In his home court, being beaten by the enemy into such a mess, his ugly face twisted into one piece, Hades could not bear such humiliation.

The palms returned to the body, and the explosive muscles collapsed, crawling to the ground. Pluto collapsed the brick surface, breaking free from the shackles of the majestic gravity. The dense chains coming from nowhere surged and stirred like huge waves. With it, sparks arose and hit the faded person hard.


At the moment when the chain and the armor came into contact, boundless power was fed back to the faded person. The temporary shield gathered by gravity was torn into pieces like paper, and then hit the faded person unabated.

Being hit in the waist and abdomen, the armor let out an overwhelming shriek, and the body bent into a strange arc. The Faded One flew out, dragging a bloody path on the ground.

Hades, you fat pig!

Climbing up from the ground, ignoring the blood gushing out like a faucet, the faded man raised his head and took a sip of red dew. The scars on his body healed visibly, his face turned red, arcs of light erupted, and his dark stance floated.

It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing.


An area of ​​​​the square collapsed toward the center, forming a gravity well. A huge boulder was pulled out from the crack in the dome, and it violently knocked away the wave of chains rushing toward him.

Kratos took this opportunity to step forward and was submerged in the black wave. His solid muscles collided head-on with these chain saws, but unlike the tragic situation of the Faded Ones, Kratos was like the strongest stone and pushed through these chainsaws. The attack tore these chains apart, and flying iron fragments were scattered everywhere.


Bathed in blood, and in the most powerful and pure way, Kratos came to Pluto, brandished his weapon, and hit him in the brain.


The skull was shattered, the brains burst out, and the muscles on the body that had been torn apart by the Fireproof Woman were scattered everywhere. The Faded One cast a gravity spell to lock them in place, preventing them from returning to Pluto's body. Hades held the hook Claws, innocent souls scattered in all directions, attacking everything around them indiscriminately.

The golden flying wings were cut off, and Gilgamesh had no choice but to take back the sky boat, and reunited with Momonga and Otto who were struggling to support themselves.

With the energy support of Momonga, Gilgamesh provided the Noble Phantasm, which was enough for them to withstand this attack and clear away the innocent souls who poured in from the hall to support Hades.

Now everything is in a stalemate, and there needs to be a force that can break this stalemate.

That has to be me.

Chapter 41 Pluto, died

Chika Fujiwara suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

In his hand, he was carrying a miraculous keystone given to him by the fireproof girl. This keystone could erupt a lightning strike from the fireproof girl in her normal state. Although the power was not very powerful, it could still break the current deadlocked balance.



The lightning strike weakened the seriously injured Pluto again, and the balance of power was completely broken. As soon as Hades' hand was loosened, his skull was completely split open, and his soul was separated from the body, and half of it was pulled out by his own weapon.

However, Ququ's fatal injury did not make Hades lose the ability to fight back, but it was far from killing the god who controlled death.

Even Otto couldn't bear the power of the gods. How could it be carried by an ordinary high school student?

The broken body collapsed on the ground, and half of the body sank into the tributary of the Styx below. The ownerless soul actively poured into his body, and the translucent soul suddenly solidified a lot.

The rich death aura spreads.

The ring hanging around Fujiwara Chika's neck shattered just after being exposed to a ray of death.

The Sacrificial Ring, a gift given by the Fireproof Girl to everyone, can be immune to one death, but the price is that the ring will break. The Fireproof Girl made a small change to it, adding a healing miracle, which can protect the soul while revitalizing it. Shape the body.


Tallulah, who was also following the chat group, was dumbfounded. Does this girl really dare to join in?

Go back quickly!

Pulling Fujiwara Chika away from the fog of death, Kratos stepped forward and kicked him. Hades' huge body fell backwards, and his soul was withdrawn again.

Fireproof girl!

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Hades's painful scream declared the victory of Kratos's confrontation, giving up the destruction of flesh and blood, and the shock wave exploded with her as the center, breaking through the area that had lost its strength, and came to the center of the battlefield , saw Chika Fujiwara who was still dazed, and felt a surge in her heart.

Facing the unconscious counterattack from Pluto's body, the fire-proof woman sidestepped and used the wrath of the gods in reverse to draw the death energy that could curse the god to death into her body.

Pluto's most terrifying killing move has been ended.

Go back quickly!

After catching Fujiwara Chika who was thrown by the fireproof girl, Momonga's forced calmness pressed down on Fujiwara Chika's head, and the green light woke it up from the state of blank brain.


At the reminder of the fireproof girl, Chika Fujiwara quickly chose to return regardless of her own wetness.

Damn it.

If the body has no function, then I will give up the body!

Hades saw that his body had been dismembered by Kratos, and his soul had escaped from the clutches of the soul-grabbing claws. He took the initiative to attack the fire-proof woman, the most threatening combat force. As long as he killed her, he would still have a chance!

Fireproof girl, forget it if you still have a physical body. A soul body has the courage to wander in front of her. Even if Zeus comes today, he will die here. With flames burning in his hands, he will strangle Hades's soul without hesitation. .

It hurts so much.

It hurts so much!

Just like being in the furnace where the Holy Fire of Olympus is, Hades's soul is like ice cream under the bright sun. It begins to melt quickly. The only thing left in his mind is why he was so unlucky that he met a monster at the level of a creator god. thoughts.

He thought he could continue to fight back by turning into a spirit body.

He surrendered.

The soul of Hades was finally taken into the hands of the fire-prevention woman. For a moment, all the evil souls lingering in the River Styx and unable to die were pulled out. The violent offensive stopped, and they all converged on the fire-prevention woman, forming a soul vortex.

With the death of Pluto, the chaotic underworld suddenly became quiet. The priests regained their sanity. The hellhounds no longer attempted to break free from their chains. The ghosts affected by Pluto's anger also stopped violently and looked at the destroyed world in confusion. Shameless palace.

The souls that fell like raindrops from the world of the self-born were no longer scattered, but fell into the land in front of the Styx in an orderly manner. This made Charon, the ferryman, relieved.

Looking at the main hall in the distance, it seemed that the avenger had achieved his goal. Charon sighed and continued to do his work honestly. As for what happened over there, he didn't want to commit suicide after dying once. He is just a ferryman.

Can't control it.


Under Otto's gaze full of curiosity, a dark purple crown materialized and appeared in the hands of the fireproof woman.

Phew, the battle just now was really scary. - Magical Girl Merry-chan

Merlin breathed a sigh of relief and sent Avalon back. This little girl brought him a lot of fun, and he quite liked it.

Fujiwara, you did a good job, don't do this again next time. - Tallulah

Ugh, fire girl.

Hugging the faded man who jumped into his arms, he moved his head back and forth and rubbed his chest. His straight nose twitched and he discovered a strange smell. His face changed, but the fire-proof girl who was unaware of it was She unleashed the miracle of sunlight, rubbing her long, silky white hair as a sign of comfort, and handed the soul of Hades to Kratos.

Kratos, upload it to the mall and I'll buy it directly from there.

During this period of time, the fireproof girl still earned a lot of points from the transaction with Otto and the wool harvesting of the faded ones. In addition, since she participated in the hunt for this soul, the price for her in the mall will be much cheaper.

No, just accept it.

If nothing goes wrong, this time he will definitely be able to end the rule of the gods. The points are useless to him. The fireproof woman can kill Pluto because of her ability, so she might as well give it away as a favor.

After shaking his head in refusal and ending Pluto's life, Kratos' solemn expression did not relax at all.

Fujiwara Chika!

With a roar, the faded man next to him trembled in fright, and shrank into the arms of the fireproof woman, carefully looking at the macho man who suddenly went berserk.

This is a battlefield, do you think it's a game? Is this a place you can come to whenever you want?

The square without Pluto seemed unusually empty, and the source of the Styx under the floor was drained clean by the fireproof woman. Kratos knew that Chika Fujiwara was still watching the live broadcast and criticized.

Kratos was born in Sparta and fought for it as a warrior. Later, he killed Ares, the God of War, and became the God of War. Along the way, he killed countless people. In order to get revenge, he released the Titans, and countless innocent people died. The God War that has started again will definitely not be a good person.

He never defines himself in terms of good and evil. If he likes someone, he likes it, if he dislikes it, he dislikes it. A friend is a friend, and an enemy is an enemy.

The friends in the group are eager to help him get revenge, and they are naturally friends. Chika Fujiwara serves as a spiritual mentor in the group every day, which reminds him of his lively daughter who died at his hands. He does not want his friends in the group to suffer the same fate as him. The pain of loss is gone.

Both your friends and your own life should be cherished.

I'm sorry, Uncle Kratos, I took it for granted, and I won't do it again next time.

Fujiwara Chika locked herself in the toilet, and her classmates with strange expressions were outside. She changed out of her sweat-soaked clothes and apologized repeatedly in the group. She was still worried about what had just happened. Although the result was good, it was infinite. The feeling of being near death still taught her a lesson.

As soon as her mind got hot, she took over the task and ran over. The bottom line is that she drifted away and thought she could help. In fact, she was more helpful, and she almost got herself involved.

Although everyone usually laughs and laughs in the group, the power gap between each other is really very big. This group can bring the group members to the same level and communicate without any airs, but it cannot bring their power to the same level. Level.

no more chance.

Kratos snorted, but after all, he didn't say any harsh words, but he would not accept Chika Fujiwara's request for time travel in the future. If there is a time travel mission, it is directly set so that Chika Fujiwara cannot accept it.

This little accident also reminded the group of friends that apart from time travel such as party invitations, it is better to put Fujiwara Chika on the blacklist first.

Chapter 42: Split up!

In the broken square, the battle is over.

As Hades and the innocent souls who were swallowed by him were all packed up and taken in by the fireproof woman, the black fog that blocked the light also dissipated, and the cold light shone down along the damaged dome above, coating everyone with a layer of silver. White film.


The tense atmosphere finally relaxed. Kratos shook the bloody Blade of Chaos, put it back on his back and adsorbed it. He took a few steps forward and sat on Hades' stump. .


Gilgamesh put away the broken helmet and stuffed it into his treasure house, with a relaxed expression, as if he was on vacation.

What to do next?

Curiously, he tapped the Styx water, but the palm that came into contact with the Styx instantly became indistinguishable from a corpse. The faded man quickly stopped his hand, took a sip of red dew drops, and then raised his hand and asked.

She first scanned the crowd.

Momonga, the skeleton who had been scratching his head in amusement, ignored it.

Kratos, who doesn't like to use his brain at first sight, ignores it.

The shiny guy waved his hand to indicate that he was not responsible for arranging tasks and did not want to think about it. However, the fire prevention girl had just worked so hard and she could not make her tired.

In the end, everyone followed the faded man's gaze and finally fell on Otto, who had been in this world for a while and seemed very wise at first sight.

You might as well leave your body to me.

Otto was a little amused when everyone's eyes suddenly focused on him. He seemed to have guest-starred as the group's external brain several times.

“Join a joke and use a light-hearted opening to create a relaxed atmosphere for our conversation.”

Since everyone is willing to give him the initiative in the conversation, Otto is also happy to do so.

Of course I have a plan.

This is the map model I collected during this time.

Otto raised his hand, and a huge three-dimensional figure appeared in front of everyone. This three-dimensional figure included the underworld and the giant passage below that led all the way to Mount Olympus.

With the combat power we have now, we don't have the ability to defeat Zeus head-on. I believe the fireproof girl also understands this, so we have to think of other ways.

Everyone was convinced that the power displayed by Zeus was troublesome for them. He spread nearly unlimited power at will, and he was immune to lightning, which limited most of the fire-proof girl's strength.

Fireproof Girl also agrees. It's not that there are no other effective attack methods, but she has the same concerns as Otto. She is afraid that using Dark Soul in this world will cause irreparable consequences.

According to the information Kratos received from Athena, the source of Zeus's power is called the Holy Fire of Olympus, and the Pandora's Box in the Holy Fire seals the power that can kill him. Now, we need to find this A girl named Pandora.

Zooming in on one of the statues, showing Pandora's appearance to everyone, Otto continued, saying that it was said that the girl was trapped in a maze and had several communications with Kratos through the stone statue.

Holy fire?

The fireproof girl searched for the keyword. She wanted to see if she could take away the holy fire. If she could take it away, she wouldn't have to go to Pandora.

She can also solve Pandora's Box's Holy Fire Seal.

He noticed the fire-prevention girl's mood swings and roughly guessed the fire-prevention girl's purpose. Otto opened his mouth to explain at the right time.

We can prepare from both ends. Kratos and I will go to the prison between the underworld and Olympus to find Pandora, Gilgamesh and Momonga to eliminate the enemies in the passage.

Jin Shining and Hei Qiqi both came to help, and they didn't have any needs. One wanted to have fun and get some collections, and the other Chunchun came to help. Of course, Otto didn't need to arrange too heavy tasks for them. As for giving him crazy winks. The fader…

Otto was startled. To be honest, in addition to being stronger, the faded person's personality reminded him of a certain little girl with white hair in his own world.

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