Although Doujiu Baiduo didn't know when the two of them reached an unknown agreement, he felt that he had to stop them from trying to drain the water directly.

You know this will...

This will drain the virtual realm, I know this.

He glanced at the soy milk in vain. This person's research on the virtual realm was no less than his own. It was not surprising to have such an understanding.

Rather, that's what I hoped for.

I will sign a contract with the end of reincarnation later.

She said like a fire girl.

At the end of reincarnation, in the virtual realm composed of spirit and other unknown energies, extremely powerful existences can give countless help to a civilization. Power, knowledge, wealth and all priceless things will be taken away at will. Pick.

The price is that this civilization has only fifty years left before the end.

But it was obvious that the evildoer had no intention of repaying the debt.

If you don't repay your debts, and then beat the creditor to death when you are mature, it is a routine operation for P Club players.

Wait a minute, can you tell me what's going on?

Doujiu Bai stopped the conversation between the two again, trying to understand what the two wanted to do. What was going on with this desperate posture?

Did something serious happen in the chat group that I don't know about, and that guy Naiya started causing trouble?

Although Naiya is naughty, he is just for fun. The chat group is his entertainment tool and will not cause too much trouble.

The fireproof girl shook her head and denied it, and Doujiu Bai turned his attention to the traitor again.

Although the Crimson Lord is quite ambitious, there are too many beings on top of him and he has no time to deal with us.

Then what are you worried about?

We are worried about the future. One day in the future, if we encounter a malicious high-level entity, we lack sufficient countermeasures.

You can't count on those gods who like to watch children. You can let them watch the show, but it is impossible to ask them to contribute.

And that God.

The fireproof girl paused, and she didn't know whether she was thankful or helpless and said: He loves all existences equally, which means he loves no one.

So we have to prepare for what may happen in the future.

The big traitor added.

Su'er's status is sufficient, but she is limited by her size. Once our plan succeeds and eliminates Su'er's shortcomings, our future security will be guaranteed.

You two, with your sense of crisis, have taken things too far.

Let's not talk about this for now. Take a look at this agreement. Do you sign it?

What is this? No, why should I, a materialist, sign the contract of the end of reincarnation?

Wait a minute, why am I your vassal? Is that written backwards?


Sister Yixian, Your Majesty Su Er, Mr. Otto!

The venue was completely in commotion, and Ding'an hurriedly looked for the guests he was responsible for receiving.

‘Damn it, how could someone who was by my side just now disappear in the blink of an eye? ’

Exit A of the subway ahead is a refuge.

Ding'an picked up a girl who had fallen and said to her. Then he looked up at the crowd and retreated to the edge of the road.

I thought impatiently, at this moment, the link from the commander came.

Ding'an, Ding'an, please reply when you receive it, please reply when you receive it, this is Ren Anhe.

Report, this is Ding'an.

Ding'an activated all safe detection methods and scanned the surrounding buildings. She did not dare to use high-power radar, because it would directly cook the people nearby.

She responded to the commander's communication, and then opened Yixian's private link communication.

Please, you must get through~

Ding'an muttered a few words worriedly, but Ding'an's mood became even lower due to the rustling busy tone on the other side of the communication.

Please go to the coast defense line immediately, coordinates 31.14, 123.29, please reply when you receive it!


I contacted him a few more times and found that no one got through.

Please immediately...

Ding'an received it!

Ding'an gritted his teeth and judged that Yixian had already taken the guests to the evacuation facility. He attributed the problem to the regional communication disconnection caused by the deep sea energy, and used part of his computing power to set the contact to automatic loop dialing, and hurried to the defense line. go.

Chapter 252: Fireproof Girl: Who knows about my family? I met a weirdo

The moon carries the starting point for human exploration of the starry sky.

On the desolate and silent moon surface, Yixian faced the blazing sunshine and lamented the fire prevention girl's magical powers. In just a blink of an eye, they had already reached the moon's surface.

Yixian walked slowly, following the fireproof girl around the ring-shaped bulge that blocked his sight.

Although the gravity of the moon is only one-sixth that of the earth, fortunately the ship's tonnage is sufficient, so there will be no embarrassing situation where people jump upwards with one step.

Why did you bring me here.

Yixian asked doubtfully.

A few people dispersed after the meal.

Qianhua has gone home, Otto has blended into the crowd, saying that he wants to appreciate the beauty of humanity in another world, Doujiao Bai has gone to negotiate with the leaders, and Zhongli has stayed there to teach people how to cook.

Why did the fireproof girl come to the moon? She couldn't just bring her up to see the scenery, right?

To operate on a certain individual's time, a relatively stable reference object is still needed, otherwise they will be moved to another location in space.

The fireproof girl made a circle around the planet in front of her, subconsciously trying to save her brain.

Even if the real computing power that Fireproof Woman now possesses is almost comparable to Doujiu's computer with a black hole function, she is not very willing to enter that state unless necessary.

After all, such a state is too rational and is not conducive to the fire prevention woman maintaining her own humanity.

You don't want to find yourself in the universe after you are resurrected. It would be better to die directly.

I see.

Yixian came to the side of the fire-prevention girl and looked up at the planet that looked like a magnificent gem, emitting a blue halo against the sunlight.

As a ship girl who was born at the beginning of the war, Yixian is quite knowledgeable.

After all, the war was in its early stages at that time, and the human satellite constellation had not yet been completely scrapped due to the pollution of the deep sea atmosphere. The fleet still relied on the information link of the satellite to fight, and Yixian had glimpsed the entire earth more than once.

I just didn't expect that as the deep sea breath gradually blocked the traditional information transmission capabilities, distorting the propagation of long-distance signals, and the deep sea also began to consciously clean up satellites in space.

Gradually, human beings' long-distance communication methods have gradually evolved into a model of information exchange by humans with special abilities.

Very few people have seen the complete picture of this blue planet again.

During the subsequent period, which was gradually approaching peace, it was not that all parties had not thought about restarting the space program, but they all left it alone because of too much resistance.

But nowadays, most of mankind's long-distance communications rely on people with commander talents.

If you want to set up a functioning satellite, you must also launch a commander.

So it was formed——

If you want the satellite to be effective, you have to launch the commander.

If you want commanders to live in the space environment for a long time, you must build a space station.

The construction of large-scale facilities such as the space station will be easily knocked down by the deep sea, which is a logical closed loop.

It directly led to the scrapping of mankind's plan to explore the stars again. Once it was done, resources and lives were wasted. Over time, no one was willing to support this activity.

It is said that in the last era, humans once landed on the moon and left their own footprints.

Yixian curiously grabbed a handful of lunar soil. The surface temperature of more than 130 degrees Celsius would not have any impact on the ship girl. At most, some of the paint would peel off if she stayed there for too long.

It's right here.

The fireproof girl raised her legs, her white porcelain bare feet peeking out from under her gray robe, and pointed at the vague footprints beside her feet.

Next to the footprints is a flag that has completely turned white under long-term direct sunlight.

These are the traces of humans once landing on the moon.

It's also good luck that this place has not been affected by meteorite impacts for so many years.

I didn't expect that I would be the first person to land on the moon in the new century.

Yixian couldn't help but lament the impermanence of life.

Not long ago, as a semi-retired ship girl, she took on a mission to investigate the alien energy polluting the sea because she had been idle for too long.

Now I have joined the chat group, which has become the link between Donghuang and many other worlds. Now I am standing on the moon with the fireproof girl looking down at the appearance of the earth. I feel that the world view has been completely refreshed.

There will be more firsts to come.

Maybe in the future I will have the opportunity to go to Doujiu Baiduo's place and appreciate the appearance of a black hole up close.

The starry sky always gives people a vast feeling, and the fireproof girl is also thinking about whether she should build some serious planets in Lordland in the future.

The main reason is that Rodlan is still too small now, the rules are vague, the earth is still completely flat, and beyond the earth is the raging chaos.

As for the starry sky, it was either ashes who cut out glowing stones to deal with it, or Gwendelin used illusion maps to deceive people, which meant that the sun was still a decent sun.

This is too loud.

Yeah, humans have been trapped on this planet for too long.

Yixian held an umbrella, raised his head and continued to look at his hometown, quietly waiting for the fateful time of change to come.

The moon has no atmosphere.

The reason why the two of them can maintain a normal conversation is that the fireproof girl has opened a psychological link. As long as she wants to speak, she can accurately broadcast the words she wants to express in synchronization with the mind of the person she is talking to when she opens her mouth.

As soon as the Fader heard that the traces left here could be preserved for a long time because the moon has no atmosphere, he happily ran to draw an abstract painting of Ashes being beaten by the Fader, and is now being beaten by Ashes.

As for whether there would be any problems in making such a fuss, the fire prevention girl didn't think there was any problem at all.

With her nature like this, she wouldn't do anything bad at a critical moment. Let her do it. Ashes was having a good time anyway, wasn't she?

Σ( ° △ °|||)?(#^_^)

Seeing the downed Faded Man with a blank expression on his face as the ashes were lifted up by his collar and used as a paintbrush to smear on the moon, the Fireproof Girl smiled knowingly.

Since the flames have become more and more powerful and are basically bound to the first fire, the ashes, which are the final insurance for spreading the fire, have also experienced rapid growth in power.

Coupled with the authority of the outer gods obtained in the dream world.

Now Ash Fight has also evolved into a map cannon in the starting hand and a larger map cannon in the back.

At the beginning, the fireproof girl teased people about the use of learning so many exquisite skills, but in the end, the fighting styles have not converged.

Then he was knocked over by Ashes two or three times and thrown onto the bed.

Cough cough cough…

All in all, there are not many people who can make Ashes real now. It is quite happy to have Ashes, a sandbag who likes to get beaten every day. However, every time a faded person is beaten, the time for the next beating will be longer.

Among them, the ashes receive happiness, and the fading ones receive growth. It can be said to be a win-win situation.


The fireproof girl happily looked at Ashes' masterpiece of inspiration, but Yixian's call made her look back.

I saw Yixian looking at the earth, with a solemn expression on his face.

At this moment, I could see little black spots appearing on this beautiful blue planet. They gradually spread and connected with each other. They started to originate from the most densely populated poles and eroded toward the land.

In space, the spread of the deep sea is also more intuitive. The dark patches that seem to be devouring the earth naturally make people feel psychologically uncomfortable.

It seems that the catastrophe has begun.

The spread was so rapid that it was visible to the naked eye. In just a few minutes, the Beilian and Royal families located in the northern part of the mainland had been completely engulfed in the darkness and disappeared. One can imagine what a fierce battle was about to break out under the black mist. .

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