, Your Highness.

Hawkwood walked closer to the team and stopped at the empty space specially left for him by the Black Knights.

As the troops finally completed their assembly, Richard walked out of the queue after completing the count.

Your Highness, the troops for the expedition against the Deep Church have been assembled. Please give the order.

He knelt on one knee, and the Lothric double dragon cloak outlined with gold patterns on his back fell to the ground, and then flew in the wind, like a red flag.

The entire army moves out.

As the army began to move, people gradually poured into the street. Some raised their hands, while others knelt on the ground and muttered words.

Praise the sun!

I don’t know who started it first. As this short but meaningful prayer sounded, everyone suddenly unified the slogan.

Praise the sun!

For a time, the sound of blessings resounded throughout the Immortal settlement.

It's time for us to leave.

Otto and others left the team under the leadership of church members.

Saying goodbye to Otto and the others, and amid people's farewells, the fire-prevention woman also led the assembled troops to the brand-new elevator room.

The undead settlement stands on the top of a mountain. If you want to go to the lower level of the Punishment Forest, other than going through the bonfire, you can only take the elevator. Large-scale transportation of troops by the bonfire is too energy-consuming, so the elevator has naturally become the first choice.


Leading the troops into the large elevator, sensing the arrival of passengers, the candlelight on all sides became brighter, illuminating the marble-made elevator. Everyone stood in line, and the silver armor shone in the candlelight. Shining in the light.

After being renovated here, even thousands of troops can be accommodated at the same time without feeling crowded.

There is a watchtower above the big elevator, where the giant Gona is stationed. After further heightening the watchtower, the giant's snipers can cover all the way to the Deep Church, coupled with arrows with various effects, and the popularity of long-distance communications , can provide high-quality fire support to the team.

As for why the Immortal Settlement was able to build such a grand project in such a short period of time.

The question is about the almighty time magic and the reliable Vulcan.

The fire prevention girl has long wanted to use these miracles for construction. Why use all the good miracles for destruction? Isn’t it good to serve production?

With the spread of time miracles in the church field, the speed of building large-scale projects in Lothric will only become faster and faster in the future. It may be possible to build tens of thousands of meters tall buildings in one day.

At the fire prevention woman's signal, Richard took out the talisman of the elevator and held it high in front of the statue.

Normally, each team's journey to and from the living sacrifices was completed through the military elevator on the right, but now there is not so much trouble.

As the talisman lit up, awakening the statue that activated the mechanism, the elevator began to slowly descend. The mountain wall on one side had been hollowed out. Unfortunately, there was a cloud and mist on the mountainside today, and only the distant mountains could be seen vaguely. .

After about three to five minutes, the elevator finally stopped with a slight rumble, and then the door moved automatically, and soft light passed through the gap, like a slowly unfolding light curtain.

Soothing and fresh.

The fire prevention girl took a deep breath, the calming fragrance filled the air, and the dense forest and the dense leaves covering the soil filled all the emptiness between heaven and earth, blocking out the stench from the swamp.

Even this road of living sacrifices is completely different under the care of the sun.

Next, there are other disaster-stricken areas.

Chapter 66: The Forest of Punishment-The Crystallized Old Man

Destroy the forest.

The original name was the Black Forest. It is said that it was later named after the Dark Moon Sword from Irushil often punished sinners here.

In the distant past, it was the seat of the ancient magical kingdom Urathil. After the wolf knight Artreus, one of the king's four knights, swept away the abyss, lush forests and lakes covered this area. The scenery here is pleasant and rich in property. , the French Undead Legion also trains new recruits here.

As the First Fire gradually weakened, the suppressed abyss beneath it surged, and the originally clear lake water became rotten and smelly, turning this pleasant swamp forest into the cannibalistic appearance it now has.

But when the fire girl comes, she can naturally restore it to its original state.

It was getting dark, and the troops had marched to Zhenxu Forest and were stationed here, with tents erected in circles.

Outside each tent, the bonfires gathered by the swordsmen of each team using spiral swords violated the laws of physics and burned blazingly in the water, swallowing the sewage and turning it back to a clear state.

Every bonfire is a derivative of the power of the Fireproof Girl.


The crab shell gradually turned red under the heat of the flames, and then shattered.

Haha, feel free to eat. I raised these all by myself and have never eaten human flesh.

The crab shells that were red-hot in the campfire were smashed, and the crab meat was mixed with the sauce. Ash wanted to try it first to see if there was any problem, but saw the old man dragging a crystal ball in front of him reminding him, first He picked up a piece of crab meat in one step and stuffed it into his mouth.

This is the Forest of Punishment, the residence of the crystallized old man who trained magicians for the Frank Undead Team. Ashes and Fireproof Girl were invited to have dinner with the old man.

I thought it would be Osroais or His Highness Lothric who would emerge from the war, but I never thought that the final winner would be you, His Highness Gwen'sul.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, stroking the crystal ball in his hand, the crystallized old man looked at the fireproof girl who was much older than he remembered, and smiled happily.

Don't you also hope that I win?

He stretched out his hand, wanting to eat the meat himself, but Ashes held back his hand, refusing to let the fireproof girl take it, as if he planned to feed it himself.

The fireproof girl couldn't resist her, so she stretched her neck with Hui Jin's triumphant expression on her face, picked up the crab meat that she had cooled in her mouth, chewed it, and replied: But the winner hasn't been decided yet.

The result is already inevitable.

Looking at Ashes interacting lovingly with the fire-proof girl, as well as the menacing army in the lake, and the black knights surrounding him, the crystallized old man looked up at the sky, his eyes slightly narrowed, where a vague dragon shadow seemed to pass by.

How are they, my brother?

Lowering his voice, the old man asked anxiously. Although he had left the city of fire transmission for a long time, he had expected the outcome of the melee in Lothrik since he saw the undead team returning from the fire transmission again in the Dispense Forest. .

The young prince from the big library joined the little prince and imprisoned Princess Ge Cide of Lothrik. They also sold me to the Bai Cult as a fire-proof girl.

The fire-prevention girl had a deep grudge against the big library. If they had allowed the fire-prevention girl to run away individually, they would not have been arrested by the Bai Cult and suffered.

As expected, otherwise the civil war would not have ended so hastily - I told him long ago that the hatred for His Majesty Osroais cannot be extended to the camp, and the Great Library should not have taken sides from the beginning.

Now the big library is labeled as a rebel in the eyes of the fire prevention girl.

The crystallized old man let out a long sigh, then raised his dry hand and rubbed the fireproof girl's head.

If you had been willing to learn magic from me, you wouldn't have had to suffer these consequences.

If the fire-proof girl at that time had fully utilized her talents, who would dare to touch her? Thinking of the pain of becoming a fire-proof girl, the crystallized old man sighed again.

Bai Jiao was also too courageous. Seeing the decline of the Sun God Clan, he dared to bully them.

At least the result is good.

The fire prevention girl smiled sheepishly.

The originally undisciplined fire-prevention woman didn't know a single word about the principles of magic or the medium for casting it.

The main reason is that she learns spells slowly and follows the process. As long as she can use it once, the miracle of the fireproof girl will be remembered, and she can just copy it next time.

But it is a pity that everyone's soul is different. The automatic aiming of the spell is to calibrate the opponent's soul every time the spell is cast. The spell the Fireproof Girl casts is exactly the same every time, so naturally she has no tracking ability.

No one told the fire-proof girl that this method was wrong. The old man came here to crystallize it just for fun. This directly resulted in the fire-proof girl's spell being extremely powerful, but unable to hit anyone.

Osrois wished that the fire-proof girl would be weaker, so he let the fire-proof girl continue to learn magic in the wrong way so that he could control it easily. Bai Jiao also had the same idea, and the result was that the fire-proof girl was taught by Bai Jiao during the civil war. The captives left.

It's all over. If I hadn't become a fireproof girl, I might not have gotten this power.

After swallowing a piece of crab meat peeled from ashes again and swallowing it, the fire prevention woman waved her hand and pointed to the bonfire in front of several people that had purified a lake area.

You are planning to go to Fran Fortress.

After finishing questioning the fire-prevention woman, the crystallized old man turned his attention to Hawkwood who was dancing his sword in the lake. He seemed too nervous to sleep, so he was dancing his sword in the lake to distract his attention.

Is he the guy who ran away? Before the Fortress of France was closed some time ago, that guy Chevrier came to me and said that if I met this kid, I told him not to have any psychological burden and to go wherever he wanted. Well, spreading fire is waiting for death, and they are waiting for death when staying in the fortress, there is no difference.

Peeling off the crab shell and dipping in some of the seasoning brought by the fire-proof girl, the crystallized old man looked at Hawkwood jumping in the water like a wolf, causing ripples. His memory seemed to have returned to the distant past, and the Fortress of France was still active. when.

But looking at how he is now, it's not necessary anymore.

Everyone in the Undead Team has never blamed Hawkwood from the beginning to the end. After all, spreading fire is a meaningless sacrifice. Does it make sense to be locked up with them in the French Fortress to purge themselves? The world is going to end anyway, so just do whatever you want.

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