She had been observing the live broadcast of the chat group, and when she noticed something was wrong, she used a bonfire to teleport over. This thunder net was enough to obliterate Pandora's form. If the little girl encountered it, she would be completely stunned on the spot, and she would not know where to find her.

As expected, Vulcan's final struggle could not trap Kratos for long. At the same time, Kratos broke free from the shackles of divine power, wielded the Blade of Chaos, and smashed Hephaestus's forging platform. The thunder and lightning prison lost its energy maintenance. Finally dissipated.


Breathing hot breath, Kratos slashed the iron awl used by Hephaestus for defense, pulled it hard, and threw it out.

The Vulcan who has lost his final protection is a lamb to be slaughtered.

The fireproof woman pulled Pandora, who was about to go forward to die, and watched all this. Both Kratos and Hephaestus made it convenient for her. She would stop them at the right time, and at least calm them down. Opportunities for networking.

Everyone present was silent, waiting for what choice Kratos would make.

The pale skin was smoking. Kratos stared at Hephaestus for a while. Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the weapon in his hand sometimes clenched and sometimes loosened. He took a deep breath and finally pressed it down. He suppressed the anger in his heart and took back his weapon.


The firebender let go of Pandora, and the little girl ran all the way back to Hephaestus.

You, won't kill me?

Hephaestus whimpered softly. He, who had always been weak and soft, was very careful when he said this. This conflict that was not a confrontation made him clearly aware of the gap between himself and Kratos.

I'm a dad too.

Kratos glanced at him, sighed, and picked up the Whip of Nemesis that fell to the ground. He had already lost his daughter on the ground, and he also did not hope that Pandora would lose her father.

let's go.

Saying hello to the fire prevention woman, Kratos walked towards the bonfire.

You don't have to go.

Pandora wanted to follow quietly, but was caught by the fireproof girl again.

Let me go, I can help!

Pandora struggled, her legs had no point of strength in the air and swung back and forth. When she found that she couldn't break free, she said indifferently: How can you defeat Zeus without me extinguishing the holy fire?

She finally made up her mind to return to the Holy Fire and put an end to all disasters, even if she refused her father's love. She had also done a lot of psychological struggle, but now she was denied by these gods who suddenly appeared.

Do you really think that as a living being, she was born to want to die?

No, we can handle the Holy Fire.

It is affirmative to Pandora's awakening, but it is not necessary.

Be with your father, he almost lost his life trying to save you.

After rubbing Pandora's head, the fireproof girl smiled, took her by the back collar to prevent the restless little guy from running around, and handed it to Hephaestus.

O strange goddess, I wish you a safe return. The deal between you and me is still valid. I will fulfill my promise.

Carefully taking Pandora, Hephaestus said excitedly. He knew that if the goddess didn't have a way to deal with the holy fire, everything would eventually come back to the matter of sacrificing Pandora.

Just call me fire girl.

The fireproof girl showed a kind smile.

Yes, Fireproof Lady.

Vulcan lowered his head, bowed slightly, and quickly entered the role.

Then, I will stay here with my father, waiting for you to come back.

Pandora finally decided to accept her fate and squatted in Hephaestus' arms, sticking out half of her head as if she was angry.

Don't regret it. If you can't extinguish the holy fire, I won't do it again - if you give me some gifts, it won't be impossible.

The little girl Pandora still couldn't bear to say harsh words. After struggling for a while, she replied arrogantly, and then retracted her broad palm.

As your father said, we will not put the chips of a war on a little girl.

The two in the group had long been dyed by the big dye vat created by a group of old people, and the one in his family was angry with him some time ago. It was rare to meet an innocent little girl, and even Otto couldn't help but tease her.

I'm not young!

Yes, yes, Pandora is not small, but please stay here safely.

The fireproof girl led Kratos and the others closer to the bonfire, waved to the father and daughter, and the group of people disappeared into the space with flying sparks.

Then it's your time, adults.

Remarks on the launch

Hello everyone, I am Wuyou, a new author.

After a month and a half of stumbling, the book finally reached the shelves. To be honest, the results surprised me. I didn’t expect to be able to sign a contract. It was the first contracted book in my writing career. The editor was willing to recommend it to me for 2,000 yuan a day. I really Thank you very much to our readers for your continued support.

The original intention of this book was that after I played with Old Ring, I turned around to look at Dark Souls and felt helpless about the despair of Black Souls.

Because I really couldn’t think of how to save the soul world on my own, I joined the chat group. In addition, there are too many stomachache plots in other worlds, so I wanted to create a chat group full of love and hope.

Kratos killed countless innocent people and destroyed the entire Greek world for his revenge.

The forced calmness and loneliness of Ainz Ooal Gown's bones killed him, turning him into a cold-blooded monster.

The Faded One's road to becoming a king is a pile of bones of enemies and friends.

Gilgamesh's struggle after seeing everything had to come to an end.

Otto pursued his own love and destroyed the love of countless others.

And Alina from Tallulah.

There are also many people who may join the chat group in the future.

It feels so numb, I no longer want to eat knife rua!

I wanted to write a story that saves myself while also saving others.

Here are some answers to readers’ questions.

Will this book be a eunuch?

Answer, no, my outline has been organized to the end of the main world, and I can definitely write it until the end of the main world.

If I can gain something from spending this time every day, I will naturally regard writing a book as a job and stick to it as an author.

There is a saying that goes well: as an author, you cannot write because you have inspiration, just like a prostitute cannot go out to pick up customers because you have sexual desire.

Tomorrow I will have two guaranteed updates, which will conclude the world of God of War. I will try my best to write it more interestingly, and by the way, I will ask for a wave of first orders here.

After that, the journey of the fireproof girl will continue, and I hope to have a happy ending.

Thank you readers for your continued support. Thank you and I love you.

Chapter 57 The Last Battle (please order first)


Walking out of the flames and arriving in front of the Olympus Holy Fire, Kratos' stern eyes scanned the two people waiting there.

Zeus's cloth robe was a little messy, and his long white hair had strange arcs of electricity.

He sensed that something had happened to the Holy Fire, hurriedly dealt with the Thunder Titan, and rushed back. He found the traces left by the Fireproof Girl here, and waited here for this fateful battle.

The great Greek hero, Hercules, was also eager to fight with this even greater God of War and win the title of God of War.

Other respectable gods either couldn't stand the spoiled air of Olympus and chose to leave, or they intervened in a battle of revenge and died under Kratos's sword.

The once glorious place where the gods gathered together, now only two gods are left here, which is really sad.

This war that cost countless lives must come to an end today.

There will be a fierce battle next!

Kratos will not be afraid, he is already prepared.

Kratos, my son, your revenge has caused us great trouble.

Zeus opened his silver eyes stained by thunder and lightning, and his majestic face showed no anger or authority.

I will kill anyone who stops me.

Kratos stepped forward and said.

You are slowly destroying the world, Kratos.

Zeus shouted angrily as he punched the metal stamen with a heavy punch.


But isn't this world a good place?

The faded man by the window pointed outside. Mount Olympus could overlook the entire Greek land. Because of the death of the goddess of fate, time in the sky passed quickly.

Below is the land that has recovered from the war and has been rendered into the scent of birds and flowers. After humans prayed to the gods to no avail, they simply relied on their own efforts. This scenery is better than before the war between gods began.

Although I don't know what it was like before, to be honest, it's better now than when you were alive and fighting, right?

Zeus was silent, his plan to rely on righteousness to overwhelm Kratos failed. He looked at the scene below in confusion. He felt that something was wrong. With so many gods dead, shouldn't the mortal world have already fallen into chaos?

Hahahaha, that's it, faded one, well done, the king of the gods has such a clown-like expression, it's so delightful.

On the ship of brilliance, Vimana, Gilgamesh, who was with Momonga, saw Zeus's ugly appearance and couldn't help laughing heartily.

Athena? Are you also planning to side with Zeus and the others?

His eyes moved and he noticed the inconspicuous dark green spirit. Kratos was quite surprised by Athena's arrival.

I don't belong to any side, I'm just here to see the end of a war.

Athena shook her head, and then retreated to the edge of the square, her eyes flickering, wondering what she was thinking.

hope so.

Zeus is mine.

Kratos ignored Athena, reminded everyone around him, and strode forward to meet Zeus, who had been waiting by the sacred fire for a long time.

Zeus! Come, face me!

Kratos roared, breathing heavily, the muscles all over his body expanded with the rise and fall of his chest, and the crimson tattoos lit up and disappeared. This body was as surging as his spirit, and he was ready for revenge.

The Blade of Chaos spurts out fierce and passionate fire, and will devote all its power to this moment.



Zeus punishes those who dare to provoke with thunder.

Kratos waved the Whip of Nemesis, and the turquoise whip blade stirred the thunder and lightning and guided it elsewhere.

All the way forward, Luo Lei was left behind by Kratos and disappeared into the sky. The blade of chaos scraped across the ground and drew a line of fire. It hit Zeus's body as hard as steel, and the impact caused a violent explosion.

Kratos, it seems that we really need to have a decent communication between father and son.

Grasping the iron chain, Zeus grabbed the ground with both feet, picked up the lighter Kratos, and dragged him towards him. Zeus, who was protected by the Olympus Holy Fire and the Golden Fleece, would not be like this. Knocked down with one simple attack.


Zeus waved his fist and hit Kratos on the bridge of the nose. The shock wave blew away half of the dome, bringing with it a lot of blood.

Kratos showed no sign of weakness, his eyes flashed scarlet, and the neck bones whose muscles were suddenly broken twisted back to their original positions. He withstood Zeus's elbow blow, and his arms moved forward without hesitation, passing through Zeus's ribs.

Tighten with a bang.

The spine made an overwhelming snapping sound, and Zeus's upper body bent in a weird arc. His strength was a little weaker. Kratos seized the opportunity, stepped forward, lifted Zeus, raised his knees, and fiercely smashed down.

Broken back!

Zeus seemed to have not experienced cruel close combat for a long time, and his movements were very unfamiliar, and he was suppressed by Kratos for a while.

Stimulated by the pain, his originally calm expression became angry. Zeus raised his hand, and boundless thunder gathered, stretching the Whip of Nemesis to its limit almost in the blink of an eye.


Kratos was hit by ball lightning, but his palms tightly grabbed Zeus's beard, preventing him from driving him far away.


Heracles waved the Nemean gauntlet, trying to relieve Zeus from his predicament. The lion crest on the glove roared, and the roar was full of fury at the injustice of fate.

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