Fortunately, their scientists were talented enough to develop transformation technology that allowed racial groups to gain psychic potential before the final defense line of civilization was broken.

That immature psychic surgery took away 90% of the individuals of this species, and the great scientist was one of them.

Fortunately, the remaining compatriots were powerful enough to successfully sharpen the consciousness of the psychic mastermind and take over a large mechanical army.

Just as they were licking their wounds and rebuilding civilization among the ruins, crisis struck again.

The killer swarm is coming.

Civilizations with psychic machines managed to fend off the swarm attacks.

However, after the insects found that this bone was really difficult to chew, they chose to abandon the genetic virus and walked away, waiting to come back to count their food decades later.

And the population that has lost a lot of scientific reserves is no longer able to solve this virus.

In order to save their own species from tragic extinction, individuals with powerful psychic abilities in the race chose to communicate with the virtual realm and reached a deal with the 'great being' in it.

They lost their bodies and the ability to reproduce, which is the most important thing for a civilization, in exchange for a spiritual entity that is enough to exist in the material universe.

But this was just the beginning of another tragedy.

The state of psychic entities makes them more vulnerable to being hunted by the existence of the virtual world. At the same time, their spirits are also being alienated, and their existence is inevitably gradually swallowed by the virtual world.

Beyond the Stars is a civilization full of malicious intent.

Ethnozoists…military isolates…criminal enterprises…

The treacherous and evil people are constantly sacrificing themselves, sacrificing their enemies, and sacrificing themselves to avoid the sharp edge of the fallen empire and the hunting of the existence of the virtual realm.

They struggled to break out of the terrifying whirlpool, struggling to maintain their gradually distorted existence.

One's own relatives, one's own memory, one's own civilization.

In order to survive, the treacherous and evil species gambled almost everything.

They put everything they had into the barrel of their guns, hoping to find a place where they could settle down and live in this miserable galaxy.

However, this universe has never been gentle to this race.

The hatred runs deep in my bones. I remember those damn iron sheets, those damn bugs, those damn antiques.

But I have forgotten a lot. I even forgot the names of my clan members. I should have family members, but I don't even remember them.

I don't even remember what it looked like originally.

The evil traitor tore his own face apart, and his face turned into goose feather-like fluff, and finally it was reassembled into a face that looked like a work of art.

Her voice dropped. The current image of a traitor and evil person was modeled after the race that was made of soy milk.

When they first met, the Great Evil was just a vague psychic entity filled with hate and hatred.


Doujiu Bai leaned towards Da Zhan Da Evil and patted her on the shoulder.

It is too painful to be a traitor and a villain. Each member of the same clan suffers more bitterly than the other. There are monsters in the virtual world that cannot be trusted.

When they are struggling in a difficult situation, who can help her, who can stand by her side and give her advice, and who can share a little pressure with her when facing difficult problems?

What extreme xenophobia and racial discrimination are simply tortured by reality.

This is also the reason why Douyao Baipai would only choose to argue with her on weekdays, but would not really interfere with her decision-making.

For every species in the universe, she continued to hone herself in the process of growing up. Until she stepped into the starry sky, the way of survival was the most suitable for the current environment.

Doujiao Bai would not advise a civilization surrounded by powerful enemies to be pro-foreign, because that would be courting death.

They received the shadow of the fallen empire at the beginning of the birth of civilization, and were proud of their normal and rapid growth. Growing up in such an environment, they were naturally willing to take the initiative to protect the growth of weak civilizations.

Strictly speaking, there are so many resources in the vast Milky Way that are basically inexhaustible. Many civilizations cannot even fully utilize the resources of their own home planets, and have declined in the process of development.

These civilizations all need reasonable guidance.

Indeed, I don't care enough about you during this time.

Seeing that the traitor had almost vented his anger, Doujiu Bai chose to change the topic and actively admitted his mistake. Although he didn't know exactly where his mistake was, he could take it upon himself.

Who needs your concern.

When a girl loses her temper, she usually talks in the opposite direction.

I knew this when I was bragging with Ashes.

But speaking of it, can someone with a personality like the fireproof girl actually get angry?

Well, someone doesn't need my concern.

Doujiu Baiduo was brainstorming, shaking his head and tearing off his skin.

Thinking back to that time, the subject of communicating with a crazy psychic entity almost killed me.

Fortunately, the robots we use outside are all remote. Otherwise, just communicating would have killed a lot of people. In the end, we finally connected, and it was really a mess.

If your brother Doujiu hadn't been rich, the first thing he would have done after he got rid of this psychic entity was that he would have been sent to a frozen planet to mine because of a huge debt. Now he would not even be able to see me.

Tell me who that psychic entity is?

That...that's me.

The traitor's face turned red, his psychic entity seemed a little blurry at this moment, and he replied hesitantly.

So I was quite lucky when I met you.

Holding the big traitor's shoulder, Doujiu Baibai smiled teasingly.

Without you, I wouldn't have been able to develop such good patience. From then on, my blood pressure wouldn't rise no matter what happened.

The Federation President's main job is to resist pressure. You have at least half of the credit for me being in this position.

You're looking for a fight, right?

The treacherous villain gently pinched Doujiu's ribs, which were covered in white, and made him cough.

Seeing Doujiu pouring down in vain, as if his ribs were broken and he couldn't get up, the villain couldn't help but smile.

Okay, get up quickly, I don't even have the strength.

I just complained. Now I am living a good life. With you here, there is a reliable god standing behind me.

I am already very grateful. I am lucky to be able to join this chat group and meet you before I fall completely.

The traitor said sincerely.

I've figured it out.

The evil villain looked into the distance. The dark sky and sea were ignited by the gunfire of the battleships, and the uncomfortable breath was slowly licking the land.

At this point, what else can I do besides feel relieved and continue to go crazy and cause you trouble?

Just like you said at the beginning, just because I have been held up by an umbrella, I have to hold an umbrella for others, and it is precisely because I have been caught in the rain——

So you want to hold an umbrella for other civilizations?

Soy Milk Baipo took over the conversation experimentally.

What I hate most in my life is people interrupting me.

I'm going to rip off all their umbrellas, and then it rains even harder!

The traitor's face turned cold and he said coldly.

I thought you had something to say, but I didn't expect you to say such horrible things.

The soy milk was poured out in vain and he shook his head looking at the evildoer.

Sure enough, it still confirms an old saying in Donghuang.


The most poisonous thing is a woman's heart.

There's something wrong with you!

The treacherous villain raised his hand to feed Bai Bai with soy milk and his favorite psychic food.


This time the soy milk was poured out in vain, and the reaction was very fast, and it disappeared in a flash.

Let's see how long you can run.


So, you're going to give it to me now?

On the moon, the fireproof girl looked at the earthly light ball in her hand in astonishment, and her expression towards 'Yixian' contained three parts confusion, three parts puzzlement, and four parts surprise.

She even forgot to pay attention to the earth.

Otherwise, we've all talked about forming a good relationship. How can we form a good relationship if it's not a good thing?

But this.

The fireproof girl was still in disbelief, and was stunned by the sudden surprise.

I was still working hard to decipher the code, and suddenly someone sent me a source code with comments. How to break it?

Looking down at the light ball, crystal light appeared on the deep black background, and the light points blended together to form an indescribable beautiful color.

This is a universe.

It is also a complete world model.

Chapter 254: Fireproof Girl: That’s it, I understand.

Flawless, perfect.

The deep light penetrates it. Although it is only the expression of rules and does not contain any material basis, everything exposed in front of you seems to be a universe that is running perfectly.

The fireproof girl raised her eye mask with one hand, and stared at the world ball with her bright yellow eyes. She felt that she only needed to put the initial fire into it, and supplement it with a sufficient amount of soul. The rest she didn't have to do anything, she just needed to slowly Just wait for everything in this world to become reality.

It's really surprising that I have visited so many worlds through the permissions provided by the chat group and still haven't found the appropriate world rules, so I was handed over to someone here.

After being surprised for a while, the fireproof girl calmed down the turbulent waves in her chest and raised her eyes to look at the smiling yellow chicken. He, who claimed to be the consciousness of the world, stared at her with a smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

The fireproof girl smiled along for the time being.

I shouldn't be able to accept this good fate.

Her mother told her not to just accept things given by others outside.

She is really not in a hurry when it comes to the rules of the world, and just takes her time to deal with them. The most urgent thing these days is to quickly build up her body and blow the head off Naia who wants to cause trouble.

Hey, hey, no, I have something to ask you.

Seeing that the fireproof girl was about to return the gift without any hesitation, Huang Ji quickly stepped forward, held her hand, and spoke.

When asking for help, do you force a gift into someone's arms and say, I want to ask you for help?

Let's talk about something. I'm very weak and can't handle things that are too difficult.

The fire-proof girl refused to accept the opponent, and simply put the world ball aside. This possessed Yixian, but Donghuang did not inherit the temperament at all. When meeting, she gave gifts and asked for help in one go. She had a very opportunistic temperament.

Don't be so arrogant. Only you can do this. I just want you to help me differentiate the memes so that I can continue to maintain the world. It's very simple.

Huangji rubbed his hands and came forward flatteringly.

Your first fire is very, very rare. I don't know how many beings are coveting this thing.


The fireproof girl looked at the yellow chicken with a strange look. She now looked like a beautiful girl meeting a crazy man who took the initiative to confess his stalking behavior.

But even though she said that, the fire prevention girl didn't seem too worried.

According to the management system of the chat group, the consciousness of the world who can issue tasks in the chat group system is either a good person on the green list, or a mentally retarded person who cannot run the world and needs to save lives. The moral bottom line can be guaranteed.

Ahem, what are you thinking about? I have a guarantee of integrity. I am a green user in many help systems.

Seeing that the fireproof girl's eyes suddenly became distant, Huang Ji quickly explained.

It’s not that he didn’t want to try out the qualities of a fire-proof girl. After all, he was aware of the old world. When he saw a young man who could fool her, he thought of coming over to show off. Even if he didn’t get the first fire, he could still take advantage of the opportunity to fool her.

It's just that as soon as the person came over and started to get angry, he just pressed him there, and then started to deconstruct the world, and he didn't even realize it. This was like pressing him, pulling him out, studying him, and then still thinking that he was a good person. , show it to her.

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